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This page contains spoilers. Readers are discouraged from continuing if they want to discover features by themselves.


??? CBQuestIcon.png
長度 中等
Difficulty {{{difficulty}}}
地點 Gavel
省份 Gavel
等級 80
接取任務NPC ???
獎勵 如下:

??? 任務是個長度中等,關於流星的80等任務。與一般任務不同的是,此任務並沒有在每個階段都有指示。反倒是你需要根據遊戲世界裡的線索,嘗試的在附近尋找方法破解任務。

第一部分 - 任務的開始 - "流星"


如果要開始???任務,三位玩家必須分別前往紅、藍、黃三個流星並同時採上壓力板。 這會將所有站在壓力板上的玩家傳送至"電腦房",房間裡有著能開始此任務的NPC。(其他玩家只要站在壓力板上就能一起被傳送)。


Aldorei Valley 郊區
-754, 102, -4416
Wynncraft Map
劇透警告:隱藏的內容包含劇情透露有關於 Hay Bales Puzzle (乾草捆謎題).

一開始先將生成在附近的"Crazy Elf Farmer"(發瘋的農夫精靈)殺死取得"Hay Sickle"(乾草除刀)。當慣用手持"Hay Sickle"(乾草除刀)時,玩家將能推動田裡的乾草捆。

The Crazy Elf Farmer


Solution to the Hay Bales Puzzle




  • 瀑布後方的牆是根據玩家的距離觸發的。如果玩家可以爬得夠快到達瀑布,平台的跑庫是可以被跳過的。
  • 這座牆也可以用在牆內門口附近的石製按鈕打開。如果一位玩家已經進到裡面,但還沒掉至下個區域的洞,他可以將牆打開,讓其他玩家完全跳過乾草捆及平台跑庫。
劇透警告:隱藏的內容包含劇情透露有關於 Memory Puzzle (記憶拼圖).







  • 可以截圖每一關的排序來降低錯誤率。
劇透警告:隱藏的內容包含劇情透露有關於 Activating the Teleporter (啟動傳送門).


在房間左上方的牆上有一個開口。只要沿著路走後抵達金屬製的小房間,一個名叫"Blue Wire Piece(藍色電線)"的藍色羊毛會生成在裡面。至少收集一個,然後按下在對面牆上的按鈕回到主房間。將藍色電線丟至傳送門右手邊,磨損電線的下方,傳送門就會自我修復。



  • 只要在傳送門啟動時,所有玩家都在傳送門裡,傳送門是可以一次傳送多位玩家的。
  • 傳送門很有可能無法傳送站太靠近玻璃片的玩家,請確保站在傳送門的中央。
劇透警告:隱藏的內容包含劇情透露有關於 Entering the Meteor (進入流星).




移動至流星的火焰尾巴,並跳到下面的方塊。轉身面向你過來時的方向,你會面對著流星後端。 在牆中部分有水流的地方,裡面有著石製的按鈕。按下按鈕後會有一扇進到流星裡,短暫開啟的門。盡快的通過進到流星的內部。


  • 掉下流星的玩家會被傳送至Gylia湖,強制讓他們再解一次謎題。


-2125, 80, -4423
Wynncraft Map
劇透警告:隱藏的內容包含劇情透露有關於 Obtaining the Mechanical Chip (取得機械晶片).

The objective of this puzzle is to get a minecart into the deepest part of Karoc Quarry to obtain the "Mechanical Chip".

Facing the entrance of Llevigar Bank, the cave to your right, on the west side of the city, contains wooden scaffolding that can be climbed via ladders to obtain a "Quartz Key" that spawns at the top.

Take a Quartz Key to the entrance of the cave on the south east side of the city, where there is a small room containing a pressure plate and a hopper on the wall towards the left. Throw the Quartz Key into the hopper, which will cause an item frame with an "X" to appear on the front of it. Stand on top of the stone pressure plate until it breaks, then head further into the cave.

Close to the entrance is a raised wooden area accessible via ladder. A minecart will spawn and wait on the tracks. Enter the minecart and roll it down the tracks.

While in the minecart, there are three buttons that must be pressed to change the direction that the cart travels:

  • The first will appear on the log wall soon after the beginning and will force the minecart left instead of forward.
  • The second is located at the bottom part of the cave, where the minecart will stop and wait until it is pressed.
  • The third is outside of the cave, on top of a log.

