WynnExcavation Site D

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WynnExcavation Site D CBQuestIcon.png
Quest Info
Length Long
Difficulty Hard
Tags Storyline
Location Troms
Province Wynn
Combat Level 70
Starter NPC Royal Advisor Carlos
Required Quest WynnExcavation Site C
Required Item Red Crystal Shard
Reward As follows:

WynnExcavation Site D is a long level 70 quest. It is also the final quest in the WynnExcavation questline.


The King of Troms has hidden in his panic room due to something involving WynnExcavation. By investigating this, the player finally uncovers the truth behind the company.

Stage 1

» Talk to Royal Advisor Carlos in Troms Castle at [-848, 98, -789] (Requires shard from Site C)



  • Royal Advisor Carlos: His majesty Lord King of Troms is indisposed at this moment.
  • Royal Advisor Carlos: He recieved a message and made his way frantically down to the panic room, which is somewhere inside of this throne room.
  • Royal Advisor Carlos: He hasn't been seen since. Only the King knows how to get into the panic room, but I've had my suspicions about it for a while now.
  • Royal Advisor Carlos: He seemed to be expecting someone, but I'm fed up of waiting.
  • Royal Advisor Carlos: I managed to hear a few things he was muttering to himself just before he disappeared, though.
  • Royal Advisor Carlos: He mentioned something about a fourth crystal... a green one.
  • Royal Advisor Carlos: And then he said "The order of the crystals will open the way".Maybe it's a clue as to how to find him?
  • Royal Advisor Carlos: Please, we need to find him, I'm sick of telling everyone he's indisposed!

Stage 2

» Find the secret passageway inside of the throne room

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to opening the secret passageway.

Around the room there are four statues, with wooden buttons on colored blocks at the bottoms. The colors correspond to the four WynnExcavation crystals, so pressing the buttons in the order of the four sites - yellow, blue, red, green - will open the passageway behind Carlos.



  • Royal Advisor Carlos: Oh my, a secret passage has opened up beneath the throne! Quickly, head inside!

Stage 3

» Explore the secrets beneath Troms Castle

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to exploring the area beneath the castle.

You will first enter into a long tunnel. It splits at a point, but recombines, so there is only one way you can go. You will reach the following puzzle: WynnExcavationSiteDPuzzle.png
Press the first, second, and fourth buttons to open a 1 by 1 hole in the floor that you can jump into to progress. You will soon reach a floating water parkour - unlike normal parkour, you get to the next water by swimming upwards out of one to "jump" between them. Once you finish the parkour, press the button on the emerald block to progress. You will reach a room with a staircase spiraling downwards - you can either walk down or simply jump into the water at the bottom. Underneath the water, you will find the King's panic room.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Rat(Level70).png Rat 70 1000 Melee AI - - - Spiral Staircase Room

Stage 4

» Talk to the King



  • King of Troms: I am impressed you managed to find me. Someone of my intellect is not normally found when he hasn't the intention of being so.
  • King of Troms: I suppose I at least owe you the truth for getting this far, not that it matters.
  • King of Troms: WynnExcavation, the Gavel company is a fake, a facade. It's not real....
  • King of Troms: It's actually a secret society run by the high and mighty of Gavel.
  • King of Troms: They have one goal, complete control.
  • King of Troms: You can't compete with them, kid. I tried to at first, but they had turned my inner circle before getting to me.
  • King of Troms: Though I cannot admit I fought hard, their ideals are admirable.
  • King of Troms: So I hope you will forgive me, I act only for the greater good of the world.
  • King of Troms: As you will not be leaving the city, I wish you a fond farewell. When you leave, you will be accused of treason and will be hunted. It is the only way...

Stage 5

» Exit the King's room

-4878, 98, -227


  • Troms Guard: Time is short, so I'll have to spare you the details, but let's just say I'm on your side.
  • Troms Guard: The King just placed you under arrest for treason. They've locked down the entire city.
  • Troms Guard: Both the front gate and the Passage are closed down. So we've created another exit for you.
  • Troms Guard: Just follow the path to your left around the city. Keep going until you see a villager next to a tunnel. We'll clear your name once you've escaped.
  • Troms Guard: You'll pass through the army headquarters on your way, so be prepared for a fight. I'm the only guard here to help you.
  • Troms Guard: Now run! We don't have another moment to waste!

