Lists of mobs/Pre-Light Forest

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The following page is a List of mobs page for Pre-Light Forest. Other pages may transclude the tables found within this page. Editing the tables here will change all other pages that use these mob lists.
Try to keep these tables as accurate as possible, and feel free to create pages for the mobs and ingredients in an organized manner.

Surface Mobs

Surface mobs are mobs that spawn generally throughout a large part of the region, and do not have specific locations where they can be found.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CuriousFoliage(Pre-LightForest).png Curious Foliage 65 1 None - - 2 Mandragoras
4 Phrumkin Pranksters
1 Lucky Fairy
Riverside Plains
File:LuckyFairy.png Lucky Fairy 65 1000 Protect - - - From Curious Foliage
Mandragora(Pre-LightForest).png Mandragora 60 1550 Retreat -



Leafy Stalk

Gilded Bark

Ignited Faebloom
Riverside Plains,
from Curious Foliage
PhrumkinPrankster.png Phrumkin Prankster 62 1700 Jumper -



Leafy Stalk

Phrumkin Seeds

Ignited Faebloom
Riverside Plains,
from Curious Foliage
Catsith.png Catsith
62 1700 Retreat Blindness Immune


Feline Claws

Pilfered Silver
Riverside Plains
Catsith.png Catsith
62 1700 Melee Blindness Immune


Feline Claws

Pilfered Silver
1 Witch of Catsith (Hostile)
Riverside Plains
WitchofCatsith(Hostile).png Witch of Catsith
68 9075 Rapid Ranged Blindness Immune



1 Witch of Catsith (Scared) From Catsith (Melee)
WitchofCatsith(Scared).png Witch of Catsith
62 2375 Scared Blindness Immune

100-150 Emeralds
From Witch of Catsith (Hostile)
Freelancer.png Freelancer 64 2575 Charge -


Looted Alloy

Windswept Roots
Riverside Plains
Freewheeler.png Freewheeler 64 2250 Ranged Heavy Teleport


Looted Alloy

Windswept Roots
Riverside Plains
FeyborneAlraune.png Feyborne Alraune 66 5500 Neutral Ranged Knockback Immune



Leafy Stalk

Faebloom Petal

Ignited Faebloom
Riverside Plains
AlrauneOnFire.png Alraune on Fire 66 3300 Neutral Melee Knockback Immune




Faebloom Petal

Ignited Faebloom
Riverside Plains
At -1325, 43, -4445
YaleRampager.png Yale Rampager 65 4000 Charge -




Yale Leather

Looted Alloy

Fresh Game
Riverside Plains
GoldenKingofYales.png Golden King of Yales 70 12000 Charge Slowness Immune
Heavy Charge



Yale Leather

Looted Alloy

Fresh Game
Riverside Plains
Cath-o-Bucie(Neutral).png Cath-o-Bucie
72 1 Neutral Melee - - 1 Cath-o-Bucie (Hostile) Riverside Plains
At -1430, 43, -4620
Cath-o-Bucie(Hostile).png Cath-o-Bucie
72 22000 Melee Blindness Immune
Slowness Resist
Heavy Multihit




Feline Claws
From Cath-o-Bucie (Neutral)

Cave Mobs

Cave mobs are mobs that, in contrast to Surface Mobs, only spawn at specific locations, like caves.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
WaterSprite.png Water Sprite 60 2150 Protect Wave


DiamondHorseArmour.png Strange Trinket Cave at -1360, 41, -4655,
cave at -1320, 45, -5005
EarthSprite.png Earth Sprite 60 2150 Protect Meteor


DiamondHorseArmour.png Strange Trinket Cave at -1360, 41, -4655
LightSprite.png Light Sprite 60 2150 Protect Heavy Teleport


DiamondHorseArmour.png Strange Trinket Cave at -1360, 41, -4655
SwordsmanGuard.png Swordsman Guard 63 3700 Melee Multihit - - Cultists Passage
RapidDeadeye.png Rapid Deadeye 63 1050 Ranged - - - Cultists Passage
RaksdensCultist.png Raksdens Cultist 65 1500 Charge -


- Cultists Passage
ConsumedRaksdensCultist.png Consumed Raksdens Cultist 65 2800 Ranged Heavy Flamethrower


- Cultists Passage
LittleEater.png Little Eater 61 1625 Charge -


Nasty Residue

Defiled Luxroot
Earth Eaters
Regurgitator.png Regurgitator 64 2575 Burst Ranged -




Nasty Residue

Defiled Luxroot
Devourer'sMaw.png Devourer's Maw
Earth Eaters
Devourer(Level67).png Devourer 67 8700 Melee Multihit


Nasty Residue

Defiled Luxroot
Devourer'sMaw.png Devourer's Maw
Earth Eaters
Terramite.png Terramite 68 2600 Crawl -


Terramarine Dust
Cave at -1300, 42, -4690
Marinemite.png Marinemite 68 6050 Melee -


Terramarine Dust
Cave at -1300, 42, -4690
TerramarineBlossom.png Terramarine Blossom 1 10 None - -
8 Terramarine Buds
Cave at -1300, 42, -4690
LedantDroneling.png Ledant Droneling 70 2978 Retreat -


Chitin Plate
Ledant Hill
LedantGrub.png Ledant Grub 70 1968 Jumper -

Chitin Plate
Ledant Hill,
from Ledant Broodmothers
LedantBroodmother.png Ledant Broodmother 72 8754 Melee -


Chitin Plate
2 Ledant Grubs
Ledant Hill
LedantQueen.png Ledant Queen 75 13000 Ranged Slowness



Chitin Plate

Mashed Insect
Ledant Hill

Town Mobs

Town Mobs are mobs that spawn within settlements found across the map. Most are passive but in some towns the residents can be Neutral.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Bucie Citizen 45 20,000 Passive - - - Bucie
File:BucieGuard.png Bucie Guard 50 ?
Guard - - - Bucie
File:AgedGuardGolem.png Aged Guard Golem 50 ?
Guard -
- Bucie
File:BucieArcher.png Bucie Archer 50 ?
Guard Ranged - - - Bucie
File:BucieFarmer.png Bucie Farmer 45 20,000 Passive - - - Bucie Farms
File:BucieStallion.png Bucie Stallion 40 5,000 Passive - - - Bucie:
Horse Merchant
File:Tonnerre.png Tonnerre 55 ?
Guard - - - Bucie:
Horse Merchant
File:OldSageFisher.png Old Sage Fisher 52 12,000 Passive - - - Bucie:
Fishing Station near the River Sage
