Visit from Beyond

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Visit from Beyond CBWorldEventIcon.png
The site of this World Event.
Emissaries of Darkness seek to incarcerate the damned, and bind their spirits to the world.
Coordinates X: -655, Y: 45, Z: -5275
Suggested Level 70
Length Medium
Difficulty Hard
General Information
Time 3m
Wave Amount 4
Mobs 12 Dernmites
14 Bound Spirits
5 Pleureuses
8 Venguers
Boss 1 Kandrekk Soulweaver
72,000 XP
Phantasmal Remnants
Soul Ink
Memory Dye
Various Items

Visit from Beyond is a World Event found in the House of Talor within the Kander Forest.


To successfully complete the World Event, the level 82 Kandrekk Soulweaver miniboss must be slain within 3 minutes.

4 waves of enemies will be spawned throughout the event. The waves are as follows:

  • Wave 1:
    • 8 Dernmites
    • 1 Bound Spirit
    • 1 Pleureuse
  • Wave 2:
    • 4 Dernmites
    • 2 Bound Spirits
    • 4 Venguers
  • Wave 3:
    • 4 Bound Spirits
    • 4 Pleureuses
    • 4 Venguers
  • Wave 4:
    • 7 Bound Spirits
    • 1 Kandrekk Soulweaver


Upon completion, Visit from Beyond awards 72,000 combat XP. The reward chest will also contain
Emeralds and
Emerald Blocks, Potions, various level 60-80 Unidentified Items and Crafting Ingredients,
Az Runes,
Nii Runes, and
Galleon's Graveyard Keys.

Additionally, the exclusive items
Phantasmal Remnants and
Soul Ink, and the ingredient
Memory Dye, can only be obtained as rewards from Visit from Beyond.

List of Mobs

As with all World Events, the health and damage of mobs encountered in Visit from Beyond will scale based on the number of players in your party and their combat levels.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Dernmite.png Dernmite 70 ? Dernmite ? - - Unsettling Encounters,
Visit from Beyond,
Realmic Antigen
BoundSpirit(VisitfromBeyond).png Bound Spirit 70 ? Ranged -


- Visit from Beyond,
from Kandrekk Soulweaver
Pleureuse.png Pleureuse 73 ? Strafe Ranged Charge
- Visit from Beyond
Venguer.png Venguer 75 ? Strafe Melee Flamethrower
Heavy Teleport

- Visit from Beyond
DarkeningSoul.png Darkening Soul 70 3500 Ranged - -
Ghostly Membrane
Kander Forest,
Penitentiary Graveyard
BlackenedSoul.png Blackened Soul 72 2275 Melee Vanish



Ghostly Membrane

Ritual Catalyst
Kander Forest,
Penitentiary Graveyard,
from Kandrekk Archwraiths
File:KandrekkSoulweaver.png Kandrekk Soulweaver 82 ? ?
Knockback Immune
Spirit Purge*



- Visit from Beyond
