Lists of mobs/Jofash Docks

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The following page is a List of mobs page for Jofash Docks. Other pages may transclude the tables found within this page. Editing the tables here will change all other pages that use these mob lists.
Try to keep these tables as accurate as possible, and feel free to create pages for the mobs and ingredients in an organized manner.

Hostile Mobs

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CoconutCrustacean.png Coconut Crustacean 68 2960 Melee - ✦ Weak
✽ Dam
✹ Def
- Jofash Docks
TannedSunfish.png Tanned Sunfish 68 3000 Melee - ✦ Weak
✽ Dam
✹ Def
- Jofash Docks
CoastalMonkey.png Coastal Monkey 70 2700 Neutral Melee - - - Jofash Docks
FeralGoat.png Feral Goat 70 9800 Melee - ✤ Def - Jofash Docks
AbandonedCastaway.png Abandoned Castaway 91 4750 Ranged - - - Jofash Docks

Friendly Mobs

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
JofashResident.png Jofash Resident 75 20000 Passive - - - Jofash Docks
JofashSailor.png Jofash Sailor 80 30000 Passive - - - Jofash Docks
GavellianKnight.png Gavellian Knight 90 60000
Guard - - - Jofash Docks

Special Mobs

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ArchaicVillagerStatue(Phase1).png ??? 95 1 None - - 1 Archaic Villager Statue Jofash Docks
ArchaicVillagerStatue(Phase2).png Archaic Villager Statue 95 550,000 Jumper Knockback Immune
Blindness Resist
Slowness Resist
Spike Stone
✤ Dam
✽ Def
- Jofash Docks
SpikedStone.png Spiked Stone 90 100
Melee - ✤ Dam - From Archaic Villager Statues
