Lists of mobs/Other Quests (Lv. 76-90)

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This list includes the mobs which appear in various Quests from Combat Levels 76-90 (except The Qira Hive as it has its own page). Mobs in overworld areas that can be encountered outside of quests are not included, and can be found in their appropriate regional lists.

The Bigger Picture

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MushroomWeevil.png Mushroom Weevil 55 100 Melee - - - Mushroom Cave
RegularZombie(Level1).png Regular Zombie
(Regular Size)
1 6 Melee - - - Psilo's house
MushroomWeevil?.png Mushroom Weevil? 85 3,500 Melee - - - Mushroom Cave
WalkingMushroom.png Walking Mushroom 70 2,322 Passive - - - Mushroom Village cave
DustMite.png Dust Mite 75 3,925 Melee - - - Psilo's house
ExperimentalSludge(TheBiggerPicture).png Experimental Sludge 75 3,950 Jumper - - - Psilo's house
Bookworm(TheBiggerPicture).png Bookworm 76 4,000 Melee - - - Psilo's house
BedBug.png Bed Bug 76 4,200 Melee - - - Psilo's house
BonyMannequin.png Bony Mannequin 76 3,925 Melee - - - Psilo's house
FleshedStatuette.png Fleshed Statuette 78 13,500 Melee - - - Psilo's house
RegularZombie(Level80).png Regular Zombie
80 300,000 Melee - - - Psilo's house
Razorouse.png Razorouse 75 2,805 Ranged - - - Psilo's house
TheRazorouseKing.png The Razorouse King 82 72,500 Melee Push
Heavy Charge
❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def

Razorouse King Tail
Psilo's house
SmallMushroom.png Small Mushroom 0 1 Passive - - - Cave at [-305, 91, -7705]

Hunger of the Gerts Part I

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Jitak'sGuardGolem.png Jitak's Guard Golem 75 30,000 Guard - ✽ Weak
✹ Def
- Jitak's Farm
Gert.png Gert
78 3,450 Melee - ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def

Pig's Remains

Gert Skin
Pig'sSkull.png Pig's Skull

Pig's Blood
Gert Camps
GertenHunter.png Gerten Hunter 78 4,850 Melee - ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def

Pig's Remains

Gert Skin
Pig'sSkull.png Pig's Skull

Hunter's Disguise

Pig's Blood
Gert Camps
Gert.png Gert
78 3,450 Passive - ❋ Weak
✦ Def
- Gert Tunnel
File:TerrifiedPig(HungeroftheGertsPartI).png Terrified Pig 70 1,250 Scared - - - Gert Tunnel
File:DoomedCow.png Doomed Cow 70 1,250 Scared - - - Gert Tunnel

Purple and Blue

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Rat(Lv1).png Rat 1 6 None - - - Nikoler's house
File:ReanimatedWeird.png Reanimated Weird ? ? ? ? ?
Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
ImmaterialWeird.png Immaterial Weird 80 ? Melee ? ❋ Dam
❋ Def
✹ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
LightningWeird.png Lightning Weird 80 ? Melee ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
FlashfreezeWeird.png Flashfreeze Weird 80 ? Melee ? ✽ Dam
✽ Def
✦ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
ChromaticWeird.png Chromatic Weird 80 ? Melee ? ✦ Dam
✦ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
AirboundWeird.png Airbound Weird 82 ? Burst Ranged ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
BoilingWeird.png Boiling Weird 82 ? Melee ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✹ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
CoreWeird.png Core Weird 85 ? Melee ? ✤ Dam
✤ Def
❋ Weak
3 Amalgamated Weirds Heart of Lake Gylia
AmalgamatedWeird.png Amalgamated Weird 80 ? Melee ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def

Cosmic Shard
From Core Weirds
TitaniumWeird.png Titanium Weird 85 ? Melee ? ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✽ Weak

