Aldorei's Secret Part II

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Aldorei's Secret Part II CBQuestIcon.png
Quest Info
Length Long
Difficulty Medium
Tags Unlocks Fast Travel
Location Aldorei Town
Province Gavel
Combat Level 78
Starter NPC Olon
Required Quest Aldorei's Secret Part I
Reward As follows:

Aldorei's Secret Part II is a long level 78 quest and is the conclusion to the Aldorei's Secret quest line, unlocked after completing Part I.


For as long as anyone has known, the Elves of Aldorei have been immortal beings, but the reason was forever unknown. However, with the death of Olon's parents in Efilim, Olon is determined to find out why this is the case.

Stage 1

» Enter the town of Aldorei at [-459, 132, -4463].


  • Olon: Hey! You!
  • Olon: I know who you are, <playername>. Do you know who I am?
  • Olon: Yeah why would you, haha!
  • Olon: Enough playing around, I need your assistance. You see... There is something fishy going on behind these doors.
  • Olon: Have you ever heard the saying "Elves never die", well it's true, or so at least I thought.
  • Olon: Let me explain, follow me!

Stage 2

» Follow Olon into Aldorei Town.


  • Olon: You see, my family and a few other elves left Aldorei Town a long time ago to start a new life in Efilim.
  • Olon: I've always heard since I was young that Elves cannot die from old age. Well... recently, my parents both died.
  • Olon: More and more people around Efilim have died! But none in Aldorei. I think something sketchy is going on in here.
  • Olon: Please, <playername>. I really need your help. Us Efilim elves aren't exactly welcomed with open arms in Aldorei. It's a surprise they even let us in at all.
  • Olon: Could you try asking around, see if anyone knows about this.
  • Olon: I will wait up here. Return to me if you find out any valuable information.

Stage 3

» Check with the elves around Aldorei Town for information.

  • Olon: Welcome to Aldorei Town. Home of the elves.


  • Mona: Good day.
  • Mona: I've heard of you and what happened in the valley.
    • [1] It was nothing.
      • Mona: Oh... Yeah. Good job.
      • Mona: Enjoy Aldorei Town now.
      • Mona: How come you are so curious?
        • [1] Have you heard of elves dying?
          • Mona: Uhm. Actually I'm busy.
          • Mona: I have a lot to do today.
          • Mona: Sorry, please leave.
          • Perhaps Mona didn't like your attitude.
        • [2] My friend's parents died.
          • Mona: Okay.
          • Mona: I'm sorry to hear that.
          • Mona: But why are you telling me that?
          • You can come back to Mona later.
        • [3] How old are you?
          • Mona: Oh my.
          • Mona: Your attitude is really starting to annoy me, young traveler.
          • Mona: I don't care if you have defeated all the monsters in the world, never ask a woman like me of her age.
          • Mona didn't like your attitude.
        • [4] Goodbye.
          • Mona: Goodbye.
    • [2] I'm glad I could be of help to Aldorei.
      • Mona: You seem like such a kind adventurer, you humans aren't all so bad.
      • Mona: Sure, I'll answer some questions!
      • Mona: How come you are so curious?
        • [1] Have you heard of elves dying? (+1 Information)
          • Mona: Well... when I think about it. No.
          • Mona: Actually. There is an old tale for children about a dying elf.
          • Mona: I never thought much about it since I have never seen anyone in here die before.
          • Mona: I heard that there is some old graveyard somewhere in Aldorei. Probably just some weird story.
        • [2] My friend's parents died.
          • Mona: I'm so sorry to hear that.
          • Mona: I don't really see how that is connected to Aldorei though.
          • Mona: Humans die you know.
          • You can come back to Mona later.
        • [3] How old are you?
          • Mona: Oh my.
          • Mona: You never ask a woman her age. Did you not know that?
          • Mona: All I can say is that I'm at least 18.
          • Mona didn't like your attitude.
        • [4] Goodbye.
          • Mona: Goodbye.


  • Amber: Amber here! Reporting for duty.
  • Amber: Are you lost little adventurer?
  • Amber: Worry not, the great Amber is here to help you find your way!
  • Amber: Can I help you?
    • [1] What do you do in Aldorei?
      • Amber: My name is Amber of the Sol Embassy Royal Task Force!
      • Amber: It is my duty to protect the city from wrongdoers!
      • Amber: Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!
      • Amber: I let my imagination get the best of me!
      • Amber: My main job is patrolling the grounds and making sure no one is doing anything they shouldn't.
      • Amber: I also report anything I hear people talk about that they shouldn't.
      • Amber: Maybe I shouldn't have said all of that...
      • Amber: Can I help you with anything else?
        • [1] What do you report?
          • Amber: Anything I see!
          • Amber: I report who comes and leaves the town. Who sells what. Who buys what. Who talks with who.
          • Amber: The list goes on and on and on and on and on... and on... and on.
          • Amber: They like keeping track of what happens inside the town!
          • Amber: Can I help you with anything else?
            • [1] To whom do you report? (+1 Information)
              • Amber: The Sol Embassy and its elders.
              • Amber: There are six elders who rule over Aldorei Town!
              • Amber: They don't often show themselves to the public, they like to keep their privacy. I don't even know what all of them look like!
            • [2] Goodbye.
              • Amber: Goodbye humans!
              • Amber: Enjoy this wonderful town. Don't hesitate to ask me for help!
        • [2] To whom do you report? (+1 Information)
          • Amber: The Sol Embassy and its elders.
          • Amber: There are six elders who rule over Aldorei Town!
          • Amber: They don't often show themselves to the public, they like to keep their privacy. I don't even know what all of them look like!
        • [3] Goodbye.
          • Amber: Goodbye humans!
          • Amber: Enjoy this wonderful town. Don't hesitate to ask me for help!
    • [2] You seem happy.
      • Amber: I am happy!
      • Amber: Every day I get to catch bad guys, I'm living the dream.
      • Amber: Well, more like every month or so, or... even one every year. There aren't many bad guys here.
      • Amber keeps talking but you ignore her.
    • [3] You give me a headache.
      • Amber: What.
      • Amber: ... That is... not nice.
      • Amber: I... I... No! Bullies don't affect me... *sniffles*
      • Amber starts crying.
    • [4] Goodbye.
      • Amber: Goodbye humans!
      • Amber: Enjoy this wonderful town. Don't hesitate to ask me for help!


