Lazarus Pit (Location)

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Lazarus Pit SiteIcon.png
The Heart of the Lazarus Pit
Discovery Lore
Gavel's counterpart to Wynn's Fountain of Youth, the Lazarus Pit has been resurrecting the dead inmates of the nearby prison.
Coordinates X: -958, Z: -5438
Suggested Level 65
Involved Quests Lazarus Pit
Realm of Light III - A Headless History

The Lazarus Pit is an enigmatic pond of water that is said to resurrect the dead. It is featured in it's eponymous quest and A Headless History. It also has an indirect role in the Secret Discovery Hallowed Ground.


The Lazarus Pit has enigmatic waters that can revive anyone who has died. However, it is far from a perfect restoration, some cases, such as Revan and the four chapel corpses revived in Lazarus Pit, they come back with only faint memory damage, while others, such as Dullahan come back with a complete rework of their personality. Others just get revived as mindless creatures, which have proven the nearby town of Gelibord a strenuous cycle of repeated sieges by the revived corpses.


Realm of Light III - A Headless History

After Dullahan had been beheaded by the citizens of Gelibord, Lari, in an attempt to revive Dullahan, put his corpse into the Lazarus Pit's waters in an attempt to revive him. While Dullahan was brought back, he was far from the same person he once was. The darkness inserted into his body by the Parasite had manifested and suppressed any light left of Dullahan. Instead of Dullahan viewing Lari as a fellow companion, he rather viewed her as an annoyance.

Lazarus Pit

The nearby town of Gelibord had suffered and endured several sieges of the undead resurrected by the Lazarus Pit, and Gelibord has resorted to burning any dead bodies at the stake to prevent the pit from reviving them into mindless creatures. A resident of Gelibord, Burtur, tasks the player to prevent any further sieges by finding the source of the problem.

Eventually, the player learns of an ancient order dedicated to the Lazarus Pit, and travels to the graves of four different nobles who died long ago, and tries to gain access to a crypt where an Old Book tells you of the properties of the pit. After locating the Lazarus Pit, several mobs will spawn, progressively getting weaker. After defeating all of the mobs, a way will open to the heart of the pit, where the source of all the magical water flows from. After solving a puzzle, the water is redirected to two plants which grow upwards to stop the flow of the water. The player returns to Burtur to tell him of their success, and the player is later rewarded.


  • The Lazarus Pit is named after Lazarus of Bethany, who was a prominent sign of Jesus who he revived four days after his death.