Failure to push the button in time will cause the minecart to travel a little further, then roll backwards to the start point of the latest button, allowing the player to try again.

The minecart will stop near a tent with tnt. Get off the minecart and you should see a hologram with plus sign saying "Right-Click to Load Tnt". Clicking on it will spawn a new minecart with tnt. Push it on its tracks. It will stop near a rock and blow it up, revealing a hole in the mountain. Enter it to proceed

In the room inside, a Mechanical Chip (player head) will spawn. Collect this chip and proceed to the next stage.


  • As 1.19, the Mechanical Chip will break if the holder changes worlds or logs off. Be sure to complete the next stage before the world restarts or the server goes down for maintenance.
  • Sometimes, the Mechanical Chip will fail to spawn even if the minecart reaches the end. Current theories include not completing the minecart section fast enough, and failing to press one of the buttons and causing the minecart to backtrack.
劇透警告:隱藏的內容包含劇情透露有關於 Reaching the Yellow Flower (到達黃色花朵).

The objective of this puzzle is to bring the Mechanical Chip across Gavel to a yellow flower located in a mountain behind a Gert camp.

The yellow flower is located at:

16, 120, -5634
Wynncraft Map

Note that you do not need a Gert mask for this section. Simply proceed to:

47, 43, -5526
Wynncraft Map
and climb the mountain towards the wooden telescope at the top.

There are a variety of ways to shorten the time taken travelling across Gavel, including using a Cinfras Scroll, a Forgery Scroll, or even a Detlas Scroll + Calo's Airship.

Upon reaching the yellow flower, simply throw the Mechanical Chip on top of it. The wall behind the flower will retract and reveal an entrance to the next stage.


  • As 1.19, the Mechanical Chip will break if the holder switches worlds or logs off. Be sure to complete this stage before the world restarts or the server goes down for maintenance.
劇透警告:隱藏的內容包含劇情透露有關於 The Blindness Maze (致盲的迷宮).

The objective of this puzzle is to reach the end of the path.

In this stage, the player will be afflicted by blindness as they proceed through a maze. Although it is titled a "maze", it is in reality just a straightforward path with no dead ends. Simply continue following the path, walking in between the fences if necessary and ignoring the ominous item frames with Xs.

Absolutely nothing happens during this stage. There are no monsters to fight nor puzzles to solve.

At the end of the path, the blindness will be removed and the player can continue to the next stage.


  • As of currently, the blindness may occasionally fail to be removed. This can be resolved by using /class, or casting a class spell that clears debuffs (such as Mage's Heal or Assassin's Spin Attack).
  • Be prepared while doing the maze as there's a jumpscare included
劇透警告:隱藏的內容包含劇情透露有關於 The Green Puzzle (綠色的謎題).

The objective of this puzzle is to move the block over every space on the board and color it green.

In the center of the room, a panel with four buttons can be found in between a button labelled "Reset" and another labelled "Undo". Pressing a button on the panel will move the block on the board across the panel in the specified direction. In doing so, the space under the block will be colored green, and the block will no longer be able to move over that space. The exception to this rule are the sea lanterns, which the block may return to.

The following image contains the solution to the puzzle:

pattern to to get all the blocks green.

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Text instructions.

Up Left Up Left Up Left Up Right Right Down Down Right Right Down Down Down Right Up Up Right Right Left Up Down Down Down Down Down Up Right Right Right Up Left Right Up Right Up Up Left Left Left Up Left Left Up Left Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Right Down Left Left Down Right Down Right Down Down Left Down Right Down Down Left Up Left Down Left Left Up Down Left Left Left Up Left Down Left Left Left Left Up Right Up Down Right Up Right Up Left Left Left Up Up Right Down

劇透警告:隱藏的內容包含劇情透露有關於 Activating the Teleporter (啟動傳送們).


在進入房間時,可以在前面找到磨損的紅色電線,而紅色的玻璃片艙就在後面。 一個名叫"Red Wire Piece(紅色電線)"的紅色羊毛就生成在左上方牆上的洞裡。 爬著在玻璃片艙旁邊向下流動的水流,並走幾步就可以抵達此洞取得紅色電線。



  • 只要在傳送門啟動時,所有玩家都在傳送門裡,傳送門是可以一次傳送多位玩家的。
  • 傳送門很有可能無法傳送站太靠近玻璃片的玩家,請確保站在傳送門的中央。
劇透警告:隱藏的內容包含劇情透露有關於 Entering the Meteor (進入流星).