  • Sol: Oh it's you. I can't believe we let a human into this place.
  • Sol: So what do you want?
    • [1] Why are you so grumpy?
      • Sol: GAH.
      • Sol: You dare speak to me like that?
      • Sol: I will get you deported if it's the last thing I do, mark my words!
      • Perhaps Sol didn't like your attitude, you can try talking to him again later.
    • [2] I was actually looking for the smartest elf in town.
      • Sol: That's me! Sol the Smart, Sol the Clever, Sol the Best. I go by many names.
      • Sol: So what is it you need?
      • Sol: So, what are you wondering?
        • [1] Heard about elves dying before? (+1 Information)
          • Sol: Hmm. I'm sorry but I can't talk about that too much.
          • Sol: I would love to show you my knowledge but... the grass has ears here in Aldorei.
          • Sol: I will tell you this, Elves used to die from old age around 1000 years ago.
        • [2] My elf friend's parents died.
          • Sol: Oh. Yeah that is peculiar.
          • Sol: If you don't mind me asking... Is your friend from Aldorei?
          • Sol: It seems like my theory is true. Efilim elves are dying.
          • Sol: Anything else?
            • [1] Heard about elves dying before? (+1 Information)
              • Sol: Hmm. I'm sorry but I can't talk about that too much.
              • Sol: I would love to show you my knowledge but... the grass has ears here in Aldorei.
              • Sol: I will tell you this, Elves used to die from old age around 1000 years ago.
            • [2] Goodbye.
              • Sol: Farewell. Make sure to let everyone know I'm the smartest!
        • [3] Goodbye.
    • [3] Have you heard of elves dying?
      • Sol: Pfft. No way am I telling you any secret information about Aldorei.
      • Sol: Elves may die, elves may not. I don't know.
      • Perhaps Sol didn't like your attitude, you can try talking to him again later.

Mané fixed.png

  • Mané: ...Zzzzz...
  • Mané: ...uh- Oh. Good morning?
  • Mané: I was just taking a... little nap. No need to be so loud.
  • Mané: So why did you wake me up?
    • [1] Why are you sleeping right here?
      • Mané: ...Because I'm tired?
      • Mané: What a dumb question.
      • Mané: You see, I'm a moon elf. I draw power from the moon.
      • Mané: You humans are really stupid I have to say... zzz......
      • It seems like Mané went back to sleep.
    • [2] What can you tell me about Aldorei Town?
      • Mané: It's the capital of the elves. It's a dream for all elves to live in here.
      • Mané: Well... Almost all.
      • Mané: Aldorei might look really pretty on the outside, but really, they are all hiding something in here.
      • Mané: I'm younger than most here, you see. I'm just about a hundred years old.
      • Mané: There's a few places we aren't allowed in. The more you think about it, the more controlled everything is here.
      • Mané: Anything else?
        • [1] Are there many your age?
          • Mané: No. Do you not know of the child regulations here?
          • Mané: There are very strict restrictions on who or when someone can have children here.
          • Mané: I'm the only new elf this century. At least here.
          • Mané: The main reason elves have moved to Efilim, to start families.
          • Mané: Anything else?
            • [1] Where can you not go? (+1 Information)
              • Mané: I can't really say... You really don't want to break the rules here.
              • Mané: I would keep a low profile if I were you.
              • Mané: I can give you some information but you need to leave me alone after.
              • Mané: I heard about a hidden chamber under the town. And coincidentally, we aren't allowed to go down there.
            • [2] Goodbye.
              • Mané: ... Goodnight...
        • [2] Where can you not go? (+1 Information)
          • Mané: I can't really say... You really don't want to break the rules here.
          • Mané: I would keep a low profile if I were you.
          • Mané: I can give you some information but you need to leave me alone after.
          • Mané: I heard about a hidden chamber under the town. And coincidentally, we aren't allowed to go down there.
        • [3] Goodbye.
          • Mané: ... Goodnight...
    • [3] Do you like Aldorei?
      • Mané: ... Meh.
      • Mané: I'm not that much for... image and status.
      • Mané: That's all anyone ever talks about here... zzzz...
      • It seems like Mané went back to sleep.
    • [4] Goodbye.
      • Mané: ... Goodnight...
  • This should be enough information to start investigating.
  • You should return to Olon for the next step.

Stage 4

» Return to Olon with the information at [-374, 132, -4454].


  • Olon: Hmm... That is all very interesting, and the more I hear the more right I feel like I am.
  • Olon: Even though the relationship between Efilim and Aldorei isn't the best I would still not hope that Aldorei is doing something to kill us off.
  • Olon: I think it's worth looking into the information you got ourselves.
  • Olon: Where should we start?
    • [1] Let's ask the guard Amber for more information.
      • Olon: I don't know if that will help us, but sure.
      • Olon: Let's find Amber again.
    • [2] Let's find the underground area of Aldorei.
      • Olon: Good idea! I overheard some elves talking about an underground river running under the town.
      • Olon: So if you find water, you find the river.
      • Olon: I'll keep my distance, don't want to draw too much attention.
    • [3] Let's just go to the bar and have a drink.
      • Olon: ...
      • Olon: I don't know how that will solve anything.
      • Olon: I mean, you talked to the citizens so maybe you know something I don't.
      • Olon: Sure. Let's meet up at the potion merchant then.

Stage 5

Talking to Amber the Guard

» Find Amber at [-318,103,-4469].

  • Amber: Amber here! Ready to catch the bad guys!
  • Amber: Are you here to report something?
  • Amber: Hold on! Why are you with an Efilim elf? Is this some sort of spy mission to take over Aldorei and turn it into a capitalistic society?
  • Amber: I will have to report this to the elders immediately!
  • Olon: <playername>, deal with this situation... NOW!
    • [1] Please don't Amber! We are friends are we not?
      • Amber: I am a respected member of the task force. My only friend is the law.
      • Amber: Say goodbye to... your freedom!
      • Amber: I'm not sure what the punishment for talking to an Efilim elf is but I would imagine at least hanging and dawn. Or is there even a punishment?
      • Olon: Let's just get out of here. I saw looking into the underground river would have been the smartest move in the first place.
    • [2] Please keep quiet about this, what if I give you [128 Emeralds]?
      • Amber: I am a respected member of the task force. My only friend is the law.
      • Amber: But money... I could go shopping in Cinfras.
      • Amber: GAH! MY BRAIN, ITS BECOMING CORRUPT! But money!
      • Amber: Fine! [128 Emeralds], now.
      • Olon: Alright time to listen to me now.
      • Olon: I heard about an underground river, so lets try that shall we.

