World Encounters

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World Encounters are one time encounters on certain locations. They can be triggered by walking somewhere or talking to NPC.

They can be triggered only once per class.

List of Encounters

Detlas Rat

403, 82, -1573
Wynncraft Map

A rat will appear in front of the cheese. Then it eats the cheese, turns to you and then runs to the Event Airship Pilot, to his airship and then falling down, dying.

If Talking Mushroom is in the player's inventory:

  • Talking Mushroom: WAIT- IT'S RUNNING AWAY! FOLLOW IT!

Ternaves Mine

886, -1568
Wynncraft Map
  • Triggered by approaching the miner.
  • Features a loot chest inside a cave



  • ???: An emerald mine under Ternaves was found, it'll bring riches and wealth was what they said.
  • ???: They would come and mine here all year 'round, but then a single pebble fell and the crew was dead.
  • ???: Huh? Who are you? Where am I? What is this pla- Oh no...
  • ???: They're all dead, aren't they? The mine, the cave-in... And its all because of those dammed villagers.
  • ???: I wonder... how long have I been down here? How long has it been since they-
  • ???: Wait... No, no, what have I-


Mage Island
871, -2837
Wynncraft Map
  • Triggered by going near the NPC.


  • Mage: Lo and behold! I shall now demonstrate my skills and raise this rock up to the skies!
  • Mage: Ha ha! I am the truly master of the craft. It must be great honor to be in my presence, hm?
  • Mage: Uhm, why won't it come back down? It's impossible! I did everything right.
  • Mage: ...
  • Mage: This is outrageous! I'm leaving. You don't deserve to be in my presence.

Old Druid

Tree Island
-391, -3818
Wynncraft Map
  • Triggered by approaching the druid.


  • Old Druid: Oh, hey man! It's a beautiful day, eh?
  • Old Druid: Can you believe this, man? That such place like this can exist?
  • Old Druid: There're like animals and birds, and goats, and animals and... He he, did you you ever notice this big tree here?
  • Old Druid: Life's crazy, man. Know what else is crazy? I've been on this world for, like, hundreds of years. The things I've seen, it's amazin' how much you can achieve with this much time on your hands.
  • Old Druid: But none of us can live forever, man. The Nature, she's callin' back for me. Y'know, when I was startin' to feel old, I started to travel, see the things I didn't see yet, y'know?
  • Old Druid: But when I got here, man, I knew this was the place
  • Old Druid: It's been a fun chat, man, but i gotta go now. It's about time I returned... to the earth.
  • Old Druid: Hey! Life's great, man. Don't let the bad overshadow the good. You have fun now.

The Mysterious Manor

Mysterious Mansion
-861, -2450
Wynncraft Map
  • Triggered by approaching the gate.
  • ???: The pirates! They've returned! They'll tear this place apart within seconds.
  • ???: You there, traveler! You must stop them! Believe me, it won't be to your disadvantage.
  • Keep the pirates away from the gate [2 Minutes Left]

A battle with several pirates will then happen. Pirate Deckhands will target the gate while the others will fight the player.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
PirateSkirmisher.png Pirate Skirmisher 50 1,150 Melee - - - The Mysterious Manor
File:PirateDeckhand.png Pirate Deckhand 50 1,200 Melee - - - The Mysterious Manor
File:PirateBomber.png Pirate Bomber 50 850 Ranged - - - The Mysterious Manor

  • Old Man: That must've been the last of them. You cannot believe how thankful I am. Please, meet me in the courtyard.
  • Meet the owner of the manor in the courtyard.


  • Old Man: I appreciate your help here. The pirates attempt something like this all the time, but you surely have scared them off for good.
  • Old Man: It is understandable that you'd expect payment, but unfortunately I am not a man of many fortunes.
  • Old Man: All that I can offer is my humble farm. You may use it as you please. Once you're done, you may come back anytime.

  • Pirate Leader: Yar, we'll take this one 'stead!
  • You've been captured by the pirates. Try again!

