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Type Quest Boss
Species Human
Level 11
Health 740
AI Type Melee
Abilities Pull, Charge
Elemental Properties
Detlas Barracks Training Room

Type Dungeon Ally
Species Human
Level 16
Health ?
AI Type Ally
Abilities Heavy Charge
Elemental Properties
Infested Pit

Tasim, the Resigned
Type Quest Boss
Species Human
Level 101
Health 525000
AI Type Melee
Abilities Pull, Charge, Explode
Elemental Properties
Crowd Control Immunities
Knockback Immunity
Slowness Resist

Tasim, the Protector
Type Quest Boss
Species Human
Level 101
Health 400000
AI Type Melee
Abilities Charge, Meteor
Elemental Properties
Crowd Control Immunities
Knockback Immunity
Blindness Resist
Slowness Resist

Tasim, the Protector
Type Quest Boss
Species Human
Level 101
Health 800000
AI Type Melee
Abilities Charge, Meteor, Bombardment
Elemental Properties
Crowd Control Immunities
Knockback Immunity
Blindness Resist
Slowness Resist

...no sense screaming for the dead. But do you think I'm going to just give up like that?

Tasim is a major NPC who first appears in the King's Recruit quest, as one of the three Fruman humans travelling to Wynn Province, alongside Aledar and the player themself. Unlike Aledar, he is more calm and collected, which resulted in him adventuring with the player for longer. He serves a major role in the spider questline as the deuteragonist, helping a shifty Nivla Woods local named Ope and the erratic mushroom man Yahya, training with the player under Captain Ragon, and will either help the player through Mt. Wynn or Captain Enduyn with defending the entrance to the Infested Pit from spiders. He later reappears in Recover the Past, serving as the tritagonist in that quest. He also makes an appearance in the endgame quest A Hunter's Calling, appearing alongside Aledar as a Hero of Wynn.


Fruman Life

Before Tasim, Aledar, and the player arrived to Fruma, Tasim was a man who was living in an autumnal town. A strange man later falls into Tasim's house, who was earlier revealed to be Aledar, and Tasim heals him with magic. However, this act has caused Aledar to root out Tasim as one of the "cursed". The Kai Shi later catch up with Aledar and arrest Tasim under the premise of him being an accomplice.

Aledar scolds Tasim for rescuing him while they are both in prison. Tasim refutes this by saying that he couldn't just let him bleed to death in his home, and that it was the right thing to do. Aledar warns Tasim of how he is now known as one of the cursed, and what happens to all those who end up here. A guard later takes Tasim to a psychological torment room. While in the room, the inquisitor performing the torture asks Tasim to know that what they are doing to him is a kindness. The process then begins with the inquisitor telling Tasim that he is a new recruit in the Wynnic army, and that Fruma is nothing but a lost fragment of his history that he knows fondly but remembers nothing of it, telling him that he will live only for the war against the Corruption, and that Fruma will be glad to be rid of him. The inquisitor then asks Tasim if he understood, and he is hesitant at first, but through further questioning, he understands his given purpose. His memory of Fruma is wiped clean, and he goes to the province of Wynn with Aledar and the player, who both also forget everything they remembered of Fruma.

King's Recruit

Tasim and Aledar accompany the player through the Ragni Outskirts after the caravan breaks down at the beginning of the game. He appears to be a warrior, assisting in fighting the undead before arriving to Ragni.

He and Aledar meet the King of Ragni just before the player, and are last seen leaving the castle to enter Ragni for the first time. Unlike Aledar who runs straight ahead for Detlas, Tasim stays behind and tells the player about the Content Book, asking them to start the quest Enzan's Brother. He will then wait at the entrance to the Nivla Woods until the player is stronger.