Underground River

» Find the underground area of Aldorei near the waterfall.

Go to -293, -4464 to progress the quest.


  • Olon: Let's hope no elves are following us down here.
  • Olon: You know, finding this mysterious location down here might be harder than I thought.
  • Olon: Let me think...
  • Olon: So realistically, if it's an abandoned elven site, it needs to have some leftover objects.
  • Olon: Let's look for objects that resemble the Aldorei style down here.

Interrogated Amber or went to the Bar:

  • Olon: So yeah, let's hope we didn't draw any unneeded attention by doing all that unnecessary stuff.
  • Olon: You know, finding this mysterious location down here might be harder than I thought.
  • Olon: Let me think...
  • Olon: So realistically, if it's an abandoned elven site, it needs to have some leftover objects.
  • Olon: Let's look for objects that resemble the Aldorei style down here.


» Go to the bar at [-272, 103, -4445].


  • Olon: I'm going to be honest.
  • Olon: What exactly are we doing here?
    • [1] Having a drink of course.
      • Olon: A... drink?
      • Olon: Why didn't you just say that. Here, it's on me.
      • Olon: Two Elven Herbal Brews please.
      • Olon: Here you go!
      • [+1 Elven Herbal Brew]
      • Olon: Can we get back on track now?
      • Olon: I overheard some elves talking about an underground river running under the town. So if you find water, you find the river.
    • [2] I think we are on the wrong track.
      • Olon: Can we get back on track now?
      • Olon: I overheard some elves talking about an underground river running under the town. So if you find water, you find the river.

After this section, you end up going to the underground river anyway.

Stage 6

» Head downstream the underground river.


  • Olon: Let's start this way!

Olon will catch onto a pole. To help Olon, right-click the pole.

  • Olon: Erm. Thank you.

Olon will arrive upon two rocks that look like they are covering up something important.

  • Olon: This looks suspicious enough to me.
  • Olon: Let me see if I can get us through.

Olon will use water magic to try to break the rocks.

  • Olon: Barely a scratch.
  • Olon: Let's try combining our magic, <playername>.
  • Olon: Get close to the boulders and cast a spell. I will follow yours.

Stage 7

» Cast a spell on the boulders with Olon.


  • Olon: Again! It's working.
  • Olon: We almost got it. Again!
  • Olon: Good job! Teamwork makes a dream work, or whatever the saying is.

Stage 8

» Explore the abandoned tomb.


  • Olon: Let's take a look around.
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to optional things to do.
Right-click on the grave at -285, -4513 to get 5 Overgrown Bones.
  • Olon: ...
  • Olon: Did you just... dig up a grave?
  • Olon: This is an important piece of HISTORY.
  • Olon: I will look away and pretend I didn't see that.

After progressing through the cave, you will arrive upon 7 tombstones.

Stage 9

» Investigate the graves in the tomb.


  • Olon: Let's take a look around!

There will be 2
Wilted Flowers atop certain graves. At Natt Moonchaser's grave, left-click the tan particles to unveil a skeleton to get a
Blue Kyanite, and go to Dew Riverbreeze's grave to get an
Amulet of Safe Passage.

  • Let's hope Olon didn't see that.
  • It looks like the corpse was buried with something?

List of the Graves in the tomb from left to right:

  • Left-Most
    • The letters have faded away...
    • Seems like these graves haven't been preserved as good.
  • Second Left-Most
    • Natt Moonchaser
      600BP - 25BP (before portal)
      He will welcome you with open arms, your devotion to knowledge was unmatched.
    • The date of death is 1025 years ago...
  • Center-Left
    • Dew Riverbreeze
      900BP - 0BP (before portal)
      To reunite with her lost sister. May the light bring her this gift for her devotion.
    • She died at the age of 900.
  • Center-Right
    • The letters have faded away...
    • She died at the age of 900.
    • Seems like these graves haven't been preserved as good.
  • Second Right-Most
    • Moln Cloudcatcher
      500BP - 2BP (before portal)
      Will forever be remembered for his poetry and texts. May you be reunited with the light.
    • The date of death is 1002 years ago...
  • Right-Most
    • The letters have faded away...
    • Seems like these graves haven't been preserved as good.
  • Olon: I assume you found the same stuff I did.
  • Olon: So what changed?
  • Olon: What do you think about all of this?
    • [1] They all died at least 1000 years ago.
      • Olon: 1000 years ago... Could this be connected to the portal over in the Wynn province?
      • Olon: Hmm...
      • Olon: Sounds unlikely. How come they gained immortality?
      • Olon: Did the elves of Aldorei actually grasp the light?
      • Olon: Hmm?
        • [1] ...grasp the light?
          • Olon: It's the biggest accomplished an elf can reach.
          • Olon: By working and studying the arts of magic, art and manners an elf will ascend to the light.
          • Olon: And meet him. The God of Light, Orphion.
          • Olon: Hmm?
            • [1] What do we do next?
              • Olon: I think it's time we pay the elders a visit.
              • Olon: They have some explaining to do.
              • Olon: Let's go <playername>. They meet up above the bank.
            • [2] Let's confront the elders!
              • Olon: Exactly what I was thinking.
              • Olon: Let's go <playername>. They meet up above the bank.
        • [2] What do we do next?
          • Olon: I think it's time we pay the elders a visit.
          • Olon: They have some explaining to do.
          • Olon: Let's go <playername>. They meet up above the bank.
        • [3] Let's confront the elders!
          • Olon: Exactly what I was thinking.
          • Olon: Let's go <playername>. They meet up above the bank.
    • [2] I wonder why some graves are better preserved.
      • Olon: It's sad to say, but it's true.
      • Olon: People who are knowledgable, magically gifted or well versed in the arts are seen as better.
      • Olon: I would assume the majority got the lesser ones...
      • Olon: It's sad, really.
      • Olon: I'll make sure Efilim NEVER becomes like this.
      • Olon: What do you think about all of this?
        • [1] They all died at least 1000 years ago.
          • Olon: 1000 years ago... Could this be connected to the portal over in the Wynn province?
          • Olon: Hmm...
          • Olon: Sounds unlikely. How come they gained immortality?
          • Olon: Did the elves of Aldorei actually grasp the light?
          • Olon: Hmm?
            • [1] ...grasp the light?
              • Olon: It's the biggest accomplished an elf can reach.
              • Olon: By working and studying the arts of magic, art and manners an elf will ascend to the light.
              • Olon: And meet him. The God of Light, Orphion.
              • Olon: Hmm?
                • [1] What do we do next?
                  • Olon: I think it's time we pay the elders a visit.
                  • Olon: They have some explaining to do.
                  • Olon: Let's go <playername>. They meet up above the bank.
                • [2] Let's confront the elders!
                  • Olon: Exactly what I was thinking.
                  • Olon: Let's go <playername>. They meet up above the bank.
            • [2] What do we do next?
              • Olon: I think it's time we pay the elders a visit.
              • Olon: They have some explaining to do.
              • Olon: Let's go <playername>. They meet up above the bank.
            • [3] Let's confront the elders!
              • Olon: Exactly what I was thinking.
              • Olon: Let's go <playername>. They meet up above the bank.