The objective of this puzzle is to enter the inside of the meteor.

Note that the meteor contains two parts: the meteor itself, and a glass "flame" trail. From the teleporter, the player will spawn on top of the meteor.

Begin by collecting a Red Meteor Shard, which will spawn on top of the meteor (It will be used in the final segment of the quest).

Move towards the flame trail and drop down onto the blocks below. Turning around back towards the direction you came from will allow you to face the rear side of the meteor. A segment of the meteor wall will repeatedly disappear and reappear. If the player is caught while the wall is reappearing, they will be moved back a few blocks where they can try again. Use a class mobility spell or simply time your entry (given that you have enough walk speed) to enter the meteor.


  • The room inside meteor is directly beneath the location that the player spawns at from the teleporter. It is not at the end of the flame trail.
  • Falling off the meteor will teleport the player above Lake Gylia, forcing them to re-do all of the puzzles.


-1357, 47, -5575
Wynncraft Map
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to The Cave of Pots.

The objective of this puzzle is to break all eight pots within the cave, then throw an emerald into the map inside the tent to open the door to the next stage.

The location of the eight pots are as follows:

  • 1 on top of the well in the center.
  • 1 behind the waterfall on the left side of the entrance.
  • 1 inside the wooden structure embedded in the left wall.
  • 1 in between the crates outside of the tent.
  • 2 inside the tent.
  • 1 on top of the tent.
  • 1 on an overhang on the right wall, upwards past the leaves.

After breaking all eight pots, quickly throw any item into the map located inside the tent. If all pots are broken, a metal clang will be heard and the door outside will open. Otherwise, the map will change to display an item frame with a pot.

Once complete, head to the doorway outside the cave at:

-1341, 59, -5603
Wynncraft Map

which is indicated by two torches, and proceed to the next stage.

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Wynntron, the Unbeatable AI.

The objective of this puzzle is to move all of the cubes to the left.

Begin by pressing the button labelled "Reset" at the base of the panel. This will spawn a total of four cubes onto the panel, two red and 2 blue in the order of red-blue-red-blue, and a line of buttons to connect the cubes.

Pressing a button will move the nearest blue cube to that location. After that, the AI will move a red cube in an attempt to force the cubes to the right.

The trick to solving this puzzle is to count the number of buttons between each red-blue pair, and lowering the numbers to be equal to each other.

Few example board states:

  • Example 1: [Red Cube] < 4 buttons > [Blue Cube] < 2 buttons > [Red Cube] < 5 buttons > [Blue Cube] < 3 buttons >
    • The red-blue pair of cubes on the left have 4 buttons in between them. The red-blue pair of cubes on the right have 5 buttons in between them. The solution states that these two numbers should be decreased to become equal- from 4-5 to 4-4. Thus, the correct button to press would be the one directly left to the blue cube on the right, resulting in the following state:
    • [Red Cube] < 4 buttons > [Blue Cube] < 2 buttons > [Red Cube] < 4 buttons > [Blue Cube] < 4 buttons >
  • Example 2: [Red Cube] < 6 buttons > [Blue Cube] < 4 buttons > [Red Cube] [Blue Cube] < 6 buttons >
    • The red-blue pair on the left have 6 buttons in between them. The red-blue pair on the right have 0 buttons between them. As per the solution, 6-0 should be decreased and become equal: 0-0. Therefore, the correct button to press would be the one directly right of the red cube on the left, yielding:
    • [Red Cube] [Blue Cube] < 10 buttons > [Red Cube] [Blue Cube] < 6 buttons >

After the puzzle is completed, the AI will explode to reveal an entrance to the next stage.


  • Pressing an incorrect button will cause the AI to press forward its advantage, making it impossible to win. It is recommended to hit the reset button and start over.
  • After beating the AI, all players in the vicinity will be teleported to the center of the room. As of currently, this includes players inside the Cave of Pots. This can be used to quickly jump to this stage without having to clear the previous one.
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Activating the Teleporter.

The objective of this puzzle is to locate the Yellow Wire Piece that spawns within the room, throw the item into the frayed wire near the center of the room, and activate the teleporter.

Upon entering the room, a yellow glass-pane chamber and a frayed wire can be found at the second floor of the room. Next to the entrance on the left side, there is a large hollow quartz structure- inside, yellow wool named "Yellow Wire Piece" spawn. Players can parkour inside from the top of the structure by jumping on ledges starting from the right side of the entrance.