Spider Questline

Infested Plants

When the player and Tasim meet up at the entrance to the Nivla Woods, intending to help them cross the Nivla Woods. However, a strange man appears, asking both of them to help him get a medicinal herb called Saccharum. After the player gets the herb, Ope leaves without giving both of them payment, much to Tasim's disappointment. However, due to their near proximity to Alekin Village and at Ope's advice, they both ask the mayor of the town about him, to which he apoligizes for the inconvenience he caused to them and offers to pay them both as an apology. After the quest is over, Tasim will stay in the village for a little longer.

Mushroom Man

While the player was getting stronger, Tasim has taken a liking to Alekin Village, but also realizes a resident feeling a bit off. After the player is strong enough, Tasim and the player ask the resident, Yahya, what is troubling him. Yahya at first acts like he isn't troubled whatsoever, but later confesses that his mushrooms aren't doing well due to the spider infestation plaguing the woods. After Yahya, Tasim, and the player arrive at the mushroom patch, the player will kill some of the spiders infesting the area, and Yahya is grateful towards the both of them, although he initially suggests paying both of them two emeralds. After Tasim expresses disappointment at the underpayment again, several spiders ambush Yahya, and take him away to the Infested Pit. Tasim is shocked by this, telling the player to inform the mayor as soon as possible. The mayor is worried about the news, and tells both of them to head towards Detlas to tell Admiral Aegis of his concerns. Tasim and the player head towards Detlas, and are surprised to see Aledar there with Aegis. Aledar is also surprised, while Aegis is welcoming towards the both of them arriving, but also asks Tasim why he has come. Tasim tells him of the spider threat in the Nivla Woods, and directs Tasim to train with Captain Ragon.

Elemental Exercise

After Captain Ragon guides the player down to the training room in the barracks, he gives a lesson about Elements to Tasim and the player. After they both experience how elements work, Ragon then suggests both of them have a duel with each other. After the brief duel, Scout Evelyn alerts Ragon to an incoming Corrupted force arriving from the Nemract Marsh. Ragon instructs both the player and Tasim to follow them and gain some experience. After Detlas is successfully defended, Aegis learns of the player's and Tasim's vital roles in keeping the city safe, and requests both of them to assist in the raiding of the Infested Pit.

Arachnids' Ascent

Aegis gathers the player, Tasim, and Aledar to vanquish the spider threat in the Nivla Woods once and for all. He first instructs them to speak to Private Cob near a Lava Spring on the Black Road. Cob gives the trio a bucket of lava from the spring, and directs them to Captain Enduyn near the Infested Pit. After the trio arrive, Enduyn uses the lava on the web covering the pit, but to no avail. He later then realizes that there is a myth about Mt. Wynn having magically powerful lava, and Aledar asks the player to get it. Aledar or Tasim will assist the player in getting the lava, and will later return to Enduyn, who burns down the pit with the lava from Mt. Wynn.

Infested Pit

In the Infested Pit, Aledar and Tasim can be seen at various areas. As the group is halfway through the dungeon, Yahya, a resident of the Nivla Woods who was kidnapped by spiders in Mushroom Man, is encountered and is freed from his prison. Aledar is left slightly confused by the encounter, although that doesn't deter him from continuing the assault on the pit. In the fight against Arakadicus, the Queen of the Spiders, Aledar and Tasim help by attacking the boss and her children. After the spider threat has been vanquished, Aledar, Tasim, and the player all celebrate by going to the Detlas barracks. Tasim receives a request to go help defend Elkurn from a corrupted siege from Admiral Aegis.

Supply and Delivery

If the player is on an Ironman class, then Ope asks them to request Tasim's help. Tasim gets the Village Supply Crate Ope needed for the player, and is confused about the whole experience.

