Version 2.0.2

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Version 2.0.2
Release Date February 16, 2023





The 2.0.2 update, also known as the Housing Update, is a minor update to Wynncraft that released on February 16, 2023. It is notable for revamping Housing and also making changes to the Assassin class.



  • A Player can now own multiple houses, accessible at the Housing balloon.
  • If a Guild is level 10 or higher, then a Guild Housing can be built on a much larger plot compared to regular houses.
    • All guild members can access the house, and with an improved permission system, guilds can allow certain members to build in certain areas.
    • Housing locations for Guild Houses can be unlocked as a seasonal reward.
  • The Housing build limit has been removed, which was previously removed only for those with a HERO rank or above.
  • Housing Regions have been added, which can specify certain configurations for a specific location on your island.
    • Certain rules can also be applied in the Housing Region, such as custom permissions, island rules, entering and leaving messages, and chat restricted to that region.
  • Permissions can now be set to pre-defined groups, like friends, party members, or individual players. Some permissions can be global and others can be restricted to regions.
  • If you are V.I.P.+ or higher, you can allow guests to join your house if you are offline.
  • The Builder's Toolbelt has been added to assist in building a house. The 4 tools on the toolbelt are as follows:
    • Region Tool: Sets regions in your house.
    • Liquid Wand: Allows you to place water or lava.
    • Replication Tool: Allows you to replicate an area when building (HERO rank or above).
    • Blueprint Tool: Create blueprints to help you build in the blueprint (HERO rank or above).
    • The block bank and island settings can also be accessed while in edit mode.
  • Housing upvotes have been added. Houses with more upvotes appear closer to the top of the Housing list.
  • Depending on where your house is, you can select a song from that region to play in your house.
    • If you are V.I.P.+ or higher, then you can select a song from the entire OST.
  • The Block Bank has been reworked to have 2 sections, Personal Storage and Island Storage. Blocks in the personal storage can only be accessed by you and can be used on any island. Blocks in the island storage can be accessed by everyone with building permissions on an island.
  • Several pieces of furniture has been added.
    • Chairs allows players can sit on them when right-clicked. Only 1 player can sit on a chair.
    • Curtains can be opened or closed by players with the use permission.
    • Instruments allow players to create music. When using an instrument or being next to an instrument being used., all background music is muted.
  • New Island NPCs have been added.
    • The Misc. Bucket serves as additional storage to players to put quest items, miscellaneous items, and untradeable items there. It is linked with player data, which means it can be accessed on other islands with the same items in it from another island you own.
    • The Message Board lets you add various messages for other players to see.
    • Teleporters can be connected to allow quick and easy travel to another area.
    • The Jukebox allows you to play a tune from the OST for nearby players to listen to.
    • A permanent Merchant Booth can be put on an island if you are a CHAMPION ranked player.
  • V.I.P. players and above get access to more Housing Islands, a higher NPC limit, and a higher region limit.
    • Guild Houses can get similar effects through boosts.

Silverbull Subscription

  • A new subscription has been added to the store, designed as an add-on to existing ranks. The following perks will be granted to players with the subscription:
    • Guild Boosts: When a Guild gets boosted, every member gets access to Guild housing permissions even if they are unranked in the Guild.
    • Silverbull Shares: An in-game item that can be exchanged for store items or Guild Boosts, and can be traded.
    • Reduced Market Tax
    • Better Cosmetic Scrapping
    • Double Event Rewards
    • Double Rank Rewards
    • Hide Armor
    • Access to the HERO Beta if one is active.




  • Many Quality of Life changes have been done.
  • Several abilities have had their tree placement changed.
  • Several abilities have been rebalanced.
  • Cone-shaped hitboxes now start slightly behind the player for consistency.


  • Several new abilities have been added to the Assassin Ability Tree.
  • Clones from Mirror Image are now guaranteed to block damage for the player, and die after 2 hits.
  • Parry also grants a 30% damage boost for 1.5s when triggered.
  • Death Magnet now pulls enemies towards you when you enter Vanish instead of leaving Vanish.
  • Diversion triggers when hitting lured enemies instead of killing lured enemies.


  • 2 new abilities were added: Stronger Ophanim and Stronger Sunshower.
    • Stronger Ophanim: Connected to Orphion's Pulse, this increases Ophanim's damage per orb by +20% Neutral and +10% Air. It costs only 1 ability point.
    • Stronger Sunshower: Connected to Gust and Better Ophanim, which increases Sunshower's damage per pulse by +50% Neutral, +20% Water, and +10% Fire. It costs only 1 ability point.


  • Crepuscular Ray now requires you to be airborne to use.


  • A new ability has been added, Better Enraged Blow, connected to Cheaper War Scream. It increases Enraged Blow's damage cap by +60%.


  • Several abilities have been changed.


  • Item pick-up range has been increased.
  • The music & Jukebox system has been reworked to include more information about the songs, such as the composer's username.
  • Houses can no longer be visited when combat-tagged.
  • Several Items have been rebalanced.
  • Several bugs and issues have been fixed.


Hotfix #1

  • Several bugs have been fixed.

Hotfix #2

  • Some mobs's models have been tweaked.
  • Several bugs have been fixed.

Hotfix #3

  • The Festival of the Heroes comes back.
  • The amount of Misc. Bucket pages everyone gets has been doubled.
  • The Territory Transfer feature has been removed.
  • Housing Islands with guests now always rank at the top of the Visit Island menu.
  • Added a Plate of Inspiration for when you disconnect when in the Maex Mine.
  • Normal mode has been added to Corrupted Galleon's Graveyard.
  • The first part of Hashr's and Corrupted Hashr's fight has been removed.
  • Several bugs have been fixed.