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Type Friendly Mob
Level 16
Health 1000
AI Type Ally
Elemental Properties

Type Friendly Mob
Level 100
Health ?
AI Type Ally

Aledar, the Betrayed
Type Hostile Mob
Level 101
Health 350000
AI Type Unknown
Elemental Properties

Aledar, the Exterminator
(Phase 1)
Type Hostile Mob
Level 101
Health 250000
AI Type Unknown
Elemental Properties

Aledar, the Exterminator
(Phase 2)
Type Hostile Mob
Level 101
Health 250000
AI Type Unknown
Elemental Properties

It's a twist of fate that our paths have converged here, <playername>. We started our journey together and now...

Aledar is a major NPC who first appears in the King's Recruit quest, as one of the three Fruman humans travelling to Wynn Province, alongside Tasim and the player themself. Aledar's ambitious and restless attitude made him get to Detlas before Tasim and the player have. He serves a major role in the spider questline, assisting the player in taking back the corrupted stronghold of the Raging Tower, and will either assist the player in Mt. Wynn or help Captain Enduyn fight against spiders. He makes a brief appearance in Recover the Past in Tasim's memory. He reappears much later in A Journey Beyond and its sequel, A Journey Further, having become an accomplished adventurer much like the player. He joins Elphaba and Lucio in recruiting the player into a top secret mission to enter the Silent Expanse. He also plays a role in the endgame quest A Hunter's Calling, once again appearing with Tasim.


Fruman Life

Before Aledar, Tasim, and the player arrived to the Wynn province, Aledar was a criminal on the run in an unknown town. He later falls into Tasim's house severely injured. Tasim heals Aledar using an unknown form of magic, which made Aledar identify Tasim as cursed. Aledar and Tasim are later subdued by the Kai Shi and are taken to an imperial prison.

When in prison, Aledar scolds Tasim for rescuing him. While Tasim refutes this, Aledar points out how now they have both been arrested for crimes against the Fruman monarchy and how he has been rooted out as one of the cursed. Before Tasim is sent to the inquisition room, Aledar warns him of what happens to those who are caught by the guard. Tasim is later escorted to the inquisition room, and presumably after Aledar is sent there too, and is brainwashed into thinking he is a new recruit in the Wynnic army in the Corruption War, with Fruma being a lost part of his life, remembering it fondly though with no details in his mind, with Wynn being his new home and Fruma being glad to be rid of him. After the process has finished, Aledar's memory of Fruma is wiped clean.

King's Recruit

Aledar and Tasim accompany the player through the Ragni Outskirts after the caravan breaks down at the beginning of the game. Like all other Fruman emigrants, his history before this point is unknown, even to him. As the quest continues, however, he follows much the same path as the player, including assisting with fighting the undead; he appears to be an assassin (although in A Journey Beyond, his repertoire of spells seems to be far beyond that of a normal assassin, including teleportation spells).

He and Tasim meet the King of Ragni just before the player, and are last seen leaving the castle to enter Ragni for the first time. Unlike Tasim who stays behind for the player, Aledar heads straight for Detlas.

Spider Questline

Aledar is briefly seen at the end of Mushroom Man talking with Admiral Aegis. Tasim and the player later catch up with Aledar, and Tasim briefs them on the situation that happened in the Nivla Woods. Aledar and Tasim later have a quick discussion about what to do next, and Aledar decides to wait for the player to become strong enough to take back the Raging Tower.

In the Detlas Barracks, Aledar tells the player about the situation that has happened in the Detlas Suburbs. Aledar quickly introduces the player to the Powder Master before they head out to Lieutenant Van. Van briefs the player and his squad of the plan before they assault the tower. After Aledar and the player retake the tower, Van thanks them for their work. Aledar later heads back to Detlas.