Throwing a Yellow Wire Piece at the base of the frayed wire will cause the wire to repair itself and open the teleporter after a few seconds. Entering the teleporter will transport the player to the top of the Yellow Meteor.


  • It is possible to teleport multiple players to the meteor at once, as long as they are inside the teleporter when it activates.
  • Be sure to stand in the center of the teleporter, as it may fail to transport players that are too close to the glass-pane walls.
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Entering the Meteor.

The objective of this puzzle is to enter the inside of the meteor.

Note that the meteor contains two parts: the meteor itself, and a glass "flame" trail. From the teleporter, the player will spawn on top of the meteor.

Begin by collecting a Yellow Meteor Shard, which will spawn on top of the meteor (It will be used in the final segment of the quest).

Move towards the flame trail and drop down onto the blocks below. Turning around back towards the direction you came from will allow you to face the rear side of the meteor. Note the lava embedded in the wall of the meteor. By right-clicking through the lava, the player will be moved inside the meteor. Alternatively, the player can simply just walk through the lava (at the cost of some health).


  • The room inside meteor is directly beneath the location that the player spawns at from the teleporter. It is not at the end of the flame trail.
  • Falling off the meteor will teleport the player above Lake Gylia, forcing them to re-do all of the puzzles.

After entering the meteors:

Once all three players are inside their meteors, locate a pressure plate on the floor. Once all players are ready step on the pressure plate and stand still until you are teleported. Moving off of the plate will result in a failure to teleport that player.


  • All players must step on the pressure plates at the same time
  • Standing on the pressure place causes a 3x3 wall to open with a "pop" and a cloud of purple particles. Entering the room beyond will throw the player back out on top of the meteor - it is NOT involved in teleporting the player to the next segment of the quest.

A bunch of strange characters will appear in chat when the plates have been triggered.

After the transport, talk to the Computer NPC in the room. After some dialogue, the quest book will be updated and the quest will be officially started.


  • >Starting up...
  • >All systems online.
  • >Permissions update requested. Beginning process...
  • >Processes complete. Permissions successfully updated.
  • >WARNING: Systems overloading!
  • >ERROR.
  • >ERROR.
  • >ERROR.
  • >Ţ̵̅h̵̝͊e̷̲͆ ̷̖̕m̸̯͋ȃ̵̠d̸̮̈́m̴̛͍a̶͛ͅn̷͐͜'̴̬̃ś̷̡ ̴̰̎f̸̳̂ą̵͝v̵̓͜ó̵͇r̸̘̈́i̶̯̐t̷͉͠ẻ̸̝ ̴͚̆f̴̖̍ò̸͓o̶̩͝d̸̤̚ ̸̰͘l̴̨͝i̸̺͛e̷̫͝s̷͎͠ ̴̨̀i̴̘̇n̶̙̿ ̸̯͋a̶̛͜ ̴̜͠p̶͚͝l̵̳͝ã̶͙ć̵̻ę̷͆ ̵͓͌o̵͚̽f̸͎͝ ̶͔̐c̴̤̉h̶͉̓a̴̮͑ñ̴̬ġ̴̼ĭ̵̦ṉ̴̓g̸̛͔ ̵̮̇p̶̝̈́ë̵̠ř̶͇s̴̲̀p̸̪̔e̴̤͌c̷̻͝ť̶̘ỉ̶͇v̵̧̈́e̸͓͘.̸͉̈
  • ̶͍̌N̵͍̍ẹ̶̛w̴͘͜ ̸̹̀Q̶̡̔u̴͎̅e̶͈͠s̵̭͆t̷͇͠ ̸̛̰S̶̫̈́t̸̨͒ȃ̷̩r̷͚͂t̷̲̊e̷̩͐d̶̤̎:̵̘̈́ ̸̺̀?̵̛̪?̸̬̿?̷̖̀

Make sure that everyone in your group starts the quest before leaving the room, otherwise they will have to re-do this segment.

