Festival of the Heroes Mystery

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This page is a spoiler for the Festive Detlas Mystery. Readers are advised to go to another page if they don't want the mystery spoiled for themselves.

The mystery is focused around the mysterious door in the southeast corner of Festive Detlas, and involves following numerous clues throughout the city.

Quick Guide

  • The Keeper

    • Interact with the note that has fire particles coming off of it at [490, 67, -1532].
    • Pick up the
      Fire Staff at [518, 67, -1600].
    • Light the braziers around town at the following locations in the following order:
      • [465, 68, -1577]
      • [422, 68, -1520]
      • [425, 67, -1627]
      • [525, 68, -1630]
    • Pick up the
      Odd Illustration at [535, 68, -1628].
    • Left-click the purple pot at [425, 67, -1568] to get the
      Key of the Keeper.
    • Insert the
      Key of the Keeper into the lock at the door.

    The Voice

    • Interact with the note with wisps of smoke coming off of it.
    • Pick up the
      Hopeless Depiction at [418, 68, -1608], by the Dungeon Scroll Merchant.
    • Interact with the following weapons in any order:

      • : [443, 67, -1596]

      • : [474, 67, -1577]

      • : [497, 67, -1611]
    • Pull SeraphimDagger.png Hamartia out of the stone in the Carnival Area.
    • Put SeraphimDagger.png Hamartia on the stone at [526, 68, -1525] to get the
      Key of the Voice.
    • Insert the
      Key of the Voice into the lock at the door.

    The Wanderer

    • Interact with the note that has spark particles coming off of it at [488, 67, -1532].
    • Pick up the
      Layout of Detlas at [455, 68, -1557].
    • Pick up the 4 Map Fragments in any order found at:
      • [465, 76, -1626]
      • [420, 68, -1625]
      • [447, 73, -1549]
      • [519, 68, -1531]
    • Go to the crevice in the Detlas Airbase at [432, 79, -1530].
    • Go to the Worn Tablet on the Isles of Fiction to get the
      Key of the Wanderer.
    • Insert the
      Key of the Wanderer into the lock at the door.

    The Tale's End

  • Step 1

    Interact with the note emitting fire particles found at 490, 67, -1532, which gives the following dialogue:

    • There was a town that lacked the glow of summer.
    • But lying on a dim fountain, there was a light that began to find itself everywhere.
    • First, it brought the performers light when the setting was gloomy.
    • Next, it gave drunk customers warmth when their drinks were bitter.
    • And with its following act, it reminded the tired workers of the sun covered by the canvas roof.
    • But finally, it showed the prevailing soldiers that there was a light to look forward to.
    • The story must go on.

    Step 2

    Fire Staff

    Type Untradable
    Obtain Festive Detlas Mystery
    Usage Right-click to light braziers.

    As indicated by the second line of the note, in order to progress the mystery, go to the fountain used in the Ruins of Detlas Secret Discovery at 518, 67, -1600.

    Step 3

    As indicated by the third line of the note, go to the Performance Stage and light up the brazier at 465, 68, -1577.

    Step 4

    As indicated by the fourth line of the note, go to the Rusty Recruit and light up the brazier at 422, 68, -1520.

    Step 5

    As indicated by the fifth line of the note, go to the Carnival Area by the Target Practice minigame and light up the brazier at 425, 67, -1627.

    Step 6

    As indicated by the sixth line of the note, go to the Detlas Barracks and light up the brazier at 525, 68, -1630. Upon lighting up this brazier, a trail of fire particles will lead to a desk along with the following dialogue:

    • Something has changed. A lock, a key displaced.
    • An illustration depicts something amiss.
    • This is not the end that was written down.

    Step 7

    Odd Illustration

    Item Map
    Type Untradable
    Obtain Festive Detlas Mystery
    ᓭ𝙹ᒲᒷℸ ̣ ⍑╎リ⊣ ᒲ╎ᓭᓭ╎リ⊣

    Interact with the map on the desk the fire particles lead to in order to turn the
    Fire Staff into the
    Odd Illustration.


