Misfired Hadron Mortar (Lv. 31)

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Disambig.svg This article is about the first version of this mob. For the second and final version of this mob, see Misfired Hadron Mortar (Lv. 32).
Misfired Hadron Mortar
Type Dungeon Miniboss
Level 31
Health 800
AI Type Rapid Ranged
Abilities Meteor
Elemental Properties
Timelost Sanctum: Cathedral (4th Version), Courtyard (4th Version)
Crowd Control Immunities
Knockback Immunity

Misfired Hadron Mortars (Lv. 31) are a hostile mob found in the fourth and final versions of the Cathedral and Courtyard in the Timelost Sanctum. They appear to be Olmic constructs that are now malfunctioning as their surroundings get pulled into the present. The earlier versions of this mob are the Hadron Mortars while the later version is the Lv. 32 version.


Misfired Hadron Mortars have a Rapid Ranged AI, which will cause them to fire rounds of projectiles towards the player. It is immune to forms of Knockback Crowd Control. It is weak to
Earth damage while dealing damage in

It has the Meteor ability, while will cause it to lob a projectile towards the player if they are within distance.

Table Data

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MisfiredHadronMortar(Lv31).png Misfired Hadron Mortar
(Lv. 31)
31 800 Rapid Ranged Knockback Immune


- Timelost Sanctum:
Cathedral (4th Version)
Courtyard (4th Version)
