Purple and Blue

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Purple and Blue CBQuestIcon.png
Quest Info
Length Long
Difficulty Medium
Location Lake Gylia
Province Gavel
Combat Level 77
Starter NPC Korun
Reward As follows:
  • 775000 (Escaped or Took the Meteor Shard and lied) / 790000 (Saved Nikoler) / 810000 (Took the Meteor Shard and gave it to Korun) Experience Points
  • 2048 (Escape or Took the Meteor Shard and lied) / 2560 (Took the Meteor Shard and gave it to Korun) / 2816 (Saved Nikoler) Emeralds

Purple and Blue is a long level 77 quest, based around Lake Gylia.


Lake Gylia has always had a peculiar form of magic, and two rivals, Korun and Nikoler, are determined to find out the secrets of the cosmic magic of Lake Gylia.

Stage 1

» Talk to Korun near Lake Gylia at [-236, 34, -5224].


  • Korun: W-Woah there, short nose! What are you doing, barging into my home?!
  • Korun: Did Cinfras send you? Well, welcome to Lake Gylia! I could actually make use of some assistance.
  • Korun: The magic here in this place is so potent; you can actually see the mystical properties!
  • Korun: I've been a scientist for many years, but I have never seen anything like this lake.
  • Korun: That's why I set up a small laboratory and started living here to study the place. It's pretty rudimentary but it does the job done.
  • Korun: The deeper into the lake you dive, the stronger the magical power becomes. I think something strange is happening at the heart of the lake. I believe a lot of answers lie inside.
  • Korun: Alright, that's enough context! You see, there's another... "scientist" across the lake. We're kind of rivals? The guy's awful, I hate him, AND... Well...
  • Korun: He's been missing.
  • Korun: And while I somewhat hope he's gotten himself in trouble, he might've figured out something about the lake.
  • Korun: I suspect he's gone in to the heart of the lake... Come with me a moment, please.

Go down through the opened iron trapdoor.

  • Korun: Alright, this leads underwater where the heart is. How about you try and enter?

Enter the area behind Korun. You will take damage as you try to go forward.

  • Korun: ...just as I thought, you can't get in just like me. We'll need to gather more information.
  • Korun: Human, investigate Nikoler's house for me. It's north down the coast.

Stage 2

» Investigate Nikoler's house for clues at [-163, 29, -5388].

You must input a number using 4 different engraved stones scattered across the house. The list of Engraved Stones are as follows:

  • 1 and 5: -151, -5401 (Upper Level)
  • 2 and 7: -163, -5400 (Lower Level)
  • 3 and 9: -164, -5397 (Upper Level)
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to the solution and an optional thing to do.

The solution are any two stones that add up to 8, as that is the number of lit candles in the house.

Inside Nikoler's house, by -157, 5393 on the desk are some notes.

  • There's a note here. You start reading it...
  • IMPORTANT NOTES: The map to the talisman is in the basement!! That fool Korun will never see all this coming.
  • If everything goes right, it should grant access to the heart of the mountain... I can't wait!
  • I needn't forget to input the total number of lit candles inside the house in order to get to the basement... That's why I made that tube! I'm so good at handling security!! No need for that blasted overpriced Corkian equipment!
  • The stones should be in a few bags around here.
  • It looks like there are extra notes on the back. What should you do?
    • [1] Leave, you have enough information
    • [2] Read them
      • You read what's behind the note...
      • I actually don't know if I'm making it out of this, but I absolutely have to find out what's inside the lake.
      • One part of me wants to bring Korun along. As much as we hate each other, it'd surely increase our chance of survival.
      • And, who knows, maybe the heart of the mountain is actually perfectly safe?
      • Though, I mustn't forget that three of the greatest minds of our time got lost to cosmic powers...
      • No matter what, if you really want to join me, I left you enough clues.
      • See you later, Korun.
      • That's all there was.

Once you have access to the basement, go down and right-click the Map to get a
Gyila Treasure Map.

  • [+1 Gylia Treasure Map]
  • This map seems to lead to a particular location nearby...
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Rat(Lv1).png Rat 1 6 None - - - Nikoler's house

Stage 3

» Follow the hints in the cellar to the mysterious cave.


