Souvenir T-Shirt Merchant

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Souvenir T-Shirt Merchant
Type Armour Merchant
Location Letvus Airbase
Coordinates X: -211, Z: -4952

The Souvenir T-Shirt Merchant (Nicknamed the T-Shirt Guy by the Confectionary Merchant) is a merchant in the Letvus Airbase that sells Cinfras Souvenir T-Shirts. All of the T-Shirts have a Normal rarity, give a bonus of +10 Health and all have the same item lore, with the only variations of them being their color, of which there are 14. The items he sells are joke items, which is also further supported by their shared price of 7168 Emeralds, or 1 Liquid Emerald and 48 Emerald Blocks each.


Souvenir T-Shirt Merchant Trades
Price Product
Cinfras Souvenir T-Shirt

Souvenir Sweater Merchant

Limited Time Event: This article covers an event that lasted for a limited period of time before ending.
The event's content will no longer be accessible after it has ended, but collectibles and cosmetics earned by the player will persist.

Souvenir Sweater Merchant
NPC Info
X: 470 Z: -1609
Species Villager
Location Detlas

The Souvenir Sweater Merchant is the name of the Souvenir T-Shirt Merchant when he has traveled to Detlas for the Festival of the Blizzard. He sells five different sweater colors for 56 Emerald Blocks each, disappearing after the festival is over.


First Dialogue

  • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Heheh, I was da first one here. Gotta get dose profits runnin' quick, y'see?
  • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Normally my racket is the souvenir T-shirts over in da Letvus Airbase... But I can't miss dis opportunity.
  • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Got a whole bucketload of tacky holiday sweaters for sale here. Say, you look like ya' got deep pockets...
  • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: I'm gonna make a killin' here. Here's hopin' my daughter over at da airbase does just as well.