Recover the Past

Tasim appears alongside Scout Reynauld to help defend the bridge from the corrupted. The player also unexpectedly arrives, and asks Reynauld to help Dr. Picard in the nearby Tower of Amnesia to test out his magical orb. Tasim also appears to be interested, and after the bridge is successfully defended, they both head to the tower. After Reynauld's past is viewed, Tasim becomes hesitant to view his past, due to it being untested magicks. After Dr. Picard asks Tasim to view his lost memory, he begrudgingly agrees, with the player also viewing the memory and eventually being sucked into it. After the player escapes Tasim's memory, they attempt to view their lost memory, but the orb violently reacts to their presence. Dr. Picard later asks the player to check on Tasim, as he notices that he is troubled with what he has learned. Tasim solemnly reflects on the fact that he had been called cursed by Aledar, and wonders what the true nature of the three of them meeting was. He later requests the player to not tell Aledar anything about what he learned, and plans on going to Gavel. He leaves the player with a temporary goodbye.

A Hunter's Calling

Another version of Tasim makes a final appearance during A Hunter's Calling. The eighth and last scenario of the quest takes place in a possible alternate Detlas, in a timeline where Bak'al's horde is laying waste to the cities of Wynn. The player takes the role of a peon of Bak'al, as they do at several other points during the quest, and is instructed to eliminate the Detlas guards; however, two heroes unexpectedly rise to the threat. Tasim and Aledar, together called the Heroes of Wynn, serve as the final bosses of A Hunter's Calling.


After Recover the Past:

  • Tasim: ...I'm just resting here, a little. I'll be on my way soon.


Elemental Exercise

Tasim's fight is relatively simple in this quest, having a weakness in
Air and having a damage and defense in
Earth. He also has a Melee AI, dealing contact damage to the player and walking towards them. He has a Pull and Charge spell. Pull will pull the player towards himself if they are in range, while Charge will make him lunge towards the player.

Table Data

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Tasim(Lv11).png Tasim 11 740 Melee Pull



- Detlas Barracks Training Room

A Hunter's Calling

Heroes of Wynn

The first phase of Tasim's fight is fought alongside Aledar and several Elite Detlas Guards, Archers, and Mages. Some Explosive Charge mobs will appear, self-destructing after a while. He has does damage and is resistant to
Fire and
Water, and is resistant to
Air. He has Pull, Charge, and Explode. Explode will cause an explosion to occur at his location, dealing damage to any opposing entities caught in it. He is immune to knockback, and is resistant to Slowness debuffs, making him only be affected by them for a short moment. If he is killed first, then it moves on to Aledar's fight, but if Aledar is killed first, then his second phase begins.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Tasim,theResigned.png Tasim, the Resigned 101 525000 Melee Knockback Immunity
Slowness Resist


- Detlas

The Protector

The second phase of Tasim's fight will occur if Aledar is killed first. Elite Detlas army members will still appear. Tasim will lose his Pull and Explode spells and instead have Meteor, tossing a projectile in front of the mob if the entity is in range. Tasim also gains a damage in
Earth and is also resistant to Blindness debuffs.

His third phase will make him gain a new spell, Bombardment. Tasim will say the following line:

  • Tasim: Airforce! Drop the bomb!

A ring of fire particles will appear somewhere on the ground after this, and will explode violently after around 5 seconds.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Tasim,theProtector.png Tasim, the Protector
(Phase 1)
101 400,000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Immunity
Slowness Resist


Tasim, the Protector (Phase 2) Detlas
Tasim,theProtector.png Tasim, the Protector
(Phase 2)
101 800,000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Immunity
Slowness Resist


- Detlas

Festival of the Blizzard

Tasim can be invited to Snow Storm Detlas if Recover the Past has been completed alongside with the requirement of Combat Lv. 70.

Inviting to Detlas

Tasim can be found in the Nemract Docks at 168, 36, -2253.

  • Tasim: Hey, <playername>, is that you? It's good to see you! It feels like it has been forever.
    • [1] There's a festival going on in Detlas.
      • Tasim: Oh, man, is it that time of year again? I'd completely forgotten.
      • Tasim: Well, this is perfect timing then! I've arrived just in time for the holidays!
      • Tasim: Let's get going! No reason to keep standing around here when there's a festival to get to.
    • [2] What are you doing here?
      • Tasim: Oh, you know. I've... gotten a little homesick, I guess.
      • Tasim: Not to say I haven't had a good time out in Gavel, because I have- but it's been a while since I've been back in Wynn.
    • [3] It really has.
      • Tasim: Yeah... Well, I'll be making my way to Detlas soon, so I'll be around a while.