Stage 6

» Escape Troms

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to how to escape.

Follow the path to the left around Troms, and once you get to the army headquarters, climb the ladders or stairs over the wall. Go down the diagonal stairs, and you will find an NPC labelled "???" at [-4819, 85, -357].

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TromsGuardGolem(Hostile).png Troms Guard Golem 70 2400 Melee AI - - - Troms
TromsGuard(Hostile).png Troms Guard 70 5600 Melee AI - - - Troms Army Headquarters


  • ???: Hey, psst. Come here!
  • ???: Take this, and run! You need to get out!
  • ???: Head to those coordinates, there is no time to explain, now go! I'll close the tunnel behind you.

Stage 7

» Head to the location on the note

Traitor Camp Entrance
-830, 85, -673
Wynncraft Map

Note: The entrance is in the Dernel Jungle, right next to the pathway down out of the Iboju Village.

Stage 8

» Speak to Traitor Thomas



  • Traitor Thomas: I'm sorry, I can't let you in there.
  • Traitor Thomas: I can't let you in there, not until you have proven you are truly on our side.
  • Traitor Thomas: We never know who to believe anymore. Unfortunately there is no way for you to prove your loyalty.
  • Traitor Thomas: Now if you would excuse me, I have to hunt for the lost map fragments of Dernel. I'm sure these eyes have something to do with it...

Stage 9

» Find the three map fragments by following the eyes and return to Thomas.
The "eyes" that Traitor Thomas talks about are squares of three or two blocks of coal and one or two blocks of quartz, where the quartz points in the direction of the next "eye." The first eye can be seen if you follow the path back down from the traitor camp.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MapFragment1.png Map Fragment 1 70 1000 None AI - -
Map Fragment 1
[-748, 30, -546]
MapFragment2.png Map Fragment 2 70 1000 None AI - -
Map Fragment 2
[-784, 25, -445]
MapFragment3.png Map Fragment 3 70 1000 None AI - -
Map Fragment 3
[-697, 30, -495]

Before getting the fragments:

  • Traitor Thomas: I can't let you in, we're busy looking for an important document, I'm sure these eyes have something to do with it...

After getting the fragments:

  • Traitor Thomas: Is that... The map fragments? You found them!
  • Traitor Thomas: Oh my, you better come in.
  • Traitor Thomas: There's not enough time! We need to combine those fragments with ours!
  • Traitor Thomas: Hurry, get in the hideout!

Stage 10

» Enter the traitor camp

Stage 11

» Speak to Rebel Leader Amadel



  • Traitor Amadel: Welcome, friend. I knew you would figure it all out.
  • Traitor Amadel: You must be surprised to see me. The excavation crew at site C tried very hard to kill me.
  • Traitor Amadel: They didn't succeed though. I got away, and I swiped a fragment of a map, and I found out what it's for.
  • Traitor Amadel: If you made it this far, you know Wynn Excavation are not what they seem. They want to harness Wynn's ancient power.
  • Traitor Amadel: They control our governments, authorities and seem to be 3 steps ahead of any of us that oppose them.
  • Traitor Amadel: That is, unless we're able to beat the excavationists to the last crystal.
  • Traitor Amadel: They cannot use a single shard of power without combining them all.
  • Traitor Amadel: Here, I've combined the map fragments behind me. It looks it's deep in the jungle, I wonder where...

Dialogue when talking to others:

  • Traitor Buice: WynnExcavation have done really horrible things, and I used to help...
  • Traitor Jaynar: WynnExcavation will be destroyed, no matter what!

Stage 12

» Go to Site D [-874, 22, -349]

Stage 13

» Solve the puzzle

  • The Corners Hold The Key
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to solving the puzzle.