At the rock by -266, -5296, cast a spell to open the rock. An earthquake will happen, followed by purple lines coming off of the rock. Cast another spell once again to experience another earthquake and with purple and blue lines coming off of it, before exploding and revealing the entrance to a cave.

Stage 4

» Enter and explore the mysterious cave at [-286, 27, -5295]. In the cave, there will be a door that is closed shut. Go to the left of the cave to find one lever.

  • Some mechanisms can be heard... There's probably another lever to press.

Go to the right to find the other. Once you have activated both levers, you will get warped into a different room.

There will be a large chamber with a giant crystal shard in the center.

  • Upon touching the crystal, you notice a peculiar device...
  • It begins to change shape!

You will then get a
Crystal Capsule. You will then be put into a defense segment, where the Crystal has 30 HP, and there will be several Weirds coming after the crystal, which all drop
Cosmic Shards upon defeat. The Crystal Capsule can be used to summon cosmic constructs, which cannot target any entities heading towards the crystal. You need 3 Cosmic Shards to summon a Cosmic Sentinel and 6 to summon a Cosmic Marksman. There will be 4 waves of enemies. The Crystal does not regenerate HP throughout the segment.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:ReanimatedWeird.png Reanimated Weird ? ? ? ? ?
Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
ImmaterialWeird.png Immaterial Weird 80 ? ? ? ❋ Dam
❋ Def
✹ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
LightningWeird.png Lightning Weird 80 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
FlashfreezeWeird.png Flashfreeze Weird 80 ? ? ? ✽ Dam
✽ Def
✦ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
ChromaticWeird.png Chromatic Weird 80 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
AirboundWeird.png Airbound Weird 82 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
BoilingWeird.png Boiling Weird 82 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✹ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
CoreWeird.png Core Weird 85 ? ? ? ✤ Dam
✤ Def
❋ Weak
3 Amalgamated Weirds Heart of Lake Gylia
AmalgamatedWeird.png Amalgamated Weird 80 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def

Cosmic Shard
From Core Weirds
TitaniumWeird.png Titanium Weird 85 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✽ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
CosmicSentinel.png Cosmic Sentinel 80 ? ? ? ✦ Def - Heart of Lake Gylia
Crystal Capsule Summon
CosmicMarksman.png Cosmic Marksman 80 ? ? ? ✦ Def - Heart of Lake Gylia
Crystal Capsule Summon

After successfully defending the crystal from all the waves of enemies, the Crystal will finally finish building something.

  • The crystal finished forming something, you should retrieve it.

Go back to the crystal and retrieve the item.

  • [+1 Cosmic Stone]
  • Looks like you can leave this place now.

Put the Cosmic Stone into the hole at the door to unlock the room behind it.

  • [+1 Impervious Talisman]

Stage 5

» Return to Korun in his home at [-236, 34, -5224].


  • Korun: Y-you've actually found a lead?! There was clues in his basement? And you found a... talisman? This must be it, then!
  • Korun: This might very well be the key to enter the heart, especially if it was as well-guarded with cosmic creatures as you say.
  • Korun: Alright then! This might be too dangerous for me, so I'm entrusting this task to you once more. Enter the tunnel in my basement, and explore as much as you can!
  • Korun: If you can bring me samples of any kind, I'll try to reward you handsomely. However, if you find Nikoler alive... Please bring him back.
  • Korun: As for the talisman, make sure to hold it whilst in the tunnel. Be careful, you're in uncharted territory from now on.

Stage 6

» Enter the Heart of Gylia from under the lake.

  • As Korun said, it's probably better to hold that talisman to traverse the tunnel...

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
RedfinSwimmer.png Redfin Swimmer 74 1350 Scared - - - Tunnel to the Heart of Gylia
LittleSwimmer.png Little Swimmer 72 1250 Scared - - - Tunnel to the Heart of Gylia

Stage 7

» Explore the Heart of Gylia. In the Heart, there will be several puzzles.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
RedfinSwimmer.png Redfin Swimmer 74 1350 Scared - - - Path to the Heart of Gylia
LittleSwimmer.png Little Swimmer 72 1250 Scared - - - Path to the Heart of Gylia

The first one is rather simple, to open the door, you simply need to find three floating buttons.
For the next puzzle, you need to match the color of the beacon to the right.

