Lists of mobs/Orphion's Nexus of Light

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The following page is a List of mobs page for Orphion's Nexus of Light. Other pages may transclude the tables found within this page. Editing the tables here will change all other pages that use these mob lists.
Try to keep these tables as accurate as possible, and feel free to create pages for the mobs and ingredients in an organized manner.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AntumbralHaze.png Antumbral Haze 90 ? ?

- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Pillar Room
File:LightofFreedom(Level91).png Light of Freedom
(Lv. 91)
91 ? ? ?

- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Pillar Room
GhostlyLight.png Ghostly Light 90 ? ? ?

- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Pillar Room
DecayingParasite.png Decaying Parasite 80 ? ? ? - - Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Pillar Room
File:WrathfulStorm(Level85).png Wrathful Storm
(Lv. 85)
85 33,500 Rapid Ranged
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Summon Cloud


- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Decaying Clouds Room
File:ThunderCloud(Level90).png Thunder Cloud
(Lv. 90)
90 50,000 Melee
Knockback Resist
Lightning Strike

- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Decaying Clouds Room
(from Wrathful Storms (Lv. 85))
LuminousApparition.png Luminous Apparition 87 28,500 Rapid Ranged Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune



- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Decaying Clouds Room
UmbralHaze.png Umbral Haze 88 37,500 Melee Blindness Resist
Slowness Immune



- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Decaying Clouds Room
CrystallineDecay.png Crystalline Decay 95 100,000 ?
Blindness Resist
Heavy Wave
Heavy Explode
Heavy Meteor



- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Decaying Clouds Room
Light(Appearance2).png Light
(Lv. 89)
89 38,500 Melee Heavy Charge


- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Gathering Room
AthanaticWitness.png Athanatic Witness 100 300,000 Melee Blindness Resist
Slowness Resist



Light Crystal
Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Gathering Room
File:DecayAtrium.png Decay Atrium 100 1 Decay Atrium - - - Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Resource Room
ResplendentPrism.png Resplendent Prism 93 ? ? ?


- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Tower Room
SeraphicPresence.png Seraphic Presence 94 ? ? ?


- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Tower Room
MaturationCatalyst.png Maturation Catalyst 120 ? ? ?



- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Tower Room
Polychromatism.png Polychromatism 125 ? ? ?


- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Tower Room
File:WrathfulStorm(Level90).png Wrathful Storm
(Lv. 90)
90 50,000 Rapid Ranged
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Summon Cloud


- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Overseer Room
File:ThunderCloud(Level95).png Thunder Cloud
(Lv. 95)
95 60,000 Melee
Knockback Resist
Lightning Strike

- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Overseer Room
(from Wrathful Storms (Lv. 90))
LightlessApparition.png Lightless Apparition 92 42,000 Berserk Ranged
Knockback Resist
Arrow Storm
Heavy Explode



- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Overseer Room
File:LightofFreedom(Level92).png Light of Freedom
(Lv. 92)
92 52,500 Melee
Knockback Resist


- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Overseer Room
Orphion,FadingLight.png Orphion, Fading Light - ? Orphion Ram
Light Expulsion
Light Cross
Wild Charge
Bellowing Eclipse
Solar Shower
Lightning Crash
Final Struggle



- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Boss Room
PearlOverwatch.png Pearl Overwatch 95 60,000 Pearl Overwatch Pearl Blast
Immune Response


- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Boss Room
Crystalline.png Crystalline 100 40,000 Crystalline Heal
? - Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Boss Room
InfectionAdInfinitum(Phase1).png Infection Ad Infinitum
(Phase 1)
100 10,000 Infection ? - Infections Ad Infinitum
(Phase 2)
[x2 if not slain]
Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Boss Room
InfectionAdInfinitum(Phase2).png Infection Ad Infinitum
(Phase 2)
100 15,000 Infection ? - Infections Ad Infinitum
(Phase 3)
[x2 if not slain]
Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Boss Room
InfectionAdInfinitum(Phase3).png Infection Ad Infinitum
(Phase 3)
100 20,000 Infection ? - Infections Ad Infinitum
(Phase 4)
[x2 if not slain]
Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Boss Room
InfectionAdInfinitum(Phase4).png Infection Ad Infinitum
(Phase 4)
100 30,000 Infection ? - Infections Ad Infinitum
(Phase 5)
[x2 if not slain]
Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Boss Room
InfectionAdInfinitum(Phase5).png Infection Ad Infinitum
(Phase 5)
100 30,000 Infection ? - - Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Boss Room
ParasiticMite.png Parasitic Mite ? ? ? ? ? - Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Boss Room:
From Orphion
Orphion,LightIncarnate.png Orphion, Light Incarnate - Invulnerable Look -



- Orphion's Nexus of Light:
Boss Room