Cosmic Shard
Heart of Lake Gylia
CosmicSentinel.png Cosmic Sentinel 80 15000 Guard ? ✦ Def - Heart of Lake Gylia
Crystal Capsule Summon
CosmicMarksman.png Cosmic Marksman 80 25000 Guard Ranged ? ✦ Def - Heart of Lake Gylia
Crystal Capsule Summon
RedfinSwimmer.png Redfin Swimmer 74 1,350 Scared - - - Tunnel to the Heart of Gylia
LittleSwimmer.png Little Swimmer 72 1,250 Scared - - - Tunnel to the Heart of Gylia

Hunger of the Gerts Part II

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:GertenExcavator(Mob,Hostile).png Gerten Excavator 77 4,650 Melee - ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def
- Gerten Tunnel
File:ChiefExcavator.png Chief Excavator 80 12,750 Melee Multihit ✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def

Digging Stick
Gerten Tunnel
File:CaveProjectLeader-Bouba.png Cave Project Leader - Bouba 85 20,000 Melee ? ✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def

Chief's Stick
Gerten Tunnel

Aldorei's Secret Part II

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ArborChanneler.png Arbor Channeler 79 8,500 Burst Ranged - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Under Cherry Blossom Tree
TreeApparition.png Tree Apparition 80 25,000 Ranged Heavy Teleport
✤ Dam
✤ Def
5 Unstable Apparition Under Cherry Blossom Tree
UnstableApparition.png Unstable Apparition 79 2,310 Charge Self-Destruct ✦ Weak
✽ Dam
- Under Cherry Blossom Tree
EnigmaticRock.png Enigmatic Rock 78 1,500 None - - - Under Cherry Blossom Tree

Fallen Delivery

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:WarderMercenary.png Warder Mercenary 87 18,000 Melee Multihit ✦ Dam 3 Warder Attack Dogs Marden's Bandit Camp
File:MercenaryGunsman.png Mercenary Gunsman 83 7,850 Ranged - ✤ Dam - Marden's Bandit Camp
File:WarderAttackDog.png Warder Attack Dog 82 5,000 Melee - ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
- Marden's Bandit Camp
Warder Mercenaries
StrayPage.png Stray Page 1 1 None - - - Gylia Plains
SealedEnvelope.png Sealed Envelope 1 1 None - -
Bandit's House

Realm of Light V - The Realm of Light

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
LurkingAnathema(FirstMonolith).png Lurking Anathema 85 -
Charge - ✦ Dam - First Monolith
Doorways Room
File:SparklingGlider.png Sparkling Glider 80 ? Passive - - - The Realm of Light
Next to Rift
BlindingGlider.png Blinding Glider 80 14,000 Melee Charge
✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- The Realm of Light
Next to Rift
YourReflection.png Your Reflection? 80 250,000 Melee Vanish
Arrow Storm
- - Second Monolith
WickedMagus.png Wicked Magus 80 60,000 Ranged Arrow Storm
✽ Weak
✦ Def
- First Barrier
CicadaHusk.png Cicada Husk 85 35,000 Ranged Web
✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Second Barrier
TheCentipede.png The Centipede 92 67,500 Melee Charge
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Third Barrier

General's Orders

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SewerDiagram(Mob).png Sewer Diagram 0 1 None - -
Sewer Diagram
Kitrios Barracks' Sewers
SewerRat(General'sOrders).png Sewer Rat 82 5,000 Crawl - ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
- Kitrios Barracks' Sewers
Good-LuckCharm(Mob).png Good-Luck Charm 0 1 None - -
Good-Luck Charm
Kitrios Barracks' Sewers


Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Squiggles.png Squiggles 5 100 Passive - - - Red Meteor Laboratory

The Thanos Depository

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
DragonSentinel.png Dragon Sentinel 85 72000 Charge Explode ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
- Thanos Depository

