Decrepit Sewers

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Decrepit Sewers CBDungeonIcon.png
Decrepit Sewers Icon
Coordinates X: -919, Z: -1883
Suggested Level 9
Reward As follows:
Boss Witherhead
Disambig.svg This article is about the normal version of this dungeon. For the corrupted version of this dungeon, see Corrupted Decrepit Sewers.
The filth of Ragni was once used as a prison for its worst criminals, but now it houses a greater evil. After the corruption, dead inmates now trap any soul in oubliettes and await them to join their ranks.
~ Wynncraft Help Guide

The Decrepit Sewers, subtitled "If These Walls Could Talk...", is the first and lowest level Dungeon in the game, designed for players of level 9. It is located in the city of Ragni's ancient sewers, formerly used as a prison for the worst kinds of criminals and now overrun with skeletons, ghosts and other malevolent undead. The boss is Witherhead, a powerful corrupted skeleton who has claimed the sewers as her own lair.

The entrance to the Decrepit Sewers is located just outside Ragni's northern gate, near Katoa Ranch on the road to Maltic, in a large, ruined stone archway.

A list of the items you're able to purchase with the rewards from this Dungeon can be found on the Dungeon Merchant page.

Preparing for the Dungeon

The Decrepit Sewers is recommended for players of level 9-18, and is located just north of Ragni. It cannot be accessed until the level 5 Dungeon Quest Sewers of Ragni has been completed, started by talking to Jenprest outside the sealed dungeon entrance. A Potion Merchant is also located next to the entrance, and will sell low-level Healing Potions to players in need of them. If hard-pressed for Emeralds, you can kill the level 1 Weak Zombies spread around the entrance for some.

The entrance to the dungeon is guarded by a Key Collector, who will not allow you to enter unless he is given a Decrepit Sewers Key. To acquire a key, you have to kill a Decrepit Sewers Key Guardian, an uncommon mini-boss that spawns around the Emerald Trail and the plains north of Ragni. The Guardian has four forms; once its health has been depleted three times it will become passive and drop the Decrepit Sewers Key. One free Key is also given as a reward for completing the Sewers of Ragni quest.

It should be noted that while Emerald and Experience rewards are available at all levels, the equipment rewards are only designed for low-leveled players. If in search of better equipment, it is recommended to complete one of the higher-level Dungeons instead.

After giving a Decrepit Sewers Key to the Key Collector, you may enter the dungeon by jumping down the sewer pipe at the entrance.

A Helpful Guide can be found at this link: Click Here

Room 1


  • ???: You dare enter these sewers, human? These pipes once hid the civilians of Ragni during raids... Now it just holds corpses

You will be dropped into a long, flooded pipe; a series of ledges on the left side provide a simple parkour course, though it is also possible (albeit slower) to simply swim to the end. The pipe exits onto a ledge in the next room. The other end of the pipe will be a large room with several raised platforms and a locked door at the far end. Several Skeletal Guardians, Wailing Skeletons, and Crumbled Skeletons spawn throughout the room, alongside a few very fast-moving Tormented Ghosts. 18 mobs must be killed in order to open the door, though Sewer Scavengers do not count towards this.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SkeletalGuardian.png Skeletal Guardian 12 130 Melee - - - Decrepit Sewers
First Room,
Third Room
CrumbledSkeleton.png Crumbled Skeleton 10 34 Melee - - - Decrepit Sewers
First Room,
Third Room
WailingSkeleton.png Wailing Skeleton 10 48 Melee - - - Decrepit Sewers
First Room
File:TormentedGhost.png Tormented Ghost 9 42 Charge - - - Decrepit Sewers
First Room,
Third Room
File:SewerScavenger.png Sewer Scavenger 6 18 Retreat - - - Decrepit Sewers
First Room,
Third Room

Room 2



  • ???: The forces of the Humans could not save me when I hid here, and they can't save you either.

After exiting the previous room you will find yourself in a narrow flooded tunnel, with several cobblestone outcroppings throughout. At the end of it is a large room filled with water, with a collapsed pipe crossing the gap. This pipe serves as an easy parkour course allowing passage across the chamber and to the next phase. If you fall into the water, you will be teleported to the beginning of the parkour and will have to complete it again; However, most sections of the parkour have fragments of the pipe underneath them, so many times you will simply be able to jump back onto the parkour after a fall.

