Despermech Occupation

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Despermech Occupation CBWorldEventIcon.png
The site of this World Event.
Decrepit machines scrounge for parts to mend themselves and create more of their kind.
Coordinates X: ?, Y: ?, Z: ?
Suggested Level 85
Length Medium
Difficulty Hard
General Information
Time 5m
Wave Amount 8
Mobs H-215 War Machines (Lv. 85)
L-21 Munition Drones (Lv. ?)
L-22 Enforcer Drones (Lv. ?)
Failing Warmachines (Lv. 88)
Marksman Drones (Lv. 92)
Leaky Warmachines (Lv. 90)
Disguised Bots (Lv. 91)
Battle Drones (Lv. 91)
H-216 War Machines (Lv. 98)
Boss Rusted Warmachines (Lv. 100)
700,000 XP
Found Footage
Fallen Factory Key
Eldritch Outlook Key
Uth Rune
Tol Rune

Despermech Occupation is a World Event found in Corkus Island.


8 waves of enemies will be spawned throughout the event. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • ?
  • Wave 2:
    • ?
  • Wave 3:
    • ?
  • Wave 4:
    • ?
  • Wave 5:
    • ?
  • Wave 6:
    • ?
  • Wave 7:
    • ?
  • Wave 8:
    • ?

2 Rusted Warmachines must be killed in order to successfully end the World Event.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
H-215WarMachine.png H-215 War Machine 85 6,600 Rapid Ranged Charge



- Bloody Beach,
Despermech Occupation,
Decommissioned War Machines
File:L-21MunitionDrone.png L-21 Munition Drone ? ? ? ? ? - Despermech Occupation
File:L-22EnforcerDrone.png L-22 Enforcer Drone ? ? ? ? ? - Despermech Occupation
File:FailingWarmachine.png Failing Warmachine 88 72,200 Berserk Ranged
Knockback Immune
Laser Minigun


- Minor cave at -1515, 38, -2850,
Despermech Occupation,
Decommissioned War Machines
File:MarksmanDrone.png Marksman Drone 92 14,500 ? Sniper Beam


Shorting Wire
Corkus Island,
Despermech Occupation
LeakyWarmachine.png Leaky Warmachine 90 ? Burst Ranged -


- Junk Pit,
Despermech Occupation
DisguisedBot.png Disguised Bot 91 ? Melee
Blindness Immune



- Brigands' Hideaway,
Despermech Occupation
BattleDrone.png Battle Drone 91 ? Melee Multihit


- Relos Underpass,
Despermech Occupation
H-216WarMachine.png H-216 War Machine 98 ? Rapid Ranged -


- Despermech Occupation,
Scrapyard at
-1435, 72, -2520
File:RustedWarmachine.png Rusted Warmachine 100 125,000 ?
Knockback Immune
Laser Minigun
Tank Charge



Robot Antenna

Shorting Wire

Optic Fiber

Defective Circuits
Corkus Island,
Despermech Occupation,
Decommissioned War Machines