After Tasim has been invited, he will disappear in a flash of light.

In Detlas

First Conversation

  • Tasim: Wow. Snowfall in Detlas, huh? That's a new one.
  • Tasim: Well, hey! I won't complain. It really completes the aesthetic.
  • Tasim: It's good to be back.

Following Conversations

  • Tasim: Hey, <playername>! How're you enjoying the festivities?
    • [1] Are you participating in the gift-giving?
      • Tasim: I am! I actually found something in my pack a while back that I'd think you'd actually like.
      • [+1 Worn Image]
      • Tasim: It's from right before our first mission with Aledar, way back when. I don't remember having it taken, but... well, since I have it, I must have thought to do it.
      • Tasim: It's been a while, but... those are still fond memories.
    • [2] What have you been up to off in Gavel?
      • Tasim: Gavel, huh? I've been all over.
      • Tasim: Most recently, I've been dealing with some ancient awakened golem in Cinfras County.
      • Tasim: It'd been stationary for hundreds of years, but suddenly it decided to wake up and started moving about!
      • Tasim: It wasn't... hostile, exactly, but it wasn't paying any mind to anything in its path. Which... was a problem, with all the people in the area!
      • Tasim: I ended up having to find a way to disable it again. Which was a little difficult, seeing as nobody knows how they work.
      • Tasim: ...I ended up just collapsing some large boulders on its head. It did the job, but... I'm a little disappointed I couldn't find a better way.
      • Tasim: Well, it happens. It wasn't exactly living, so... I'm not going to lose too much sleep over it.
    • [3] Have you heard from Aledar?
      • Tasim: Oh, sure. We've crossed paths a couple of times in our travels.
      • Tasim: There was this one time where we teamed up with another Wynn soldier- I think her name was Elphaba?
      • Tasim: Anyway, we all worked together to take care of a situation in the Light Forest. Some creature had slipped through the cracks between worlds, and was causing problems.
      • Tasim: So, the people of Bucie requested aid from Llevigar, and the three of us were in the area... So off we went.
      • Tasim: It was some sort of plant monster attacking anyone attempting to pass through the Light Forest. We tracked it down, and fought it.
      • Tasim: There were some close calls, but we killed it in the end. We went our separate ways from there- I had business in the Canyon, and the two of them were heading back to Wynn.
      • Tasim: It was fun, though. I haven't really heard from them since... well. I did get a letter from Aledar, recently. It was about some sort of mission.
      • Tasim: He wanted me to join him on it- it's why I was heading back here, actually. I haven't been able to find him, though. I hope he's doing well.
    • [4] ...About Aledar.[1]
      • You go to tell Tasim about what happened to Aledar... But the words refuse to come out.
      • It would be cruel to tell him about it now, you think. Maybe some other time, you'll find a way to tell him.
      • ...But not now.
    • [5] What are your plans for the future?
      • Tasim: You know... I'm not sure. I'll probably head on back to Gavel, at some point. There's more I feel like I need to do over there.
      • Tasim: I think the distance was good for me. I'm still... unsure about my place in the world. But, I've been able to do good thus far. If that doesn't mean anything, what does?
      • Tasim: I don't know. I think... despite everything, I think I'd still like to find out more, you know?
      • Tasim: Fruma's still a big question mark on our history. And I'd really like to figure it out.
      • Tasim: But, hey. It's not like I can do anything about that now. And, well, we're here at the festival. Might as well enjoy it while we're here.
    • [6] I'm having a good time.
      • Tasim: That's good to hear.



  1. This option is available after the prior option was selected and after A Journey Further is completed.