Gylia Farmer

Lake Gylia
-250, -5146
Wynncraft Map
  • Gylia Farmer: Ah, isn't it a fine day? What makes it even better is knowing that the damned gerts can't ever get to me!
  • Gylia Farmer: I mean, their camps are so far away, plus the Gylia Watch is making sure they don't do anything that they shouldn't.
  • Gylia Farmer: I used to live in Llevigar plains and it was dreadful. The greenskins kept on stealing all of my livestock.
  • The pigs in the pen gradually die.
  • Gylia Farmer: The worst of all? The army couldn't be bothered to issue even one guard for my farm. I was even willing to pay!
  • Gylia Farmer: That was the last straw. I had to move my location. What's a great place for farming? Cinfras County!
  • Gylia Farmer: The Gerts here aren't even a threat! At least from where I stand. Can't talk about those right next to the camps, though.
  • A Gert approaches and places a fake pig in the pen.
  • Gylia Farmer: I mean, just look at how safe and peaceful my pigs are in their pen! Isn't it amazing how safe this place is?

A Cannibal Ambush

Dernel Jungle
-944, 68, -584
Wynncraft Map

Triggered by getting close.


  • Dernel Mage: Ahahahaha! You! Stay where you are! At last, a test subject. You are about to serve a great purpose here.
  • Dernel Mage: I've been working for years on this spells, for YEARS I tell you! With this much power, you will be vaporized in a second.
  • Dernel Mage: By submitting to this experiment, your contribution to the greater good will be immeasurable. Don't worry, you won't feel a thing.
  • Dernel Mage: Was that it? Years of preparation just for a loud noise? This is unbelievable!
  • Dernel Mage: But... Oh no. The noise must've attracted the cannibals. We must get out of here NOW!

3 Tribal Cannibals will then appear and eat the mage.

  • A Cannibal Ambush
    They'll eat you alive.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TribalCannibal(Level72).png Tribal Cannibal
(Lv. 72)
72 2,825 Melee - -
Rancid Flesh

Lost Talisman

Tribal Tome
Cannibal Walkways,
camp at -682, 122, -262,
ruin at -555, 47, -380

Olux Fisherman

Olux Swamp
-2226, 72, -5563
Wynncraft Map
  • Triggered by getting close to the FIsherman.


  • [1/5] Fisherman: Gah!
  • [2/5] Fisherman: You startled me! Visitors are rare here!
  • [3/5] Fisherman: Despite how hostile the swamp is, I found this little pond to be quite lovely!
  • [4/5] Fisherman: Living here is quite harsh, it's always nice to find a place with potential profits...
  • [5/5] Fisherman: So, don't go and steal all MY fish, alright?

The Unified Gnome

Light Forest
-1159, -4589
Wynncraft Map

Triggered by going into the Gnome Village. There will be several passive gnomes called "The Unified Gnome". After a while, they will all come to the center, and form a boss.

The Unified Gnome
How did they do that?

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:TheUnifiedGnome(Passive).png The Unified Gnome
70 - Passive - - - Gnome Village
File:TheUnifiedGnome.png The Unified Gnome 75 27,500 Melee Multihit
Heavy Charge
❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def

Gnomish Topper
Gnome Village

Canyon Hermit

Canyon of the Lost
671, -5317
Wynncraft Map
  • Triggered by entering the cave.


  • Canyon Hermit: Not a step closer! What do you think you are doing, just waltzing in someone else's property?
  • Canyon Hermit: Ugh... I'm sorry for that. Secluding yourself from the society has its effects. I'd love to have a chat with someone.
  • Canyon Hermit: Please, be my guest! Just don't get anywhere near my tent, you understand? That's where I keep my valuables.
  • Canyon Hermit: So, what's been happening on the outside world? Are the dwarves and doguns at peace yet? What about the corruption in Wynn?
  • Canyon Hermit: Hm? Do you smell that? It's as if something was bu- OH MY GOD, MY TENT!
  • Canyon Hermit: Quick, help me put it ou- OH NO NOT THIS!
  • Canyon Hermit:

Thesead Coal Mines

741, -5211
Wynncraft Map

Go up the scaffolding and go down the elevator. You will be brought to a large cave with an NPC named Jared in front of you. Talk to Jared to start the World Event.

