Molten Larva

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Molten Larva
Type Hostile Mob
Level 83
Health 5,500
AI Type Crawl
Elemental Properties
Weakness Water
Damage Fire
Defense Fire

Molten Larvae are level 83 Hostile Mobs that can be encountered during the Molten Heights Hike Lootrun.


Molten Larvae are small melee enemies that follow the player and deal damage by coming into contact with them; while they attack, they will periodically stop moving for a few seconds before returning to chasing their target. Like other lootrunning mobs, they will gain more health and attack damage with each successive challenge.

Molten Larvae deal Fire damage with their attacks and take reduced Fire damage, but take increased damage from Water attacks.


Molten Larvae cannot drop anything.


Molten Larvae are found at the Overflowing Magma, a destroy objective near New Taloka east of Rodoroc that can be encountered during Molten Heights Hike Lootruns. They will spawn continuously until the challenge objective is destroyed alongside stronger Molten Tadpoles and Molten Salamanders.

Overflowing Magma
1465, 21, -5108
Wynncraft Map

Table Data

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MoltenLarva.png Molten Larva 83 5,500 Crawl - ✽ Weak
✹ Dam
✹ Def
- Molten Heights Hike:
Overflowing Magma