In the temple room at [-930, 75, -290], there is a button on a short pillar on the opposite corner from the entrance. Press it, and it will reveal a pressure plate behind it. Stand on it, and it will reveal another pressure plate to the east. Stand on that one, then run to the opposite corner to a third revealed plate. Step on that one, then run to the center and drop into the hole that will have opened.

Stage 14

» Search the excavation site

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Excavators(Golem).png Excavators 70 6500 Melee AI - - - Excavation Site
Excavators(Villager).png Excavators 70 3230 Melee AI - - - Excavation Site

Stage 15

» Talk to Excavator Admin Uci.

Excavation Site
-895, 14, -200
Wynncraft Map


  • Excavator Admin Uci: Oh my. It's you. I can't say I'm surprised to see you, we thought you might be stupid enough to come here.
  • Excavator Admin Uci: Stupid enough to come here, yet, smart enough to make it.
  • Excavator Admin Uci: You were at every site, taking shards and attempting to thwart us.
  • Excavator Admin Uci: This time we won, and you lost.
  • Excavator Admin Uci: What do your shards mean to us when we have all four crystals?
  • Excavator Admin Uci: Nothing, that's what.
  • Excavator Admin Uci: The boss wants to speak to you, I don't recommend keeping him waiting, he's not a patient man.
  • Excavator Admin Uci: He'll be waiting for you, head through that door.

Dialogue when talking to others:

  • Excavator Sean: My boss Uci is a bit of a mean guy, but hey the perks of minionship aren't bad!
  • WynnExcavation Scientist Azure: This leads deeper into this dungeon, but it seems like it has to be activated from the other side.

(See Tip 1)

Stage 16

» Enter The Ancient Dungeon

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AncientGuard.png Ancient Guard 70 10000 Melee AI -


- Ancient Dungeon
AncientCaveSpider.png Ancient Cave Spider 70 2775 Melee AI -

- Ancient Dungeon
Olm(Hostile).png Olm 75 7850 Melee AI Teleport


- Ancient Dungeon
DarkVortex.png Dark Vortex 75 2800 Ranged AI -


- Ancient Dungeon

Stage 17

» Complete the parkour

Stage 18

» Solve The Yellow Puzzle

  • Many incomprehensible powers exist in this world. Forces such as Light, Darkness, or even the stars themselves..
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to solving the yellow puzzle.

This is a memory puzzle, consisting of 3 levels. Press the button in the center to play, then lights will flash on the left next to colored blocks. On the right, press the correct sequence of colors. If correct, one of the three lights will glow above. Press the Play button again to do the next level.

The respective color codes are as follows:
Level 1: Green, Red, Yellow.
Level 2: Blue, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow.
Level 3: Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Red.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CrystallineWatcher(Yellow).png Crystalline Watcher 80 3350 Ranged AI -


- Yellow Puzzle Room
On Pillars

Stage 19

» Solve The Purple Puzzle

  • Light, and Darkness. Two unfathomably powerful forces. Two sides of the same coin. Though they grew close, they very rarely touched...

Simply hit the button near the wall to progress.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
BrokenCrystallineWatcher.png Broken Crystalline Watcher 80 3675 None AI -


- Purple Puzzle Room
On Pillar
ShadeEater.png Shade Eater 60 1800 Melee AI -

- Purple Puzzle Room

Stage 20

» Solve The Red Puzzle

  • At least, not on a conceptual level. They use this world as a battleground for their senseless, eternal squabble, in an attempt to claim dominance over the other.

Simply hit the button near the wall to progress.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CrystallineWatcher(Red).png Crystalline Watcher 80 4000 Ranged AI -


- Red Puzzle Room
On Pillars
Olm(Hostile).png Olm 75 7850 Melee AI Teleport


- Red Puzzle Room
Soul-ConsumingFlame.png Soul-Consuming Flame 70 4000 Melee AI ???


- Red Puzzle Room

Stage 21

» Escape The Green Room

  • When the two do clash due to this violent exchange, it is not twilight that is formed, but a violent, aggressive pestilence. A force known to many as the Corruption...
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CrystallineWatcher(Green).png Crystalline Watcher 80 4350 Ranged AI -


- Green Room
On Pillars
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to solving the puzzle.