If you talk to the Computer again after the segment is done, it will bring up this dialogue:

  • >Ţ̵̅h̵̝͊e̷̲͆ ̷̖̕m̸̯͋ȃ̵̠d̸̮̈́m̴̛͍a̶͛ͅn̷͐͜'̴̬̃ś̷̡ ̴̰̎f̸̳̂ą̵͝v̵̓͜ó̵͇r̸̘̈́i̶̯̐t̷͉͠ẻ̸̝ ̴͚̆f̴̖̍ò̸͓o̶̩͝d̸̤̚ ̸̰͘l̴̨͝i̸̺͛e̷̫͝s̷͎͠ ̴̨̀i̴̘̇n̶̙̿ ̸̯͋a̶̛͜ ̴̜͠p̶͚͝l̵̳͝ã̶͙ć̵̻ę̷͆ ̵͓͌o̵͚̽f̸͎͝ ̶͔̐c̴̤̉h̶͉̓a̴̮͑ñ̴̬ġ̴̼ĭ̵̦ṉ̴̓g̸̛͔ ̵̮̇p̶̝̈́ë̵̠ř̶͇s̴̲̀p̸̪̔e̴̤͌c̷̻͝ť̶̘ỉ̶͇v̵̧̈́e̸͓͘.̸͉̈
  • This nonsense is all that appears on the screen. The machine must be broken, there's nothing else you can do with it now.

Segment 2 - Getting to the Lab - "Yahya's House"

This section does not require any additional players.

NOTE: If you have already reached Lab N / completed the quest, you do not need to repeat this segment to get back into the Lab. Instead, you can throw a Mysterious Feather onto a yellow carpet in Nohno's basement at Rooster Island to return there, or have a party member already in the Lab open the Rooster Island door from the inside. (Remember that you are only able to use the shortcut if you have already done the quest on that class)

Once the quest has been started, players must retrieve three items and bring them to Yahya's house. The three items are a "Spoon", a "Small Mushroom", and a "Painting".

Required Items

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Location of the Spoon.

The Spoon can be obtained as part of the quest Memory Paranoia. Head to Caritat Mansion and enter the building. After the initial warp, head to the library on the left. After the second warp into the ruined library, climb the back wall above the fireplace to the charred hole- this will trigger a cutscene before transporting the player to the memory-filled ruins of the library. The Spoon will spawn in the fireplace.

The mansion can be exited quickly via a teleport scroll or /kill.

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Location of the Small Mushroom.

The Small Mushroom can be found within the quest, The Bigger Picture. Head to the Mushroom Village and shrink yourself via the Subtraxerim Utilium at

 X   -172  Y   46  Z   -4395  Wynncraft Map 

Then go to

-305, 91, -7705
to obtain the Small Mushroom.

You can quickly exit the area via a teleport scroll or /kill.

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Location of the Painting.

The Painting can be obtained in a hidden room at Skiens Island. Head to the roof of the fortress and inside one of the towers at:

388, 87, -3529
Wynncraft Map
Go down the ladder and press against the oddly pale wall on the right- there is a secret hole through the center. The Painting will spawn at the very end of the room.

You can quickly exit the area via a teleport scroll, using /kill, or jumping off the tower and going to the Seaskipper.

Once the items are acquired

Head to Yahya's house, which is located at:

Yahya's House
-282, 69, -1694
Wynncraft Map

Throw the three items onto the carpet at the base of the bookshelves in the main room. This will cause the spruce planks in the flooring to break and reveal a hole into a secret basement.


  • The hole closes quickly, so be prepared
  • Players that have not started or completed the quest are not able to fall through the hole.

After that, two puzzles must be solved in order to complete this segment and reach Lab N:

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Red & Brown Mushroom Lights-Out Puzzle.

The objective of this puzzle is to turn all of the brown mushroom blocks into red mushroom blocks.

A grid of buttons and mushroom blocks is placed on the floor. Pressing a button will turn the block underneath and all adjacent blocks into the opposite type of mushroom (i.e. from brown to red, and vice-versa).

A picture of a solution order is below:

solution of the brown/red Mushroom Puzzle.

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Text version of the solution.

Starting from the second layer from the bottom (the long edge), press any button on that row. Then press buttons along the row until the short edge is reached. Press two more buttons up until the second layer from the top is reached, then progress towards the other short edge. Return down two buttons and continue until the original start point is reached.

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to QR Code Password Puzzle.

The objective of this puzzle is to step on the pressure plates in the correct order.

