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Weapon Bow
Donor-Exclusive Reskin Hunter
Precision is the key to victory. The archer sits comfortably at range to decimate their enemies with powerful projectiles. Evading and dodging enemies attacks is crucial to the playstyle of this class. Archers dish out huge amounts of damage, but aren’t so adept at defending themselves.
~ Official website

The Archer is one of the five playable classes in Wynncraft and uses a bow as its weapon. With a base defence rating of 60% and the most damaging weapon class in the game, the Archer is notorious for being a glass cannon. With low defense, Archers need to constantly regain health, whether through Life Steal, a Mage's Heal spell or Health Potions.

For in-depth information about play-style tips and tricks please refer to the Archer Guide.


The Archer's main attack fires a single arrow with high velocity and high range.

The Archer's first spell, Arrow Storm, fires a barrage of arrows directly in front of the player, hitting enemies many times. The

The Archer's second spell, Escape, is the Archer's mobility spell that launches the player backwards, into the air, and slows their fall. At higher levels, it also grants the player and their allies speed and can blind enemies you land on.

The Archer's third spell is Bomb Arrow, which fires an explosive arrow that deals high area damage where it lands. At higher levels it also slows enemies and bounces to hit them again multiple times.

Finally, the Archer's fourth spell is Arrow Shield, a spell that grants the player a protective shield for a few minutes. When the player is attacked while Arrow Shield is active, all enemies nearby get damaged and flung away from the player. Further upgrades include increasing the amount of times it can trigger before disappearing, and adding an additional ranged counterattack to the spell.

Base Resistance

All classes in Wynncraft have a different base resistance value that affects how much damage they take. Archer, having a base resistance of 60%, means it will take 1.4 times more damage than a class like Assassin, who has a base resistance of 100%.





Base Resistance 60% 120% 80% 100% 50%

Main Attack

The Archer's main attack fires an arrow with high velocity and high range. It will deal damage to any mob or player it hits, and other targets in a very small area around the target, so it can still deal some area damage. The Archer's attack also deals knockback inversely scaling with the bow's attack speed. Faster bows will push mobs back less, while slower bows will knock mobs back much further.

