Rogue Star (Lv. 33)

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Disambig.svg This article is about the fourth version of this mob. For the other versions of this mob, see Rogue Star.
Rogue Star
Type Dungeon Mob
Level 33
Health 185
AI Type Melee
Elemental Properties
Timelost Sanctum: From Temporal Anchor (Lv. 36, Cathedral), From Ruined Units (Lv. 30)

Rogue Stars (Lv. 33) are a hostile mob found in the fourth and final versions of the Cathedral and Research Lab of the Timelost Sanctum, being summoned by the Temporal Anchor of that version of the Cathedral and the Ruined Units found in the that version of the Research Lab. It is one of the only mobs within the Timelost Sanctum that does not have a more degraded form of it, the others being the Temporal Anchors, Deserted Theories, and Garoth.


Rogue Stars have a Melee AI, which will cause them to follow the player and deal damage upon contact. They are weak to
Earth and deal damage in

Table Data

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
RogueStar(Lv33).png Rogue Star
(Lv. 33)
33 185 Melee -

- Timelost Sanctum:
From Temporal Anchor (Lv. 36, Cathedral),
From Ruined Units (Lv. 30)
