Orphion's Nexus of Light

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Orphion's Nexus of Light CBRaidIcon.png
Discovery Lore
Thought only to be a myth, this legendary structure acts as a nexus for the Realm of Light's power. Somewhere in its enigmatic halls lies Orphion, the physical manifestation of Light itself.
Coordinates X: -732, Z: -6412
Minimum Level 79
Suggested Level 80+
Max Party Level 500
Quest Required Realm of Light V - The Realm of Light
Runes Required 3 Uth Runes
Players Required 4-6
Boss Orphion, The Light Beast (Lv. 250)
The Parasite (Lv. 250)
Rewards 350000 Experience Points
Additional rewards may include:

Disambig.svg This article is about the Raid. For the teleportation hub from The Order of the Grook, see Nexus.

Orphion's Nexus of Light, also known as Orphion's Nexus of Dark is a Raid in Wynncraft found in the Realm of Light. It was supposed to be added to the game in the 1.20 Gavel Reborn update, alongside the two other Raids in Gavel Province, the Nest of the Grootslangs and The Canyon Colossus. It was then added in 1.20.1.

Preparing for the Raid

The Realm of Light
-732, -6412
Wynncraft Map

To challenge the Nexus of Light, you must assemble a party of 4-6 players. Each must be at least level 79, and must have unlocked the Raid by completing the Realm of Light V quest. Otherwise, one of the most important considerations when assembling your party is your combined total combat level, which cannot exceed 500.

The entrance to the Raid is inside the Nexus of Light's palace, on the northeastern edge of The Realm of Light. There is a quick-travel portal to the palace at the Realm's entrance, unlocked after the quest, along with a Potion Merchant selling Healing Potions from Lv 80-100, Lv 80 Mana Potions, and Lv 85 Skill Potions. However, there are also other amenities in the Nexus of Light, including a Potion Merchant, as well as a Blacksmith, Emerald Merchant, and 2 Party Finders for Lv 80 to Lv 100 players.

To begin the Raid, enter the palace and the party leader will have to hand 3 Uth Runes to the Raid Keeper. Uth Runes can be obtained from Uth Shrines around the world, which require a Golden Avia Feather to activate. They are dropped by the miniboss of the Uth Shrine, the Uth Guardian.

Entering The Raid

Orphion's Nexus of Light
When light fades...
  • Orphion's Nexus of L̷͔̺̹̔͠i̴̢̦̅̓ğ̶̹̯͐̽ḥ̴̨͔̋t̶̲̘̯̄̈́
    When light fades...
    Orphion's Nexus of Dark
    When darkness grows...
    Orphion's Nexus of D̴̡̰̙̓̈͐a̴̢̭̘̕ȓ̴͍̱͓͆̚k̷̡̘̙̎͆
    When darkness grows...
    Orphion's Nexus of Dark
    When darkness grows...
    Orphion's Nexus of D̴̡̰̙̓̈͐a̴̢̭̘̕ȓ̴͍̱͓͆̚k̷̡̘̙̎͆
    When d̷̮̯̰̍̿́a̴͍͋r̶̤͑k̷̳̼̎͐̚n̴̹͂͆é̶̜ͅs̶̻̞͚͐̋s̶͍͒̀ grows...
    Orphion's Nexus of Light
    When light fades...
  • When you enter the raid, the cutscene shows the outlook of castle, before the door opens. Upon entering, you're greeted with a giant hub with 3 doors, along with the raid's title flickering through the sequence shown in the collapsible. The door on the front will open, leading you to first room.

    Room 1

    Decaying Clouds Room

    There are five clouds, and you are given jump boost. Every round, a platform will be created on one cloud while the others will decay. Players should stand on the platform to tick the countdown. A new round will create after a while and you have to repeat until the challenge is completed. Standing on the decaying cloud while the platform is activated will damage the player.

    Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
    Light(Appearance2).png Light 89 38500 Melee Heavy Charge


    - Nexus of Light
    ThunderousCore.png Thunderous Core 90 ? ? ?

