Lists of mobs/Eyeball Forest

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The following page is a List of mobs page for Eyeball Forest. Other pages may transclude the tables found within this page. Editing the tables here will change all other pages that use these mob lists.
Try to keep these tables as accurate as possible, and feel free to create pages for the mobs and ingredients in an organized manner.

Surface Mobs

Surface mobs are mobs that spawn generally throughout a large part of the region, and do not have specific locations where they can be found.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
QuietObserver.png Quiet Observer 96 5000 None - - 1 Shrieking Observer Ruined Olmic City
Eyeball Forest
ShriekingObserver.png Shrieking Observer 103 25000 Melee AI - -
Crystallized Organ

Ancient Currency
From Quiet Observers
Blinder.png Blinder 100 8,000 Eyefolk Stalking Leap
Blinding Strikes
Dark Iris

Condensed Darkness
EngoredOculus.png Engored Oculus
Eyeball Forest,
Olmic Cathedral,
All Eyes on Me
Eyebawl.png Eyebawl 101 10000 Support Heal


Condensed Darkness
Eyeball Forest
ScaredEye.png Scared Eye 102 9000 Ranged Heavy Wave

Retinal Membrane

Ancient Currency
EngoredOculus.png Engored Oculus
Eyeball Forest
Watchers.png Watchers 103 9000 Crawl -


Eyeball Forest
LonglegGripper.png Longleg Gripper 104 46,000 Gripper Paralyzing Mucus


Calcified Ligament

Dark Iris
EngoredOculus.png Engored Oculus
Eyeball Forest,
All Eyes on Me
ChalkyKantyr.png Chalky Kantyr 110 36000 Protect -


Calcified Ligament
Eyeball Forest
ChalkyKanter.png Chalky Kanter 110 30000 Protect -


Calcified Ligament

Condensed Darkness
Eyeball Forest
DuskKantyr.png Dusk Kantyr 110 36000 Protect -


Calcified Ligament
Eyeball Forest
DuskKanter.png Dusk Kanter 110 30000 Protect -


Calcified Ligament

Condensed Darkness
Eyeball Forest

Cave Mobs

Cave mobs are mobs that, in contrast to Surface Mobs, only spawn at specific locations, like caves.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
JealousSpiteful.png Jealous Spiteful 99 8,800 Ranged -

- Spiteful Crossing
SpitefulFlatterer.png Spiteful Flatterer 99 10,000 Burst Ranged - - - Spiteful Crossing
MysticalStatue.png Mystical Statue 105 1 None - - One of the following: Statue Opening
AshEater.png Ash Eater 102 15,100 Melee Explode
Self Destruct
Statue Key
From Mystical Statues
StoneScolty.png Stone Scolty 102 8,700 Melee -

Statue Key
From Mystical Statues
EvolvedStoneScolty.png Evolved Stone Scolty 105 15,400 Melee Heal


Statue Key
From Mystical Statues
WeepingGranite.png Weeping Granite 106 31,300 Burst Ranged - -
Statue Key
From Mystical Statues
LeukocyticGrowth.png Leukocytic Growth 104 10,000 Melee - -
Sentient Leukocyte
The Gwanari
DigestiveAcid.png Digestive Acid 104 10,000 Ranged Knockback Immune - - The Gwanari
StomachDweller.png Stomach Dweller 105 31,500 Jumper Pull


- The Gwanari
BlankCrawler.png Blank Crawler 100 6,500 Crawl Heavy Vanish

- The Place Condensed,
from Reshaped Blanks,
from That Which Condenses
ReshapedBlank.png Reshaped Blank 102 43,350 Ranged Weakness
Heavy Multihit

2 Blank Crawlers The Place Condensed
VoidRift.png Void Rift 103 19,850 Crawl Heavy Teleport
- The Place Condensed
That Which Condenses.png That Which Condenses 105 233,750 Support Blindness Immune
Heavy Vanish
Heavy Pull


6 Blank Crawlers The Place Condensed
Biblioclast(Lv110).png Biblioclast
(Lv. 110)
110 78,650 Melee


- Eyeball Forest:
Forlorn Library
Rafflesia.png Rafflesia 112 232,000
Knockback Immune
Heavy Flamethrower

- Eyeball Forest:
Spire of Eyes
CryingEye.png Crying Eye 103 35,800 Neutral Ranged Heavy Weakness
Arrow Storm



Crying Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Blue Eye
BleedingEye.png Bleeding Eye 102 26,800 Rapid Ranged Heavy Multihit



Bleeding Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Red Eye
InfectingEye.png Infecting Eye 102 25,700 Melee Heavy Explode



Infecting Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Green Eye
RampagingVelotante.png Rampaging Velotante 102 9,400 Charge Self-Destruct
- Eyeball Gauntlet, Green Eye
Irritatinggunk.png Irritating Gunk 100 7,800 Jumper Ranged -
- Eyeball Gauntlet,
Green Eye
StalkingEye.png Stalking Eye 100 68,000 Melee Heavy Charge



Watching Eye Eyeball Gauntlet, Yellow Eye
WatchingEye.png Watching Eye 100 7,000 Melee Heavy Charge




Stalking Eye

Watching Eye
From Stalking Eye
BlindingEye.png Blinding Eye 100 1 None Blind -
Blinding Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Gray Eye
DigestingEye.png Digesting Eye 100 11,100 Burst Ranged
Heavy Pull



Digesting Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Toothed Eye
DigestiveFire.png Digestive Fire 100 100,000 Melee Heavy Flamethrower - - Eyeball Gauntlet,
Toothed Eye
ShadingEye.png Shading Eye 102 33,000 Charge Vanish
Heavy Teleport