There will be four letters, A, B, C, and D, next to four colored blocks on the wall. Each letter should match the color of the crystal you from the letter's respective quest. So, A should be Yellow, B should be Purple, C should be Red, and D should be Green. You can change the color of the blocks by standing on their respective pressure plates on the floor in front of the colored blocks (you will have to walk on and off of the plates to change the colors multiple times).

  • In order to escape the grasp of the Darkness itself in this eternal battle, the Olm harnessed the power of the stars themselves, in the form of multiple crystals. It is said that whoever may reunite these crystals will have the power to reshape the world.

Stage 22

» Talk to Excavator Amadel



  • WynnExcavation Leader Amadel: Well, well. Looks like you've finally made it.
  • WynnExcavation Leader Amadel: You might be a little shocked to see me here...
  • WynnExcavation Leader Amadel: Everything was planned you see...
  • WynnExcavation Leader Amadel: You finding that old fool in the desert, you surviving that fall.
  • WynnExcavation Leader Amadel: You finding that notebook, and eventually meeting me.
  • WynnExcavation Leader Amadel: Everything that you have done has been planned by the mastermind behind this organisation, me.
  • WynnExcavation Leader Amadel: You don't get it, do you? We needed you. The otherworldly crystals are a powerful magic, but a dangerous one at that.
  • WynnExcavation Leader Amadel: We needed you, an unaware human with some form of pure intent to bring empowered shards here. Anyone else would have ran off with the shards, and turned against us. It's just how it all works. I don't expect you to understand.. Now. Enough talking.

Stage 23

» Teleport to the Ancient City

Stage 24

» Explore The Ancient City
Follow the mossy cobblestone path.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Olm(Hostile).png Olm 75 7850 Melee AI Teleport


- Ancient City
CorruptedOlm.png Corrupted Olm 75 7050 Charge AI Teleport



- Ancient City
OlmicGeist.png Olmic Geist 75 6675 Ranged AI Teleport


- Ancient City
RunicCrystal.png Runic Crystal 80 44500 Ranged AI

- Ancient City
Enthralled.png Enthralled 70 1200 Melee AI Heavy Charge


- Ancient City
Olm(Passive).png Olm 75 11000 None AI -

- Ancient City

Stage 25

» Speak to Amadels assistant



  • Amadel's Assistant: I see you have finally shown up.
  • Amadel's Assistant: There is no chance someone as weak as you can beat Amadel!

Stage 26

» Kill Corrupted Amadel

  • Corrupted Amadel: The crystals combine the power of the stars themselves.. an ultimate power... the power to reign over the entire WORLD!
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CorruptedAmadel.png Corrupted Amadel 80 57500 Ranged AI Charge
Heavy Charge
Heavy Explosion
Heavy Flamethrower


Corrupt Pendant
WynnExcavation Site D
CrystalSentry.png Crystal Sentry 75 40000 Melee AI Pull
Heavy Flamethrower

- WynnExcavation Site D


  • Amadel's Assistant: That was a mere fluke..
  • Amadel's Assistant: Amadel is unbeatable!

Stage 27

» Kill Shadow Amadel

  • Shadow Amadel: I- I- I feel... unstoppable.. this power... will not aļ͢͠͠͡l̶̀͜͏͏ów me to lớ̀͠͝se..!!!
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ShadowAmadel(65000Health).png Shadow Amadel 90 65000 Retreat AI Heavy Teleport
Heavy Charge




Shadow Pendant
WynnExcavation Site D
ShadowAmadel(6500Health).png Shadow Amadel 90 6500 Retreat AI Heavy Charge
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Vanish



- WynnExcavation Site D
ShadowAmadel(650Health).png Shadow Amadel 90 650 Charge AI Heavy Charge



- WynnExcavation Site D
LightWeaver.png Light Weaver 85 5500 Melee AI Push
Arrow Storm


- WynnExcavation Site D


  • Amadel's Assistant: He's simply warming up...
  • Amadel's Assistant: THIS ISN'T EVEN HIS FINAL FORM!

