An Iron Heart Part I (1.19)

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An Iron Heart Part I CBQuestIcon.png
Quest Info
Length Medium
Difficulty {{{difficulty}}}
Location Bucie
Province Gavel
Combat Level 49
Starter NPC Duvale
Reward As follows:

For the updated version of this quest, please see An Iron Heart Part I.

An Iron Heart Part I is a medium level 49 quest which starts in Bucie.


Duvale has recently bought a Guard Golem but it turns out to be defective, and so the player is directed to destroy the Guard Golem and return the parts to Duvale.

Stage 1

» Speak with Duvale.

 Location   Bucie   X   -1608  Y   51  Z   -4957  Wynncraft Map 


  • Duvale: You sir! Yes, you with the small nose, I need your help. I hear you human folk are always on the look out for some dangerous work.
  • Duvale: I recently bought a Guard Golem from the factory I work in that produces them to protect my little village here.
  • Duvale: But when it was activated, it started making strange noises and ran away violently, destroying anything in its way...
  • Duvale: I need you to find it and bring me back [1 Mechanical piece] and [1 Power source].
  • Duvale: It ran into a cave at the top of a small mountain, you can find it by following this road out of the village and up the mountain path, good luck.

Stage 2

» Find the defective Guard Golem in the mountain.

 X   -1700  Y   92  Z   -5090  Wynncraft Map 


  • Guard Golem: W#o is t#ere...
  • Guard Golem: W#y is #t so c#ld?
  • Guard Golem: What.. What have they done to me?
  • Guard Golem: #####*Sobs*#####

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DefectiveBolt(1.19).png Defective Bolt 47 680 Melee AI
Road at
-1655 59 -5100
HaywireHardDrive(1.19).png Haywire Hard Drive 48 1000 Melee AI Road at
-1655 59 -5100
DefectiveGuardGolem(1.19).png Defective Guard Golem 49 3300 Melee AI Heavy Charge
Mechanical Piece

Power Source
Cave at
-1700 92 -5090

Stage 3

» Kill the defective Guard Golem and return the parts to Duvale.


  • Duvale: Ah yes, you brought all the pieces back for repair, wonderful! I can't pay you back what it's worth, but here is a little reward for your troubles.
  • Duvale: I recommend you check out the factory these are made in, it is quite the experience! You'll be needing one of these to get in!
  • Duvale: Just wear that on your head, and the security magic surrounding the factory will allow you in.
  • Duvale: The factory is disguised for legal reasons, so you will have to solve a quick puzzle to gain access to the underground, shouldn't be too much trouble.
