Kander Forest

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Kander Forest RegionIcon.png
A view of the Kander Forest featuring a river
Coordinates X: -600, Z: -5300
Access Points Light Forest to the southwest
Dark Forest to the west
Gylia Plains to the east and southeast
Suggested Level 70
Quest Starts Lexdale Witch Trials
Forbidden Prison
Hollow Serenity
Type/Biomes Forest
Region Capital Lexdale

The Kander Forest is a large, murky expanse in the Gavel Province dotted with decayed trees, fungi, and large cobwebs. The forest has experienced ravaging effects of the Decay far worse than the neighboring Dark Forest or the Olux Swamp has, since the very "heart" of the Decay is located in Kander Forest, turning the once-vibrant and beautiful forests into an eldritch wasteland. The forest houses a couple quests and is a good grinding area for level 70 players. The capital of the area is the small, run-down town of Lexdale. Along with sharing its western border with the Dark Forest, the Gylia Plains and Light Forest are connected to the region.

The monsters you face in Kander Forest mainly consist of a variety of beasts likely risen by the Decay, as well as a colorful variety of Weirds and lingering Tueurserie and Chahut. Werewolves, normal people under the lycanthropic curse[1][2], are also not an uncommon sight in the woods.

Points of interest


  • Lexdale - The town of Lexdale is a slum-like settlement, which has suffered some of the worst effects of the Decay.
-606, -5445
Wynncraft Map
  • Dark Forest Village - This small town holds a few peculiar residents, but has nothing else notable about it.


  • Mesquis Tower - Great danger lies atop this tower.
  • Kander Crypt - Some say the Old Lexdale crypts here are cursed with the spirits killed in the siege, others say it contains treasure deep inside.
  • Mystifying Stump - Find your way through the stump here.
  • Flesh Mesh - The tunnels beneath Kander viscera pits here are dark, disgusting, dangerous, and full to bursting of discarded belongings.
  • Visceral Remnant - Bodies subjected to grisly stitching and experimentation rejuvenated and rise here, where no one should enter.
  • Weirding Ring - Instead of fae spirits, Weirds have congealed in a ring of climbable mushrooms here.
Mesquis Tower
-785, -5036
Wynncraft Map
Kander Crypt
-406, -5444
Wynncraft Map
Mystifying Stump
-754, -5299
Wynncraft Map
Flesh Mesh
-751, -5503
Wynncraft Map
Visceral Remnant
-997, -5559
Wynncraft Map
Weirding Ring
-498, -5293
Wynncraft Map


  • Lexdale Penitentiary - A large structure in northwestern Kander Forest, on the border of the Dark Forest. It was built around 800 AP as a prison for Gavel's worst criminals, though recently there have been rumors of innocent citizens being taken a prisoners.
  • House of Talor - This grand church has fallen into ruins due to the Decay, though it still continues to provide blessings for Kander Forest.
  • Challenge of the Blades - A creature from The Realm of Dern inhabits this Boss Altar surrounded with dozens of blades on a hill. Nothing exists there but pure dark magic.
  • Faltach Manor - This large, ruined structure in southwestern Kander Forest was the home of the Faltachs, a family of nobles that had an important role in the Kander Forest's politics.
  • The Heart of the Decay - This area is where the Decay has its strongest effects. It was once the stump of a great tree, until the Darkness Parasite had spread the Decay to the area in 800 AP, causing the surrounding life to wither away. The hatchlings of the Parasite are the only living beings that are inside the Heart of Decay.
  • Old Lexdale - The ruins of a stone city that has been ravaged and destroyed by the Decay. A research outpost belonging to a certain individual can be found here.
Lexdale Penitentiary
-830, -5540
Wynncraft Map
House of Talor
-670, -5315
Wynncraft Map
Challenge of the Blades
-835, -5345
Wynncraft Map
Abandoned Manor
-875, -5146
Wynncraft Map
The Heart of the Decay
-530, -5550
Wynncraft Map
Old Lexdale
-418, -5550
Wynncraft Map



  • Kanderstone can be gathered in multiple veins scattered throughout the forest.