Stage 10

» Expose the Elders at [-297, 103, -4401].

  • You make your way out of the cemetary...


  • Olon: They should be at the top of this building. Follow the golden carpet to get there!


  • Olon: <playername>! Wait!
  • Olon: We need to watch out for the guards.
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to how to get past the guards.
To get past the guards, go to the left of the room into a corridor, and break the glass there.
  • Olon: The guards are coming!
  • Olon: This is our chance to run past!

Go to the right in the back of the room into the right corridor.


  • Elder Oak: Alright. This meeting is now over. Glad we got to an agreement.


  • Olon: Pardon me!
  • Olon: Ahm- excuse me!
  • Olon: Ehm- I know this is impolite of me which is exactly why I'm doing it!
  • Olon: We know your dark secrets and we have proof!
  • Elder Oak: What nonsense, who let this ginger rat in here!?
  • Olon: Who are you calling a rat!? Pulling the ginger card too!
  • Elder Willow: Can somebody please get the Sol Embassy Guards for us?
  • Elder Oak: Wait a second... human, what are you doing here?
    • [1] Erm- I must've taken a wrong turn.
      • Elder Oak: ...?
      • Elder Oak: We saw you arrive with this elf, us elders aren't that gullible.
      • Olon: <playername>... I really thought you'd have my back out there.
      • Elder Oak: What are you REALLY doing here?
        • [1] I am here with Olon.
          • Elder Oak: So you admit that your invitation to Aldorei is being used to threaten us.
          • Elder Oak: I knew letting foreigners into our town would come back to bite us.
          • Elder Oak: Guards- arrest these pests and get them to the dungeons!
        • [2] You owe us an explanation.
          • Elder Oak: An explanation to what exactly?
          • Elder Oak: And you admit you're a part of this elf's posse?
          • Elder Oak: Guards- arrest these pests and get them to the dungeons.
    • [2] I am here with Olon.
      • Elder Oak: So you admit that your invitation to Aldorei is being used to threaten us.
      • Elder Oak: I knew letting foreigners into our town would come back to bite us.
      • Elder Oak: Guards- arrest these pests and get them to the dungeons!
    • [3] You owe us an explanation.
      • Elder Oak: An explanation to what exactly?
      • Elder Oak: And you admit you are a part of this lil' rat's gang?
      • Elder Oak: Guards- arrest these pests and get them to the dungeons.
  • Elder Alder: Wait- before you do!
  • Elder Alder: You said you had proof of something, tell me- what have you found?
  • Olon: Aldorei's secret, you obtained immortality!
  • Olon: We found the old cemetery under the city and aren't afraid to expose you to the world!
  • Olon: My parents both suffered and I only have you to blame for it.
  • Elder Alder: Really- that's quite... interesting.
  • Elder Oak: That's enough! To the dungeons with you now!
  • This is looking bad, you need to say something!
    • [1] Don't underestimate our strength.
      • Elder Oak: I'm sure you must realize by now we are the elders for a reason?
      • Elder Oak: Us elves are ten times more powerful than any human by nature.
      • Elder Oak: Just because we tend to solve things peacefully doesn't mean we can't use brute force.
      • This is looking bad, you need to say something!
        • [1] Just let us go, we won't tell anyone.
          • Olon: No! <playername>, I am not letting this go! I will get justice for my parents.
          • This is looking bad, you need to say something!
            • [1] How come one of the pedestals is empty?
              • Elder Willow: Pfft- it's merely a design flaw.
              • Elder Willow: Don't try to trick us with your mind games.
        • [2] How come one of the pedestals is empty?
          • Elder Willow: Pfft- it's merely a design flaw.
          • Elder Willow: Don't try to trick us with your mind games.
    • [2] Just let us go, your secret is safe with me.
      • Olon: No! <playername>, I am not letting this go! I will get justice for my parents.
      • This is looking bad, you need to say something!
        • [1] Don't underestimate our strength.
          • Elder Oak: I'm sure you must realize by now we are the elders for a reason?
          • Elder Oak: Us elves are ten times more powerful than any human by nature.
          • Elder Oak: Just because we tend to solve things peacefully doesn't mean we can't use brute force.
            • This is looking bad, you need to say something!
              • [1] How come one of the pedestals is empty?
                • Elder Willow: Pfft- it's merely a design flaw.
                • Elder Willow: Don't try to trick us with your mind games.
        • [2] How come one of the pedestals is empty?
          • Elder Willow: Pfft- it's merely a design flaw.
          • Elder Willow: Don't try to trick us with your mind games.
    • [3] How come one of the pedestals is empty?
      • Elder Willow: Pfft- it's merely a design flaw.
      • Elder Willow: Don't try to trick us with your mind games.
  • Olon: That's it! <playername>, let's run!
  • Olon: Follow me!

Stage 11

» Escape the town hall with Olon.


  • Olon: Up the stairs, <playername>!
  • Olon: Get behind me!

Olon will use hydrokinesis to create a wall of water.

  • Olon: Let's head outside!
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to an optional thing to do.
Go inside the room labeled storage. In there, there will be a potato with green particles around it. Right-click it to get 3 Perkish Potatoes.
  • Olon: You know... I didn't really think that would work, and I was right.
  • Olon: But I think I figured it out...
    • [1] One of the elves mentioned 6 elders.
      • Olon: Exactly! You've got a keen eye for this kinda thing.
      • Olon: The question is if she lied, or if something else happened.
      • Olon: One of the seats were empty but most importantly...
      • Olon: I glanced over at the shelves behind them and saw papers signed by another name.
      • Olon: So the question is... what happened to them?
    • [2] They are hiding something.
      • Olon: I mean obviously?
      • Olon: No- but I noticed something that didn't add up with our previous information.
      • Olon: One of the seats were empty and one of the elves mentioned six elders, did she not?
      • Olon: I glanced over at the shelves behind them and saw papers signed by another name.
      • Olon: So the question is... what happened to them?
  • Olon: I'm guessing the Elders got into a big disagreement and decided to rid of them.
  • Olon: So I doubt they have any records of that occuring here...
  • Olon: Our best bet is to find somebody that may have seen what happened here.
  • Olon: Y'know I'm pretty good friends with the Cinfras Scouts.
  • Olon: They are really observant of everything that goes on in and around the canyons.
  • Olon: Meet me outside the Cinfras Guild Hall, speak with me if you'd like to travel there together.

