Festival of the Blizzard Mystery

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Discontinued Content
This article covers an item that can no longer be obtained, but still exists in-game for players who have it.

This page contains spoilers. Readers are discouraged from continuing if they want to discover features by themselves.

The Snow Storm Detlas Mystery was a mystery that occurred in Snow Storm Detlas during the Festival of the Blizzard 2023 iteration. It could be completed once per class. This is a guide on how to solve it, so readers are discouraged from continuing if they want to figure it out for themselves.

Step 1

Unusual Candy Cane
Type Untradable
Obtain Found in a pile of snow.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
It seems like there's something etched onto this candycane. "Put into the right spot, and secrets may be uncovered."

The first step of the mystery is finding the Unusual Candy Cane. It can be found at 467, 67, -1557 lodged in the snow. Right-click it to grab it.

Step 2

The second step of the mystery is finding where to put the Unusual Candy Cane. It can be put in a slot near a mysterious arch carved into the wall of the most southeast corner of Snow Storm Detlas at 527, 67, -1527. Right-click the candy cane, revealed to be a lever, to open the door and right-click the piece of paper on the table to obtain a Strange Note.

Step 3

Strange Note

Type Untradable
Obtain Found on a table in a hidden room.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
So what is it you seek? The treasure that lies at the end, or the thrill of an adventure? Alas, you may find both, but expect not a simply journey: Rewards do not come easily...

The third step is finding out what to do with the Strange Note. The Strange Note can be converted into the Frozen Note by going on top of the Christmas Tree, figured out by looking at the capital letters of the description, spelling out 'star', and right-clicking the paper at 469, 104, -1582.

Step 4

Frozen Note

Type Untradable
Obtain Converted from the Strange Note.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
Perhaps you are enticed, and wish to pursue further. So seek the side that sparkles brightest, and continuing from it you'll find something stuck in tight.

The fourth step is finding out where the note leads, which can be figured out by finding the side that has the most sparkles near the star. It leads to the top of the eastern gate of Detlas at 538, 107, -1582, as an iron pickaxe can be found lodged in some ice. Right-click the pickaxe to convert the Frozen Note into the Ice Pick.

Step 5

Ice Pick

Type Untradable
Obtain Converted from the Frozen Note.
Usage Left-click to break through cracked ice.

The Ice Pick can be used to break ice blocks. The main use of this is found in the northwest corner of Detlas at 438, 67, -1614, which has the Ice Pick being used to break a sheet of ice covering a stump. Within the new area uncovered, the Ice-Covered Note can be found in a corner of the frozen pond at 430, 62, -1612.

Step 6

Ice-Covered Note

Type Untradable
Obtain Found in a Frozen Pond.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
Hanging below the dormant wood is the key held captive.

The Ice-Covered Note is solved by going to a dead tree and mining the ice block that contains a key at 490, 75, -1536. Mining it will give the Rusted Key.

Step 7

Rusted Key

Type Untradable
Obtain Found hanging from a tree.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
What could this open?

The Rusted Key is solved by going back to the frozen pond and finding a small chest at 445, 60, -1616. Opening it will give the Mysterious Drawing.

Step 8

Mysterious Drawing

Type Untradable
Obtain Found from a chest.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
Your first instinct may not be the path forward...

The Mysterious Drawing is a map with a crudely-drawn map of Detlas on it.


There are 4 Xs which are found scattered across the map, one at the west gate, one at the most southeast corner of Detlas, and two by the Detlas Barracks. The Ancient Wynnic on the edges say "SPELL".

To solve this step, the player does not have to go to the spot of all 4 Xs, but instead find a hidden fifth X, made from making lines from Xs on opposite sides of the Detlas walls, converging at a point found above the barracks at 510, 88, -1614. Cast a spell at that spot to continue.

Step 9

After a sound has been heard, go to 496, 67, -1626 and right-click the paper to reveal the following dialogue:

  • ᓵᔑᓭℸ ̣ ᔑ ᓭ!¡ᒷꖎꖎ ╎リ ⎓∷𝙹リℸ ̣ 𝙹⎓ ╎ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ 𝙹 ∷ᒷ⍊ᒷᔑꖎ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ℸ ̣ ∷⚍ℸ ̣ ⍑.