  • Dark trees are found all around the forest.

  • Decay Roots are common in multiple farms located in Kander Forest.


Miniquest Name Miniquest Type Min. Level Coordinates Items Required Combat XP Given Profession XP Given
Gather Kanderstone Mining 71 -557, 43, -5460 32 Kanderstone Ingot or 32 Kanderstone Gem 30000 44000
Gather Decay Roots Farming 71 -873, 45, -5314 32 Decay String or 32 Decay Grains 30000 44000
Gather Kanderstone II Mining 73 -714, 45, -5548 40 Kanderstone Ingot or 40 Kanderstone Gem 48000 55000
Gather Decay Roots II Farming 73 -723, 43, -5047 40 Decay String or 40 Decay Grains 48000 55000
Gather Kanderstone III Mining 78 -767, 44, -5151 48 Kanderstone Ingot or 48 Kanderstone Gem 77000 92000
Gather Decay Roots III Farming 78 -711, 44, -5211 48 Decay String or 48 Decay Grains 77000 92000


This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/Kander Forest § Surface Mobs. (edit)
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Kanderweed.png Kanderweed 70 10000 Burst Ranged Knockback Immune


- Kander Forest
Werewolf(Level70).png Werewolf
(Lv. 70)
70 2925 Melee -



Werewolf Tail

Pristine Claw
Kander Forest
Werewolf(Level72).png Werewolf
(Lv. 72)
72 9500 Crawl Charge



1 Unwilling Lycanthrope (Normal)

Werewolf Tail

Pristine Claw


Blood Moon
Kander Forest
UnwillingLycanthrope.png Unwilling Lycanthrope
70 900 Scared - - - From Werewolves (Lv. 72)
UnwillingLycanthrope.png Unwilling Lycanthrope
70 900 Scared - - 1 Enraged Werewolf Kander Forest
EnragedWerewolf.png Enraged Werewolf 76 16000 Melee Heavy Charge
Heavy Multihit



Werewolf Tail

Pristine Claw
From Unwilling Lycanthropes (Enraged)
DarkeningSoul.png Darkening Soul 70 3500 Ranged - -
Ghostly Membrane
Kander Forest,
Penitentiary Graveyard
BlackenedSoul.png Blackened Soul 72 2275 Melee Vanish



Ghostly Membrane

Ritual Catalyst
Kander Forest,
Penitentiary Graveyard,
from Kandrekk Archwraiths
KandrekkSpiritbinder.png Kandrekk Spiritbinder 75 8000 Rapid Ranged Heal




Ritual Catalyst
Kander Forest,
Penitentiary Graveyard
ShadeLurker(Phase1).png Shade Lurker
(Phase 1)
72 3550 Crawl -


2 Shade Lurkers (Phase 2) Kander Forest
ShadeLurker(Phase2).png Shade Lurker
(Phase 2)
72 5325 Melee -


- From Shade Lurkers (Phase 1)
SpiteMuckler.png Spite Muckler 72 3500 Ranged -

- Kander Forest rivers
RottingMyconid(Brown).png Rotting Myconid 73 2645 Charge -


Myconid Spores

Putrid Spores
Kander Forest mushrooms
Twitchbeetle.png Twitchbeetle 73 11000 Melee Knockback Immune - - Kander Forest
StagnanceWingers.png Stagnance Wingers 71 4825 Rapid Ranged -

- Kander Forest
NixDweller.png Nix Dweller 74 3800 Rapid Ranged -


- Kander Forest
TiontaithBeast.png Tiontaith Beast 77 4250 Melee Pull
Pristine Claw

Glowing Scales
Kander Forest,
Old Lexdale
TiontaithHunter.png Tiontaith Hunter 78 5000 Melee Heavy Charge -
Pristine Claw

Glowing Scales
Kander Forest
SeriesChahut.png Series Chahut 74 6000 Charge Explode


- Kander Forest,
Old Lexdale,
from Tueurseries Galois
NaissantChahut.png Naissant Chahut 75 2800 Melee -