A Marauder's Dues

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
SuppressingMagicVortex.png Suppressing Magic Vortex 83 35000 Rapid Ranged Knockback Immune
- - Junk Dimension
FlowingMagicVortex.png Flowing Magic Vortex 83 35000 Melee Wave
✽ Dam
✽ Def
✦ Weak
- Junk Dimension
BlazingMagicVortex.png Blazing Magic Vortex 83 35000 Charge Flamethrower
Heavy Explode
✹ Dam
✽ Weak
2 Flaming Vortices Junk Dimension
File:FlamingMagicVortex.png Flaming Magic Vortex 83 100000000 Charge Self-Destruct ✹ Dam
✽ Weak
2 Smouldering Vortices From Blazing Vortex
File:SmoulderingMagicVortex.png Smouldering Magic Vortex 83 100000000 Charge Self-Destruct ✹ Dam
✽ Weak
- From Flaming Vortices
DisturbingMagicVortex.png Disturbing Magic Vortex 83 35000 Melee Heavy Teleport
Heavy Multihit
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Junk Dimension
AbsorbingMagicVortex.png Absorbing Magic Vortex 83 50000 Melee - ✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Junk Dimension
HealingMagicVortex.png Healing Magic Vortex 83 35000 Support Heavy Heal
✦ Dam
✦ Weak
- Junk Dimension

The Envoy Part I

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
VentCleaningBot.png Vent Cleaning Bot 83 4000 Melee - ❋ Dam
✤ Def
- Five Gears Diner
RogueMech-TE1.png Rogue Mech-TE1 83 4200 Melee - ✤ Dam
✦ Def
- Five Gears Diner
F4t4-Mech.png F4t4-Mech 83 10 Rapid Ranged - ✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Five Gears Diner
M4x1-Mech.png M4x1-Mech 83 3500 Melee - ✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Five Gears Diner

The Canyon Guides

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
HeatedHobgoblin.png Heated Hobgoblin 85 4,500 Melee - Weak
- Farm near Bantisu Air Temple

The Canary Calls

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Canary(Mob).png Canary
(Phase 1)
### - None The <playername> - - Your Mind
Canary(Mob).png Canary
(Phase 2)
### - Canary The Canary
(Bizarre Fire
Bizarre Burst
Bizarre Strike
Bizarre Explosion
- - Your Mind
Canary(Mob).png Canary
(Phase 3)
### 10 (1 Damage per hit) None - - - Your Mind
BizarreMonolith.png Bizarre Monolith ### 5 (1 Damage per hit) None - - - Your Mind
Xenoglyph.png Xenoglyph - 1 Hit None - - - Your Mind


Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:Cow.png Cow 1 ? Passive - - ? Strange Laboratory
CowPenKey.png Cow Pen Key 0 1 None - - - Strange Machine
TastyGrass.png Tasty Grass 87 - None - - - Outside Strange Laboratory
YummyFlower.png Yummy Flower 87 - None - - - Outside Strange Laboratory
CarnivorousSludge.png Carnivorous Sludge 90 40,000 Jumper - -
Toxic Sludge
The Pit
WeakZombie(Cowfusion).png Weak Zombie 1 6 Melee - -
Cow Entrail
The Pit
File:Cowbomination.png Cowbomination 75 3,950 Jumper - - - The Pit
BovineMonstrosity.png Bovine Monstrosity 95 1,000,000 Melee Charge ✹ Weak
✦ Dam

Bovine Heart
The Pit

Desperate Metal

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
HotSteam.png Hot Steam 85 4000 Melee
- ❋ Weak
❋ Dam
✹ Def
- Steam cave at -1797, -2120
SteamMech-DM1.png Steam Mech-DM1 90 50000 Charge Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Slowness Immune
Arrow Storm
✹ Weak
❋ Dam
✽ Def

Steam cave at -1797, -2120
CalygreyHound.png Calygrey Hound 85 3300 Melee - ✽ Weak
✹ Dam
- Fire cave at -1703, -2109
MetalScrap.png Metal Scrap 85 5100 Ranged - -
Bomb Fragment
Fire cave at -1703, -2109
ExplosiveBug.png Explosive Bug 86 5005 Melee Self-Destruct ✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def

Bomb Fragment
Fire cave at -1703, -2109
BrokenMech.png Broken Mech 87 4000 None - - - Fire cave at -1703, -2109
FieryFairy.png Fiery Fairy 86 4150 Crawl Self-Destruct ✹ Dam - Fire cave at -1703, -2109
FieryMech-DM2.png Fiery Mech-DM2 90 60000 Ranged Blindness Resist
Knockback Immune
Slowness Resist
Heavy Charge
✽ Weak
✹ Dam
❋ Def

