Haywire Defender

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Haywire Defender CBWorldEventIcon.png
The site of this World Event.
What instructs the old constructs were given have long been forgotten, and now they attack all that comes across their path with indiscriminate hatred.
Coordinates X: -441, Y: 55, Z: -1896
Suggested Level 3
Length Short
Difficulty Medium
General Information
Time 3m
Wave Amount 4
Mobs Zombies (Lv. 3)
Zombie Archers
Zombie Grooks
Zombies (Lv. 5)
Zombies (Lv. 10)
Boss Defender of the Plains
150 XP
Guard's Garment
Decrepit Sewers Key
Infested Pit Key

Haywire Defender is a World Event found in the Maltic Plains.


To successfully complete the World Event, the level 8 Defender of the Plains miniboss must be slain within 3 minutes.

4 waves of enemies will be spawned throughout the event. The waves are as follows:


Upon completion, Haywire Defender awards 150 combat XP. The reward chest will also contain
Emeralds and
Emerald Blocks, Potions, various level ?-? Unidentified Items and Crafting Ingredients,
Decrepit Sewers Keys, and
Infested Pit Keys.

Haywire Defender is one of several World Events that can drop the items
Guard's Garment,
Radium, and

List of Mobs

As with all World Events, the health and damage of mobs encountered in Haywire Defender will scale based on the number of players in your party and their combat levels.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Zombie(Level3).png Zombie (Lv. 3) 3 14 Melee - -
Rotten Flesh

Sturdy Flesh
Emerald Trail
Ragni Region
ZombieArcher(Lv4).png Zombie Archer (Lv. 4) 4 16 Hybrid - -
Strong Flesh
Emerald Trail,
Ancestor Grotto
ZombieGrook.png Zombie Grook 5 14 Initiator Fly -
Thin Quill
Emerald Trail,
Maltic Plains,
Coastal Trail
Zombie(Level5).png Zombie (Lv. 5) 5 19 Melee AI - -
Rotten Flesh

Sturdy Flesh
Emerald Trail
Ragni Region
Coastal Trail
Zombie(Lv10).png Zombie (Lv. 10) 10 48 Melee - -
Rotten Flesh

Sturdy Flesh
Emerald Trail,
Maltic Plains,
Detlas Suburbs
File:DefenderofthePlains(Lv8).png Defender of the Plains
(Lv. 8)
8 600 Goliath ? - - Haywire Defender