- Kander Forest,
Old Lexdale
TueurserieGalois.png Tueurserie Galois 78 26000 Melee Slowness Immune

1 Series Chahut Kander Forest,
Old Lexdale
TueurseriePascal.png Tueurserie Pascal 79 13650 Crawl Heavy Multihit



- Kander Forest
DarkWeird.png Dark Weird 73 3650 Melee -



Arcane Anomaly

Ritual Catalyst
Kander Forest
ShadowyWeird.png Shadowy Weird 73 2600 Charge Vanish



Arcane Anomaly
AtmosphericAspect.png Atmospheric Aspect

Ritual Catalyst
Kander Forest
DecayWeird.png Decay Weird 74 3800 Support Ranged -




Arcane Anomaly
RepulsiveAspect.png Repulsive Aspect

Ritual Catalyst
Kander Forest
PeculiarWeird.png Peculiar Weird 75 7850 ? Arrow Storm




Arcane Anomaly
WinteryAspect.png Wintery Aspect

Ritual Catalyst
Kander Forest
SinkingWeird.png Sinking Weird 76 8175 Melee -




Arcane Anomaly
DisturbedAspect.png Disturbed Aspect

Ritual Catalyst
Kander Forest
OutlandishWeird.png Outlandish Weird 78 13175 Charge Charge



Arcane Anomaly
AtmosphericAspect.png Atmospheric Aspect
RepulsiveAspect.png Repulsive Aspect
ShatteredAspect.png Shattered Aspect
Kander Forest
WastefulWeird.png Wasteful Weird 79 21000 Crawl Flamethrower



Arcane Anomaly
CompressedAspect.png Compressed Aspect
DisturbedAspect.png Disturbed Aspect
EvaporatedAspect.png Evaporated Aspect
GlowingRuby.png Igneous Aspect
ShatteredAspect.png Shattered Aspect
WinteryAspect.png Wintery Aspect
Kander Forest
TagaSoihfALin.png T̵̘̥͝ȃ̸͖͎͗́g̶͕͗ả̴̗̲͚̙̕ ̷̟͙̹̭̈́̔̚͠S̶̡̛̛̙͙̗̀̉ǒ̸͎̖i̸͎͇͎̮̋͒̿͆h̴̺͍͆̈́̎ͅf̶̟͇̔͘ ̵̧͚̟̮͐̊Á̷̘̓ ̴̫͇̫͌̆͠͠ͅḶ̵̹͇̪̀i̵̩̰̬͒́̕n̶̰̦̗͈̓͒ 80 45000 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Teleport


3 Rud Dorcha
Kander Forest
RudDorcha.png Rud Dorcha 77 7777 Charge
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune

- From Taga Soihf A Lin

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/Kander Forest § Cave Mobs. (edit)

Cave mobs are mobs that, in contrast to Surface Mobs, only spawn at specific locations, like caves.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Scleragora.png Scleragora 64 2325 Charge -
- Penitentiary Graveyard
Straggler.png Straggler 70 2300 Charge - -
Rancid Flesh

Foul Fluid
Flesh Mesh
Rejuvenator.png Rejuvenator 70 4900 Melee -


Rancid Flesh

Foul Fluid
Flesh Mesh,
Penitentiary Graveyard
Misfit.png Misfit 71 5100 Neutral Ranged -



Rancid Flesh

Foul Fluid
Penitentiary Graveyard
Writher.png Writher 73 5525 Crawl -
5 Bloated Maggots

Rancid Flesh

Foul Fluid
Flesh Mesh,
Penitentiary Graveyard
BloatedMaggot.png Bloated Maggot 68 1075 Berserk - - - From Writhers,
from Resurgams (Phase 4)
Forgotten.png Forgotten 73 3150 Charge -