Fire cave at -1703, -2109
IntelligentMech-DM3.png Intelligent Mech-DM3 90 40000 Rapid Ranged Blindness Immune
Knockback Resist
Slowness Resist
Heavy Teleport
❋ Weak
✽ Dam
✽ Def

Water cave at -1668, -2114
ArrowTrap.png Arrow Trap 86 525 Burst Ranged
- - - Lighthouse Dungeon
SecurityBot.png Security Bot 86 7250 Crawl - ✤ Dam - Lighthouse Dungeon
BigBossMech-DM4(Phase1).png Big Boss Mech-DM4
(Phase 1)
95 40000 Burst Ranged Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Slowness Resist
Arrow Storm
Heavy Explode
Heavy Charge
✹ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def
1 Big Boss Mech-DM4 (Phase 2) Lighthouse Dungeon
BigBossMech-DM4(Phase2).png Big Boss Mech-DM4
(Phase 2)
95 55000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Slowness Resist
Heavy Explode
✽ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
1 Big Boss Mech-DM4 (Phase 3) From Big Boss Mech-DM4 (Phase 1)
BigBossMech-DM4(Phase3).png Big Boss Mech-DM4
(Phase 3)
95 70000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Slowness Resist
Heavy Charge
Heavy Explode
❋ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def

Mechanical Core
From Big Boss Mech-DM4 (Phase 2)

Beyond the Grave

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Soul.png Soul 87 40,000 Passive - - - Death's Realm
LostSoul(Level87).png Lost Soul 87 40,000 Passive - - - Death's Realm foothills
RelaxedSoul.png Relaxed Soul 87 40,000 Passive - - - Death's Realm pond
File:StrandedSoul.png Stranded Soul 87 40,000 Passive - - - Death's Realm statue
GloomySoul.png Gloomy Soul 87 40,000 Passive - - - Death's Mansion gardens
ShockedSoul.png Shocked Soul 87 40,000 Passive - - - Death's Mansion hourglass room
CookingSoul.png Cooking Soul 87 40,000 Passive - - - Death's Mansion kitchen
ReadingSoul.png Reading Soul 87 40,000 Passive - - - Death's Mansion library
Ragni Citizen's Soul 1 15,000 Passive - - - Death's Realm
GiantRat'sSoul.png Giant Rat's Soul 6 85 Passive - - - Death's Realm
DetlasCitizen'sSoul.png Detlas Citizen's Soul 10 6,000 Passive - - - Death's Realm
File:GeneralTakan'sSoul.png General Takan's Soul 30 1,250 Passive - - - Death's Realm
File:MudspringOrc'sSoul.png Mudspring Orc's Soul 46 920 Passive - - - Death's Realm
EscapedCow'sSoul.png Escaped Cow's Soul 53 1,005 Passive - - - Death's Realm
Opi.png Opi 87 20,000 Passive - - - Death's Mansion
Kaede.png Kaede 87 20,000 Passive - - - Death's Mansion
DarkLordSnugglebuns.png Dark Lord Snugglebuns 87 20,000 Passive - - - Death's Mansion
Krolton.png Krolton 100 300,000 Melee Blindness Immune
Knockback Resist
Slowness Resist
Heavy Push
Heavy Pull
Heavy Charge
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Flamethrower
✽ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def

Krolton's Remains
Krolton's Cave
File:WeakColumn.png Weak Column 80 60,000 None Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Krolton's Remains
Krolton's Cave

