The Realm of War

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The Realm of War TerritoryIcon.png
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The Realm of War is a realm that currently does not exist on the map, whose Portal is located within the basin of The Roots of Corruption.

The Realm of War is one of the three known realms that exist on the Plane of Influence parallel to the physical plane, alongside the Realm of Light and the Realm of Darkness. It is the source of the Corruption that plagues Wynn Province, which is created where the influences of Light and Dark collide.

The Realm of War is believed to exist on the other side of the Corruption Portal in Wynn's Roots of Corruption, similarly to the portals at the Colossal Tree in Gavel or the Pathway to Darkness in the Silent Expanse. Besides this, however, the nature of the Realm of War is almost completely unknown compared to the other realms; in particular, whether it is even represented by an embodied avatar like Orphion or the Dern Beast is unknown. It cannot currently be seen or visited in-game.


  • Prior to the 1.20 Gavel Reborn update which elucidated on the War of the Realms, many believed that the Corruption Portal served as the gateway to The Nether, a location removed from the game and from the story. Some players still mistakenly believe this is the case, likely due to the fact that The Realm of War is not often mentioned in dialogue.