    - Nexus of Light
    ThunderCloud.png Thunder Cloud 90 ? Melee ?
    - Nexus of Light
    GhostlyShadow.png Ghostly Shadow 90 ? Strafe Melee ?


    - Nexus of Light

    Platform Room

    There is a tower platform in the center. You can get there by stepping on gold launchpad that appear on the corners of the room, then you need to stand on the tower platform for 60 seconds total. Occasionally, some of the crystals on the edges of the room will start decaying, and your party has to stop them from decaying by killing the parasites beneath them. If the parasites are not killed in time, the tower will decay, knocking off the person standing on it, and disabling the platform for five seconds.

    Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
    GhostlyLight.png Ghostly Light 90 ? ? ?

    - Nexus of Light
    AntumbralHaze.png Antumbral Haze 90 ? ? ?

    - Nexus of Light
    LightofFreedom(Appearance1).png Light of Freedom 91 ? ? ?

    - Nexus of Light
    DecayingParasite.png Decaying Parasite 100 ? ? ? - - Nexus of Light

    Room 2

    Clouds Room

    There are clouds similar to Decaying Clouds Room in Room One. In this room, 3 clouds will eject a black beam, indicating where the Crystalline Decay will spawn next. You have a timer for 30 seconds to kill all the Crystalline Decay each round. If you fail, the round doesn't count to the three rounds you have to do to complete the challenge.

    Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
    UmbralHaze.png Umbral Haze 88 ? ? ?


    - Nexus of Light
    ThunderCloud.png Thunder Cloud 90 ? Melee ?
    - Nexus of Light
    LuminousApparition.png Luminous Apparition 91 ? ? ?


    - Nexus of Light
    CrystallineDecay.png Crystalline Decay 95 ? ? ?



    - Nexus of Light

    Resource Room

    There is a collector in the middle, you need to get 10 resources to it.
    Miniboss - Kill the miniboss to get resource.
    Parkour - Complete the parkour by looking at gold blocks on ceiling.
    Puzzle - Stand next to the Light Crystal 3 separate times to get the resource.

    Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
    Light(Appearance2).png Light 89 38500 Melee Heavy Charge


    - Nexus of Light
    AthanaticWitness.png Athanatic Witness 100 300000 Melee Blindness Resist
    Slowness Resist


    - Nexus of Light

    Room 3

    Tower Room

    In this room, a player will hold the darkness crystal. In each round, certain mobs will appear, and after 10 seconds of each round starting, a green beam will appear. The party has 7 seconds to guide the crystal carrier to it. Successfully guiding the crystal carrier to the particles two times to proceed to the next floor. If the crystal carrier doesn't get to the green beam, then the team has to restart that round.There are four floors, each with two rounds, and each with progressively stronger and tougher rounds.

    If the crystal carrier dies, the challenge resets, allowing another player to pick the crystal and proceed.


    Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
    ResplendentPrism.png Resplendent Prism 93 ? ? ?



    - Nexus of Light
    SeraphicPresence.png Seraphic Presence 94 ? ? ?


    - Nexus of Light
    MaturationCatalyst.png Maturation Catalyst 120 ? ? ?



    - Nexus of Light
    Polychromatism.png Polychromatism 125 ? ? ?


    - Nexus of Light

    Maze Room

    One player will hold the Light Crystal, making them the escort in this challenge. The path on the floor will be visible to the escort and no one else. The escort should lead other players to the end by having their others follow them. Additionally, the overseer regularly decays for 4 seconds. You should not move in this period, or you'll take damage and get launched to the air. Movement spells are disabled for the entirety of this challenge, making the overseer especially dangerous.

    If the escort dies, the challenge resets, allowing another player to pick the crystal.

    Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
    ThunderCloud.png Thunder Cloud 90 ? ? ?
    - Nexus of Light
    LightofFreedom(Appearance2).png Light of Freedom 92 ? ? ?