Stage 28

» Kill Amadel

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
FullyFormedAmadel(Phase1).png Fully Formed Amadel
(Phase 1)
100 62500 Melee AI Heavy Charge
Heavy Explosion
Heavy Push
Heavy Pull


Fully Formed Amadel
(Phase 2)
WynnExcavation Site D
FullyFormedAmadel(Phase2).png Fully Formed Amadel
(Phase 2)
100 62500 Ranged AI Heavy Explosion
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Multihit
Heavy Flamethrower
Heavy Push


WynnExcavation Leader Amadel Fully Formed Amadel
(Phase 1)
WynnExcavationLeaderAmadel(Hostile).png WynnExcavation Leader Amadel 75 24500 Melee AI Charge
Heavy Charge
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Explosion
Heavy Push
Heavy Pull


Amadel's Pendant
Fully Formed Amadel
(Phase 2)
ElementalBloom.png Elemental Bloom 90 2000 Ranged AI Teleport


- WynnExcavation Site D


  • Amadel's Assistant: I, I can't believe you beat him...
  • Amadel's Assistant: Amadel was a god... He was going to save the province...

Stage 29

» Talk to The King of Ragni



  • Ragni's King: You... hmm... Ahh yes! I remember you. You're one of the recruits I accepted long ago..
  • Ragni's King: I'm no mage, but what you have there may just be one of the most destructive forces in the entire world.
  • Ragni's King: I remember being told something by my adoptive father, and he was a king of Ragni himself!
  • Ragni's King: He told me that the Wynn province will never find solace. I never truly understood why, until now.
  • Ragni's King: You see, many forces are at work on our lands that we cannot physically see, but the outcome of the influences cannot be ignored.
  • Ragni's King: Creatures that you can find in Wynn may not exist in Gavel. In Gavel, there are many magical beings. Creatures influenced by forces other than the Corruption. Not all of them are friendly, mind.
  • Ragni's King: But rarely do you see the undead in such numbers. You know, there is a fundamental law of our land, when two forces collide, there is war.
  • Ragni's King: This could be people, species, or anything, really. And I think the same thing can be said for the energy that resonate in those crystals you have there.
  • Ragni's King: I think those crystals represent a force far beyond what we can grasp, and if that power can turn one man into what you fought back there, I shudder to think what else it could do.
  • Ragni's King: The Olm in the jungle clearly knew of this, too, as they met their eventual demise. Their desperation most likely led to them attempting to harness that power, as well.
  • Ragni's King: These are things that the mages of the ocean have studied in secret for centuries. We may never know, and rather, I think we never should know.
  • Ragni's King: If Amadel taught us anything, it's that we can never be trusted with power. Here, put that crystal into the lava. Let it burn and never be used. The king places the crystals in the lava, and watches them sink.
  • Ragni's King: Though it contains some of the most concentrated magical power ever, it is still limited to its container. Let it burn.
  • Ragni's King: I do not know the severity of the Excavation's integration into the powers of Gavel, but I bet we haven't seen the last of them.
  • Ragni's King: You have done this province an unspeakable service. I believe that even Bob is smiling down on you, today. I'm sure that if he were here with us, he would crown you worthy.
  • Ragni's King: As a token of our city's eternal gratitude, I wish for you to take this. It has no value to anyone except you.
  • Ragni's King: You might want to hold onto it, a merchant in Cinfras has arrived and you will be able to trade it for the item that I wish I could bestow upon you now.
  • Ragni's King: You truly are one of the greatest warriors to ever step foot in these lands. I hereby knight you as Wynn's true protector for your deeds today. I hope we meet again, young master.


  • If you ever die during the Amadel fight, you can skip the puzzles by using the teleporter underneath the green crystal to teleport straight to the Ancient City, saving lots of time.
  • Having the Corrupt, Shadow, and Amadel's Pendants from doing the boss fight on another class allows the player to bypass the first, second, and third stages of the Amadel fight, respectively.


  • The red crystal has been sitting in a volcano for ages, but the moment Ragni's King drops it into the lava, it burns.
  • It was, at one point, the longest quest in the game, but was then superseded by A Hunter's Calling by one stage in 1.19 Silent Expanse Update.