    Step 8

    The illustration depicts three pots and the words SOMETHING MISSING in Ancient Wynnic. This leads to the spot in Festive Detlas with several items of the Ancient Set, which shows three pots in a very similar orientation, but with a purple pot looking out-of-place there. Interacting with the purple pot hints that it is used somehow by bringing up the following dialogue:

    • Something is inside...

    Left-click the pot four times in order to break it, giving the player the
    Key of the Keeper.

    Step 9

    Key of the Keeper

    Type Untradable
    Obtain Festive Detlas Mystery
    Usage Unlocks a padlock on the door.

    Use the
    Key of the Keeper on the padlock keeping the door sealed.

    Step 1

    Interact with the note emitting puffs of smoke off of it for the following dialogue:

    • Three spirits, forgotten and lost.
    • They wait for their cries to be heard, for someone to free them.
    • A crimson merchant who deals in scrolls has a parchment of their call.
    • They must be guided.

    Step 2

    Go to the Dungeon Scroll Merchant's booth and interact with the map emitting particles at 418, 68, -1608 in order to get the
    Hopeless Depiction.

    Step 3

    Hopeless Depiction

    Type Untradable
    Obtain Festive Detlas Mystery
    ╎リℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ᔑᓵℸ ̣


    The Hopeless Depiction shows three weapons and the word INTERACT in Ancient Wynnic. The three weapons can be interacted with in any order. The locations of each are as follows:

    • : Found at the entrance to the Carnival Area at 443, 67, -1596.

    • : Found at the Performance Stage at 474, 67, -1577.

    • : Found near the Detlas Barracks at 497, 67, -1611.

    Interacting with all a weapon will lead to the sword in the stone at the Carnival Area.

    Step 4

    Interacting with all three weapons will cause SeraphimDagger.png Hamartia to be able to be pulled from the stone. A Festival Worker will come to the area with the following dialogue:

    • Festival Worker: Woah, did you pull out that sword?
    • Festival Worker: I heard some weird noises, so I came over. They almost sounded like... ghosts? Maybe I'm just hearing things.
    • Festival Worker: But, er- anyways. Congratulations! Here is your reward.

    The worker will give a
    Diamond Festival Coin as a reward.

    Step 5

    Type Untradable
    Obtain Festive Detlas Mystery
    The lost three yearn for a rest. Hidden away in a silent corner. This is the end that must come.

    Hamartia's lore indicates that it is used in a corner of Festive Detlas. This corner is the most southeast corner of Detlas at 526, 68, -1525, which has a theme resembling the Festival of the Spirits. Placing Hamartia there will cause three wisps of smoke to converge into a single spot near Hamartia, revealing the
    Key of the Voice.

    Step 6

    Key of the Voice

    Type Untradable
    Obtain Festive Detlas Mystery
    Usage Unlocks a padlock on the door.

    Use the
    Key of the Voice on the padlock keeping the door sealed.


    • Hamartia has different dialogues if the player tries to pull it when they are not able to:
      • Two more weapons left:
        • You try pulling on the sword, and it moves slightly.
        • But it is not enough.
      • One more weapon left:
        • You try pulling on the sword, and it starts moving more freely.
        • But there must be one more.
    • Interacting with the spot where Hamartia should be placed without having Hamartia on the player will give the following dialogue:
      • Something could be placed here.

    Step 1

    Interact with the note emitting sparks off of it for the following dialogue:

    • There was a map, but of where? A city, but which one? It must have been this one.
    • The distributors of maps forgot a paper. Abandoned, ignored. They didn't know what it is.
    • The faded marks, they hid the four parts of the picture.
    • What did the picture hide? What was valuable enough to be worth hiding?
    • What was there to remember?

    Step 2

    Go to the Scavenger Hunt area and look pick up the
    Layout of Detlas on the desk at 455, 68, -1557.

