Boundless Set

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Boundless Set

Item Types Armour & Weapons
Min. Level 105
Obtained Raid Rewards
Components Nonexistence (Level 105)
Aleph Null (Level 105)
Divergence (Level 105)
Infinitesimal (Level 105)
Recursion (Level 105)
Fractal (Level 105)
Continuum (Level 105)

The Boundless Set is an endgame item set consisting of two armours and one weapon for each classes. It is obtained through Nameless Anomaly raid rewards.


The Boundless Set is composed of the following pieces:

Icon Item Lv. Min Requirements Health Elemental Defense Slots Identifications

Nonexistence 105
  • Dexterity Minimum: 60
  • Intelligence Minimum: 30
+4000 +200 Water
+200 Thunder
  • +69/3s to +300/3s Life Steal
  • +3/3s to +12/3s Mana Steal
  • -35% to -65% Soul Point Regen
  • +6% to +26% Walk Speed
  • -14% to -26% Spell Damage
  • -14% to -26% Main Attack Damage

Aleph Null 105
  • Dexterity Minimum: 30
  • Intelligence Minimum: 60
+2000 -150 Earth
-150 Fire
-150 Air
  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Dexterity
  • +5 Agility
  • +8% to +33% Health Regen
  • +60 to +260 Spell Damage
  • +75 to +325 Main Attack Damage
  • +6% to +26% Elemental Damage


Set Bonuses

When multiple pieces of the Boundless Set are worn at the same time, the following set bonuses are applied:

Identification 1-Piece Bonus 2-Piece Bonus 3-Piece Bonus
Mana Steal - 15/3s -
Life Steal - 250/3s -
Walk Speed - 25% 35%
Stealing - 10% -
Raw Health Regen - - 150
Health Regen - - 50%
Sprint Regen - - 50%
Mana Regen - - +25/5s


  • Although Boundless Set is composed of 7 items, it is impossible to get set bonus beyond 3/7 since 5 of them are weapons.