Infested Pit

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Infested Pit CBDungeonIcon.png

Infested Pit Icon

Coordinates X: -171, Z: -1820
Suggested Level 18
Reward As follows
Monsters Infested Pit Mobs
Boss Arakadicus

This dungeon has a corrupted variant; see Corrupted Infested Pit.

"Previously a natural cavern on the outskirts of Nivla forest, it quickly became the largest infestation of arachnids the province has ever seen. Those who enter are never found again."

- WynnCraft Help Guide

The Infested Pit is a level 18 Dungeon, located near the Nivla Woods in a large spider infested cavern. The boss of the dungeon is Arakadicus, an arachnid looking to devour anyone who enters her cavern and feed her brood with their remnants. The entrance to the cavern is covered by a giant web, which prevents the player from entering. To remove the web, the player has to complete the level 14 Dungeon Quest Arachnid's Ascent, in which the player is sent by Captain Enduyn to collect a bucket of lava which is used to burn the web.

The Dungeon is located in the northern most tip of the Nivla Woods, beneath the south side of Mt. Wynn.

A list of the items you're able to purchase with the rewards from this Dungeon can be found on the Dungeon Merchant page.

Be careful doing the quest to unlock it with other people, loading the lava for the final parkour sometimes glitches out, leaving you trapped in an invisible box. You would be stuck until the next person starts the quest.

Unlike the other dungeons, the first run of the Infested Pit has Aledar and Tasim with you as companions.

A video guide following the Wiki can be found Here

Room 1

Infested Pit
Can you hear them whispering?

First Run:

  • ???: Oh, it seems I have some guests. You're just in time for dinner... hehe...
  • ???: My poor babies are starving. But what shall they feast on? How about... you?

Following Runs:

  • ???: Oh, it seems I have a guest. You're just in time for dinner... hehe...
  • ???: My poor babies are starving. But what shall they feast on? How about... you?

The first room is a short tunnel, with a hole at the end that leads to the other room. If it is your first run, Aledar and Tasim will be waiting at the entrance.


  • Aledar: Alright, we're in. Keep your guard up, you two. Don't want to get picked off by the spiders!
  • Tasim: Indeed. We'll proceed with caution.

Room 2

In this room you have to kill 26 mobs. The room contains Spider Eggs, which hatch into Newborn Creeplings when attacked. If it's your first run, Tasim will appear by the mushroom at the door.


  • Tasim: There's more spiders in here than I expected... Nothing we can't handle, of course, but- still.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
EerieSpiderling.png Eerie Spiderling 20 125 Melee - - Infested Pit Token Infested Pit
SpitterSpiderling.png Spitter Spiderling 16 40 Ranged - - Infested Pit Token Infested Pit
SpiderEgg(Hostile).png Spider Egg
20 1 Melee Self-Destruct - 2 Newborn Creeplings Infested Pit
SpiderEgg(Neutral).png Spider Egg
20 1 Melee - - Premature Creepling Infested Pit
NewbornCreepling.png Newborn Creepling 18 70 Melee -
Earth: Weakness

Air: Defense
- Spider Egg
PrematureCreepling.png Premature Creepling 18 30 Melee -
Earth: Weakness

Air: Defense
- Spider Egg

Room 3

The next room consists of a parkour challenge where you use the jump pads to get to the next platform. After beating the parkour and walking down the hallway you will enter the next room. If it's your first run, Aledar will appear.


  • Aledar: Oh, hey- watch your step! Don't want to fall and get stuck in those webs down there, yeah?

Room 4

The room after the parkour will have a familiar face in the webs from Mushroom Man. The cutscene will not appear on following runs.


  • ???: ...s-stupid spiders, n-n-no good... I-if I get-... get out of here, I'll- b-burn them all down, all those c-creepy c-crawlies... Then it'll j-just be me a-and my- mushrooms. Mushrooms.
  • Tasim: ...Wait, that voice... Yahya, is that you?
  • Yahya: H-huh?! O-oh! Soldiers, good n-not too strong s-soldiers, here to r-r-rescue good old... Yahya! G-g-get me down f-from here!
  • Aledar: You know this guy?
  • Tasim: Yeah, we do... He's the civilian who was taken by spiders, just before we came to Detlas. I'm surprised he's- well, you know.
  • Aledar: Huh. Well, lucky him, I guess! Alright, let's get him down. <playername>, just cast a spell at him to break down the webs!

Cast a spell to free Yahya.


