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Type Species
Location Silent Expanse and Wynn Province
Information A very intelligent and advanced species that inhabited the Wynn Province and the Silent Expanse, and established a flourishing civilization. Was driven to near extinction after Dern's invasion.

The Olm are a nearly extinct species hailing from an unknown land. Many thousands of years ago, they built a civilization in the Silent Expanse and Wynn, dominating the land for many centuries.[1][2] When the Meteors began crashing into the mountains of the Silent Expanse, the Olm built at least one observatory to track them.[3]

It is not known whether the Olm ever interacted with other intelligent species in other lands, such as the Humans of Fruma, but they still had a very deep understanding of the world: from knowing about the Light[4] to harnessing the power of the runes[5] and being able to control time itself.[6]

At some point, the Dern Portal formed at the very end of the Silent Expanse, and from within it, the forces of Dern entered the region, led by the Beast of Darkness, the Dern Beast. The Olmic civilization was destroyed by the Dern Beast's invasion and the Olm themselves were drawn into its realm.[3] However, thanks to the Crystals' power, they were able to escape Dern and hide in the Dernel Jungle, where they survive to this day.[7]


It is unknown where the Olm originated from. However, it is known that at one point in the distant past, the Olm created a civilization in the Silent Expanse, where they built the Ruined Olmic City, their capital[1], and many other buildings all over the expanse. They were very advanced, having harnessed powerful and obscure magic such as time magic and rune magic.

At some point, the Olm spread out into Wynn and built great structures there too, such as the Time Valley. The tools they used to build the valley were infused with time magic, presenting odd runes on the handles.[8][9] Within the large structure is the Temple of Time, which allows one to enter the memories of the past, but not alter them.[10]

However, a catastrophic accident happened due to the Olm's use of time magic in the region, causing time to "be ripped asunder" and the Time Valley to be altered forever.[6] Most of the Olm working on the valley died due to the accident, and some creatures in the valley also suffered the consequences, constantly being sent back in time, creating the Time Troubles.[11] However, one Olm named Garoth was stubborn and chose to stay in Time Valley, essentially forming a pocket dimension that is immune to the passage of time, known as the Timelost Sanctum. Garoth still resides within the sanctum to the present day.

Meanwhile, when meteors started falling onto Wynn and Gavel, the Silent Expanse's mountain range was specifically a hotspot for these meteors, as it was being bombarded almost constantly for years. The Olm noticed this and built at least one observatory to track the fall of the meteors.[3] At some point during the meteor bombardment, a swarm of fireballs rained down onto the Olmic City: these were not of cosmic origin, rather, they were being invaded by the Dern Beast's forces. They conquered the Silent Expanse and forced the Olm to the Beast's domain, leaving the few remaining Olm to flee.[3]

However, the Olm were able to use the power of the Crystals to escape Dern, returning to our plane of existence. They then fled to the Dernel Jungle and founded the Ancient City. As time progressed, the Olm slowly descended into insanity due to the overwhelming power of the Crystals and due to them believing that the Dern Beast was still observing them from afar, trying to call them back to its realm. Some even fell to the Corruption. Some Olm decided that they should return the Crystals back to where they found them and hide them there,[12] and placed the Crystals back into the mountains of the Silent Expanse, where they were later found by Fruman miners in 800 BP.[13] From there, they were once again hidden all over Wynn by separate civilizations over hundreds of years.[14]

Notable Olm

Garoth, Keeper of the Sanctum
  • Anya: She foresaw the destruction of the Olm's civilization, and made a bracelet which could stop it. The bracelet, which is now known as Anya's Penumbra was ultimately never used as Anya's descendants could not retrieve the bracelet.[4]
  • Garoth: The keeper of the Timelost Sanctum and also the self-proclaimed "greatest mage to have ever lived", Garoth appears to be incredibly strict on keeping the Timelost Sanctum as it should be. Not much else is currently known about him.
  • Kaen and Adan: The grandchildren of Anya. She gave each of them a key, and the two keys are needed to open their family's armoury and manor. The bracelet was at one point within this armory, but was placed in Anya's tomb shortly after a follower of the Dern Beast came to the Olmic City, looking for the bracelet.[4]
  • Arna: An Olm who lived in the Olmic City. They had numerous Loot Chest stashes around the city, which can be opened up with Cryptic Keys. The description of these Cryptic Keys is "Opens up to my caches! Don't touch!! -Arna". The Cryptic Keys are dropped by Ancient Constructs, rare mobs that spawn around the city.[15]
  • Froner: An Olmic astronomer who watched the meteors that fell on the mountains around what is now the Silent Expanse. When the Dern Beast began its attack on the town, they were the first to spot it.[3]
  • Unnamed Time Valley Olm: Found in a ruin near Time Valley. Thanks to the surrounding time magic, they were revived for a short amount of time, saying one sentence before dying again.[6]
  • Awoken Olm: A Time Trouble that is perpetually reawakened daily, not much else is known about it aside from the fact that it was forced into a daily loop by the other Olm that resided within Time Valley. Unlike the other Olm stuck in a daily temporal loop, this one appears to be mostly unscathed.
  • Broken Olm: A Time Trouble that is perpetually reawakened daily, not much else is known about it aside from the fact that it was forced into a daily loop by the other Olm that resided within Time Valley. It appears to be more broken than the other Olm, though it is unknown how.
  • Mysterious Merchant: A strange Olm found within Tempo Town, it appears to be one of the last surviving Olm that also potentially has their sanity. They appear to have an affinity for Time Fragments for an unknown reason.
  • Unnamed Cancereater Creator: The creator of a monstrous refiner known as the Cancereater, it appears to have been created to efficiently use materials found in what is now the Toxic Wastes. However, he also appears to have deep regrets about his creation.