After the player has become strong enough, Admiral Aegis tells the player, Aledar, and Tasim about the plan to assault the Infested Pit, sending the trio to Private Cob on the Black Road. As the trio meet Cob, he tells them the entrance to the pit is blocked by a very durable web, which could only be broken with lava. As the trio arrive to Captain Enduyn's location, he tries to burn down the web with the lava. However, the web appears to remain unharmed from the lava, and as such Enduyn deduces that only lava from Mt. Wynn can work to destroy the web. Enduyn decides to stay back and hold his position while Aledar tells the player to go into Mt. Wynn to get the lava. Aledar or Tasim can help the player get the lava in Mt. Wynn. After the lava has been obtained from the top of the volcano, they head back to Enduyn to burn down the web guarding the pit. Aledar and Tasim later help the player assault the pit.

In the Infested Pit, Aledar and Tasim can be seen at various areas. As the group is halfway through the dungeon, Yahya, a resident of the Nivla Woods who was kidnapped by spiders in Mushroom Man, is encountered and is freed from his prison. Aledar is left slightly confused by the encounter, although that doesn't deter him from continuing the assault on the pit. In the fight against Arakadicus, the Queen of the Spiders, Aledar and Tasim help by attacking the boss and her children. After the spider threat has been vanquished, Aledar, Tasim, and the player all celebrate by going to the Detlas barracks. Aledar seems to be excited to go to new places doing good for the people.

The Silent Expanse

This page contains spoilers. Readers are discouraged from continuing if they want to discover features by themselves.

Aledar's path crosses with the player's once again at the beginning of A Journey Beyond– where he's surprised to find that Elphaba has recruited them to join their secret mission. He works in tandem with the player throughout the quest, directing them during the fight with the Black Geist and accompanying them through the Roots of Corruption to track down and kill the Mangled Progeny.

After entering the Silent Expanse, Aledar is the last of the three adventurers to be lured away (or, specifically in his case, to be devoured by an enormous Dernic worm). He is also the only of the three to survive. With Elphaba and Lucio dead, Aledar takes the lead to complete the mission after being rescued from the worm, though his leg is broken. The final stage of A Journey Beyond involves escorting the injured Aledar in a cart through the Eyeball Forest, fending off monsters of darkness along the way. After this, the expedition finally reaches Lutho.

Between A Journey Beyond and A Journey Further, Aledar takes some time to recover at Lutho's obelisk, and is soon ready to complete the journey to the end of the expanse. As he and the player are attacked by various monsters while travelling through the Toxic Wastes and the Void Valley, his injuries only worsen; he's ultimately brough to the brink of death when attempting to bash through a wall of obsidian spikes. He remains adamant, however, that they must reach the end of their journey together, at any cost.

The player rejoins Aledar after navigating the expanse alone for a time, and they finally arrive at the sealed gateway to the Eldritch Outlook. It is here he reveals the true nature of the mission: a powerful soul must be sacrificed to open the way. Although Elphaba initially chose the player to be this sacrifice, Aledar decides that given the circumstances, it must be him instead.

After giving them his belongings (including the Key to the dungeon), Aledar dies at the player's hand using the sacrificial blade, and his soul opens the gate to the outlook.

A Hunter's Calling

Aledar – or at least, another version of him – makes a final appearance during A Hunter's Calling. The eighth and last scenario of the quest takes place in a possible alternate Detlas, in a timeline where Bak'al's horde is laying waste to the cities of Wynn. The player takes the role of a peon of Bak'al, as they do at several other points during the quest, and is instructed to eliminate the Detlas guards; however, two heroes unexpectedly rise to the threat. Aledar and Tasim, together called the Heroes of Wynn, serve as the final bosses of A Hunter's Calling.

The Fight

Phase 1: The Heroes of Wynn

In the battle's first phase, both Aledar and Tasim are fighting. Aledar utilises multiple spells, including multihit, vanish and teleport. Their minions include Detlas elite archers, Detlas elite warriors and Detlas elite mages. There are constantly bombs on the arena that explode after a while. Aledar is weak to fire, so you might want to use that to your advantage.

Phase 2: The Exterminator

If you kill Tasim first, Aledar becomes Aledar, the Exterminator. Both of you fall into a large corrupted pit at the beginning of the phase. During this phase, Aledar has no minions, but there are still bombs on the arena. Aledar deals a lot of damage in this phase, so avoiding his multihit is essential to win. When Aledar turns to his third phase, he gains a fiery aura around him, and he starts using a powerful arrow storm. In this phase he has no elemental weaknesses.