Room 3


The third room is a collection of challenges. The first challenge requires 12 mobs to be killed (aside from Sewer Scavengers) in a large and open area with several mobs. Once the gate is open, the door opens and two small rooms can be found. There are two signs in the central pillar of the first room:

. .. . ' .. '.
. ' #.. .#
di. ' 'd th ..' is

." , she leaves
."', ., them .
. - to wither .
away " . ' .

The second small room is a quick sequence of parkour as Flaming Skeletons start to appear. On the next level, the path splits into two, each going around one side of the room; which path you use is irrelevant. On both paths, you will be faced with several enemies, along with a Blazing Skeleton on a hanging platform. While similar to Flaming Skeletons, these mobs can be very dangerous for low-levelled players, as they attack extremely rapidly and respawn quickly. However, in front of each is a row of pressure plates; these can be stood on in order to build a temporary wall, blocking the Skeleton's attacks. It is recommended to avoid actual combat with them and continue to the top floor.

At the top floor, you will be faced with a large group of Tormenting Ghosts and Howling Skulls. The gates to the boss room will close behind the player once they have progressed into the area. A notification will then appear that requires 10 mobs to be killed to open the gate to the boss. Once 10 mobs have been killed, the door opens. Now is the last chance to prepare for the boss fight. Once you are ready, press the button and enter the dark tunnel to enter the boss phase.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CrumbledSkeleton.png Crumbled Skeleton 10 34 Melee - - - Decrepit Sewers
First Room,
Third Room
SkeletalGuardian.png Skeletal Guardian 12 130 Melee - - - Decrepit Sewers
First Room,
Third Room
FlamingSkeleton.png Flaming Skeleton 11 56 Ranged -


- Decrepit Sewers
Third Room
HowlingSkull.png Howling Skull 9 30 Jumper - - - Decrepit Sewers
Third Room
File:SewerScavenger.png Sewer Scavenger 6 18 Retreat - - - Decrepit Sewers
First Room,
Third Room
BlazingSkeleton.png Blazing Skeleton 12 175 Ranged -

- Decrepit Sewers
Third Room
File:TormentedGhost.png Tormented Ghost 9 42 Charge - - - Decrepit Sewers
First Room,
Third Room

Boss Room


  • Witherhead: You persist through the sludge, now you will join me like the rest!

The boss of the Decrepit Sewers is the level 15 skeleton Witherhead, the "Black Plague of Ragni." The arena is large and circular, with water around the edges, and several level 8 Witherhead Spawn appear around it, attacking in close combat. Witherhead herself attacks with a bow, occasionally also using a dangerous spell similar to the Archer's Arrow Storm to rapidly fire arrows at combatants. She deals a small amount of Thunder damage with each hit, but is also weak to elemental Air; therefore at lower levels, the best available Air or Water equipment is recommended.

At four points around the arena are rows of pressure plates on red clay: these plates activate temporary walls, similar to the ones used to defend against Flaming Skeletons, to provide respite from Witherhead's attacks (her Spawn can still reach you when a wall is up, however). Only two of the four rows of plates is available at any given time; after activating one, a different one will become available.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
WitherheadSpawn.png Witherhead Spawn 9 40 Melee - - - Decrepit Sewers
Boss Room
Witherhead.png Witherhead 15 1,125 Ranged Arrow Storm


16 Emeralds

1 Witherhead's Rib

3 Decrepit Sewers Fragments
Decrepit Sewers
Boss Room

Complete the fight with Witherhead, depleting her health and killing or avoiding the Spawn, and use the temporary walls to defend against her Arrow Storm attack. After she has been killed, you will be teleported to the entrance of the dungeon and given your rewards.

Dungeon Merchant

The Dungeon Merchant in from of the entrance of the Decrepit Sewers sells:

Dungeon Merchant Trades
Price Product
Witherhead's Rib
Witherhead's Rib
Witherhead's Rib
Witherhead's Rib
Witherhead's Rib
Witherhead's Rib
Serpent's Kiss
Witherhead's Rib
Skull Breaker
Witherhead's Rib
Witherhead's Rib
Witherhead's Rib
Witherhead's Talisman
Decrepit Sewers Fragment
Fire Powder I
Decrepit Sewers Fragment
Water Powder I
Decrepit Sewers Fragment
Thunder Powder I
Decrepit Sewers Fragment
Earth Powder I
Decrepit Sewers Fragment
Air Powder I
Decrepit Sewers Fragment
Gathering Pickaxe T3
Decrepit Sewers Fragment
Gathering Scythe T3
Decrepit Sewers Fragment
Gathering Axe T3
Decrepit Sewers Fragment
Gathering Rod T3