Mixed Feelings

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CorkusCitizen(Passive).png Corkus Citizen
80 44000 Passive - - - Corkus Docks
CorkusCitizen(Neutral).png Corkus Citizen
80 4400 Neutral Melee - - - Corkus Docks
ConfusedCitizen.png Confused Citizen 80 44000 Passive - - - Corkus Docks
ScaredCitizen.png Scared Citizen 80 4400 Neutral Melee - - - Corkus Docks
SewerPurificationUnit.png Sewer Purification Unit 86 4000 Melee - - - Corkus Docks Sewer
ScrapScavenger.png Scrap Scavenger 86 4000 Melee - - - Corkus Docks Sewer
ConfusedCleaningUnit.png Confused Cleaning Unit 85 4650 Burst Ranged - - - Corkus Docks Sewer
PatrioticEngineer.png Patriotic Engineer 86 4100 Neutral Melee - - - Corkian Separatist Hideout
PatrioticScientist.png Patriotic Scientist 86 4100 Neutral Melee - - - Corkian Separatist Hideout
InjectionTest.png Injection Test 85 10000 None - - - Corkian Separatist Hideout
CrazedExperimentA3-K4.png Crazed Experiment A3-K4 86 3600 Melee - - - Corkian Separatist Hideout
EnragedCorkian.png Enraged Corkian 87 1000000 Melee Slowness
- - Corkian Separatist Hideout
FanaticAssistant.png Fanatic Assistant 86 6400 Melee - - - Corkian Separatist Hideout
BreweryAssistant.png Brewery Assistant 85 ? Passive - - - Javen's Brewery

The Hidden City

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
File:MadExplorer.png Mad Explorer 90 4,700 Melee - - - Hidden Valley

The Envoy Part II

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
GravelGolem.png Gravel Golem 89 4000 Burst Ranged Meteor ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def
2 Stone Pieces Key Temple
StonePiece.png Stone Piece 89 1000 Melee Meteor - - Key Temple
AnimatedNatureTotem.png Animated Nature Totem 89 6000 Melee Self-Destruct ✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Key Temple
FieryNatureSpirit.png Fiery Nature Spirit 90 4000 Rapid Ranged - ✹ Dam - Key Temple
EarthBattlePixie.png Earth Battle Pixie 90 15000 Charge Meteor
Heavy Charge
❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def

Earth Pixie Essence
Key Temple
TempleDragonling.png Temple Dragonling 89 4500 Ranged - - - Key Temple
KeyTempleGuard.png Key Temple Guard 90 50000 Melee Charge
Heavy Charge
Heavy Flamethrower
✽ Weak
✹ Dam
✦ Def

Avos Factory Key
Key Temple
AttackerMechT4N11.png Attacker Mech T4N11 83 5250 Melee - ✦ Dam - Mech X Base
NotetoVadas.png Note to Vadas 89 1 None - -
Note to Vadas
Mech X Base
SwarmingRobot.png Swarming Robot 90 4700 Melee - ✤ Weak
❋ Dam
2 Swarming Robots Mech X Base
SecurityTurret.png Security Turret 89 10 Rapid Ranged
- - - Mech X Base
MechX.png Mech X 95 100000 Charge Meteor
Heavy Multihit
✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def

Corkian Factory Key
Mech X Base

Enter the Dojo

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AnimatedTrainingDummy.png Animated Training Dummy 90 13250 Melee Charge ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
✤ Def
KangarooRoomToken.png Fiata Room Token Sakura Dojo
ArmoredTrainingDummy.png Armored Training Dummy 95 23250 Charge Knockback Immune
✹ Dam
✦ Def
KangarooRoomToken.png Fiata Room Token Sakura Dojo
AssassinTrainingDummy.png Assassin Training Dummy 95 7500 Melee Blindness Immune
✤ Weak
✦ Dam
❋ Def
KangarooRoomToken.png Fiata Room Token Sakura Dojo

Fantastic Voyage

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
RagingCurrent.png Raging Current 90 100000 Melee
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Heavy Wave
✽ Dam - Ocean
Berry.png Berry 0 1 None - -
Gateway Island
Coconut.png Wynn Coconut 0 1 None - - WynnCoconut.png Wynn Coconut Gateway Island
Palm tree at 19983, 44, -4480
SawDust.png Saw Dust 0 1 None - -
Saw Dust
Gateway Island
Around tree at 19960, 78, -4598
GrittySand.png Gritty Sand 1 1 None - -
Gritty Sand
Gateway Island
Beach at 19993, 29, -4647
Sheep(FantasticVoyage).png Sheep 90 4720 Passive - -
Raw Mutton
Gateway Island
TropicalMonkey.png Tropical Monkey 89 4575 Ranged - - - Gateway Island
TropicalWildcat.png Tropical Wildcat 91 6150 Melee - - - Gateway Island
ToxporeMushroom.png Toxpore Mushroom 89 3575 Melee
Knockback Immune
❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Gateway Island
Cave at 19953, 24, -4497
ToxporeBeetle.png Toxpore Beetle 90 4170 Melee - ❋ Weak
✤ Def

