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Disambig.svg This article is about the current iteration of this character. For the last iteration of this character, see Garoth (2.0.2).
I am Garoth, master of the temporal arts, the greatest mage to have ever lived! And, if you do not cease your disruption, you will learn firsthand why I have earned these titles.
~ Garoth

Garoth, the "Keeper of the Sanctum," is a level 40 Olmic Mage who resides in the Timelost Sanctum, serving as the final boss for the dungeon.


Garoth's fight is in a large, open arena that only has him inside it. He has 8000 HP and a weakness to Fire, with a damage in Air, and defenses to Air and Earth. He has a Ranged AI and has the Teleport, Vanish, Pull, Meteor, Explode, and Heavy Teleport spells. Garoth has 5 different spell chains:

  • Meteor > Meteor > Meteor
  • Teleport > Explode
  • Teleport > Vanish
  • Pull > Heavy Teleport
  • Explode > Explode > Teleport > Explode > Teleport > Explode > Explode

Garoth's second phase will make him do his unique spell: The Sanctum's Collapse. Garoth will be invulnerable during this phase and will rise high in the air. Several areas of the arena will turn black before quickly collapsing, and the center of the arena will have a damaging aura in it. Falling into the area below the arena will deal 33% of your current HP as damage to you, while staying inside the center of the arena will deal 2% of your max HP as damage to you. After roughly 15 seconds have passed, Garoth will restore the arena as his third phase begins.

Garoth's third phase only has 2250 HP alongside with all of his other spell chains and elemental stats. However, his AI is now Rapid Ranged, firing in quick bursts, and now casts spells much more frequently.

Table Data

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Garoth,KeeperoftheSanctum(Phase1).png Garoth, Keeper of the Sanctum
(Phase 1)
40 8,000 Ranged Explode
Heavy Teleport
✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
- Timelost Sanctum:
Inner Sanctum
Garoth,KeeperoftheSanctum(Phase2).png Garoth, Keeper of the Sanctum
(Phase 2)
40 - - The Sanctum's Collapse ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
- Timelost Sanctum:
Inner Sanctum
Garoth,KeeperoftheSanctum(Phase3).png Garoth, Keeper of the Sanctum
(Phase 3)
40 2,250 Rapid Ranged Explode
Heavy Teleport
✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
Garoth’s Writings
Timelost Sanctum Fragments
25 Falling
Timelost Sanctum:
Inner Sanctum


Garoth's personality is rife with arrogance and stubbornness. His haughty nature is shown through dialogue in the Timelost Sanctum, through such instances as when he realizes the player is not understanding him he later says they have an unrefined language, calling himself the greatest mage to have ever lived, further shown when he expresses disbelief that the player could best him.

His stubbornness is shown when he refuses to evacuate Time Valley in the event of a cosmic event inbound to the area, as he instead constructs a sanctum that is immune to the effects of time passing, trapping it eons past through using Temporal Anchors.


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Most of the lore from here comes from Deusphage's message on the Wynncraft Discord[1].

Long ago, when the cosmic event that threatened the Olm happened in Time Valley, nearly all the Olm residing there chose to flee the area. However, Garoth chose to stay out of stubbornness. In order to remain safe from the cosmic event, as well as potentially even with the intention of giving him pseudo-immortality, he created his own pocket dimension that would become the Timelost Sanctum. To do this, he expended a large amount of his power into holding Temporal Anchors in various parts of the Sanctum, keeping it permanently stuck in the past to never experience the passage of time.

To this day, Garoth is the last living Olm in Time Valley, perfectly safe from age, entropy, and the ruination from the cosmic event, although from this point onwards, Garoth would remain alone in a place without meaning.


  • Garoth is one of the last surviving Olm that still has his sanity.
  • Garoth was initially a very different character, who was instead a Human who resided in Elkurn that researched Corruption. Eventually, he himself would become corrupted, mutating into a lizard-like creature who would cause several species to go extinct just for fun in the Lost Sanctuary.
  • Garoth had several different titles before it was the Keeper of the Sanctum. Before Version 2.0.3, Garoth's title was the Bane of Gaia. As seen on the Hero Beta of 2.0.3, Garoth's other titles during development were Master of the Sanctum and the Time Stopper.
  • Garoth's level during the 2.0.3 Hero Beta was level 70 instead of level 40.