  • Jared: Greetings soldier, can I help you?
  • Jared: We're having a bit of an emergency down here, so I'm a little preoccupied.
  • Jared: Actually! If you have time, we could really use your help. I can't promise any payment, but your help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Jared: So, what do you say?
    • [1] Yes
      • Jared: Great! Follow me over here, and I will explain our situation.
      • Jared: See those large boulders? The tunnels all caved in, and we need to clear them.
      • Jared: Our plan is to blow the debris and clear a path.
      • Jared: Go down the stairs behind us and find Jerry. He will tell you what to do.
    • [2] No
      • Jared: Understandable. Maybe another time.

Go to Jerry, who will be located in a room alongside Larry.


  • Jerry: Hi, are you here to help with the cave-ins? We need to plant explosives on three tunnels.
  • Jerry: Do you have experience blowing stuff up?
    • [1] Yes, I'm very experienced
    • [2] I dabble
    • [3] No, none
  • Jerry: Doesn't matter. Go pick up some TNT at the pile to my right and put it down at each of the three collapsed tunnels.

To the right of Jerry is a TNT pile. Right-click the TNT to get an
Explosive Charge. Go to each of the three tunnels with the charge and right-click them to place the TNT there. Return to Jerry once you have done so.

  • Jerry: Good. Now that all of the explosives are in place, you need to wire them to the detonator. Larry will explain it to you.

Go talk to Larry, who won't be too far away from Jerry.


  • Larry: Are you ready to hook up the explosives?
  • Larry: Go pick up some gunpowder from that barrel over there, and then we can get started.

North of Larry is a barrel of gunpowder. Right-click the barrel to get a
Pouch of Gunpowder and then talk to Larry again.

  • Larry: Alrighty, you got the gunpowder? Great! Now follow me, and I will show you what to do next.

Follow Larry to the collapsed tunnel on the West.

  • Larry: From each of the explosives, you're gonna need to draw a line of gunpowder to the detonator.
  • Larry: I will do the first one and then you can do the other two.
  • Larry: When you walk up to the explosive you will see a highlight on the ground. Right-click that with your Pouch of Gunpowder to place it.
  • Larry: Just like this.

Larry will then walk to the detonation switch from the explosives, laying a trail of gunpowder where he goes. To place a gunpowder, right-click the green highlight, and to remove it, right-click on the yellow highlight.. For the eastern tunnel, there will be a boulder blocking your path. Talk to Pete to clear the boulder.


First time talking to Pete:

  • Pete: You won't get very far. That big rock is blocking your path.
  • Pete: ...
  • Pete: Oh, you wanted me to help you with that? I don't even know you.
  • Pete: I will do it for 64 emeralds, though.
  • Pete: YOINK!
  • Pete: Pleasure doing business with ya!

Pete will take 64 Emeralds from you after the conversation.

Talked to Pete before clearing the rock:

  • Pete: Oh, look, it's you again... What do you need?
  • Pete: That big rock is blocking your path if you need to connect the gunpowder.
  • Pete: Here, let me get it for you.

Once you have connected all the trails of gunpowder to the switch, talk to Larry.

  • Larry: Alright, now that the explosives are hooked up we're ready to blast! Let the boss know we're ready to go.

Talk to Jared again.

  • Jared: All ready to blow up the boulders?
  • Jared: Alright- wait, before I forget. I haven't seen Pete around for a bit. Can you make sure he gets clear of the explosion?

Go talk to Pete again.

  • Pete: Oh, you guys are getting ready to set off the explosives?
  • Pete: We better get out of here so we don't get blown up!

Pete will walk to the rest of where the mining crew is. Talk to Jared again.

  • Jared: Great, we're ready! Here goes nothing!

Jared will set off the explosives, destroying the boulders blocking the caves. Talk to Jared again.

  • Jared: The explosions worked just as planned! We have successfully cleared the debris that was blocking the three tunnels.
  • Jared: We're grateful for your help, but like I said I can't afford to pay you for your work. The cave should be safe to explore though if you're interested.

The three caves will now be open. Each cave has its own challenge.