Witherhead, Black Plague of Ragni
  • Witherhead: The biological mother of the Hero of Wynn, Witherhead was originally just an Olm who hid in what would become the Decrepit Sewers during one of the most brutal corrupted onslaughts the province endured. She would perish but her body would become reanimated by the Corruption. It is unknown if she has any memory of her past life.

Olm Hybrids

Bob, Hero of Wynn, Olm-Human Hybrid
  • Bob: A half-Olm, half-Human hybrid, Bob earned the moniker of the Hero of Wynn after defeating the corrupted warlord Bak'al in 886 AP. He was birthed in the same sewer raid his biological mother perished in. Amazingly, the baby that would be named Robert only had a smudge of dirt across his cheek after the raid was over. A poor Ragni civilian named Momo would take Robert in, and he would live with his adoptive mother for about 12 years until a smaller corrupted siege killed Momo. She would give Robert a pair of black daggers and would send him on a quest to be trained in knavery, archery, magic, and the ways of the Spear. In Troms, Robert would also get his more common name of Bob. In 886 AP when Bak'al was about to decimate Ragni, Bob defended the city, causing the warlord to go into hiding, never to be seen again until the present day. Bob would continue doing good deeds across Wynn. Sometime after, Bob would learn of a mysterious evil, and would disappear from Wynn. His friend Nilrem would make a tomb to make a holding place for his fake body.

Known Ruins

The Olm built a lot in their time, and much of what they created still stands to this day in the form of large ruins, spread out across Wynn and the Silent Expanse.

Time Valley

A place where the flow of time is much slower than normal, being built by the Olm around the Temple of Time. The region contains several golem-like guardians in the larger buildings, as well as undead ancient corpses. No one has come to settle in this region, but it is watched over by Old Man Martyn, who allowed a researcher named Asher to live in the place for a time.[16]

Temple of Time: This is the most important and well preserved of all locations within Time Valley. It allows for people to look backwards in time by placing an item on its altar from the place and period. It appears to be possible to bring items back from the past, but it isn't possible to change past events.[10]

Timelost Sanctum: A pocket dimension-like area found under the Sanctuary Bridge, the Timelost Sanctum is a construction of the powerful Olmic mage Garoth, which is immune to the passage of time and therefore ruin from the Temporal Anchors found within the Dungeon. Due to it being trapped thousands of years into the past, it is still in pristine condition. However, as the spell to keep it that way is undone, the Sanctum is brought closer to the present day and into ruination.

Ruined Olmic City

While this is most certainly not the town's true name, the Forgotten City is the main city of the Olmic civilization and most likely their capital. It is probably the best preserved of all Olmic ruins. It is near the entrance to the Silent Expanse, and only contains Quiet Observers and the giant Omnispective Wanderers. It was originally home to an observatory and a huge cathedral, which houses the Tol Rune Altar.

Eldritch Outlook

While this was certainly not the structure's original name, it is known by this name to the small number of people who have managed to reach the place. It is probably the tallest structure in the world[17], which is beneficial to the Darkness because this allows The Eye to see everything across the Wynn Province. The building's insides have been heavily warped due to the dark influence, but the outside has several depictions of things carved into the walls.

Ancient City

When the Olm fled Dern thanks to the power of the Crystals, they settled in the Dernel Jungle and built a great city there. However, due to the Crystals' overwhelming power, the Olm slowly went insane and the Ancient City degraded into ruins (although its original inhabitants are still alive today, albeit insane and/or corrupted) until it was discovered again by WynnExcavation while they were searching for the Leaf Crystal.

Signs in the Ancient City

Images of signs in the secret rooms in Ancient City.

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Transcribed signs.
Each place is separated by a blank line, each sign is on its own line.
  • We've made it... We managed to escape from the Realm of Dern
  • We've settled in this jungle... Bit its clear that we don't belong
  • here. That twisted world has our minds beyond past recognition...

  • The power of the stars.. The magic we used to keep it away from us... It was not wise to tamper with it.
  • Its influence has driven many of us to insanity...


  • 156x "I am not crazy"
  • I might be crazy

  • I want to diiieee--

  • Its will demands that we return... we mustn't obey...

  • What the hell? Everyone has been obsessing over it for
  • no good reason. They keep saying that it's still watching us?!
  • That's impossible! We fled from Dern so long ago! Is this because
  • of... the Crystals?

  • From its realm, of darkness. it watches us all. Its gaze is far
  • more than a mere symbol...

  • The shadows are unknownable. We may never understand that
  • which watches us from Dern's lightless depths...

  • CURSE THEM! Trying to hide the power from me...? FROM **?!?!?!

  • We can't lose hope again. We can't let it catch us again.
  • Our survival depends on it. If we lose hope it will end us
  • all.. We can't be found again.. we can't...

  • I CANT S** MY EYES THEY **** ****

  • I don't want to go back there. I don't care if I die down here, I won't go back..

  • W-why can't I control myself? Why can't I stop thinking about It??

  • There has to be some amount of hope for us... ...right...?

  • The power of the stars.. I need... more.. more. more, more, MORE!

  • Even from here we cannot escape it. Even from the realm of its gaze follow us..

  • No... We've all gone mad... The shadows were never following us. It was all just... Lunacy

  • We can't handle them anymore. The Crystals are too volatile.
  • We should put them... back where we found them... Far away from
  • here... Their magic turned has turned us all into raving lunatics...