    - Nexus of Light
    LightlessApparition.png Lightless Apparition 92 ? ? ?


    - Nexus of Light
    WrathfulStorm.png Wrathful Storm 95 ? ? ?

    - Nexus of Light


    When you complete all 3 rooms, a gate will rise in the center. Once you enter the gate, you will be presented a stairway to Orphion's arena, for the team to face against Orphion, titled The Light Beast.

    Phase 1, Orphion, The Light Beast

    O R P H I O N
    The Light Beast
    O R P H I O N
    The Dark Beast

    Orphion, The Light Beast, taken over by The Parasite attached to the body, appears as the initial final boss of the raid. He has 8 million health, and uses various spells.

    Bloodlust Ruins

    There will be 4 quadrants of the arena, and each area has a Bloodlust Ruin. Every 20 seconds, a Bloodlust Ruin will be activated. When you stand on it, you'll take 2,000 true damage per second. As the fight progresses, 2 quadrants will have a Bloodlust Ruin activated instead of 1.

    Crystalline Cyclone

    At the start of the fight, there will be an unkillable Crystalline Cyclone mob in the middle floating above the arena.

    The Crystalline Cyclone initially has power to 'crystallize' a player. If you are crystallized, you will first notice you slow down in the fight, and then eventually stop in a crystal prison. The only way to be freed of the Crystal is for another player to kill the Crystal imprisoning you. When trapped in the crystal, you are rendered immobile and cannot attack or use spells. It will also gain new spells as the fight progresses:

    • The Cyclone Pulls (6000000 HP) - The Crystalline Cyclone now has the power to launch a player into the air. While this is more of a mild inconvenience for Mages, Warriors, Assassins, Shamans or players who have an item with the Lightweight Major ID active, it can be very devastating to Archers, especially since they have no efficient movement spell for nullifying fall damage.
    • The Cyclone Curses (4000000 HP) - The Crystalline Cyclone now has ability to teleport everyone to crystalized player.
    • The Cyclone Kills (2000000 HP) - The Crystalline Cyclone gains its final ability, which now has the ability to strike people with lightning. If you are targeted by it, you need to stay mobile or else it will deal a ton of damage to the targeted player.

    Lots of minions will also spawn as Orphion's health gets lower. Some of them can cast heal spells, so deal with them quickly.

    Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
    Orphion,TheLightBeast.png Orphion, The Light Beast 250 8000000 Charge Pull



    - Nexus of Light
    CrystallineCyclone.png Crystalline Cyclone 200 Invulnerable None ?

    - Nexus of Light
    VolatileVelocity.png Volatile Velocity 90 8500 Melee Explode


    - Nexus of Light
    AntipodeBomb.png Antipode Bomb 95 100000 Rapid Ranged ?

    - Nexus of Light
    PearlOverwatch.png Pearl Overwatch 95 120000 Burst Ranged ?


    - Nexus of Light
    Crystalline.png Crystalline 100 80000 Melee ?

    - Nexus of Light
    InfectionAdInfinitum(Phase1).png Infection Ad Infinitum
    (Phase 1)
    110 1000 Melee ? - Spawns Infections Ad Infinitum
    (Phase 2)
    Nexus of Light
    InfectionAdInfinitum(Phase2).png Infection Ad Infinitum
    (Phase 2)
    110 20000 Melee ? - Spawns Infections Ad Infinitum
    (Phase 3)
    Nexus of Light
    InfectionAdInfinitum(Phase3).png Infection Ad Infinitum
    (Phase 3)
    110 50000 Melee ? - Spawns Infections Ad Infinitum
    (Phase 4)
    Nexus of Light
    InfectionAdInfinitum(Phase4).png Infection Ad Infinitum
    (Phase 4)
    110 50000 Melee ? - - Nexus of Light

    After Orphion's HP has been reduced to 80000 or below, everyone will be taken to a cutscene, showing the black matter around Orphion detaching itself to reveal the true final boss of the raid as the Crystalline Cyclone turns into the Sanitizing Void. The second phase begins with Orphion saying the following line to the players:

    You must fight...
    what I can not

    Phase 2, The Parasite, The Harbinger of Decay

    The Parasite
    The Harbinger of Decay

    The Parasite is the true final boss of the Raid. All of the minions during Orphion's first phase will disappear, and the Bloodlust Ruins will be inactive throughout the fight. The Parasite is a fairly simpler fight compared to Orphion's, though it has large health regen and high knockback. However the main threat to the fight is the Sanitizing Void.

