The Eye

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The Eye
Level 180
Health 3500000
AI Type Melee (Stationary)
Elemental Properties
Crowd Control Immunities
Blindness Immunity

The Eye
Level 180
Health 400000
AI Type Melee
Elemental Properties
Crowd Control Immunities
Knockback Resistance
Blindness Resistance

BEIDHTU-IMITHE-OMO-RADHARC..pngTranslated: Begone from my sight.

The Eye, "Overseer of Wynn," is a mysterious entity of Dernic origin with great symbolic importance throughout the Province of Wynn and beyond. Throughout the history of Wynncraft, the Eye's importance has been hinted at and foreshadowed, most prominently in the WynnExcavation series of Quests (as well as appearing in the Wynncraft logo itself); but like much of the information around Dern, it remained shrouded in obscurity. The Eye was finally revealed in-game for the first time in the 1.19 Reveal Trailer, in October 2019.

The Eye appears as the final boss at the pinnacle of the Eldritch Outlook. After crossing the Silent Expanse and reaching the dungeon at the end of the level 101 quest A Journey Further, players must defeat the Eye at least once to unlock the endgame content of the region around the Portal to Dern, including A Hunter's Calling and the final Secret Discovery in the Silent Expanse. With 3.5 million health and an unprecedented host of mechanics and abilities, the Eye is designed to be challenged with a large party, and is currently one of the most difficult bosses in the game.

In 1.20, the Eye is shown in the discovery Ne du Valeos du Ellach, with the Dern Beast saying the Eye will see everything soon. More clues were revealed about the Eye with a slightly redone WynnExcavation Site D quest, showing how another species called the Olm went insane from paranoia of the Eye watching them.

In 2.0, the Eye appears again, this time in the redone Fantastic Voyage. While in the Gateway Passage, an illusion of the Eye appears, appearing as its fourth phase in battle. Later, at the end of Fantastic Voyage, the Eye appears after the player and Relend enter a pitch-black area. The Eye will then speak to the player, before sending Relend out of the area, to an unknown place, presumably somewhere in Dern.

The Battle

The Eye is an enormous, stationary eye at the front of the arena that occasionally blinks. The Eye’s hitbox is located just in front of it, where its nametag also appears. The fight is scaled depending on the number of players in the arena at any given time. This means that the Eye will use its abilities more often the more players there are. Therefore, although it is recommended to challenge it with a party, a very large group of players may make the fight significantly more difficult.

An overview of the boss arena (click to enlarge)

The Eye has a total of four phases of combat, with two additional minigame-like "intermediate" phases.

Phase 1

The Eye begins with a total of 3,500,000 health. It has defense against
Water and
Air damage, and deals
Earth and
Thunder damage with its attacks, so equip yourself accordingly if necessary. Unlike most mobs, the Eye attacks solely with a large host of abilities, not normal melee or ranged attacks. These are always signalled by a ring of white particles appearing in its mouth before the ability is cast, as elsewhere in the game. They include Arrow Storm, Push, Meteor, and Wave, as well as their more powerful “heavy” variants.

Additionally, the Eye possesses several completely unique mechanics, becoming more intense with each phase. These abilities are not signified by the spellcasting particle ring, but often have their own signs to warn you that they are about to occur. Phase 1 introduces several of these mechanics, starting out relatively simple:

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Phase 1 mechanics.
  • Gazers: Periodically when taking damage, the Eye will summon a swarm of Retaliating Gazer mobs. They are launched outward from the Eye itself before falling to the ground around the middle of the arena. The Gazers have only 3000 health, but unless they are dealt with they can accumulate in the arena and quickly become very dangerous, especially with large parties.
  • Eldritch Explosion: Explosions that occasionally occur mostly around the edges of the arena, signalled by a ring of purple particles beforehand and dealing damage in a short radius.
  • Arteries: When the Eye reaches around 3 million health, it will summon two tendrils next to it on either side of the arena, each ending with a Cascading Artery mob. The Arteries have 100,000 health each and use ranged attacks, dealing
    Fire damage. They do not use any other abilities, and are only summoned once.