The room contains four pressure plates (stone, wood, gold, and iron), one in each corner of the room. The correct order in which they must be pressed can be found by decoding the QR code that makes up the floor:

QR Code

When decoded, it yields the following image:

Decoded QR Code

The order to step on the pressure plates is:

  1. Stone
  2. Gold
  3. Wood
  4. Gold
  5. Iron
  6. Stone
  7. Wood
  8. Iron

Upon stepping on the last plate, all players in the room will be teleported to Lab N.


  • Stepping on the plates in the wrong order will open up a room in the back. Entering this room will teleport the player outside of Yahya's house, forcing them to have to gather the three items again and re-do the segment.

After solving the puzzles:

All players in the QR code room will be teleported to Lab N.

Segment 3 - Lab N - "The Checkpoint"

This section requires four players in total.

NOTE: If you have already reached Lab N / completed the quest, you do not need to repeat the previous segment to get back into the Lab. Instead, you can throw a Mysterious Feather onto a yellow carpet in Nohno's basement at Rooster Island to return here, or have a party member already in the Lab open the Rooster Island door from the inside. (Remember that you are only able to go through the door at Rooster Island if you've reached the Lab on the same class you intend on entering with.)

After reaching Lab N, there are two puzzles that need to be solved. Both puzzles require four players to complete.

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Color Maze.

The objective of this puzzle is to get all four players through the final door at the end.

In this puzzle, there are a total of seven rooms, each with at least one pressure plate outlined with a colored block. Stepping on a pressure plate will "lock" that plate by surrounding it with invisible barriers. A plate can be unlocked by jumping- this will play a metallic clinking sound and remove the barriers.

For a layout of the rooms, refer to the following GIF:


Specific instructions for the solution are listed below. Some context:

  • The "main room" is the very first room entered, which contains three red plates and one orange plate.
  • The "upper room" is the room past the red door, it contains a light blue plate, a cyan plate, a dark blue plate, and a purple plate.
  • The "final room" is past the upper room, and contains a yellow plate.
  • The "lower left room" contains a green plate, and is located to the left of the main room.
  • The "lower right room" contains a green plate, and is located to the right of the main room.
  • The "upper left room" contains two pink plates and a cyan plate.
  • The "upper right room" contains a cyan plate, a brown plate, and a light blue plate.

For more specific instructions (useful for guiding a party through the puzzle), expand the following spoiler:

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Explicit Instructions.
  1. Everyone in
  2. A, B, C on red
  3. D into upper room on purple plate
  4. A into right lower room on plate
  5. D on blue plate
  6. B into left lower room on plate
  7. C into left upper room (through lower left) on either pink plate
  8. B into main room on orange plate
  9. D into left upper room on second pink plate
  10. A into right upper room on light blue plate
  11. C into upper room on light blue plate
  12. D into upper room on cyan plate
  13. B into upper left room on cyan plate
  14. A on cyan plate
  15. C into final room on plate
  16. A on light blue plate
  17. D on light blue plate
  18. B into main room
  19. A on brown plate
  20. D into final room
  21. B into final room through right upper room
  22. A into final room

For a gallery version of the instructions, expand the following spoiler:

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Picture Form Description.


  • Stepping on a plate when there is not exactly four players inside the puzzle room will teleport everyone back to the first room of the Lab.
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to 4-Color Flow.

The objective of this puzzle is to draw the colored wires on the white circle such that each player is able to reach their destination.

Begin the puzzle by having each player stand on a pressure plate. This will inflict all players with a slowness effect. Then, move over the quartz blocks in the floor to change the block underneath into a colored block matching the color of the previous block.

The puzzle is complete when all four players connect to and stand on top of the colored terracotta/clay.

Jumping will reset the puzzle back to a blank board, and will require the players to return to the pressure plates on the edges to start again.

The solution can be seen in the image below:



  • Blue and Red are mirrors of each other, as are Green and Yellow.
  • For players that do not know the solution, waiting is the best option. Once a player has reached their destination, it is possible to give instructions such as "hug the green line" or "follow next to the blue line" that are easier to follow.

After solving the puzzles

The final room contains a Rusted Laboratory Key, and a teleporter with four plates. After getting a Rusted Laboratory Key, have each player stand on a plate to update the quest book for the final segment. The teleporter will transport all players within the chamber to Nohno's basement in Rooster Island (in the cell next to the one that can shortcut back to Lab N).


  • It is not strictly necessary for all players have a Rusted Laboratory Key. However, the key will be consumed in the final segment.
  • Sometimes, the teleporter will fail to transport a player. It is possible to activate the teleporter using a horse and/or stepping on all of the remaining plates in quick succession.