Edible Mushroom

Toxic Mushroom
Gateway Island
Cave at 19953, 24, -4497
YoungWolfSpider.png Young Wolf Spider 90 7120 Melee Charge ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
- Gateway Island
Cave at 19923, 33, -4581,
from Wolf Spider Eggs,
from Nesting Wolf Spiders
WolfSpiderEgg.png Wolf Spider Egg 92 500 Neutral Melee - - 3 Young Wolf Spiders Gateway Island
Cave at 19923, 33, -4581
WolfSpider(FantasticVoyage).png Wolf Spider 92 7770 Melee Charge ✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
- Gateway Island
Cave at 19923, 33, -4581
NestingWolfSpider.png Nesting Wolf Spider 95 8400 Melee Arrow Storm
✹ Weak
❋ Dam
❋ Def
3 Young Wolf Spiders Gateway Island
Cave at 19923, 33, -4581
TepidfurBat.png Tepidfur Bat 92 7075 Charge - -
Bat Ear
Gateway Island
Volcano at 19926, 81, -4610
MoltenOreStone.png Molten Ore Stone 93 2080 Melee Self-Destruct ✽ Weak
✤ Dam
✹ Def
- Gateway Island
Volcano at 19926, 81, -4610
BlackPowder.png Black Powder 0 1 None - -
Black Powder
Gateway Island
Volcano peak at 19989, 132, -4624
CaveSlime.png Cave Slime 92 7000 Jumper ❋ Weak
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Gateway Island
SilentOmen.png Silent Omen 95 1 Neutral Melee - ✦ Dam 1 Omniscient Omen Gateway Island,
Gateway Passage
OmniscientOmen.png Omniscient Omen 95 10000 Ranged Teleport
Heavy Teleport
✦ Dam - From Silent Omens
AntipollenCapitulum.png Antipollen Capitulum 94 15000 Burst Ranged
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
✦ Dam
✹ Def
- Gateway Passage
FallenEvoker.png Fallen Evoker 97 16000 Crawl Push
✦ Dam
❋ Def
- Gateway Passage
GazeFromTheAbyss(Level99).png Gaze from The Abyss 99 32000 Crawl Heavy Multihit
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Gateway Passage
MalformedMyocardial.png Malformed Myocardial 96 10000
Blindness Immune
✹ Dam - From Myocardial Vasculars,
from Myocardial Drifters
MyocardialVascular.png Myocardial Vascular 96 24000 Melee Blindness Immune
Heavy Charge
✹ Weak
✤ Dam
✦ Def
1 Malformed Myocardial

Myocardial Leg
Gateway Passage
MyocardialDrifter.png Myocardial Drifter 100 28000 Rapid Ranged
Blindness Resist
Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Flamethrower
❋ Dam
✦ Def
1 Malformed Myocardial Gateway Passage
MiasmicEyuard.png Miasmic Eyuard 92 10000 Melee
Knockback Immune
Heavy Meteor
✹ Dam - Gateway Passage
StrangeStalk.png Strange Stalk 96 14000 Melee
Knockback Immune
❋ Dam - Gateway Passage
VisceriteMaggot.png Viscerite Maggot 90 6000 Melee - - - Gateway Passage
PeculiarOne.png Peculiar One 90 63000 Melee
Self-Destruct ❋ Dam
❋ Def
- Gateway Passage
VexingGuard.png Vexing Guard 94 24000 Melee Charge
Heavy Charge
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Gateway Passage
EldritchMesothelae.png Eldritch Mesothelae 100 34000 Melee Blindness Resist
Knockback Resist
Slowness Resist
❋ Dam
✦ Def
- Gateway Passage
LurkingMetasomal.png Lurking Metasomal 100 65000 Melee Blindness Immune
Heavy Charge
Heavy Explode
Heavy Multihit
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Gateway Passage