When a total of 700,000 damage has been dealt to the Eye, reducing it to 2,800,000 health, the first phase ends.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TheEye(Phase1).png The Eye
(Phase 1)
180 3500000 (Visually)
700000 (Functionally)
Melee (Stationary) Blindness Immune
Heavy Push
Arrow Storm
Heavy Arrow Storm
Huge Wave
Eldritch Explosion


- Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 1)
RetaliatingGazer(Appearance1).png Retaliating Gazer 109 3000 Melee -

- Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 1)
CascadingArtery(RapidRanged).png Cascading Artery
(Rapid Ranged)
110 100000 Rapid Ranged -
- Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 1)
CascadingArtery(BurstRanged).png Cascading Artery
(Burst Ranged)
110 100000 Burst Ranged -
- Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 1)
TheWretches(Phase1).png The Wretches 115 - Ranged - - - Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 1)

Minigame Phase 1

A falling eyeball

Between phases 1 and 2, the arena changes, and you will enter the first of two transitional "minigame" phases. During this phase, any remaining Gazers disappear and the Eye closes completely, ceasing attacking as well as becoming unattackable itself. Several eyes will begin falling from the sky, impacting the arena at random points and dealing damage to any players they hit. However, they are not too difficult to avoid, and if you are careful this phase can be used as an opportunity to regroup and recuperate. After around 30 seconds, the arena will change again and you will enter the second phase of combat.

Phase 2

The Eye’s second phase is largely similar to the first, although it introduces some new mechanics. It continues to use the Arrow Storm, Push, Wave, and Meteor abilities, in addition to the Explosions mechanic around the edges of the arena. The Retaliating Gazers are present the same as they are in phase 1, and the Wretches are also still present at the back of the arena. There are two new mechanics in phase 2:

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Phase 2 mechanics.
  • Eldritch Holes: Holes in the arena floor that randomly open, signalled a few seconds beforehand by a ring of particles where the hole is about to open. Falling in will teleport you directly in front of the Eye, which can be useful as long as there is no immediate threat, like the Laser. They disappear again a few seconds later.
  • Eldritch Laser: One of the Eye’s more dangerous abilities. Signalled by a line of green particles extending forward from the Eye, a few seconds before it shoots a large laser beam of magma cubes that deal massive damage to anyone standing along the line. Though it can be avoided, this makes approaching the Eye difficult, and can be especially deadly if you fall into a Void Hole right before the attack.

The Eye's second phase has an effective total of 900,000 health, slightly more than the first phase; it ends when the Eye has been reduced to 1,900,000 health.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TheEye(Phase2).png The Eye
(Phase 2)
180 2800000 (Visually)
900000 (Functionally)
Melee (Stationary) Blindness Immune
Heavy Push
Arrow Storm
Heavy Arrow Storm
Huge Wave
Eldritch Explosion
Eldritch Hole
Eldritch Laser


- Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 3)
RetaliatingGazer(Appearance2).png Retaliating Gazer 109 3000 Melee -

- Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 3)
TheWretches(Phase3).png The Wretches 115 - Ranged - - - Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 3)

Minigame Phase 2

After finishing phase 2 you will enter the second and final minigame phase. Like the "falling eyes" segment, the Eye will close and become invulnerable; this time, five new eyes will open up where the Wretches are normally located. These eyes can all use the Laser attack introduced in phase 2, and like before each laser is signalled by a beam of green particles. The five eyes use their lasers in patterns, covering large parts of the arena at a time or sweeping across it in succession. You are given lots of warning before each attack, so as long as you make sure to avoid each wave of lasers this should not be challenging. After surviving the lasers for around 45 seconds, you will begin the third phase of combat.

Phase 3

In phase 3, the arena has been completely overtaken by red growth. This is by far the longest and most difficult phase of the fight; the Eye retains all of the abilities and mechanics it has used in the previous two phases (except the Cascading Arteries), which you must continue to be attentive to, particularly the Laser attack. This penultimate stage also introduces new mechanics that often prove extremely deadly, especially to inexperienced players or smaller groups. These are:

