Encroaching Destruction

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Encroaching Destruction CBWorldEventIcon.png
The site of this World Event.
Corrupted forces gather to lay claim to their battlefields.
Suggested Level 15
Length Long
Difficulty Medium
General Information
Time 4m
Wave Amount 4
Mobs Enraged Sheep (Lv. 8)
Undead Akias Soldiers (Lv. 11)
Wayward Wights (Lv. 12)
Wretched Wights (Lv. 13)
Blasphemers (Lv. 15)
Boss Infernal Lieutenant (Lv. 18)
400 XP
Various Items

Encroaching Destruction is a World Event found in the Detlas Suburbs. It is the second of seven Encroaching World Events, all of which involve battling military leaders of the Corruption. It is also a pseudo-rematch with the Corrupted Summoner fought in Elemental Exercise.

The event can occur at [216, 65, -1494], at [283, 67, -1424], or at [375, 67, -1460] on the battlefield between the Detlas Suburbs and the northern edge of the Roots of Corruption.


To successfully complete the World Event, the level 18 Infernal Lieutenant miniboss must be slain within 4 minutes.

4 waves of enemies will be spawned throughout the event. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 10 Enraged Sheep
    • 14 Undead Akias Soldiers
  • Wave 2:
  • Wave 3:
    • 6 Undead Akias Soldiers
    • 5 Wayward Wights
    • 4 Wretched Wights
    • 3 Blasphemers
  • Wave 4:
    • 19 Undead Akias Soldiers
    • 1 Infernal Lieutenant


Upon completion, Encroaching Destruction awards 400 combat XP. The reward chest will also contain
Emeralds and
Emerald Blocks, Potions, various level ?-? Unidentified Items and Crafting Ingredients,
Decrepit Sewers Keys,
Infested Pit Keys, and
Timelost Sanctum Keys.

Encroaching Destruction is one of several World Events that can drop the items
Boil Lance and
Golem's Arm.

List of Mobs

As with all World Events, the health and damage of mobs encountered in Encroaching Destruction will scale based on the number of players in your party and their combat levels.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:EnragedSheep.png Enraged Sheep 8 120 Charge - - - Encroaching Destruction
UndeadAkiasSoldier.png Undead Akias Soldier 11 89 Strafe Melee - - - Encroaching Destruction
WaywardWight.png Wayward Wight 12 125 Melee - - - Roots of Corruption
File:WretchedWight.png Wretched Wight 13 235 Strafe Melee Charge
Arrow Storm
- - Encroaching Destruction
File:Blasphemer.png Blasphemer 15 359 Jumper Heavy Charge

- Encroaching Destruction
File:InfernalLieutenant.png Infernal Lieutenant 18 3,900 ? ?


- Encroaching Destruction