Stage 12

» Meet up with Olon outside the Guild Hall in Cinfras at [-342, 47, -4939].


  • Olon: Let's go then! Glad you want to travel with me.
  • Olon: Here we are! The capital of Gavel, home of a lot of things I'm sure.
  • Olon: Alright- so we have to come up with a plan on what to do next, I have a few suggestions myself.
  • Olon: I've done some work for the Guild Hall staff in the past and happen to know a few of them.
  • Olon: We are actually quite good friends, what do you think?
    • [1] Let's talk to your friends.
      • Olon: Sounds like a good plan to me.
      • Olon: Head inside and look for someone who doesn't seem busy.
    • [2] We should probably lay low.
      • Olon: So you want us to sneak in?
      • Olon: Do you even know where we need to go?
      • Olon: Thought so... good thing I'm here then!
      • Olon: As I previously mentioned, I've been helping out with keeping the gardens inside tidy.
      • Olon: I've picked up a few things here and there, obviously! The conclusion I have is...
      • Olon: There's a room at the top of the guild hall that stores old military documents.
      • Olon: It isn't really in use anymore, meaning the way up won't be easy... meet me under the bridge.

Stage 13

Olon's Friend

» Find Olon's friend inside the Guild Hall at [-299, 47, -4931].

Olon.png Harvy.png

  • Olon: Harvy! How're you doing?
  • Harvy: ... Olon?
  • Harvy: I haven't seen you in so long! I'm doing good, family too!
  • Olon: Glad to hear! Listen- we're quite busy today, do you know where the old military documents are being kept?
  • Harvy: Is this about the theory you had going? Actually- I recently did some work there.
  • Harvy: There's an elevator up the stairs next to me.
  • Harvy: Please come back and talk later! I miss our conversations.
  • Olon: Perfect! <playername> lets take that elevator up stairs right away.

Sneaking In

» Meet Olon under the bridge at [-331, 31, -4956].

  • Olon: The archive should be at the top of one of the big towers of the Guild Hall.
  • Olon: I had a brilliant idea of blessing you with some of my magic that you can hopefully use to get in.
  • Olon: I want to go meet up with my old friend, I'll hopefully see you soon.
  • Olon: Do you see the pool of white magic next to us?
  • Olon: Just hop in when you are ready to start.

Stage 14

Olon's Friend

» Enter the elevator at [-276, 57, -4940].


  • Olon: Wait for me, <playername>!

Sneaking In

» Use the pool of magic at [-329, 29, -4960] to start heading towards the archive.

  • Olon: Alright. Get ready!

You have to do some parkour to get in the Guild Hall.

  • Olon: Hopefully this will help you.

When several water particles are condensed at one spot, right-click it to spawn bridges of water that will help you get to the destination.

Stage 15

» Investigate the records.


Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to an optional thing to do.
In the archive, there is a bookshelf with brown particles around it. Right-click it to get 1 Aged Tome.
  • You broke the shelf...
  • [+1 Aged Tome]
  • You flip through various documents until you find something that seems of interest...
  • "- 11:00 Aldorei Elves returned with freshly picked flowers. Canyon is stable."
  • "- 15:00 Small piece of rubble fell near Aldorei Wall. Nothing to be concerned of."
  • "- 18:32 Mysterious group of elves spotted heading into the canyon through the eastern exit."
  • "- 18:38 Spotted elves again. Seems like... the six elders?"
  • "- 18:49 They just entered one cave system we previously deemed as a dangerous area."
  • "- 19:01 Only five elders returned. They left one behind. I will mark the spot with an orange flag for further investigation."

Stage 16

» Return to Aldorei Town by either using the Juggler merchant at [-479, 47, -4910] or walking to [-301, 103, -4443]


  • Olon: You found it? Great, it's just as I thought.
  • Olon: Alright- this is the plan. I will stay behind and look for a map of the place mentioned, they almost always mark the reports properly.
  • Olon: Meet me in Aldorei Town, at the eastern town exit. Let's try to avoid the elders for now.
  • Olon: If you want to get back to Aldorei Town I heard that there's a so called "juggler" merchant in Cinfras that will bring you there for free.
  • Olon: You could always walk too, I suppose.

Stage 17

» Find Olon at [-258, 103, -4403] in Aldorei Town.

  • Olon talked about the eastern exit next to the bank.


  • Olon: Alright, here we are.
  • Olon: This road leads to the Canyon of the Lost, so we may have to look around for a while.
  • Olon: The canyon moves on its own. Alright, let's get going.


  • Elder Alder: Olon! <playername>, wait!
  • Olon: Oh no- the elders.
  • Elder Alder: I'm not here to stop you. Actually, I wanted to help out.
  • Elder Alder: There are a lot of things wrong with this town, this society. The judgements that we've made...
  • Elder Alder: Us elves aren't perfect. We like to say that- and frankly, many of us believe it too.
  • Elder Alder: I've always wanted to be the change in Aldorei but it's troublesome to convince those who are stuck in their crooked ways.
  • Elder Alder: Please, bring back Elder Birch- for me. Follow the mountain road to the right until you come across a cave with mushrooms.
  • Elder Alder: In the meantime, I have some things to ask the Elders- good luck, both of you.

Stage 18

» Venture into the Canyon of the Lost and find the entrance to the sealed away Elder at [1, 88, -4338].

Stage 19

» Find your way through the canyon.

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to the solutions of the canyon puzzles.

First area:

  • Interact with the red and green crystal in any order.

Second area:

  • No crystals have to be interacted with. Instead walk past the blue crystal to the exit.

Third area:

  • Interact with the crystals in the following order: green, red, yellow.

An earthquake will happen and then will cause several walls with colored veins to rise out of the ground. The state of a wall will be reversed when you interact with a crystal of a color corresponding to the wall. As an example, if a red wall can appear in two places, and a Red Wall is already there while there is a gate for a red wall that does not have that wall, the crystal will change it so the wall will now be on the one that did not already have a wall. There will be three rooms of increasing difficulty.

