Toxic Wastes

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Toxic Wastes PathIcon.png
Discovery Lore
An area unlike any other, the green slime seems to move in symphony across the land. The unbearable smell and acidity makes it almost impossible to live in.
Coordinates X: 965, Z: -925
Access Points Lutho: 982, -754
Void Valley: 1080, -940
Suggested Level 101
Involved Quests A Journey Further
Type/Biomes End
Monsters Hostile Mobs (Silent Expanse)

Toxic Wastes is a large, toxic land behind Lutho, and the third region in the Silent Expanse that the player will encounter. It is accessible north of Lutho, and requires the quest A Journey Further. The next Silent Expanse region after Toxic Wastes is the Void Valley.

Like all other areas in the Silent Expanse, the region is full of large darkness spikes caused by the Dern Portal. The thing that is unique about the spikes here is the fact that instead of purple swirls going around the spikes, there are green ones. Nearly all of the area is covered in a bright green toxic sludge, with only small gray spots being visible from under it. Vegetation is very sparce, with the only visible one being unknown purple plants growing from dark spots around the Wastes.

This land shows us how the realm of Dern and the power of Darkness can manifest in a large variety of ways, as all of the sludge here is infact one singular being that has merged from both monster and land[1]. The powers of this creature include mutating other beings, as can be seen from the Mutated Lutho citizens, but they are otherwise very unknown.

Tumors have also scattered across the region, known as Larbonic Geodes, which can sometimes host creatures that have festered in the toxic nature of the wastes themselves. Some creatures have even mutated so much it is hard to say if they are even still a part of their original species.

Points of interest


  • Haze Cave - Bile will run from your mouth like a waterfall, and your lungs crystallize. Do not breathe in here.
  • Loot Symposium - Everything is false and nothing is real. Find the place and see for yourself.
  • The Place Coalesced - Wanderers out of Lutho are taken and changed here, where sickness and toxicity are coalesced.
Haze Cave
948, -1049
Wynncraft Map
Loot Symposium
775, -950
Wynncraft Map
The Place Coalesced
879, -803
Wynncraft Map


  • Toxic Pit can be found at the north side of the Toxic Wastes, in front of a castle-like stone building. The pit is filled with slime blocks, and there are multiple jump pads around it to make exploring it easier.
  • Toxic Volcano is located at the very top of the Wastes in the west. It is a large, black, smoking pit full of green sludge.


This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/Toxic Wastes § Surface Mobs. (edit)

Surface mobs are mobs that spawn generally throughout a large part of the region, and do not have specific locations where they can be found.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ExplosiveBeast.png Explosive Beast 102 27500 Melee AI -




Explosive Heart
Toxic Pit at 1013, 71, -1025
PoisonTendril.png Poison Tendril 104 7200 Melee Teleport
Heavy Multihit



Sludge Parasite

Viral Tentacle

Doom Stone
Toxic Wastes
Toxicyst.png Toxicyst 100 150 None Self Destruct

3-5 Toxitacks Toxic Wastes
Toxitack.png Toxitack 104 8,500 Melee Heavy Weakness




Sludge Parasite

Doom Stone
From Toxicysts,
from Toxified Reshapeds
AberratedLuthoCitizen.png Aberrated Lutho Citizen 104 12000 Neutral Melee -

Toxic Lumps

Sludge Parasite

Doom Stone
Toxic Wastes
MutatedLuthoCitizen.png Mutated Lutho Citizen 105 11150 Charge -


Toxic Lumps

Sludge Parasite

Doom Stone
Toxic Wastes
ToxxulousRipper(Phase1).png Toxxulous Ripper
(Phase 1)
105 16800 Melee Charge
Heavy Multihit



1 Toxxulous Ripper (Phase 2) Toxic Wastes
ToxxulousRipper(Phase2).png Toxxulous Ripper
(Phase 2)
105 7000 Melee Charge




Sludge Parasite

Toxxulous Ripper's Legs

Doom Stone
From Toxxulous Rippers (Phase 1)
Pathogenesis.png Pathogenesis 106 12000 Retreat Charge



Sludge Parasite

Vile Stone

Doom Stone
Toxic Wastes
Spewer.png Spewer 107 24000 Burst Ranged Flamethrower



Sludge Parasite

Acidic Remains

Doom Stone
Toxic Wastes
GreenFoot.png Green Foot 108 57300 Melee Explode -
Sludge Parasite

Green Foot

Doom Stone
Toxic Wastes
LarbonicCanker(Phase1).png Larbonic Canker
(Phase 1)
108 20000 Rapid Ranged Charge
Heavy Arrow Storm



1 Larbonic Canker (Phase 2) Toxic Wastes
LarbonicCanker(Phase2).png Larbonic Canker
(Phase 2)
108 25000 Ranged Push



Sludge Parasite

Popped Pustule

Larbonic Sheddings

Doom Stone
From Larbonic Cankers (Phase 1)

This section is transcluded from Lists of mobs/Toxic Wastes § Cave Mobs. (edit)

