Mount Wynn

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Mount Wynn NaturalIcon.png
Coordinates X: -233, Z: -1948
Access Points Nivla Woods to the south
Maltic Plains to the west
Coastal Trail and Ocean to the north
Nemract Swamp to the east
Suggested Level 14
Involved Quests Arachnid's Ascent
Monsters Hostile Mobs (Wynn)

Mount Wynn is an immense, free standing, potentially active volcanic peak, a little bit north of the Infested Pit dungeon.




  • Boar Burrow - A massive colony of boars have burrowed their way into a cavern.


This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/Mount Wynn § Surface Mobs. (edit)

Surface mobs are mobs that spawn generally throughout a large part of the region, and do not have specific locations where they can be found.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AngryNomad.png Angry Nomad 4 16 Melee - -
Rotten Flesh
Ruins at -137, 59, -2121
Ruins at -127, 67, -1843
DappleDonkey.png Dapple Donkey 4 10 Neutral AI - - - Campsite at -494, 67, -1522
Ruins at -265, 77, -1988
CorruptedSquire.png Corrupted Squire 6 66 Melee AI - ✤ Def - Campsite at -494, 67, -1522
Ruins at -265, 77, -1988
ColtdeCorruption.png Colt De Corruption 9 64 Charge AI - - - Emerald Trail
Mount Wynn

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/Mount Wynn § Cave Mobs. (edit)

Cave mobs are mobs that, in contrast to Surface Mobs, only spawn at specific locations, like caves.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CaveBoar.png Cave Boar 21 128 Melee AI - -
Cave at -228, 55, -2100
MudBrute.png Mud Brute 23 390 Melee AI - ✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✹ Def
- Cave at -228, 55, -2100
UndeadExplorer.png Undead Explorer 25 200 Melee AI - ✦ Def
Sticky Fern
Cave at -228, 55, -2100
MudSpider(Level17).png Mud Spider (Lv. 17) 17 95 Melee AI - ❋ Weak
✤ Dam

Thick Mud
Ruins at -175, 66, -2068
MudSpider(Level20).png Mud Spider (Lv. 20) 20 380 Melee AI - ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
2 Mud Spiders (Lv. 17)

Thick Mud
Ruins at -175, 66, -2068
MandibleGnasher.png Mandible Gnasher 20 380 Melee AI Web ✤ Dam - Cave at -175, 66, -2068
Skittercling.png Skittercling 22 460 Melee AI Arrow Storm - - Cave at -175, 66, -2068


  • The height limit is increased here (meaning you can climb higher than you usually can without being teleported).
  • Despite obvious visual differences, Mt. Wynn appears to have been inspired by Mt. Doom in the Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R Tolkien. Of course, this isn't the least bit surprising, as the now removed quest Lord of the Clock was also heavily inspired by the series.
  • The top of the mount is located at Y: 248, making it the highest point of the Wynn Province.