Ability Tree

Ability archer.png
Arrow Bomb
Click Combo: LEFT - RIGHT - RIGHT
Shoots a long-ranged arrow that explodes and deals high damage over a large area. (Self-damage for 10% of your DPS)
Mana Cost: 45
  • Total Damage: 160% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 140%)
  • ( Fire: 20%)
Range: 26 Blocks
Area of Effect: 4.5 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Bow Proficiency
Improve your Main Attack's damage and range when using a bow.
Main Attack Damage: +5%
Main Attack Range: +6 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Arrow Bomb
Reduce the Mana cost of Arrow Bomb.
Mana Cost: -10
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Heart Shatter
Hitting a mob directly with Arrow Bomb will shatter its heart and deal additional damage.
  • Total Damage: +100% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +100%)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Double Shots
Doubles your Main Attack arrows and reduces their damage. (Harder to hit distant enemies)
Main Attack Damage: -40% (per arrow)
Unlocking will block:
- Power Shots
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Reduces life steal, mana steal, and powder special charge to 50% per arrow.
Branch 0.png
Ability archer.png
Click Combo: LEFT - LEFT - LEFT
Throw yourself backward to avoid danger. (Hold shift while escaping to fast-fall)
Mana Cost: 20
Ability Points: 1
Escape can only be used once while in the air. After being cast, you have to get near the ground in order to get launched again.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Power Shots
Your Main Attack arrows have increased speed and knockback.
Unlocking will block:
- Double Shots
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Branch 2.png
Ability archer.png
Arrow Storm
Click Combo: LEFT - RIGHT - LEFT
Shoots a stream of 8 arrows, dealing significant damage to close mobs and pushing them away.
Mana Cost: 35
  • Total Damage: 40% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Thunder: 10%)
Range: 16 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Escape
Reduce the Mana cost of Escape.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability archer.png
Arrow Shield
Click Combo: LEFT - LEFT - RIGHT
Forms a shield around you that slightly reduces the damage you take. Being hit will consume one charge of the shield. Enemies that get too close will take damage and be knocked away. (3 charges)
Mana Cost: 30
  • Total Damage: 70% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 60%)
  • ( Air: 10%)
🛡 Effect: 20% Resistance Bonus (👊)
Area of Effect: 2.3 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Duration: 60s
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Windy Feet
Casting Escape grants a speed buff to you and nearby players.
🛡 Effect: +20% Walk Speed to Allies
Duration: 120s
Area of Effect: 8 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Air Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Air attacks.
Air Damage: +3-4
Air Damage: +15%
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 0.png
Thunder Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Thunder attacks.
Thunder Damage: +1-8
Thunder Damage: +10%
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Fire Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Fire attacks.
Fire Damage: +3-5
Fire Damage: +15%
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Ability 0.png
Earth Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Earth attacks.
Earth Damage: +2-4
Earth Damage: +20%
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Water Mastery
Increase your base damage for all Water attacks.
Water Damage: +2-4
Water Damage: +15%
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Arrow Rain
When Arrow Shield loses its last charge, spew 150 arrows around you to rain down on enemies.
  • Total Damage: 250% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: 150%)
  • ( Air: 100%)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
Mobs can only take damage from 1 arrow maximum from Arrow Rain.
Guardian Angels will trigger Arrow Rain when all your angels run out of shots.
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
Nimble String
Doubles the firing of Arrow Storm and shoots +6 arrows per stream.
  • Total Damage: -10% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: -5%)
  • ( Thunder: -5%)
Unlocking will block:
- Phantom Ray
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
Phantom Ray
Condense Arrow Storm into a single ray that damages enemies 10 times per second.
Mana Cost: -5
  • Total Damage: 30% (of your DPS, per hit)
  • ( Damage: 25%)
  • ( Water: 5%)
Range: 16 Blocks
Duration: 1.2s
Unlocking will block:
- Nimble String
- Windstorm
- Arrow Hurricane
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
Fire Creep
Arrow Bomb will leave a trail of fire for 6s (3s Cooldown). Enemies that walk into it take damage every 0.4s.
  • Total Damage: 50% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Fire: 20%)
Duration: 6s
Ability Points: 2
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
Bryophyte Roots
Hitting an enemy with Arrow Storm will create an area of effect that slows them down and deals damage every 0.4s.
  • Total Damage: 60% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 40%)
  • ( Earth: 20%)
🛡 Effect: 40% Slowness to Enemies
Duration: 5s
Area of Effect: 2 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Min. Trapper Archetype: 1
Ability 0.png
Triple Shots
Triples Main Attack arrows but they deal -10% of normal Main Attack arrow damage.
Main Attack Damage: -10%
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Double Shots
Reduces life steal, mana steal, and powder special charge to 33% per arrow.
Branch 2.png
Ability 1.png
Hitting an enemy will give you a brief buff of +3% Walk Speed (Max +70%). -10% of the bonus decays every second.
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 3.png
Guardian Angels
Your Arrow Shield arrows turn into sentient bows that attack nearby enemies up to 8 times each.
Arrow Shield loses -1 charge.
(Arrow Shield will no longer knock mobs away)
  • Total Damage: 40% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Air: 10%)
Range: 6 Blocks
Duration: 60s
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
Min. Boltslinger Archetype: 3
Each angel targets mobs independently and fires every 0.6s.
More Shields will increase the amount of angels from 2 to 4.
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