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to the solution to the beacon puzzle.
To match the color, press the blue and purple buttons.

The next puzzle is a parkour segment. You will be given Jump Boost, and you need to create your own parkour by right-clicking on the green particles.


  • ???: The drill should be ready by now... In just a little bit, I'll have single-handedly conquered the heart of the mountain...!
  • Nikoler: A human!? W...What? Did you read the notes I left for Korun? I'll have you know that's theft!! I - you...!
  • Nikoler: Don't get any closer!! I'll destroy the path if I have to!!
  • Nikoler: This is MY story! Don't you dare interfere!!

You then need to chase after Nikoler. If you take too long at the entrance, the wall will collapse. Follow Nikoler into the massive room where the massive purple and blue meteors reside.

  • Nikoler: You're... persistent. Are you trying to steal from these meteors I'VE found?! Do you have any idea how much research I did to get this far??
  • Nikoler: It's too late! I've already drilled a piece. Once I show Korun, I'll be known as the better researcher...
  • Nikoler: Ah... how good this'll b-

An earthquake will then happen as an explosion happens near the drill.

  • Nikoler: N-no!
  • Nikoler: No no no no no no! This CAN'T be happening!
  • Nikoler: Tampering with the meteors must be making the cave instable! I... I thought this'd happen and yet-
  • Nikoler: This is all YOUR fault! Why'd you have to come and make me panic? We're both DOOMED!

Another earthquake will then happen, and then a piece of rubble will fall onto Nikoler.

  • Nikoler: No... I can't die here, I can't die now, what will he think...
  • Nikoler: I... We might have a shot at escaping... And then, human, I'll report you to the authorities!!
  • Nikoler: I'm STUCK! Urgh... No... Not like this, please, not like this...
  • What should you do?
    • [1] Save Nikoler

Choosing the first option will free Nikoler from the rubble.

      • Nikoler: You... Why? You came to get me? Not the... meteors?
      • Nikoler: I... Fine then. Let's make a run for it, human!
    • [2] Take the meteor shard
      • [+1 Meteor Shard]
    • [3] Escape
      • Time to hightail it out of here!

Stage 8

» Escape the Heart of Gylia.

Saving Nikoler

By saving Nikoler, you only have 1 minute and 30 seconds to escape the cave.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
BoilingWeird.png Boiling Weird 82 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✹ Weak
- Heart of Lake Gylia
AirboundWeird.png Airbound Weird 82 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak
- Heart of Lake Gylia
ImmaterialWeird.png Immaterial Weird 80 ? ? ? ❋ Dam
❋ Def
✹ Weak
- Heart of Lake Gylia
CoreWeird.png Core Weird 85 ? ? ? ✤ Dam
✤ Def
❋ Weak
3 Amalgamated Weirds Heart of Lake Gylia
AmalgamatedWeird.png Amalgamated Weird 80 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
- From Core Weirds
TitaniumWeird.png Titanium Weird 85 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✽ Weak
- Heart of Lake Gylia


  • Nikoler: Rats! That dynamite went and backfired on us! Quick, try to run in to the rubble with me, we need to hurry!

To get rid of the rubble blocking the exit, cast a spell.

During the parkour segment, Nikoler will launch forward.

  • Nikoler: AH-

You will eventually stumble upon a pond of water that will launch you and Nikoler up to the top level.


  • Korun: Welcome back! I see you're completely drenched! How did things go? I assume you explored the place thoroughly.
  • Korun: YOU! Y-You're alive!!
  • Nikoler: ...were you worrying about me? What a fool. This mountain could never do so much as scratch me!
  • Nikoler: This human right here actually saved me, right after endangering me. You don't mean to tell me you sent him for me?
  • Korun: Well, it's very simple. Where's the fun in our rivalry if you just go off and die somewhere?
  • Korun: That aside, what did you find in there? What happened?
  • Nikoler: I found them, Korun. I found the meteors! The still seemed potent somehow, but the cave collapsed and...
  • Korun: That's... fine. We can always go back and try clearing the rubble. There's always opportunities to take a hold of. Next time, please don't just go off on your own!
  • Korun: Human, you made the right choice... Without Nikoler, our efforts would have been in vain. I'll try to work with him a bit more, as it seems the logical course of action now. Thank you.
  • Nikoler: H-Hey! I never agreed to-

Epilogue Stage

If you go to Nikoler at -169, -5377, you can talk to him and he will give you a variety of items.


