Lists of mobs/Other Quests (Lv. 1-15)

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This list includes the mobs which appear in various Quests from Combat Levels 1-15. Mobs in overworld areas that can be encountered outside of quests are not included, and can be found in their appropriate regional lists.

King's Recruit

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Horse.png Horse 1 50 Passive - - - Ragni Outskirts
Grook.png Grook 1 5 Passive - - - Ragni Outskirts
WildBoar.png Wild Boar 1 5 Passive - - - Ragni Outskirts
Cow(King'sRecruit).png Cow 1 5 Passive - - - Ragni Outskirts
Stone.png Stone 0 1 - - - - Ragni Outskirts Cave
CorruptedRenegade.png Corrupted Renegade 1 12 Melee - - - Ragni Underpass
WeakZombie(King'sRecruit,Cutscene).png Weak Zombie 1 - Cutscene - - - Ragni Underpass
BlazingSkeletalMage.png Blazing Skeletal Mage 2 32 Melee Meteor ✹ Dam - Ragni Underpass
UndeadMiner(Pickaxe).png Undead Miner
1 7 Melee - - - Ragni Underpass
UndeadMiner(Iron).png Undead Miner
1 10 Melee - - - Ragni Underpass
CorruptedSkeletalMage(Cutscene).png Corrupted Skeletal Mage 5 - - - - - Ragni Underpass
WeakZombie(King'sRecruit).png Weak Zombie 1 6 Melee - - - Ragni Underpass
ReanimatedSkeleton.png Reanimated Skeleton 2 11 Melee - ✹ Dam - Ragni Underpass
CorruptedSkeletalMage.png Corrupted Skeletal Mage 5 42 Melee Charge - - Ragni Underpass

Enzan's Brother

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ShroomBones.png ShroomBones 3 12 Melee - - - Cave at -538, 67, -1586
AnimatedShroom.png Animated Shroom 2 18 Ranged - - - Cave at -538, 67, -1586
MushroomPigman.png Mushroom Pigman 6 39 Jumper - ✤ Def - Cave at -538, 67, -1586
EnergizedMushroom.png Energized Mushroom 7 25 Melee - -
Energy Mushroom
Cave at -538, 67, -1586

Poisoning the Pest

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CrateofRatPoison.png Crate of Rat Poison 1 1 None - -
Crate of Rat Poison
Farmer Cevalus' Farm
CorruptFarmer(Appearance1).png Corrupt Farmer 4 - Ranged Arrow Storm - - Farmer Cevalus' Farm
CorruptFarmer(Appearance2).png Corrupt Farmer 4 40 Melee Charge - - Farmer Cevalus' Farm

Infested Plants

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ForestSpider(Level5).png Forest Spider 5 12 Crawl AI - -
Forest Web

Spider Fang

Poisonous Spider Eye

Lucky Spider Egg

Luxurious Silk
Nivla Woods
SpiderEgg(InfestedPlants).png Spider Egg 6 4 None Self-Destruct - Forest Spider Saccharum Cave
ElderForestSpider.png Elder Forest Spider 7 120 Jumper - - - Saccharum Cave Exit

The Sewers of Ragni

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SewerBat.png Sewer Bat 5 14 Ranged - - - Ragni Sewers
CorruptedSewage.png Corrupted Sewage 6 ? Melee - - - Ragni Sewers
BoneCrawler.png Bone Crawler 7 30 Melee - - - Spooky Sewer
RottingSkeleton.png Rotting Skeleton 8 34 Melee - - - Spooky Sewer
SkeletonReaper.png Skeleton Reaper 10 90 Charge - ✦ Dam
Reaper's Bone
Spooky Sewer
Next to Fence

Mushroom Man

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ShroomStealerSpider.png Shroom Stealer Spider 5 12 Crawl - - - Yahya's Mushroom Patch

Tunnel Trouble

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Long-deadSoldier.png Long-dead Soldier 7 45 Melee - -
Rotten Bone
Ragni-Detlas Tunnel
DirtCrawler.png Dirt Crawler 8 70 Crawl - ✤ Dam
Rotten Flesh
Ragni-Detlas Tunnel
Groundshaker.png Groundshaker 8 25 Charge Heavy Charge - - Ragni-Detlas Tunnel
HardpackedZombie.png Hardpacked Zombie 9 195 Melee - ✦ Def
✤ Weak