When hitting an aggressive enemy 5+ blocks away, gain +1 Focus. (Max 3, 1.1s Cooldown)
(Focus resets if you miss once)
Damage Bonus: +15% (per Focus)
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 2
Phantom Ray only needs to hit a mob at least once to grant Focus. If no mobs are hit at all, it counts as a miss.
Arrow Bomb must hit a mob directly to grant Focus. Otherwise, it counts as a miss.
Call of the Hound does not grant Focus.
Abilities such as Arrow Rain, Escape Artist, Shrapnel Bomb, and Grape Bomb, must have all their projectiles hit a mob or otherwise count as a miss.
Branch 4.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 3.png
Basaltic Trap
When you hit the ground with Arrow Bomb, leave a Trap that damages enemies. (Max 2 Traps)
  • Total Damage: 250% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 190%)
  • ( Earth: 30%)
  • ( Fire: 30%)
Range: 2 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Area of Effect: 7 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Trapper Archetype: 2
Traps have a 1.5s arming time where they cannot be detonated. Traps automatically detonate after 30s.
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Arrow Storm will shoot +1 stream of arrows and +2 extra arrows per stream.
Arrow Storm gains recoil.
  • Total Damage: -10% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: -9%)
  • ( Thunder: -3%)
  • ( Air: +2%)
Unlocking will block:
- Phantom Ray
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Arrow Storm
Reduce the Mana cost of Arrow Storm.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Branch 2.png
Ability 2.png
Grappling Hook
When casting Escape, throw a hook that pulls you when hitting a block. If you hit an enemy, pull them towards you instead. (Escape will not throw you backward anymore)
Range: 30 Blocks
Unlocking will block:
- Escape Artist
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
More Shields
Gives Arrow Shield and Guardian Angels +2 extra charges. Reduces Guardian Angels' damage.
  • Total Damage: -18% (of your DPS, for Guardian Angels, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: -13%)
  • ( Air: -5%)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
More Focus
Increase your maximum Focus by +2.
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Focus
Ability 1.png
Arrow Bomb pulls enemies toward you. If a Trap is nearby, it will pull them towards it instead.
Increase Heart Shatter's damage.
  • Total Damage: +40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +40%)
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Patient Hunter
Your Traps will deal +20% more damage for every second they're active (Max +100%).
Increase your maximum Traps by +1.
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Basaltic Trap
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Stormy Feet
Windy Feet will last longer and grant a stronger speed buff.
🛡 Effect: +20% Walk Speed to Allies
Duration: +60s
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Windy Feet
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Refined Gunpowder
Increase the damage of Arrow Bomb.
  • Total Damage: +50% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +50%)
Ability Points: 1
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
For every 1% Walk Speed you have from items, gain +1 Raw Spell Damage (Max 100).
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 2.png
Twain's Arc
If you have 2+ Focus, holding shift will summon the Twain's Arc. Charge it up to shoot a destructive long-range beam.
(Damage is dealt as Main Attack Damage)
  • Total Damage: 220% (of your Main Attack Damage)
  • ( Damage: 220%)
Range: 64 Blocks
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Focus
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 4
Twain's Arc cannot be used while you have a weapon powder special charged. Shift-clicking will activate the powder special instead.
It takes 2s to charge the Twain's Arc.
Branch 2.png
Branch 4.png
Ability 2.png
Bouncing Bomb
Arrow Bomb will bounce once when hitting a block or enemy.
Ability Points: 2
Min. Trapper Archetype: 3
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Fierce Stomp
When using Escape, hold shift to quickly drop down and deal damage.
  • Total Damage: 120% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 120%)
Area of Effect: 4 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Scorched Earth
Fire Creep becomes much stronger.
  • Total Damage: +15% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +10%)
  • ( Fire: +5%)
Duration: +2s
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Fire Creep
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
More Traps
Increase the maximum amount of active Traps you can have by +3.
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Basaltic Trap
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Leap forward when you double jump. (2s cooldown)
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Boltslinger Archetype: 4
Branch 2.png
Ability 2.png
Homing Shots
Your Main Attack arrows will follow nearby enemies and will be unaffected by gravity.
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 2
Branch 0.png
Ability 1.png
Shocking Bomb
Arrow Bomb will be unaffected by gravity and increase its explosion damage.
  • Total Damage: +40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +20%)
  • ( Thunder: +20%)
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Bomb
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 4
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Better Arrow Shield
Arrow Shield's radius, knockback, and damage is increased.
Guardian Angels' damage is increased.
  • Total Damage: +30% (of your DPS, for Arrow Shield)
  • ( Damage: +30%)
Area of Effect: +1 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
  • Total Damage: +3% (of your DPS, for Guardian Angels, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: +3%)
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
Branch 0.png
Ability 3.png
Mana Trap
Each of your Traps will give you 0.5 Mana per second and 10 Mana when they explode.
Increase your maximum Traps by +1.
Mana Cost: +10
Range: 16 Blocks
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Trapper Archetype: 6
Each Trap will turn blue when you are close enough to receive Mana from it. You must be within range of the Trap to receive both passive Mana and the Mana on explosion.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Better Leap
Reduce Leap's cooldown by -1s.
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Leap