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Phase 3 mechanics.
  • Consume: This attack is performed three times, when the Eye reaches 1,150,000, 850,000, and 550,000 health. Its body will change to resemble a large mouth, before moving forward towards the center of the arena. Any players in its path will be eaten and trapped inside the Eye for a short time; any damage dealt to the Eye during this time will also be dealt to any trapped players.
  • Deathknell: The Eye’s single deadliest ability. Around every 30 seconds during this phase, a Deathknell Wretch mob will spawn at the back of the arena, accompanied by a message reading "The Wretches are advancing from the back of the room! Kill it!"
    • The Deathknell Wretch possesses 50,000 health but does not attack, instead moving in a straight line across the arena towards the Eye, taking 10 seconds to reach it. If the Wretch is not killed before the countdown ends, a large explosion will begin behind the Eye, accompanied by a message in Wynnic in chat, and 5 seconds later all players in the arena will unavoidably be damaged for 90% of their health. While this attack cannot technically kill you, it can be catastrophic if you can’t quickly recover with Potions or healing spells, and killing the Wretch should be prioritized above all else.
  • Additionally, the Gazers’ summoning mechanic changes in this phase. They spawn periodically at the back of the arena, near the Wretches, and may also be summoned in reaction to the Deathknell Wretch being damaged.

The third phase has an effective total of 1.5 million health, almost as much as the previous two phases combined. When the Eye is finally reduced to 400,000 health, you will enter the fourth and final phase of the battle.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TheEye(Phase3).png The Eye
(Phase 3)
180 1900000 (Visually)
1500000 (Functionally)
Melee (Stationary) Blindness Immune
Heavy Push
Arrow Storm
Heavy Arrow Storm
Huge Wave
Eldritch Explosion
Eldritch Hole
Eldritch Laser


- Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 5)
RetaliatingGazer(Appearance3).png Retaliating Gazer 109 3000 Melee -

- Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phases 5)
DeathknellWretch.png Deathknell Wretch 150 50000 Scripted - - - Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 5)
TheWretches(Phase5).png The Wretches 115 - Ranged - - - Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 5)

Phase 4

The Eye's final form
In its final phase, the iris ejects itself from The Eye's sclera, becoming a free-roaming mob more closely resembling a traditional boss fight. In this form the Eye loses its elemental defenses and attacks with melee, moving at a moderately fast speed. Most of the Eye’s previous mechanics are no longer present in this phase (including the Wretches and the Laser attack). Retaliating Gazers will continue to spawn, however.

Although its unique mechanics are no longer used, the Eye’s normal mob abilities continue to pose a significant threat, and should not be underestimated. These abilities include Meteor and Heavy Arrow Storm, high-damaging spells that should be avoided; as well as Push and Pull spells, and the more difficult to avoid Heavy Wave. The Eye’s new abilities include Slowness and both the normal and heavy variants of Teleport, making it both extremely mobile and capable of inflicting debuffs that can be deadly combined with the Gazers and the Eye itself. Nevertheless, this phase is relatively straightforward.

After depleting the Eye’s final 400,000 health, it will finally be defeated, and you will be teleported to the entrance of the dungeon with your rewards, including The Eye's Pupil, 3 Eldritch Outlook Fragments, and 70 Emeralds. For more information on further rewards, see Eldritch Outlook Dungeon Merchant.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TheEye(Phase4).png The Eye
(Phase 4)
180 400000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Heavy Push
Heavy Pull
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Wave
Arrow Storm
Heavy Arrow Storm

- Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 6)
RetaliatingGazer(Appearance4).png Retaliating Gazer 109 3000 Melee -

- Eldritch Outlook
The Eye (Phase 6)

Tips and Tricks

  • Neither the Eye nor its minions possess any health regeneration. Despite the length of the fight, you can be patient and take time to back off from the Eye and recuperate without losing any progress to regen (just be careful of the minions and other abilities).
  • In its first three phases, the Eye technically uses the Charge attack type, meaning it only adjusts its targeting every 1-2 seconds. If you remain mobile, you can sometimes completely avoid its attacks like Arrow Storm and Meteor, although its targeting is not visible and therefore difficult to predict consistently.
  • The two Cascading Arteries summoned in phase 1 use different attack styles. The left Artery uses Rapid Ranged (shooting several projectiles very quickly, with long pauses between attacks) while the right uses Burst Ranged (a large cloud of inaccurate projectiles launched all at once). The rightmost is especially dangerous the closer you are to it, as you’ll be at risk of being hit by several of its projectiles at once and the damage can stack up rapidly.
  • In the first minigame phase, there are several safe-spots in the arena that cannot be hit by the falling eyes.
  • Going fully offensive on the Eye, regardless of build, can lead to being rapidly shredded down to 0 HP by spell combos, Gazers or lack of caution about its advanced mechanics.