Rotten Flesh
Ragni-Detlas Tunnel
ScaredCow.png Scared Cow 1 Invulnerable None - - - Bylvis' Cow Pens
File:Bylvis'GuardGolem.png Bylvis' Guard Golem 10 480 Melee Multihit ✤ Dam - Bylvis' Farm


Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DamagedCrate.png Damaged Crate 10 80 None - -
8 Old Treasure
Crashed Ship
Room at (-565, 19, -2047)

Maltic's Well

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Rat(MalticsWell).png Rat 9 30 Melee - - - Witch's Hideout
WellWitch.png Well Witch 11 400 Ranged - ✤ Weak
✦ Dam

Witch's Empty Bottle
Witch's Hideout
File:Child(Mob).png Child 15 30,000 Protect - - - Witch's Hideout

Elemental Exercise

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
EarthElementDummy.png Earth Element Dummy 1 1,000 None Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
❋ Weak
✤ Def
- Detlas Barracks Training Room
ThunderElementDummy.png Thunder Element Dummy 1 1,000 None Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
✤ Weak
✦ Def
- Detlas Barracks Training Room
WaterElementDummy.png Water Element Dummy 1 1,000 None Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
✦ Weak
✽ Def
- Detlas Barracks Training Room
FireElementDummy.png Fire Element Dummy 1 1,000 None Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
✽ Weak
✹ Def
- Detlas Barracks Training Room
AirElementDummy.png Air Element Dummy 1 1,000 None Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
✹ Weak
❋ Def
- Detlas Barracks Training Room
NeutralElementDummy.png Neutral Element Dummy 1 1,000 None Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
- - Detlas Barracks Training Room
Tasim(Lv11).png Tasim 11 740 Melee Pull
❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Detlas Barracks Training Room
CorruptedCaptain.png Corrupted Captain
(Phase 1)
20 1,200 Melee Pull
✦ Def - Detlas North Gate
BruteBasher.png Brute Basher 12 75 Melee - ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Detlas North Gate
SneakSlicer.png Sneak Slicer 12 40 Melee - ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Detlas North Gate
ClericCaster.png Cleric Caster 12 100 Support Heal ✦ Weak
✽ Dam
✽ Def
- Detlas North Gate
IronInfidel.png Iron Infidel 12 150 Melee - ✽ Weak
✹ Dam
✹ Def
- Detlas North Gate
SpeedShooter.png Speed Shooter 12 40 Ranged - ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
Detlas North Gate
CorruptedCaptain.png Corrupted Captain
(Phase 2)
20 1,600 Melee Pull
✦ Def - Detlas North Gate

Potion Making

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Dr.Essren(Mob).png Dr. Essren 15 500 Charge Slowness Immune
Heavy Charge
Spore Burst
✽ Weak
✦ Dam

Essren's Dusty Coat
Essren's Hut

Stable Story

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Betty.png Betty 20 775 Protect - - - Cow Tunnel Entrance
RebelCow.png Rebel Cow 15 160 Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Cow Tunnel
ArmoredRebelCow.png Armored Rebel Cow 21 420 Melee Charge ✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Cow Tunnel
AlbertTheStrong.png Albert The Strong 22 600 Melee Charge ✤ Dam
✹ Def

Stable Key
Cow Tunnel
Back Room
EtusTheBlind.png Etus The Blind 19 235 Retreat Pull ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
- Cow Tunnel
Back Room

Arachnids' Ascent

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
LavaBandit.png Lava Bandit 15 150 Melee - ✽ Weak
✹ Dam
- Scorched Trail
FireBandit.png Fire Bandit 15 250 Melee Flamethrower ✽ Weak
✹ Dam
- Scorched Trail
Spiderling.png Spiderling 16 85 Melee - - - Mount Wynn
FallingLavaBomb.png Falling Lava Bomb - - - Detonate - - Mount Wynn
Cave Ceiling
IgnisArachnid.png Ignis Arachnid 17 1000 Jumper Flamethrower ✹ Dam
✹ Def
File:FlameofMountWynn.png Flame of Mount Wynn Mt. Wynn Summit
HotCoals.png Hot Coals 12 100 Ranged - - - Mt. Wynn Summit