Stage 20

» Talk to Elder Birch.

ElderBirch.png Olon.png

  • Elder Birch: You have one minute to explain what you're doing here and who you are before I collapse the mountains around you.
  • Elder Birch: An elf and a human- inside of my home!
  • Olon: Woah-woah! Let's take a breath.
  • Elder Birch: You can tell THEM I haven't left my home since my banishment. I haven't said a word, nor have I even considered doing anything.
  • Olon: We aren't with the Elders. I'm from Efilim! We are here for the truth.
  • Elder Birch: ...
  • Elder Birch: So this is a test, huh?
  • Olon: What? No!
  • Elder Birch: Do they... want... me back? Is this why you are here?
  • Olon: We aren't connected to the Elders in any way! I'm here for personal reasons.
  • Elder Birch: I won't tell you anything!
  • Elder Birch: Don't play dumb.
  • Elder Birch: This is some sort of test from the Elders.
  • Elder Birch: If not, convince me otherwise.
    • [1] The elders pretend you don't exist.
      • Elder Birch: What?
      • Elder Birch: Prove it! I can't believe they would just forget about me so quickly.
      • Elder Birch: Keep trying.
        • [1] They never mentioned you, we found proof.
          • Elder Birch: So what? That doesn't prove anything.
          • You seem to be getting nowhere. You might need to trace back!
        • [2] Alder was the only one who said anything.
          • Elder Birch: ...
          • Elder Birch: Alder...
          • Elder Birch: What... what did he say about me?
            • [1] He couldn't say much with the others there.
              • Elder Birch: Of course... yes...
              • That seemed to put Birch in a bad mood. You need to try again!
            • [2] He told us where to find you.
              • Elder Birch: Of course he did, he has always taken my side.
              • Elder Birch: You know what- I will come with you.
              • Elder Birch: But I won't tell you anything. I'm only coming because of Alder.
            • [3] He said he misses you and wants you back.
              • Elder Birch: Alder would never say that... especially not to the likes of you.
              • Elder Birch: Although- I do miss him dearly...
              • You seem to be getting close! You need to try again!
        • [3] Why would they want you back?
          • Elder Birch: Alright that's enough!
          • Birch did not like that answer, you need to try again!
    • [2] Olon's parents died, that's why we are here.
      • Elder Birch: Tough luck- I don't know how that would convince me you're not with the elders.
      • Elder Birch: You'll have to try harder than that.
        • [1] So why aren't you dead?
          • Elder Birch: If the Elders sent you, then you should already know the answer.
          • Elder Birch: I am not telling you anything...
          • You seem to be getting nowhere. You might need to trace back!
        • [2] Aldorei just decided to kill Efilim elves for fun?
          • Elder Birch: What!?
          • Elder Birch: Where did that accusation come from?
          • Elder Birch: Are you two a bit slow or what? We are not killing anyone!
          • Elder Birch: If anything, the Efilim elves brought it upon themselves by leaving our city.
            • [1] They were leaving the city?
              • Elder Birch: I've said too much.
              • Elder Birch: Let's just say the town is magical. That's all you need to know.
              • Elder Birch: Why are you even wondering?
                • [1] We've discovered the cemetery.
                  • Elder Birch: Really... it seems I can't escape the past.
                  • Elder Birch: I don't know what it is... but I want you to tell me more...
                  • Elder Birch: Maybe it's time- time to confront the elders again. We must go.
                • [2] Something happened a long time ago that changed Aldorei.
                  • Elder Birch: Wow!
                  • Elder Birch: You sound like a genius.
                  • Elder Birch: Of course things happened- things happen everywhere!
                  • Birch did not like that answer. You need to try again.
            • [2] What's so special about the city?
              • Elder Birch: Elves are magical, that's why the city is magical.
              • Elder Birch: I'm not going to tell you anything.
              • You seem to have annoyed Birch... Try again.
            • [3] Aldorei is responsible for the death of Olon's parents.
              • Elder Birch: I've already told you.
              • Elder Birch: Aldorei doesn't care about Efilim elves, why would they kill them?
              • You seem to have annoyed Birch. You need to try again!
        • [3] We have come very close to uncovering your secrets.
          • Elder Birch: Well, why are you here then?
          • Elder Birch: If you are so close, what do you need me for?
          • You seem to be getting nowhere. You might need to trace back!
    • [3] We want to expose Aldorei.
      • Elder Birch: Even though I have been banished, I would never want something like that.
      • Elder Birch: Aldorei is my home!
      • Birch did not like that answer. You need to try again!

Stage 21

» Leave the canyon.


  • Elder Birch: Let me get myself together...
  • Elder Birch: Go on ahead. This is not something I expected to happen...
  • You make it back to Aldorei...

Stage 22

» Return to the Elders with Elder Birch at [-305, 128, -4336].


  • Olon: We're back.
  • Elder Oak: You've got guts coming back here after everyth-
  • Olon: Actually- we have someone that you might be interested in meeting.
  • Elder Oak: What is the meaning of this?!
  • Elder Alder: B-birch...
  • Elder Alder: It's been so long, I didn't think you would come back.
  • Elder Birch: Alder- I am sorry but the only reason I have returned is to set things right once and for all.
  • Elder Birch: These two individuals have the right to know what's going on.
  • Elder Oak: Are you out of your MIND! We voted on this all those years ago!
  • Elder Oak: If you tell them ANYTHING about the tree I will make sure your eternal life ends right here and now.
  • Elder Birch: Oak- that is ENOUGH! Can't you see- this human is fighting the war we begun!
  • Elder Birch: They've earned it- they should know. Salvation of our light, our redemption!
  • Elder Alder: I agree with Elder Birch, sir.
  • Elder Willow: Sorry sir, as do I.
  • Elder Birch: <playername>, Olon- the war you are fighting...
  • Elder Birch: We- we are the ones to blame. Our kind, our people...
  • Elder Birch: The elves are the reason the world is in calamity. All because of one, senseless, selfish mistake.
  • Elder Birch: The worst fate that this world has seen, a fate beyond comprehension.
  • Elder Birch: Your leading question, about our immortality. The answer is simple- but there is more to it.
  • Elder Birch: We... we revealed the first gate- giving way for the darkness...
  • Olon: But- I don't understand... why?
  • Elder Birch: I'd rather if we show you. Meet me under the Cherry Blossom tree.
  • Elder Alder: I- I will join you as well.

