Resurrected Head

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Resurrected Head
Item Player Head
Type Untradable
Obtain 953, -5558
Usage Hallowed Ground Secret Discovery
I should return this skull to its body, perhaps his grave is nearby...

Baron Revan Gerulam, more commonly known simply as the Resurrected Head, was a Gavellian Villager noble from the Lexdale area. Until recently[1], he was imprisoned in Lexdale Penitentiary for unknown crimes; he was recently executed, and his body was interred beneath a chapel near the Penitentiary. His severed head, however, was left unburied and resurrected by the power of the nearby Lazarus Pit[2], and serves as the focus of the Hallowed Ground Secret Discovery.

Revan's head is found under a tree in the graveyard just west of the Lexdale Penitentiary, where he asks the player to return him to his body. Like the Talking Mushroom, he has additional dialogue if he's brought to various locations around the Kander Forest and certain macabre locations elsewhere in Wynncraft.

It was intended that the Resurrected Head couldn't be re-obtained after completing the Secret Discovery; however, possibly due to a bug, this is not the case.


At the Stump of a Tree on a Ridge in Kander Forest

Kander Forest
-947, 88, -5556
Wynncraft Map
  • ???: Hey you, with the short nose! Come 'elp me out, would'ya?
  • ???: Over by this tree, be careful where you tread!
  • Revan: Hey. Revan's the name, and I'd be grateful if you could take me back to my body. It's around here somewhere!

When going off the path of the Blood Trail leading to Revan's body

  • Revan: That blood trail went the other way, it's probably wise to follow it.

At a Soldier's Corpse near the Blood Trail

Kander Forest
-896, 71, -5530
Wynncraft Map
  • Revan: I was no vagabond soldier in my past life! Keep looking!

House with a dead body near Lexdale Penitentiary

Kander Forest
-865, 46, -5438
Wynncraft Map
  • Revan: This is just insulting! I never killed anyone! Well, I ordered a couple executions... But you can't blame me for that!

When putting Revan's Head on his corpse

  • Revan: Here! That's the score!
  • Revan: Watch for the floor! It's a tad unstable!

At the entrance to Lexdale Penitentiary

Lexdale Penitentiary
-828, 83, -5505
Wynncraft Map
  • Revan: Just looking at that place gives me the creeps. You ever been in there, short-nose?
  • Revan: Get me away from this place, I'm getting flashbacks from when I had an encounter with a Gert trying to feast on my hand...

Inside The Talor Crypt

The Talor Crypt
-11383, 37, 4188
  • Revan: Oh yeah! That's the ticket!
  • Revan: Do you have a crowbar or something? WHAT? YOU DON'T?!

At one of the corpse piles in The Talor Crypt

The Talor Crypt
-11380, 38, 4145
  • Revan: Do I look like I've had parts of my body cut off? ...Wait.

When at Siegfried's Grave

  • Revan: This place STINKS. Can you please get me out of here?
  • Revan: Hey... I feel like I've seen that guy somewhere!

Near the Rotten Passage Boss Altar

Saint's Row
329, 34, -2038
Wynncraft Map
  • Revan: We're a long way from Lexdale, pal. You sure this place is safe?

Inside Bob's Tomb

Bob's Tomb
290, 54, -758
Wynncraft Map
  • Revan: ...
  • Revan: I don't think I need to explain why this isn't my body.

At the entrance of the Twain Graveyard

Twain Graveyard
162, 79, -376
Wynncraft Map
  • Revan: You know the Twains were human, right? I could never pass as one of those celebrities!

During A Monument of Hope Secret Discovery

Lutho Monolith
985, 46, -700
Wynncraft Map
  • Revan: Where am I? We're not in Gavel, are we?


  • Revan's name could be a play on the word "revenant".
  • Revan is referenced in the quest Forbidden Prison, when a group of inmates talk to the player regarding how Revan was the last seen a few days ago.