A white light will then guide the player to the second paper.

Step 10

Right-click the paper near the Potion Merchant to reveal the following dialogue:

  • ∴╎ℸ ̣ ⍑𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ᓭ𝙹ᒲᒷℸ ̣ ⍑╎リ⊣ ╎ℸ ̣ ᓵᔑリリ𝙹ℸ ̣ ʖ⚍∷リ.

A white light will then guide the player to the third paper.

Step 11

Right-click the paper near the Blacksmith to reveal the following dialogue:

  • ᓭ𝙹ᒲᒷℸ ̣ ⍑╎リ⊣ リᒷᔑ∷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᔑ╎∷ʖᔑᓭᒷ ᒲᔑ|| ⍑ᒷꖎ!¡.

A white light will then guide the player to the fourth paper.

Step 12

Right-click the paper at the Crossroads Inn to reveal the following dialogue:

  • ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ̇/ ∴╎ꖎꖎ ᓭ⍑𝙹∴ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ∴ᔑ|| ⎓𝙹∷∴ᔑ∷↸.

The white light will then guide the player back to the hidden room unlocked earlier in the mystery.

Step 13

As told by the papers, the player has to cast a spell in front of something to reveal the 'truth', using something near the airbase to help extinguish a fire by starving it of something using the Xs as a guide. Go to the Detlas Airbase at 401, 82, -1546 as marked by the X to grab a Cannonball.

Step 14

Type Untradable
Obtain Found near the Detlas Airbase
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
This cannonball looks too damaged to fire. Maybe it can be used for something else...

Go to another one of the Xs found at 534, 82, -1521 to plug the chimney by right-clicking it with the Cannonball. If the player decides to go into the room and cast a spell, a cutscene will play of the red rune activating before the fire blocks something, as evidenced by this dialogue:

  • It seems like the fire stopped something from happening.

Step 15

In order to progress, close the door to the hidden room for a few seconds until a sound is heard of the fire being extinguished from a lack of airflow. To fulfill the final part of the hint, cast a spell in front of the extinguished fireplace to make the word 𝙹!¡ᒷリ appear and reveal another hidden room. Right-click the mysterious orb at 534, 68, -1516 to obtain the Vision of the Past.

Step 16

Vision of the Past
Type Untradable
Obtain Found in an even-more hidden room.
Usage Right-click to display a vision, Left-click to ∷ᒷ⍊ᒷᔑꖎ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ̇/.
∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ↸𝙹ᒷᓭ ╎ℸ ̣ ᓭ⍑𝙹∴?

The Vision of the Past can be right-clicked to display an image of Detlas with a lot of parts cut out, alongside with an Ancient Wynnic X. Left-clicking it when the player isn't at a spot where the X is will bring up the following dialogue:

  • It seems like there isn't anything significant here.

The first X can be found near the Souvenir Sweater Merchant at 459, 67, -1557. After left-clicking the X, the following dialogue will appear:

  • The colors in the gemstone seem to have changed. Perhaps it has something different to show now.

A new vision of the past will then appear when right-clicking the item.

Step 17

The second X can be found near some decorations at 522, 67, -1559. After left-clicking the X, the following dialogue will appear:

  • The colors in the gemstone seem to have changed. Perhaps it has something different to show now.

A new vision of the past will then appear when right-clicking the item.

Step 18

The third X can be found in the northwest quadrant of Detlas at 429, 67, -1609. After left-clicking the X, the following dialogue will appear:

  • The colors in the gemstone seem to have changed. Perhaps it has something different to show now.

A new vision of the past will then appear when right-clicking the item.

Step 19

The fourth X can be found on top of the Armour Merchant's chimney at 455, 102, -1617. After left-clicking the X, the following dialogue will appear:

  • The colors in the gemstone seem to have changed. Perhaps it has something different to show now.

A new vision of the past will then appear when right-clicking the item.