Stage 23

» Head down to the Cherry Blossom tree at [-301, 103, -4443].


  • Elder Alder: This place- here is where it all began.
  • Elder Alder: The center of the Elven society, under the tree that protects our civilization.
  • Elder Birch: And, brings upon us our immortality...
  • Elder Birch: The roots expand deep inside this cavern that we've used for storage over the years.
  • Elder Birch: At least two Elders are required to open the passage. We will open the way for you two now.
  • Elder Alder: Be careful, nobody was meant to return there so certain defense mechanisms were put in place.
  • Elder Alder: Also, the information you will learn can harm all elves, unfortunately some things must be kept a secret.

Stage 24

» Jump into the storage cave.

Stage 25

» Explore the underground cave.

The first section will be an area where several Arbor Channelers will attack you, followed by the Tree Apparation miniboss. Several Unstable Apparations will spawn during the fight with the miniboss.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ArborChanneler.png Arbor Channeler 79 8,500 Burst Ranged - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Under Cherry Blossom Tree
TreeApparition.png Tree Apparition 80 25,000 Ranged Heavy Teleport
✤ Dam
✤ Def
5 Unstable Apparition Under Cherry Blossom Tree
UnstableApparition.png Unstable Apparition 79 2,310 Charge Self-Destruct ✦ Weak
✽ Dam
- Under Cherry Blossom Tree

Following the mob section, you then have to run past mushrooms that will try to knock you off the platform using wind. Particles on the floor indicate the mushroom is about to blow you back. Enigmatic Rocks can form walls that can prevent the wind from knocking you off.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
EnigmaticRock.png Enigmatic Rock 78 1500 None - - - Under Cherry Blossom Tree

After getting past the mushrooms, you will then arrive upon a tree trunk with vibrant plants surrounding it.


  • Olon: Wait up!
  • Olon: What is this place?
  • Olon: I've had a very bad feeling that we won't like what we see...
  • Olon: Well... It's too late to back down now.
  • Olon: What is this place?
  • Olon: Do you feel the magical energy, it's almost like I can touch it.
  • Olon: Is the water filled with logs?
  • Olon: Have you noticed this... plant in the middle.
  • Olon: It seems like this place is so alive, I mean just look at all of this coming from the logs!


  • Olon: If you are here to stop us, we won't hesitate to hurt you!
  • Elder Oak: On the contrary. I... realize, that this is something we can no longer keep quiet about.
  • Elder Oak: When you brought back Birch... it brought back memories, and I must admit. It made me realize I had lost myself along the way.
  • Elder Oak: We were ashamed of our actions- all of us. Scared for our people. If they knew the truth... there would be riots, wars, innocents would die!
  • Elder Oak: But because we locked up Aldorei from the outside, we grew a... god complex, so to speak.
  • Elder Oak: We lost track of why we locked ourselves in.
  • Elder Alder: You will find the answers to your questions once you lay grasp of the wood.
  • Elder Birch: I assume you two already noticed the intense magical energy coming from here.
  • Elder Birch: This is the source of our immortality.
  • Elder Birch: The remnants of the original Guardian of the Forest.
  • Elder Alder: Enter the log- please.

Stage 26

» Enter the log with Olon.

Aldorei Town - 0 AP

The scene goes to the old Elders of Aldorei conversing about a vision Elder Prometheus had.


  • Elder Prometheus: I have summoned you two for an important meeting.
  • Elder Prometheus: I had another vision...
  • Elder Elm: What did you see this time?
  • Elder Prometheus: It was unclear... The only thing I'm certain of is that he contacted me.
  • Elder Prometheus: I think... I think he wants us to witness him. This is finally our chance to grasp the light.
  • Elder Prometheus: And I know how we do that!
  • Elder Hickory: What are you implying?
  • Elder Prometheus: The Guardian of the Forest.
  • Elder Prometheus: You must have realized by now that he is a direct contact to the other side. I think... I think it's time.
  • Elder Hickory: You don't mean...
  • Elder Elm: ...cutting down the Guardian of the Forest!?
  • Elder Prometheus: Believe me- I hear how ludicrous this all sounds.
  • Elder Prometheus: But think, why would I have visions of witnessing him moments after visions of the Guardian?
  • Elder Prometheus: We would be the first of our kind to witness him before death!
  • Elder Prometheus: I believe that's what he wants!

The scene then goes to the Elders announcing their decision to cut down the Guardian of the Forest.

  • Elder Prometheus: People of Aldorei!
  • Elder Prometheus: Today is the day we meet our God!
  • Elder Prometheus: We will take down the Guardian of the Forest to open a gateway!
  • Elder Prometheus: Today we establish history and a new chapter for all elves!

As the Elders are on their way to the Guardian, Lari appears and interrupts them.


  • Lari: Uhm... Elder-
  • Elder Prometheus: ... What do you want?
  • Elder Prometheus: We do not have the time. Move along, young one.
  • Lari: Wait! I don't think... this is a good idea.
  • Elder Prometheus: And... who are you?
  • Lari: But... I really don't think you should go ahead and hurt the Gua-
  • Elder Prometheus: As the Elders of this town we've already decided on this. You are welcome to join us for this moment, young elf.
  • Elder Prometheus: But if you as much as try to stop us, you will be banished.
  • The Elders ignored the young elf's worries and went ahead.
  • The thought of reaching their god was stronger than any logic.
  • It turned out that the visions the elder had weren't encouragement- but a warning.

The scene cuts to the Elders cutting down the original Guardian of the Forest, while Elder Prometheus struggles to get inside the Light Portal before being pushed back.

  • Elder Prometheus: This... THIS IS IT!
  • Elder Prometheus: We... WE DID IT!
  • Elder Prometheus: I can barely... this pressure!
  • The portal revealed itself, but no one could approach its center.
  • The elves were successful, but none of them could grasp the light.
  • Little did they realize, that this was the start of the end. The act that set off everything.

The next footage is of the Nether Portal, except no Corruption is visible, while light is shining in front of it.

  • The opening of the Light Portal caused a chain reaction throughout the world.
  • The Realm of War Portal opened in Wynn.
  • The Realm of Darkness Portal was also opened.
  • The portals had lied dormant for so many years... This was the beginning of a new era.
  • An era of an endless war. All created because of a selfish wish.

The final piece of footage is Lari walking towards the remains of the original guardian.

  • Lari: It's leading me... here?
  • Lari: What do you want?
  • Lari: Why me?