    Sanitizing Void

    When the parasite is damaged, the Sanitizing Void will unlock a unique Pull spell, the pulled player have a few seconds to react as once the player is pulled, they cannot escape it unless the Sanitizing Void is defeated. The Parasite can easily pick on the players that are trapped within the Sanitizing Void. Once the Sanitizing Void is defeated, the players will be freed of the Void's pull, and the Sanitizing Void will reappear later on, making it a constant threat. The Sanitizing Void also occasionally shoots projectiles on 8 directions, heavily damaging anyone on touch.

    The Sanitizing Void does not target the same player for more than once.

    Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
    TheParasite.png The Parasite 250 3000000 Burst Ranged Charge
    Heavy Teleport



    - Nexus of Light
    SanitizingVoid.png Sanitizing Void 175 500000 ? Pull

    - Nexus of Light

    Once The Parasite has been defeated, Orphion's Nexus of Light will be completed. After the message has popped up, Orphion will then speak to the Players.

    • Orphion: My pulse... Your brilliance is blinding- your power so much more than I expected.
    • Orphion: The dark aberration... It brought shadows to me- And from me, to my land, and then to yours.
    • Orphion: Gavel's decline will end, with my freedom... Slowly. I am still left dim, but ever brightening.
    • Orphion: Its brood are sterile. As the dark burns away, so too will they- And the land will recover.
    • Orphion: Yet... A problem beyond my pale yet persists. Dawn has broken, but in another time dusk will arrive...
    • Orphion: Lari... Achara. She seeks to illuminate the dark. You must shine your light as she...but elsewhere.
    • Orphion: The dark has power unknown- It did not before. Through this power, its shadows reached to me.
    • Orphion: The delicate stasis was disrupted... And it cannot be blamed solely on the dark itself.
    • Orphion: Rest now, my pulse, and prepare, for there is another force who you must bring to peace.
    • Orphion: (In High Gavellian) She must be snuffed out. Her influence feeds this senseless war.

    Raid Power Ups

    After each of the three Challenge Rooms, you will be able to choose one of three randomly-selected powerups, increasing in tier from I to III with each successive challenge. Note that each set of powerups to choose from is independently randomized, so being offered a specific Tier II powerup in the second room will not necessarily mean that the corresponding Tier III will be available in the next room.

    For further information on the Major IDs provided in some of these powerups, see the Identifications page. Inside the Raid, you can right-click each powerup to see a description of their effects.

    Powerup Tier I Effects Tier II Effects Tier III Effects
    Cherubim +75% Walk Speed
    +150% Main Attack Damage
    +50% Thorns
    +50% Reflection
    +1000/4s Life Steal
    +40 All Skill Points
    Seraphim +55% Spell Damage
    +Sorcery Major ID
    +55% Spell Damage
    +5/5s Mana Regen
    +55% Spell Damage
    +7/5s Mana Regen
    +130 Dexterity
    Ophanim +50 Agility
    +50% Water Damage
    +50 Agility
    +75% Water Damage
    +350% Health Regen
    +10000 Health
    +Guardian Major ID
    Throne +80 Intelligence
    +10/3s Mana Steal
    +10/3s Mana Steal
    +5/5s Mana Regen
    +50% All Element Damage
    +70 Intelligence
    +Transcendence Major ID
    Anti +616% Exploding
    +Explosive Impact Major ID
    +100 Strength
    +9000/3s Poison
    +80 Defense
    +300% Sprint
    +2 tier Attack Speed

    Raid Rewards

    When you complete the raid, a chest will appear in the reward room. Open it to claim the reward. Raid rewards may include raid exclusive rewards, such as Mastery Tomes and Corkian Amplifiers as well as the Charm of the Light. It also has chance to include several emerald blocks, raid-exclusive fabled items, and horses. Other rewards include broken dungeon keys, teleport scrolls to Cinfras, and powders.