Step 20

The fifth X can be found on top of the Bank's Emerald decoration at 475, 91, -1567. After left-clicking the X, the following dialogue will appear:

  • The colors in the gemstone seem to have changed. Perhaps it has something different to show now.

A new vision of the past will then appear when right-clicking the item.

Step 21

The sixth X can be found near the Event Airship at 404, 94, -1534. Unlike all the other Xs, when this one is left-clicked, the following dialogue appears:

  • The colors in the gemstone seem to have changed...? What else does it have to show?

The final vision of the past will be revealed. Unlike every other vision, this one is not found within Snow Storm Detlas, but instead the Wynnter Fair.

Step 22

The seventh X can be found in a house at -1027, 176, 16495. When the item is used near the entrance of the house, it makes the following dialogue appear:

  • Something is nearby...

When using the item in the hallway of the house, the following dialogue plays:

  • There's nothing here?
  • ...or is there?

The Discarded Note can be picked up by right-clicking the paper from the top of the chandelier.

Step 23

Discarded Note

Type Untradable
Obtain On top of a chandelier.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
Under a small roof in a high-up spot, no one gives a second thought. What secrets could it hold?

This note leads to a note found under a small roof on top of one of the buildings at -957, 222, 16534. Due to it being in a space that is very hard to get in and out of, jump towards the small opening while spamming the right-click button to convert the Discarded Note into the Neglected Writing.

Step 24

Neglected Writing

Type Untradable
Obtain Converted from the Discarded Note.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
It may lie unseen by all, but something has to keep watch...

This note leads to a large candy cane being stared at by a large snowman. Right-click the paper at -909, 214, 16498 to convert the Neglected Writing into the Forgotten Script.

Step 25

Forgotten Script

Type Untradable
Obtain Converted from the Neglected Writing.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
Sheltered from the cold, a creature struggles to keep watch. What is it that it so desperately wishes to see?

This note leads to a pine tree that a Wybel is looking at through a telescope from one of the houses. Right-click the paper at -884, 213, 16551 to convert the Forgotten Script into the Faded Entry.

Step 26

Faded Entry

Type Untradable
Obtain Converted from the Forgotten Script.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
ℸ ̣ ∴𝙹, ℸ ̣ ⍑∷ᒷᒷ

Unlike all the other recent papers, this note is in Ancient Wynnic. While this hint may look near-impossible to solve, it makes more sense if it is thought of as '2 - 3', similar to a score in a game.

With that knowledge, the hint refers to doing a game of Pig Puck with the score of the Red Team being 2 and the score of the Blue Team being 3. After this happens, a cutscene will play, and a key will appear beneath the Pig Puck at -998, 174, 16486. Use the Ice Pick to grab the Scratched Key.

Step 27

Scratched Key

Type Untradable
Obtain Converted from the Faded Entry.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
Follow the path that starts nowhere.

The answer to the Scratched Key is found by going to a secluded house which has a path that abruptly stops in the Wynnter Fair at -973, 214, 16610. Right-click the keyhole with the Scratched Key, and then grab the food from the windowsill at -973, 215, 16614 to get an Old Cookie.

Step 28

Old Cookie

Type Untradable
Obtain Found in a secluded house in the Wynnter Fair.
Usage Snow Storm Detlas Mystery
It looks stale, maybe it could be fed to something.

Go back to Snow Storm Detlas and give the cookie to Gerald the Yeti, found at the base of the large tree. A cutscene will play of him eating the cookie before going to the eastern gate of Detlas. With the path opened up, a small room can be found with Yahya in it alongside an Arctic Fox Plushie. The Ice Pick and Vision of the Past will also be converted into usable items as the mystery is completed by right-clicking the plushie.


  • This is the second mystery that happened for Festivals, the first being the Spooky Detlas Mystery.
  • Interacting with the cannonball before getting to that step will bring up the following dialogue:
    • It's a cannonball.
  • Because this mystery can be done once per profile, you can technically obtain infinitely many Arctic Fox Plushies, Ice Picks, Visions of the Past, and also Mysterious Drawings