Segment 4 - Finishing the Quest - "Old Meteor"

This section does not require any additional players.

After clearing Lab N, head to the Old Meteor that lies east of Cinfras at:

Old ??? Meteor
7, 42, -5018
Wynncraft Map

Throw one of each type of meteor shard (Red, Blue, and Yellow) gathered in Segment 1 ("The Meteors") onto the brown carpet. This will open a door into the white meteor (note that it closes fairly quickly).

Once inside the old meteor, head to the upper right of the lower room and press the wooden button. This will scan your inventory for a Rusted Laboratory Key- if it is found, a door next to the button will open. NOTE: The key will by consumed in the process

In the following hallway, step into the glass-pane chamber in the center to be teleported to Mehme's room. Talking to Mehme will finish the quest.


  • Mehme: Welcome to my wonderful wooden home!
  • Mehme: You are welcome here as long as you don't have any mushrooms or chickens.
  • Mehme: I hate those things. Just my home and me.
  • Mehme: Me and my home.
  • Mehme: Alone.
  • Mehme: My home.

You can exit the meteor by going back to the room you entered from, then heading towards the blue glass-pane chamber in the upper left. It will open if a player comes within proximity, and teleport you outside of the meteor.

Bonus Segment - Additional Secret Lore

Note: This section is not part of the quest. After finishing, you will be forced to exit the meteor. Do not do this if you're doing the quest.

In the hallway with Mehme's teleporter, it is possible to reach a hidden room containing some additional lore.


Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Activating the Door.

The objective of this puzzle is to activate the two pressure plates at the ends of both corridors, then press buttons beneath each meteor replica in the order of "Red, Green, Yellow, Blue".

Upon entering the hallway, there are two corridors extending to the left and right. At the end of each of these is an iron pressure plate at the far wall. Drop an item onto the plates- this will cause buttons to appear underneath the meteor replicas that can be accessed by the start of the corridors.

Then, press the buttons that are underneath the appropriately colored meteor replicas in the following order:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Yellow
  4. Blue
Completing this step will cause purple particles to emanate from each corridor into the teleporter to Mehme, then to the farthest room. Head to the farthest room (with a glass sphere in the center) to move on to the next stage.
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Invisible Parkour.

The objective of this puzzle is to reach the door on the top wall of the farthest room.

After completing the previous step, invisible barrier blocks will spawn in the farthest room. Their locations are hinted at by the beacon blocks underneath the floor. Parkour around the glass sphere in the center to reach the door at the top wall.

Once everyone has made it to the door, step on the pressure plate to open it.


  • Stepping on the pressure plate for the door will remove the barrier blocks and the pressure plate. The previous stage must be repeated in order to spawn the parkour again. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid touching the pressure plate until everyone has made it to the door.
  • It is possible to skip the invisible parkour using class mobility spells.
    • Archers can simply cast Escape Spell and land on the overhang.
    • Assassins can look directly upwards and cast Vanish while jumping to launch themselves up onto the overhang.
    • Mages can teleport onto the overhang by aiming towards one of the corners, then jumping and casting Teleport at an angle.
    • Shamans can throw a totem directly onto the overhang and cast Haul, but this tends to be tricky. It is suggested to first throw the totem onto the glass sphere, then jump onto the final barrier block of the parkour and then onto the overhang.
    • Warriors can begin a duel with another player, then use Uppercut to launch both their target and themselves onto the overhang. It is also possible to make it to the door by rapidly casting Charge from the entrance of the room.
  • If skipping the parkour directly proves to be too difficult, it can be made easier by jumping on the first few barrier blocks before using a class mobility spell, or getting on top of the glass sphere before aiming for the door.
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Clipboard Instructions.

The objective of this puzzle is to drop the clipboard (map item) onto the bloody spikes on the floor to open a door to the next area.

Going down the stairs, there is a large room on the left and a smaller room on the right. Go down the left room until a door with a button on it is reached. Press the button to spawn a map with an image of a clipboard. Return to the small room on the right and drop the map onto the bloody spikes on the floor. This will cause an explosion that opens a path to the next room.


  • The wall that breaks upon dropping the map can also be opened from the inside, if a player is already within.
  • The image on the map reads "Emerald --> Diamond", which refers to the solution of the next stage.
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Emerald to Diamond.