    Step 3

    Layout of Detlas

    Item Map
    Type Untradable
    Obtain Festive Detlas Mystery
    An old map depicting the layout of Detlas.


    Some buildings of the map have more faded lines than others, which is where the Map Fragments are located. Each of the Map Fragments are found at:

    • 465, 76, -1626
    • 420, 68, -1625
    • 447, 73, -1549
    • 519, 68, -1531

    Once all four Map Fragments are obtained, the picture will be revealed.

    Step 4

    Scavenger Hunt Map [Day X̸͇̕Ẍ̶̰͠]

    Item Map
    Type Untradable
    Obtain Festive Detlas Mystery
    Displays a locat̷̗̄i̸͎̮͗͒ô̵̰͍n̴͖̦͛ ̷̦̗͠s̸̙̬͋ô̷̦m̷̛̪ewhere î̴̛̟ǹ̴̦͗ ̸̰̆̇t̵͇̚ḧ̵͔̯́e worl̶͚̠̊d̸̬̐̈́.̵̲̹͊ T̸̨̽͘r̷͖̹͐̋a̴̧͕͛̈́c̸̘̓ͅk it down tơ̸̙ ̵͎͓̑c̶̺͠l̴̨̘̒͝ä̵͍̜́im the Scaven̵̖̩̿͠ģ̴͙̀e̵̙͗r̸̤̹̍̒ ̷̝̇H̴̬̚ù̵͖̟nt cac̷̯̅h̷͕̜̍ę̸̟̔̐! This item mus̸̨̄t̴͍̽ ̴̖̾b̷̘͗ę̶̓̌ ̴̛̬̈i̵̺͉͊̎ň̶̞̖͠ ̶̼̈́̍y̵̘̅́ō̴̤̻u̷̹̩͒͊r̷͔̪̐̈́ invent̷̺̀̈́ö̸͓̝́͑r̴̟̮̈́̒ỷ̵̩ ̶̣̀t̸͙̒͠o̵̫̞̓̈ ̵͍̀̉b̵̭̿e̵̢̗͑̿ ̸̮͌͋ā̷̬͝b̶̖͕͂̄le to clai̴̮̭̓m̵̡͙̓ ̵̞̿̌ṭ̷̭̑͝h̴̪͝e̵͍̕ ̵̞͂c̵̬̈ͅà̶͇͐č̴̭͊h̵̞͍̍e̴̞̋́.̶̫̠͂́


    The image is revealed to be a forgotten image from the Scavenger Hunt. The area depicted is a spot in the Detlas Airbase severed from the rest of it, which has the entrance able to be found at 432, 79, -1530. Behind the bookshelves is what appears to be a Vision of the Past, depicting the following vision:


    After swapping hands to exit the vision, go to the Isles of Fiction and get the
    Key of the Wanderer.

    Step 5

    Key of the Wanderer

    Type Untradable
    Obtain Festive Detlas Mystery
    Usage Unlocks a padlock on the door.

    Use the
    Key of the Wanderer on the padlock keeping the door seal.

    Upon using all of the keys on the door, "THE END" appears in Ancient Wynnic on the door as the padlock breaks and the door opens. The following dialogue plays as well:

    • ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓵ╎ℸ ̣ ᔑ↸ᒷꖎ 𝙹!¡ᒷリᓭ.
    • ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓵ╎ℸ ̣ ᔑ↸ᒷꖎ 𝙹!¡ᒷリᓭ.
    Go inside the door, which brings the player to an altered version of the Talespun Citadel. Inside the basement of the main building are the Bonfire Keeper, The Envoy, and The Traveler. Interacting with all of them and exhausting all dialogue options will also bring Aster to the citadel, who gives you
    his call. After all of the dialogue has occurred within the citadel, Nohno will be in the area of Festive Detlas near the door, giving you the UnassumingChickenPlushie.png Unassuming Chicken Plushie.