...The eye you always see in the Wynncraft logo has a reason to be there. I specifically asked Ari to add it to the logo. Eventually you guys will learn more about it.
~ Salted in a statement on the Wynncraft forums, 2015.
The Eye has been present in every Wynncraft logo, in some form or another, since the server's inception. Often appearing within a pyramid or with other imagery associated with the occult in the real world, it has long been implied to be an omniscient being and the subject of a cult-like following. It was first directly referenced in-game with the release of the 1.13.1 Update and the finale of the WynnExcavation questline.

During the lead-up to the release of the 1.19 Update, the logo was quietly changed to show a grotesquely detailed depiction of the Eye, rather than the more symbolic rendering usually seen. Additionally, the Wynnic text on the logo was changed to read "IT IS COMING". This detailed depiction also appears in the final logo for the update, with several other eyes. Following the update's release, in addition to the climactic battle atop the Eldritch Outlook, a significant amount of lore about both the Eye and Dern itself was revealed through the new Quests and Secret Discoveries in the Silent Expanse.



  • The Eye is one of the only 3 mobs in the game with a dark red nametag, the other two being The Parasite in Orphion's Nexus of Light, and the Heart of Lava encountered in Lava Springs.
  • The Eye’s boss theme, "Genesis of the End", composed by Corpe_, has a fully-orchestrated version found here.
    • Phase 2 of Genesis of The End features the leitmotifs from The Hidden Horrors, A Twisted Fate, and A Spineless Screech, which were actually composed before Phase 2 was made.
    • Originally Phase 4 theme's melody used a distorted version of Emerald Trail's music.
  • Throughout the Silent Expanse, there are several events in which the Eye appears to speak directly to the player, though transliterated into Ancient Wynnic and also, typically, translated into Irish.
    • The message that appears when the Deathknell Wretch reaches the Eye, "Beidh tú imithe ó mo radharc", roughly translates to "Begone from my sight."
    • When killing an Eldritch Outlook Key Guardian, a message appears reading "Beidh mé ag súil leat", roughly translating to "I will expect you."
    • In Fantastic Voyage, the Eye says "Iarracht eile m'uaireadóir a imghabháil.", which roughly translates to "Another attempt to evade my sight.", and "Imithe as mo radharc, idirghabhálaí.", which translates to "Begone from my sight, mediator."
  • In the 1.20 Changelog, Salted stated that The Eye was actually a test mob for a mechanic in 1.20, Raids.
  • The Eye used to be level 110, but in 1.20 update its level was increased to 180.
  • The Wretches are growths from The Eye's optical nerve, which winds around to the back of the boss arena.

Table Data

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TheEye(Phase1).png The Eye
(Phase 1)
180 3,500,000 (Visually)
700,000 (Functionally)
Blindness Immune
Heavy Push
Arrow Storm
Heavy Arrow Storm
Huge Wave
Eldritch Explosion


- Eldritch Outlook:
Boss Room (Phase 1)
TheEye(Phase2).png The Eye
(Phase 2)
180 2,800,000 (Visually)
900,000 (Functionally)
Blindness Immune
Heavy Push
Arrow Storm
Heavy Arrow Storm
Huge Wave
Eldritch Explosion
Eldritch Hole
Eldritch Laser


- Eldritch Outlook:
Boss Room (Phase 2)
TheEye(Phase3).png The Eye
(Phase 3)
180 1,900,000 (Visually)
1,500,000 (Functionally)
Blindness Immune
Heavy Push
Arrow Storm
Heavy Arrow Storm
Huge Wave
Eldritch Explosion
Eldritch Hole
Eldritch Laser


- Eldritch Outlook:
Boss Room (Phase 3)
TheEye(Phase4).png The Eye
(Phase 4)
180 400,000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Heavy Push
Heavy Pull
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Wave
Arrow Storm
Heavy Arrow Storm

- Eldritch Outlook:
Boss Room (Phase 4)