Recurring Dialogue

  • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Yeah, dis whole shindig's pretty good. Gotta say, ya humans know how ta party.
  • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Butcha look like ya want somethin'.
    • [1] How much is it for a sweater?
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Oh, dese puppies don't come cheap. It's a lotta effort to get this cheap, tacky look widdout actually bein' made so awfully.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: But since it's Craftmas and all...I got 'em on a 50% discount. Only [56 Emerald Blocks]! Whatta steal, right?
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: So! We got ourselves a deal, friendo?
    • [2] Almost everyone looks like they're in a sweater.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Yep, been makin' a mint! Wonderin' if it ain't cause I've got these bad boys on sale.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Maybe I oughta try puttin' da ol' T-shirts on sale every once in awhile.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: ...course, it could be everyone wants ta' show off how in-the-spirit dey are, but I ain't gonna complain either way.
    • [3] So you work in an airbase, you said?
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Yep. Can't remember if I've seen ya around dere, but it's da Letvus Airbase, over in Cinfras.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Dere's some odder merchants dere too, but I'm da one people tink about when they tink "Letvus."
        • 2021 Festival of the Blizzard:
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: ...wonderin' bout it now, I oughta invited dat candy shop guy 'cross da way from me.
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: He ain't make as much dosh as I do, but da man's honest and he's a real standup guy, ya know?
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: I buy 'im drinks at da tavern every so often...what's an airship ticket too, on my budget? Maybe I'll remember next year. Bet he'd love dis.
        • 2022 Festival of the Blizzard:
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: I actually brought one'a my buds an airship ticket ta come down here, ol' Candyman. Right on da odder side'a da wall.
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Dat ain't his real name, but I known the guy for eight years widdout learnin' it, I ain't gonna start now. Call it an inside joke.
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: He makes good stuff, oughta give him some sales. He doesn't make as much dosh as me, but den again, who does? Go on, buy yourself a peppermint or whatever.
    • [4] What's the history between you and Candyman?[5]
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Aw yeah? Whatcha hopin' for, ta get some primo business acumen off us? Nah, you gettin' da hot goss instead.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: So, listen. I love da guy, my wife loves da guy, my daughter loves da guy, whole family does.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Since he dragged me home after dat bender I had, he's not been a single ting but helpful. He'd give me da skin off his back if I or anyone else needed it.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: He's always got a smilin' face on at work, no matter who comes in...but da ting is, I know da guy betta dan most...
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Dat smile's for everyone else, not for him. Candyman's...well, he ain't depressed, but he ain't happy either. You wouldn't guess it.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: I tink he's hopin' that even if he can't be happy for himself, he can be happy for everyone else, and dat it'd be enough?
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Seems ta be workin' out pretty well so far, but he hasn't touched a drop of alcohol, no smokes, nottin'. If ya ask me? He's scared.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Scared dat if he starts, he ain't gonna stop. He copes by workin' his tail off. I invite 'im over for family shindigs all da time.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Now, I can put away a drink like no one's business and I ain't ever had a hangover. It ain't a problem for me, but I've quit drinkin' cause of 'im.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: I just don't wanna make the guy feel uncomfortable, yeah? He's got a lot on his mind, and I shouldn't add to da pile.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: So do me a favor, will ya? Next time ya buy some candy off him, give 'im a smile. Tell 'im a joke. Be grateful and show it.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Candyman is one of da best guys I ever met, and I'll wear my "Qira Gavel" shirt to da Hive if I let him fall apart on us when he ain't ready to.
    • [5] You said you make T-shirts too?
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Friendo, you ain't even heard da definition of successful 'til you heard of genuine Letvus Airbase Souvenir T-Shirts.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: I'm probably richer den royalty, wid how much money I make off dose puppies!
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: My daughter wants ta get into da business too, and I couldn't be prouder. You got any clue how great her sense of humor is?
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: I mean, she was da brains behind dat "I met Qira Gavel and lived to tell da tale" shirt! Can't sell 'em aboveboard since da lady herself laid down da law...
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: ...not dat it keeps me from makin' em anyways. Way pricier den usual since I'm puttin' my neck on the choppin' block when I make 'em, mind.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: She's got a heck of a head on her shoulders- Papa couldn't be happier. Say, if ya see her 'fore da festival ends, say hi for me. She got da bald cap and da fake mustache, can't miss her.
    • [6] Any thoughts on the guests?[6]
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Yeah, I had a couple interesting customers. Lemme tell ya 'bout...
        • [1] ...dat Enzan fella.[7]
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Yeah, he made like...a dozen sales or so. Saw my stall, saw what I had to sell, and just pulled out his emerald pouch like dat!
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: He's got just about da heartiest laugh I've ever heard. Keeps laughin' at his own jokes.
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: If he put on a few pounds and grew out his beard a bit, he could pass for one a' dem Santa Clauses!
        • [2] ...some guy, called 'imself Worid.[8]
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Dis guy...he tried ta shirk payment, cause he rummaged for da ugliest sweater I could make. I mean...I can respect embracin' da tackiness of 'em all.
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: But turnin' around and sayin' dat it means he shouldn't have ta pay for it cause he'd "get sick widdout enough emeralds on me at all times..."
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: I'll give him dat he's got guts, but guts won't getcha a free shirt.
        • [3] ...dat spooky Alem.[9]
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Gotta be honest, I saw him show up and wondered if he heard it was a Hallowynn festival by mistake. Seriously, lights were goin' out when he walked.
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: But if you ever get into da sales business, you gotta have a brass. Ain't no way a spooky person was gonna scare me from a sale.
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: And look at 'im now! Could almost excuse the ghostly pallor now. What an improvement, right?
        • [4] favorite customer, Gale![10]
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: I wasn't expecting her to show up, but now dat she's here, it's a PARTY y'know?
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: She's one of da only people I know well enough to do giveaways wit. Dat sweater she got? I gave it to 'er for free.
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: Don't go wonderin' if you're gonna get any handouts, no offense. But she collects stupid shirts! She's never missed a single one from my stock.
          • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: But if she's got enough guts to wear da "I met Qira Gavel and lived to tell da tale" shirt around Qira herself? How CAN'T I respect dat?
    • [7] Just to say hello.
      • Souvenir Sweater Merchant: ...So dis is you, huh?
      • He holds up a t-shirt that says "I'd love to stay and chat, but I really" and then has a stylized mustache underneath it. He's grinning.


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 The following dialogue from options 1-5 all bring up the same dialogue
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 This sweater color was available for the 2021 Festival of the Blizzard.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 This sweater color was available for the 2022 Festival of the Blizzard.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 This sweater color was available for the 2023 Festival of the Blizzard.
  5. This option is available if you have asked him "So you work in an airbase, you said?"
  6. This is available after Enzan and Therck have been invited, along with other dialogue options being available after inviting them.
  7. This option appears once Enzan has been invited to Detlas.
  8. This option appears once Worid has been invited to Detlas.
  9. This option appears once Alem has been invited to Detlas.
  10. This option appears once Gale has been invited to Detlas.