    There are two fabled items which can only be found from the Orphion's Nexus of Light Raid Reward Chest:


    Earth Defense: -15

    Thunder Defense: -15

    Water Defense: -15

    Fire Defense: -15

    Air Defense: -15
    • Combat Lv. Min: 80
    • Agility Min: 55
    +15 to +65 Health Regen
    +35/3s to +150/3s Life Steal
    -10% to -6% Soul Point Regen
    +2% to +8% Thorns
    +2% to +8% Reflection
    -58 to -31 Spell Damage
    Fabled Ring


    Earth Defense: +20

    Thunder Defense: +20

    Water Defense: -100

    Fire Defense: +20

    Air Defense: +20
    • Combat Lv. Min: 80
    -1/5s Mana Regen
    -1/3s Mana Steal
    +6% to +26% Spell Damage
    Fabled Necklace


    • Despite the Raid Keeper looking a lot like the former inhabitants of the Realm of Light, the Heliolux, a comment in the now-deleted subforum for 1.20 Hero Beta from oculism, a GM, stated that the Raid Keeper itself is in no way related to the Heliolux.
    • You get to pet Orphion after you complete the Raid. Orphion will say a random piece of dialogue and when you pat him for the third time, he will warp you out of the room to go in front of the Nexus of Light, or see the Corruption Portal, or straight to the Rewards Room.
    • You are allowed to use consumables while you are crystallized.
    • Orphion in fact represents the light realm, damage done to Orphion means damage done to the Realm. However, in this raid you are trying to knock the parasite off, the actual damage done to Orphion is unnoticeable.
    • The Maze room is also known as "Pog Room" in the community due to how the overseer looks.
    • Several light mobs in the raid have a dark counterpart to them. Antumbral Haze has Umbral Haze, Ghostly Light has Ghostly Shadow, and Luminous Apparition has Lightless Apparition.
    • The Infection Ad Infinitums are actually brought into the fight by the Parasite.
      • There were also several other summons that would be in Orphion's fight, these being Infested Cruxes, Malwarewolves, Brainwashed Jugglers, Plagued Captains, Infested Doctors, Infested Puppets, and Deceased Beasts. These were removed in the 2.0.1 update as they weren't thematically similar enough to the theme of light. They were all added "cuz [Lumia] ran out of ideas and did random shit".
      • Fitting with the Parasite, the Infection Ad Infinitum's name roughly translates from Latin to "Infection to Infinity".
    • Despite what Orphion's title flickering to "The Dark Beast", this does not mean he is the Dern Beast. Rather, it is instead because of the Parasite being bound to Orphion that causes him to act berserk.
    • This Raid can be viewed as a parallel to the Eldritch Outlook.
    • Some mobs in the Nameless Anomaly are parallels to ones in Orphion's Nexus of Light, these being:
      • Nocturnal Witness: A possible counterpart to the Athanatic Witness miniboss.
      • Monochromatism: A parallel to Polychromatism.
    • The minions summoned during the fight prior to the 2.0.1 update were very different compared to the current mobs. The removed mobs that were in the fight that weren't summoned by the Parasite (along with their possible replacements) are:
      • Godly Transformer > Antipode Bomb
      • Crawling Curer > Pearl Overwatch
      • Overseer of Orphion > Crystalline
    • Some mobs in the raid have parallels within the raid:
      • Ghostly Light/Ghostly Shadow
      • Antumbral Haze/Umbral Haze
      • Luminous Apparition/Lightless Apparition