  • The Western Cave is a parkour course that leads to a Tier III Loot Chest.
  • The Southern Cave is a simple path to a Tier II Loot Chest.
  • The Eastern Cave cannot be entered unless you have a
    Torch on you. You can get a torch by right-clicking the pile of torches by Jerry. Go to the cave with a torch on you and the darkness will clear, revealing a Tier II Loot Chest.

Dogun Stroll

1054, -5045
Wynncraft Map
  • Triggered by selecting the second option.

The Dogun will appear after completing Dwarves and Doguns Part IV


  • Dogun: Hello human... How can I help you...?
    • [1] Just saying hello [EXIT]
      • Dogun: Hello to you as well... human.
    • [2] Where are you walking?
      • Dogun: I am just strolling today... human. Exploring this city... we can now inhabit...
      • Dogun: We have been... secluded for many generations... my friend. I must savor this... freedom.
      • Dogun: Many have died... to put my kind here... today.
    • [3] How is Rodoroc treating you?
      • Dogun: This city is... like none I have seen... in many years.
      • Dogun: I am reminded of the... strife... my people endured, when I walk these streets...
      • Dogun: Could it have been... avoided? Should I be happy...? Angry...?
      • Dogun: Strolls such as this... help me decide.

After you select the second option, a new option will replace it.

    • [2] Could I join you?
      • Dogun: Of course... human. Let us continue then...

The Dogun will stop at the Rodoroc Slums.

  • Dogun: It is awful... these slums...
  • Dogun: From how the dwarves... treated us, you would be led to believe... they treat their own better.
  • Dogun: Clearly not...

The Dogun will then stop by a set of stairs.

    • [2] Taking a break?
      • Dogun: Yes, my friend... I am getting... older. Though short, this was... nice.
      • Dogun: Thank you for... accompanying me, human... The war has made us all... wary of others...
      • Dogun: You have proven to me... further, that we can be at ease... at last.
      • Dogun: Would you accept... a small gift, of... gratitude?

You will then receive a Pride of the Heights. You can talk with the Dogun after the stroll.

  • Dogun: Hello my friend... how have you been?
    • [1] Just saying hello [EXIT]
      • Dogun: Hello to you as well... human.
    • [2] How are you?
      • Dogun: I am well... my friend.
      • Dogun: It came to my mind... I have never told you my... name. Nor ask for... yours.
      • Tirack: I am... Tirack, how about you?
      • Tirack: <playername>... It is nice to... be introduced. Be well, <playername>...
    • [3] How is Rodoroc treating you?
      • Dogun: This city is... like none I have seen... in many years.
      • Dogun: I am thankful... to see it, and thanks to those... like you, human.
      • Dogun: It is so... much easier to ignore... what is wrong in this world.
      • Dogun: It takes strength to... take action against it. I consider myself... privileged... to enjoy the results of such action...

After you get the Dogun's name, the Dogun will remain as Tirack.

Cheese Merchant

1109, 174, -4535
Wynncraft Map


  • Cheese Merchant: Oh! You! You want some cheese?
  • Cheese Merchant: I- I know you do! It's only, uh, [12 Emeralds]!

Give 12
Emeralds to the Cheese Merchant.

  • Cheese Merchant: Perfect! Let me get that for you!

The Cheese Merchant will then go to some crates and look around for cheese.

  • Cheese Merchant: Mh, it was supposed to be here..?

A rat carrying cheese in its mouth will then jump out.

  • Cheese Merchant: Gah!
  • Cheese Merchant: What.
  • Cheese Merchant: ...
  • Cheese Merchant: You know what? I give up. No one here likes cheese anyway.

The Cheese Merchant then runs away from their stand.

Curious Starer

Ruined Olmic City
486, 94, -306
Wynncraft Map

Triggered by walking into the ruin.

The Curious Starers will surround you while freezing the player before warping them to an area above the ruins with 2 Tier 1 [✫✫✫] Loot Chests and a Tier 2 [✫✫✫✫] Loot Chest. while some text flickers on the screen. By going to the other end of the area the player warped to, they can exit the area.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CuriousStarer.png Curious Starer
(World Encounter)
101 10,000
Cutscene - - - Ruined Olmic City:
Ruin at 486, 94, -306