- Flesh Mesh
Wanderer.png Wanderer 73 7375 Neutral Melee -



Rancid Flesh

Foul Fluid
Flesh Mesh
Carver.png Carver 75 4000 Melee -

Rancid Flesh

Foul Fluid
Flesh Mesh
Resurgam(Phase1).png Resurgam
(Phase 1)
74 3650 Melee -

1 Resurgam (Phase 2) Flesh Mesh
Resurgam(Phase2).png Resurgam
(Phase 2)
74 2750 Crawl -

1 Resurgam (Phase 3) From Resurgam (Phase 1)
Resurgam(Phase3).png Resurgam
(Phase 3)
74 1825 Crawl -

1 Resurgam (Phase 4) From Resurgam (Phase 2)
File:Resurgam(Phase4).png Resurgam
(Phase 4)
74 925 Jumper -

2 Bloated Maggots From Resurgam (Phase 3)
Taskmaster.png Taskmaster 79 11500 Melee -



Rancid Flesh

Foul Fluid
Flesh Mesh
Aberration.png Aberration 76 20000 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Resist
Heavy Charge
Heavy Heal



Rancid Flesh

Foul Fluid
Flesh Mesh
Mesquis.png Mesquis 72 2500 Charge -


Snake Skin
Mesquis Tower
ToweringMesquis.png Towering Mesquis 74 5120 Melee -

- Mesquis Tower
BlacksoilDweller.png Blacksoil Dweller 72 6300 Melee -

- Mystifying Stump
Putrifier.png Putrifier 75 3000 Ranged Heal

- Mystifying Stump
PlagueMaster.png Plague Master
(Phase 1)
80 4000 Ranged Blindness Resist
Knockback Immune
Slowness Resist
- 1 Plague Master (Phase 2) Mystifying Stump
PlagueMaster.png Plague Master
(Phase 2)
80 47000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Immune
Slowness Resist
Arrow Storm
- - From Plague Master (Phase 1)
GiganticFlea.png Gigantic Flea 70 2000 Melee Self-Destruct - - Mystifying Stump
Corpse-EatingMite.png Corpse-Eating Mite 72 3000 Melee -

- Kander Crypt
AggressiveAshes.png Aggressive Ashes 74 4000 Crawl -



- Kander Crypt
DecayedDragoon.png Decayed Dragoon 72 10000 Melee -

- Kander Crypt
MeltingWeird.png Melting Weird 74 3850 Melee -



Arcane Anomaly
Weirding Ring
GelWeird.png Gel Weird 75 775 Melee -



Arcane Anomaly
5 Gel Chunks
Weirding Ring
GelChunk.png Gel Chunk 75 1550 Melee -


- From Gel Weirds
ExplosiveWeird.png Explosive Weird 76 4080 Crawl Explode



Arcane Anomaly
ErraticAspect.png Erratic Aspect
Weirding Ring
MuddledWeird.png Muddled Weird 77 4250 Burst Ranged -



Arcane Anomaly
DisturbedAspect.png Disturbed Aspect
Weirding Ring
File:Parasite(TheHeartoftheDecay,Dernmite).png Parasite 70 5,000 Melee - - - The Heart of the Decay


  • Kander Forest is roughly larger than the Dark Forest, and around the same size as the Olux swamp on the map.
  • The area was called "Danker Forest" in the Content Team as a joke before it had an official name.
  • The House of Talor, which is in the Kander Forest, was originally meant as a replacement for the Saint's Row cathedral. The design used to be extremely similar.
  • The trees in Kander Forest are intended to have their leaf patch placement and shape of said patches vaguely resemble the eyes of Eyeball Forest.
  • The main mining resource in the Kander Forest, Kanderstone, is actually Cobalt affected by the Decay.
  • If you flip the name of Taga Soihf A Lin around and translate it from Scottish Gaelic, its name is revealed to be "You Don't Know"
    • Killing Taga Soihf A Lin causes a few Rud Dorcha to spawn. Similarly to its parent mob, Rud Dorcha's name translates to "Dark Thing" in Irish Gaelic, although it does not need to be flipped.
    • Killing Taga Soihf A Lin also causes a short obfuscated message to appear on the player's screen briefly, and gives them nausea. It's unknown what this message says, though according to Selvut283 it is useless gibberish.



  1. Blood Moon item lore
  2. When killed, werewolves may turn into normal, passive villager mobs