  • Yahya: H-hah! F-freedom! No m-more c-creepy crawlies... Just me a-and my... mushrooms.
  • Tasim: You should probably get out of here, quickly. We've cleared the path from the entrance to some extent, but more spiders could arrive soon.
  • Yahya: ...O-okay!

Yahya will then quickly escape the Infested Pit.

  • Aledar: ...and there he goes. Huh. Weird guy.
  • Tasim: You don't know the least of it. Alright, let's keep moving.

You will then reach the third phase by getting launched by the webs. You do so by standing on the pressure plate in the middle of it.

Room 5

First Run:

  • Arakadicus: So you freed the Mushroom Man... no matter. My babies think the three of you look just as delicious... You will make a fine replacement, hehehe...

Following Runs:

  • Arakadicus: You've come so far, haven't you? And my babies are just so hungry... You'll make a fine meal for them... hehehe...

The next room is another battle phase. You have to kill 20 mobs. If it's your first run, Aledar can be found in this room.


  • Aledar: These spiders just keep coming! There has to be a limit to their numbers, we just need to keep fighting!

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ImmatureSpiderEgg.png Immature Spider Egg 20 1 Melee - - 2 Premature Creeplings Infested Pit
BloodcurlingArachne.png Bloodcuring Arachne 20 125 Melee - - Infested Pit Token Infested Pit
StickyArachne.png Sticky Arachne 16 60 Ranged - - Infested Pit Token Infested Pit

Room 6

The next room is another parkour challenge with jump pads. If it's your first run, Tasim can be found in this room.


  • Tasim: I can't imagine it's much further from here. Just a few more jumps to make, a few more spiders to fight through, and we'll be there.

Room 7

After beating the parkour you walk on a bridge to get to the boss room.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SinisterArachne.png Sinister Arachne 20 125 Melee - - - Infested Pit

If it's your first run, Aledar and Tasim can be found at the end by the boss gate.


  • Tasim: Here we are, then. The spider queen must be through here.
  • Aledar: Alright. Let's rest a moment, then head on in and take her out. If we work together, these spiders won't stand a chance!

Boss Room

Queen of the Spiders

First Run Dialogue:


  • Arakadicus: Ah, the main course has arrived. You look so good, I think I'll have a taste of you myself!
    • If you chose Aledar in Arachnids' Ascent:
      • Aledar: Well, we're not going to make it easy for you! We'll take you down!
    • If you chose Tasim in Arachnids' Ascent:
      • Tasim: The people living in the forest are more than just food for you spiders! We won't let you attack them anymore!

Following Runs Dialogue:

  • Arakadicus: Ah, the main course has arrived. You look so good, I think I'll have a taste of you myself!

Arakadicus is a level 25 spider which summons 'Arakadicus Children' as her minions. She has an ability which puts webs at the players' feet to trap them.

The boss room contains a door that the player can close by dealing damage to the door; if the door is not closed, spider minions will come out of it. These minions can easily overwhelm the player if not handled quickly.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ArakadicusChild.png Arakadicus Child 20 125 Crawl - - - Infested Pit
Boss Room
ArachnidIdol.png Arachnid Idol 25 10000 None Summon - - Infested Pit
Boss Room
Arakadicus.png Arakadicus 25 2275 Melee Pull




22 Emeralds

1 Arakadicus' Eye

3 Infested Pit Fragments
Infested Pit
Boss Room
Aledar(InfestedPitAlly).png Aledar 16 1000 Ally Heavy Vanish


- Infested Pit
Boss Room (First Run)
Tasim(InfestedPitAlly).png Tasim 16 ? Ally Heavy Charge


- Infested Pit
Boss Room (First Run)

Dungeon Merchant

The Dungeon Merchant in front of the entrance to the Infested Pit sells:

Dungeon Merchant Trades
Price Product
Arakadicus' Eye
Spider Ring
Arakadicus' Eye
Arakadicus' Eye
Arakadicus' Eye
Arakadicus' Eye
Arakadicus' Eye
Arakadicus' Eye
Arakadicus' Eye
Arakadicus' Eye
Web Spitter
Arakadicus' Eye
Arakadicus' Eye
Arakadicus' Eye
Web Plate
Infested Pit Fragment
Dungeon Teleport Scroll
Infested Pit Fragment
Gathering Pickaxe T3
Infested Pit Fragment
Gathering Scythe T3
Infested Pit Fragment
Gathering Axe T3
Infested Pit Fragment
Gathering Rod T3


  • This dungeon replaced the Spider Dungeon as of the 1.14.1 Gameplay Update.
  • Prior to version 1.20, spider minions would come out of two doors that could be closed via pressure plates. These were changed to be one door that is closed via dealing damage to it.