Cave mobs are mobs that, in contrast to Surface Mobs, only spawn at specific locations, like caves.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ProtectiveKantyr.png Protective Kantyr 110 36000 Melee -

- Toxic Wastes
Outside Loot Symposium
PlaguedKantyri.png Plagued Kantyri 110 20000 Neutral Melee -

- Toxic Wastes
Outside Loot Symposium
NurturingKanter.png Nurturing Kanter 110 36000 Melee Push


- Toxic Wastes
Outside Loot Symposium
Toxamine.png Toxamine 104 13,000 Jumper -


- Loot Symposium
ConaediGuardian(Water).png Conaedi Guardian (Water) 106 25,200 Melee Teleport




Granitic Key
Loot Symposium
ConaediGuardian(Thunder).png Conaedi Guardian (Thunder) 106 28,400 Charge Web



Granitic Key
Loot Symposium
ToxicCloud.png Toxic Cloud 101 7,500 Melee -



- Haze Cave
ToxicCreeper.png Toxic Creeper 107 30,000 Melee Heavy Weakness



- Haze Cave
InvadingToxin.png Invading Toxin 103 15,000 Melee Knockback Immune

- The Place Coalesced,
from Toxified Rocks
ToxifiedRock.png Toxified Rock 104 147,000 None Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Self Destruct

3 Invading Toxins The Place Coalesced
ToxifiedSheep.png Toxified Sheep 104 7,250 Charge -

- The Place Coalesced
ToxifiedArthropod.png Toxified Reshaped 106 32,450 Ranged Heavy Weakness



1 Toxitack The Place Coalesced
ToxifiedGiant.png Toxified Giant 107 621,000 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Heavy Explode



- The Place Coalesced
ThatWhichCoalesces(Phase1).png That Which Coalesces
(Phase 1)
108 100,000 Ranged Blindness Resist
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Push


1 That Which Coalesces (Phase 2) The Place Coalesced
ThatWhichCoalesces(Phase2).png That Which Coalesces
(Phase 2)
108 22,000 Scared Charge
- 1 That Which Coalesces (Phase 3) From That Which Coalesces (Phase 1)
ThatWhichCoalesces(Phase3).png That Which Coalesces
(Phase 3)
108 100,000 Ranged Blindness Resist
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Push


1 That Which Coalesces (Phase 4) From That Which Coalesces (Phase 2)
ThatWhichCoalesces(Phase4).png That Which Coalesces
(Phase 4)
108 22,000 Scared
- 1 That Which Coalesces (Phase 5) From That Which Coalesces (Phase 3)
ThatWhichCoalesces(Phase5).png That Which Coalesces
(Phase 5)
108 60,000 Ranged Blindness Resist
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Push


- From That Which Coalesces (Phase 4)
CariousHatcher.png Carious Hatcher 100 10,700 Melee
Heavy Explode

- Toxic Wastes:
Collapsed Passage
VirulentBacteria.png Virulent Bacteria 102 10000 Melee -


- Ruined Olmic City,
Toxic Bounce
Molarcephale.png Molarcephale 103 18,600 Charge -



Decaying Arteries

Leg Eater Tooth

Cavitated Bone

Malignant Nuclei
Toxic Wastes:
From Larbonic Geodes
PulsatileMass.png Pulsatile Mass 104 68,000 Ranged Heal



Viral Tentacle
EyesYetOpen.png Eyes Yet Open

Malignant Nuclei
Toxic Wastes:
From Larbonic Geodes
FermentedCaptive.png Fermented Captive 106 39,250 Melee Multihit




Forgotten Pickaxe

Acidic Remains

Malignant Nuclei
Toxic Wastes:
From Larbonic Geodes
CausticCrystallite.png Caustic Crystallite 108 27,800 Melee -



Dark Iris

Lactic Acid Crystal

Acidulous Plating

Malignant Nuclei
Toxic Wastes:
From Larbonic Geodes
NucleatedObserver.png Nucleated Observer 109 71,500 Melee ?




Crystallized Organ

Ancient Currency
EyesYetOpen.png Eyes Yet Open

Malignant Nuclei
Toxic Wastes:
From Larbonic Geodes
FesteringTitan.png Festering Titan 110 190,000 Melee -



Dark Iris

Green Foot

Pluripotent Tissue

Acidulous Plating

Malignant Nuclei
Toxic Wastes:
From Larbonic Geodes
RefusalofDeath.png Refusal of Death 112 782,500 Melee Explode
Heavy Explode
Heavy Charge
Heavy Wave


Crystallized Organ

Viral Tentacle

Leg Eater Tooth

Pluripotent Tissue
GiantTeratoma.png Giant Teratoma
EyesYetOpen.png Eyes Yet Open

Cavitated Bone

Acidulous Plating
AcidicBlood.png Depurinated Genome

Malignant Nuclei
Toxic Wastes:
From the Larbonic Geode
at 849, 132, -1010


  • The Toxic Wastes is currently the only area where Dernic fish can be gathered
  1. Toxic Bounce secret discovery