  • Nikoler: It's you! Glad to have crossed paths again!
  • Nikoler: Since the incident, I've decided to start fishing as a hobby.
  • Nikoler: Take this- for all I care, you can own this!
  • Nikoler hands you a crate of fish...
  • [+24 Gylia Meat (Tier 1)]
  • [+4 Gylia Meat (Tier 3)]
  • [+4 Emerald Blocks]
  • Nikoler: Thank you... for saving me.

Taking the Meteor Shard

Taking the
Meteor Shard will make rubble fall on Nikoler, killing him, and gives you 1 minute and 45 seconds to escape the cave.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
BoilingWeird.png Boiling Weird 82 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✹ Weak
- Heart of Lake Gylia
AirboundWeird.png Airbound Weird 82 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak
- Heart of Lake Gylia
ImmaterialWeird.png Immaterial Weird 80 ? ? ? ❋ Dam
❋ Def
✹ Weak
- Heart of Lake Gylia
CoreWeird.png Core Weird 85 ? ? ? ✤ Dam
✤ Def
❋ Weak
3 Amalgamated Weirds Heart of Lake Gylia
AmalgamatedWeird.png Amalgamated Weird 80 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
- From Core Weirds
TitaniumWeird.png Titanium Weird 85 ? ? ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✽ Weak
- Heart of Lake Gylia

To get rid of the rubble blocking the exit, cast a spell on the rubble to clear it.

Directly after the parkour, the Meteor Shard will act strange.

  • The meteor shard begins to shake...

The room will be flipped upside-down, giving you a more difficult challenge to escape from.


  • Korun: I see you're completely drenched! There's this odd aura around you... What happened?
  • Tell Korun about the meteor shard?
    • [1] Yes
      • Korun: You... You actually found a meteor shard! That's amazing! That's... that's... um...
      • Korun: Uh, what did you say j-just now? The cave collapsed and Nikoler d-died...?
      • Korun: That's, um, haha... That doesn't sound right, he can't die, he can't leave like that, he can't-
      • Korun: S-Sorry. I'm just a little shocked is all. I do have to thank you for the shard...
      • Korun: A-at the very least, you saw this through... I have to commend you for that... I think.
      • Korun: Just take these, and go. I have much to think about.
    • [2] No
      • Korun: You explored thoroughly, and couldn't find a shard? Well, we still have much to discover I suppose.
      • Korun: Uh, what did you say j-just now? The cave collapsed and Nikoler d-died...?
      • Korun: That's, um, haha... That doesn't sound right, he can't die, he can't leave like that, he can't-
      • Korun: S-Sorry. I'm just a little shocked is all. And you came back empty-handed... This was just a loss with everyone involved.
      • Korun: A-at the very least, you saw this through... I have to commend you for that... I think.
      • Korun: Just take these, and go. I have much to think about.

Epilogue Stage

If you took the Meteor Shard and lied to Korun about not being able to find anything, you are able to bring it to a keyhole at -255, -5228, which reveals a room that has a chest filled with an array of items.


  • If you want more Emeralds, alongside some materials, then save Nikoler. However, if you want runes and some level 70-80 ingredients, take the Meteor Shard and lie to Korun.
  • Saving Nikoler actually gives 3072 Emeralds, or 48 Emerald Blocks in total, while taking the Meteor Shard and lying to Korun actually gives 2240 Emeralds, or 35 Emerald Blocks in total.


  • This quest was the first quest to implement Command Blocks in Wynncraft, to test what could be done with them in-game.
  • This quest was updated in 2.0. For the legacy version of this quest, see Purple and Blue (1.20).
  • This quest was made by Jbip and MegidoGamerGod.
  • The brothers Nikoler mentioned are heavily implied to be Yahya, Nohno, and Mehme. However, their fourth brother is not mentioned, and it is unknown why.