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Escape Artist
When casting Escape, release 100 arrows towards the ground.
  • Total Damage: 150% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 100%)
  • ( Thunder: 50%)
Unlocking will block:
- Grappling Hook
Ability Points: 1
Mobs can only take damage from 1 arrow maximum from Escape Artist.
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Better Guardian Angels
Your Guardian Angels gain increased range and can shoot +4 extra arrows before disappearing.
Range: +2 Blocks
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Guardian Angels
Branch 3.png
Ability 2.png
If you do not damage an enemy for 4s or more, your next successful hit will deal +60% damage and add +1 Focus.
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Focus
Branch 2.png
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Arrow Storm
Reduce the Mana cost of Arrow Storm.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 2.png
Call of the Hound
Arrow Shield will summon a Hound that will attack and drag enemies towards your traps.
  • Total Damage: 40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 40%)
Vision: 18 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Duration: 60s
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
The Hound's attacks will not grant you Focus.
Ability 3.png
Arrow Hurricane
Arrow Storm will shoot +2 extra streams of arrows.
Arrow Storm's recoil is doubled.
  • Total Damage: -5% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: -3%)
  • ( Thunder: -1%)
  • ( Air: -1%)
Unlocking will block:
- Phantom Ray
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Windstorm
Min. Boltslinger Archetype: 10
Branch 2.png
Ability 0.png
Precise Shot
+30% Critical Hit Damage
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Arrow Shield
Reduce the Mana cost of Arrow Shield.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Shield
Branch 4.png
Ability 0.png
Rocket Jump
Arrow Bomb's recoil is increased, and its self-damage is reduced to 1%.
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Arrow Bomb
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Shrapnel Bomb
Arrow Bomb's explosion will fling 25 shrapnel, dealing damage in a large area.
  • Total Damage: 60% (of your DPS, per shrapnel)
  • ( Damage: 40%)
  • ( Fire: 20%)
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Min. Boltslinger Archetype: 2
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Phantom Ray will increase its damage by +10% everytime you do not miss with it. (Max +70%)
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Phantom Ray
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Escape
Reduce the Mana cost of Escape.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Hook
Increase your Grappling Hook's range, speed, and strength.
Range: +8 Blocks
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Grappling Hook
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 2
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Branch 3.png
Ability 1.png
Geyser Stomp
Fierce Stomp will create geysers, dealing more damage and pushing enemies away vertically.
  • Total Damage: +80% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: +50%)
  • ( Water: +30%)
Area of Effect: +1 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Fierce Stomp
Branch 4.png
Ability 3.png
Crepuscular Ray
If you have 5+ Focus, casting Arrow Storm while 4+ blocks above the ground will make you levitate and shoot 20 homing arrows per second until you run out of Focus.
While in this state, you will lose 1 Focus per second.
  • Total Damage: 45% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: 30%)
  • ( Water: 15%)
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Arrow Storm
Min. Sharpshooter Archetype: 10
You have free creative mode flight while using Crepuscular Ray. You can swap off of your weapon to end Crepuscular Ray early.
Branch 3.png
Ability 2.png
Grape Bomb
Arrow Bomb will throw 2 additional smaller bombs when exploding.
  • Total Damage: 80% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 60%)
  • ( Fire: 20%)
Area of Effect: 2 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Ability Points: 1
If you have Basaltic Trap, Grape Bomb's smaller bombs will place Traps if they land on blocks.
Branch 4.png
Ability 1.png
If you do not get hit for 4+ seconds, become immune to self-damage and Arrow Storm loses its recoil.
(Agility dodging counts as not getting hit)
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Branch 1.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 1.png
Tangled Traps
Your Traps will be connected by a rope that deals damage to enemies every 0.2s.
Increase your maximum Traps by +1.
  • Total Damage: 40% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: 20%)
  • ( Air: 20%)
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Basaltic Trap
The rope connects Traps in the order that they were placed in.
Branch 1.png
Ability 0.png
Stronger Patient Hunter
Patient Hunter will increase its damage by +10% per second, and increase its Max Damage by +100%.
Increase your maximum Traps by +1.
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Patient Hunter
This increases the damage gain per second to +30%, and the total Max Damage to +200%.
Branch 3.png
Ability 2.png
Snow Storm
Enemies near you will be slowed down.
🛡 Effect: 30% Slowness to Enemies
Range: 3 Blocks
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 0.png
More Focus
Increase your maximum Focus by +2.
Sharpshooter Archetype
Ability Points: 1
Required Ability: Focus
Branch 4.png
Branch 1.png
Ability 3.png
All-Seeing Panoptes
Your bows from Guardian Angels become all-seeing, increasing their range, damage, and letting them shoot up to +4 times each.
  • Total Damage: +7% (of your DPS, per arrow)
  • ( Damage: +5%)
  • ( Fire: +2%)
Range: +4 Blocks
Boltslinger Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Guardian Angels
All-Seeing Panoptes makes angels lock onto the first target in range. They will continue to fire on the target from unlimited range until the target dies or the angel runs out of shots.
Ability 0.png
Cheaper Arrow Bomb
Reduce the Mana cost of Arrow Bomb.
Mana Cost: -5
Ability Points: 1
Branch 0.png
Ability 3.png
Allows you to place +6 Traps, but with reduced range and damage.
  • Total Damage: -50% (of your DPS)
  • ( Damage: -50%)
Area of Effect: -1 Blocks (Circle-Shaped)
Trapper Archetype
Ability Points: 2
Required Ability: Basaltic Trap
Min. Trapper Archetype: 11