Stage 27

» Talk to the Elders about the vision.


  • Elder Oak: Do you realize now?
  • Elder Oak: This secret can never leave Aldorei. If it does- people will riot and wars will break out.
  • Elder Oak: Elves who had nothing to do with their decision will die.
  • Elder Oak: This is far greater than any of us.
  • Elder Oak: I understand you may have questions.
    • [1] What happened with the old Elders?
      • Elder Oak: Elder Prometheus died of old age, almost everyone from that time is dead. He elected us six to keep the secret safe.
      • Elder Oak: Apparently the immortality hadn't set in just yet- magic takes time.
      • Elder Oak: I don't think he really understood the extent of what he had done. We slowly began connecting the dots.
      • Elder Oak: Everything seemed to lead back to the portals opening- the war in Wynn and the attack on Gavel.
    • [2] So why are you immortal?
      • Elder Oak: The magical wood from the Guardian of the Forest must radiate magic that grants us our life.
      • Elder Oak: This is why we locked up Aldorei, letting people live immortal lives would have dire consequences.
      • Elder Oak: We tried to at least make up for some of the damage we had done...
    • [3] What does opening this portal mean?
      • Elder Oak: The portal being opened here caused a chain reaction that opened every portal.
      • Elder Oak: This is unfortunately what cursed the world and made it possible for the corruption to leak into Wynn and beings of darkness to breach Gavel.
    • [4] What is this place?
      • Elder Oak: This used to be an open cave that we decided to hide the rest of the Guardian in.
      • Elder Oak: It seems like the immense magic transformed this place to look like this...
    • [5] I don't have any questions.
      • Elder Oak: Please... keep this quiet.
      • Elder Oak: We can't put innocent lives at risk- don't you agree?
      • Elder Oak: Take these please!
      • Elder Oak: We will make our leave, you can jump after us to return to Aldorei Town.

The Elders will then jump down into the water to exit.

To exit the cave, simply jump into the water below the path to the original Guardian of the Forest, or alternatively, go into the tree to see an exit portal.

  • You make your way back to Aldorei...

Post-Quest Content

Day 1

After doing Aldorei's Secret Part II, you can visit Olon's home in Efilim. You first go to inside his house and go to up the stairs to a room where Olon will be reading a book.


  • Olon: Book number three finished!
  • Olon: Oh, hi <playername>.
  • Olon: I didn't even hear you come in. I was too sucked up in this interesting book "Live Life Love Life".
  • Olon: *sigh*
  • Olon: I've been reading all day to get myself in a different head space.
  • Olon: Ah, who am I kidding- this book SUCKS!
  • Olon: Come back tomorrow, please. I have about five more books to get through.

Day 2

After waiting a day, Olon will appear around the garden by his house, watering his plants using his hydrokinesis.

  • Olon: Hi there! Great timing.
  • Olon: I got inspired from my journey through the world of motivational writing yesterday.
  • Olon: The best thing in the world is to help people around you, is that not right.
  • Olon: This way I'll keep myself busy while still being of assistance.
    • [1] Are you doing okay?
      • Olon: Well, I'm doing better. Thank you for asking.
      • Olon: My shame is slowly turning into hatred for those old elders, maybe that's progress.
      • Olon: Please come back tomorrow, I have a gift for you.
    • [2] It's not your fault.
      • Olon: I... I know that.
      • Olon: I know I couldn't have done anything, I just find it so stupid.
      • Olon: Stupid that the so called, "all mighty, selfless elves" did something like this.
      • Olon: Please come back tomorrow, I have a gift for you.
    • [3] Goodbye.

Day 3

Olon will be by the Cooking station in front of his house.

  • Olon: Shoot!
  • Olon: You are earlier than I expected.
  • Olon: I was planning to cook you a nice meal to as a thank you for getting me through these past two days and for helping me earlier.
  • Olon: I decided to pick up a couple of new hobbies to get my mind working, cooking being one of them.
  • Olon: You have truly done more than I ever could have imagined. I'm proud to call you my friend.
  • Olon: However...
  • Olon: I may or may not have forgot a couple of ingredients for my stew!
  • Olon: Can you go around the forest seeing if you can find [4 Leafy Stalks] and [2 Mycanoid Spores] please.

Leafy Stalks can be obtained from various enemies around the Light Forest, and Mycanoid Spores can be dropped from various Mycanoids found around mushrooms.

  • [-4 Leafy Stalks, -2 Mycanoid Spores]
  • Olon: Here you go!
  • Olon: I think I'm finally getting over my guilt.
  • Olon: I realized that I never really took time to grieve my parents' death and I guess I was so occupied finding an answer to my big conspiracy that Aldorei killed them.
  • Olon: Then finding out all that information... It just all came crashing down on me.
  • Olon: I'm grateful that you've managed to pull me out of that dark space, <playername>.
  • Olon: Come back again tomorrow, please.

You will receive Olon's Homecooked Meal after the dialogue.

Day 4

Olon can be found in his house on Day 4. Talking to him will wrap up the Post-Quest content.

  • Olon: Finally!
  • Olon: I stayed up all night working on this new project of mine.
  • Olon: I picked up the wonderful art of painting and decided to make something for you.
  • Olon: I've also gone the entire day feeling good, for once.
  • Olon: I feel like I'm back on track. So it's time for me to start stressing over another conspiracy.
  • Olon: I'm actually on my way to the Cinfras library to do some light reading, hoping to stumble upon another mystery.
  • Olon: Anyway, here you go!
  • Olon: I hope you are careful on wherever journey leads you. If you ever need me, just drop by.

Once the dialogue is finished the player will receive 1
Liquid Emerald and a
Thank You Gift.


  • Do not throw away the items given to you from the graves, they can be sold to the Collectibles Merchant in Aldorei Valley for 5 Emerald Blocks each (320 Emeralds), for 15 Emerald Blocks (960 Emeralds) in total.


  • All of the elders are named after certain species of trees.
  • Amber could possibly be a reference to a Genshin Impact character of the same name, who also says similar lines.
    • There is also a character named Mona, who could also possibly a reference to the Genshin Impact character of the same name
  • In the cutscene, the Portal to Dern was going to be shown, but it was cut from the final version due to feedback about spoiling an area of the Silent Expanse.
  • The Elven Herbal Brew when drank gives nausea for 5 seconds.
  • This quest has post-quest content in Efilim at Olon's House. See Olon for more details.
  • This quest was entirely revamped in 2.0. For the previous version, see Aldorei's Secret Part II.