The objective of this puzzle is to move the emerald blocks in each contraption onto the corresponding diamond block in the floor.

In this room, there are two contraptions made of quartz blocks and pistons. By pressing buttons, it is possible to use the pistons to push the emerald block in each contraption around.

Note that some of the pistons are actually Sticky Pistons, and some may need to be pressed first before pushing the emerald block into the head of the piston (so that when the first piston retracts, it pulls the emerald block with it).

When a contraption is completed, a note block sound will play. When both machines are finished, stepping on the iron pressure plate in the center of the room will open a door to the final area.

A video solution to the smaller contraption:

A video solution to the bigger contraption:

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Transcript of the signs.

Secret Step: My brothers have gone insane. The cosmic magic is too strong. We should have never experimented with the white rock. Now they are obsessed with stupid things! Mushrooms... Chickens! What has happened? I fear there is something hidden behind this magic someone cast on this rock... perhaps we are not ...alone... Even now, my mind is slipping... I just hope... Sohso makes it out alive... I hear he was travelling to Fru...

Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to ??? Secret video walkthrough.



  • While in Lab N, it is recommended to grab some Mysterious Feathers. They are used to return to Lab N without needing a Black Spoon, Small Mushroom, and a Painting. Simply throw the feather into the yellow carpet in Nohno's basement at Rooster Island to open a door that leads to Lab N.
  • It is highly recommended to unlock Calo's airship before going through this quest, as it reduces the travel expenses and time for going between Wynn and Gavel.
  • If you are planning to do the quest multiple times (usually to help others), there is a number of shortcuts you can prepare for and take.
Spoiler! The hidden text contains spoilers relating to Shortcuts.
  • It is possible to stock up on the various items needed for the quest for multiple runs. The list of items required for the quest are below:
    • Small Mushroom
    • Painting
    • Black Spoon
    • Red Meteor Shard
    • Blue Meteor Shard
    • Yellow Meteor Shard

Useful items to keep with you:

  • Leaving alternate classes/characters at key locations of the quest can be useful. Locations include:
    • In each meteor
    • At Lab N
    • At the inside point of the waterfall for Blue Meteor- a button can be pressed to open the door from the inside, bypassing the need to complete the Hay Bales puzzle.
  • For Yellow Meteor, players that are close to the north-western wall of the Pot Cave will be teleported to the Unbeatable AI if another player solves it in the same world. This is useful for quickly bringing other players through this section of the quest, as they will not have to solve the Pots puzzle or the AI puzzle.


  • ??? was not meant to be a quest, but it was made as one to allow stage and rewards system.
  • The original ??? quest was reworked in the 1.14.1 Gameplay Update.
    • In the old version it was prohibited to talk about it and it was punished by ban.
  • The quest has its own subforum[1] and official thread[2].
  • It took over 100 hours for the puzzles in this quest to be thought of and made.
  • If you fall off of any of the meteors, you will be teleported into Lake Gylia.
  • Each Meteor has lore, and so does the hidden step of ??? showing that Yahya, Nohno, and Mehme have a fourth brother called Sohso.
    • Blue Meteor: Discovery Log, Entry 213, Prof. YY, I have set up "Lab 1" on the blue meteor. Its effects are... remarkable on terrestrial magic. Since the fall of the White one, Cosmic Magic has been seen to be the most powerful, mystical, but most of all... dangerous. Especially to the mind.
    • Yellow Meteor: Discovery Log, Entry 435, Prof. MM, The power these Meteors hold is amazing. We are truly blessed to have found it. The properties match those of the one found in Lake Gylia. I can conclude that whatever fell into the lake was probably similar to the rock we have discovered here.
    • Red Meteor: Discovery Log, Entry 892, Prof. NN, This is the last of our meteoric discoveries. I am starting, however, to feel the meteor's effects. My older brother has started to fully lose his sanity. His hobby of fungi has taken a turn for the obsessive. It is my worry that I shall start to have predilections for my hobbies. It is my hope we find a cure for these rock's effects before it's too late...
    • According to Nohno, the cosmic energy from these meteors made Yahya even more obsessed about his mushrooms, while he was starting to feel the effects of the energy too. It could be why they are so obsessed over mushrooms and chickens, respectively.
  • In the Red Meteor Lab with the path puzzle, Squiggles makes a cameo in the water tank.
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Squiggles.png Squiggles 5 100 - - - - Red Meteor Laboratory