The Ability Tree for the Archer features three archetypes: the Boltslinger, the Sharpshooter, and the Trapper.

The Boltslinger archetype speeds around with high mobility and unleashing huge torrents of arrows onto enemies. Its abilities greatly increase the amount of arrows Arrow Storm fires, as well as empowering Escape and Arrow Shield to do the same. One ability, Guardian Angels, replaces your Arrow Shield with auto-firing turrets that attack nearby mobs for you to bolster your firepower further.

The Sharpshooter archetype revolves around carefully aiming its shots from range. Its main ability is Focus, which boosts your damage as long as you hit enemies without missing. It has abilities that allow it to empower its Main Attack and Arrow Bomb alike into strong, long-ranged shots. Once it has enough Focus, the Sharpshooter can use the Crepuscular Ray ability to fly and fire a volley of homing arrows for a short amount of time.

The Trapper archetype primarily uses Arrow Bomb in conjunction with Basaltic Trap to place Traps, which deal damage to mobs that walk over them. While it can lure enemies into Traps just by walking into them, the Trapper also has access to crowd control abilities that pull and drag mobs into your Traps. The Trapper also has access to extreme mana sustain thanks to its Mana Trap ability, which increases mana regeneration while near Traps. #Tangled Traps


  • Archer was the last class to have a player reach level 70, back when that was the highest level achievable.
  • Archers used to be the most fragile class, having a Defense rating of only one point. As of the Silent Expanse Update, this lot has fallen to the Shaman, who boasts a Defense rating of zero.
  • In Wynncraft's early days, the Archer required a stack of arrows in its inventory. Because of this, all classes had to have arrows to keep the inventory space fair.
  • Prior to 1.20.1, archer was one of the three classes that could operate either side of Bob's Tomb and open it up. The others were Mage and Assassin.
  • The Archer is the only class whose spell combinations are reversed.
  • The Archer and Assassin are the only two classes whose Attribute ratings are all four different numbers.
  • The highest damaging weapon for Archer is the mythic Divzer. It's also currently the highest DPS weapon in the game.