Shading Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Black Eye
DyeingEye.png Dyeing Eye 102 33,000 Melee Explode
Dyeing Eye
Eyeball Gauntlet,
Rainbow Eye
FieryHeart.png Fiery Heart 98 25,000 Support Flamethrower
- Eyeball Gauntlet,
Rainbow Eye
WateryHeart.png Watery Heart 98 25,000 Support Wave
- Eyeball Gauntlet,
Rainbow Eye
EarthlyHeart.png Earthly Heart 98 25,000 Support Meteor
- Eyeball Gauntlet,
Rainbow Eye
CrippledFearfulBunny.png Crippled Fearful Bunny 99 199 Scared - - 1 Dreading Eye Eyeball Gauntlet,
Orange Eye
DreadingEye.png Dreading Eye 102 25,000 Crawl Meteor


Fearing Eye

Dreading Eye
From a Crippled Fearful Bunny
All-SeeingWitness.png All-Seeing Witness 101 38,000 Eyefolk Stalking Leap
Sacrificial Gaze


- Eyeball Forest:
Church at 1030, 112, -390,
All Eyes on Me,
From Sated Gluttons
SatedGlutton.png Sated Glutton 103 80,000 Eyefolk Stalking Leap

2 All-Seeing Witnesses Eyeball Forest:
Church at 1030, 112, -390,
All Eyes on Me
Bedevil.png Bedevil 105 50000 Charge AI Multihit - - Church at 1030, 112, -390
GlowBulbCore.png Glow Bulb Core 109 105250 Melee AI Meteor


- Church at 1030, 112, -390
From Hungry Bulb Eaters
HungryBulbEater.png Hungry Bulb Eater 107 250000 Charge AI Heavy Charge
- 4 Glow Bulb Cores Church at 1030, 112, -390
VolatileBulbCore.png Volatile Bulb Core 109 75250 RapidRanged AI Heavy Explosion
Self Destruct



- Church at 1030, 112, -390
GlowBulbHerbage(Phase1).png Glow Bulb Herbage
(Phase 1)
110 500000 Retreat AI Teleport

2 Bulb Seed
(Phase 2)
Church at 1030, 112, -390
GlowBulbHerbage(Phase3).png Glow Bulb Herbage
(Phase 3)
110 300000 Crawl AI Teleport
Heavy Multihit

2 Bulb Seed
(Phase 4)
Bulb Seed
(Phase 2)
GlowBulbHerbage(Phase5).png Glow Bulb Herbage
(Phase 5)
110 200000 Melee AI Teleport
Heavy Teleport

- Bulb Seed
(Phase 4)
BulbSeed(Phase2).png Bulb Seed
(Phase 2)
100 20000 Scared AI Self-Destruct - Glow Bulb Herbage
(Phase 3)
Glow Bulb Herbage
(Phase 1)
BulbSeed(Phase4).png Bulb Seed
(Phase 4)
100 20000 Scared AI Self-Destruct - Glow Bulb Herbage
(Phase 5)
Glow Bulb Herbage
(Phase 3)
Engrosser.png Engrosser 110 300000 Jumper AI -

- Church at 1030, 112, -390
ToxicVomiter.png Toxic Vomiter 110 200000 BurstRanged AI - - - Church at 1030, 112, -390
Toxomo.png Toxomo 110 600000 Charge AI Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Explosion
Heavy Slowness


- Church at 1030, 112, -390
OpticalZeppelin.png Optical Zeppelin 133 350000 RapidRanged AI
Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune


- Church at 1030, 112, -390

Rare Mobs

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Blinders.png Blinders 100 12000 Melee AI -

Retinal Membrane


Dark Iris

Condensed Darkness
EngoredOculus.png Engored Oculus
Eyeball Forest
FaceofFear.png Face of Fear 108 61666 Crawl AI Vanish
Heavy Multihit




Crystallized Organ

Olmic Artifact

Dernic Parasite

Retinal Barbs
GazeofDarkness.png Gaze of Darkness

Vim Veins
Eyeball Forest
Fool Eater
150 8,925,000 Fool Eater
Blindness Immune

Knockback Immune



Gruesome Carnassial

Fool's Errand
Silent Expanse
FoolEater(Scared).png Fool Eater
135 1,650,000 Scared Abandon Hunt - - From Fool Eater (Hostile)

Town Mobs

These mobs spawn only in towns found in the region.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Lutho Citizen 105 100000 Passive - - - Lutho
ChalkyKantyriCalf.png Chalky Kantyri Calf 100 12000 Protect -

- Lutho
DuskKantyriCalf.png Dusk Kantyri Calf 100 12000 Protect -

- Lutho
RoyalKantyriCalf.png Royal Kantyri Calf 100 15000 Protect -

- Lutho
DomesticatedKantyr(Chalky).png Domesticated Kantyr
110 36000 Ally -

- Lutho
DomesticatedKanter(Chalky).png Domesticated Kanter
110 36000 Guard -

- Lutho
DomesticatedKantyr(Dusk).png Domesticated Kantyr
110 36000 Ally -

- Lutho
DomesticatedKanter(Dusk).png Domesticated Kanter
110 36000 Guard -

- Lutho
DomesticatedKantyr(Royal).png Domesticated Kantyr
110 36000 Guard -

- Lutho
DomesticatedKanter(Royal).png Domesticated Kanter
110 36000 Ally -

- Lutho
LightofHospitality.png Light of Hospitality 110 ? Guard -

- Lutho
LightofProtection.png Light of Protection 110 ? Guard -

- Lutho
LightofRecovery.png Light of Recovery 110 ? Guard -

- Lutho

Key Guardians

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CorruptedGalleon'sGraveyardKeyGuardian.png Corrupted Galleon's Graveyard Key Guardian 110 65,000 Burst Ranged Explode



Broken Galleon's Graveyard Key
Upper Molten Heights,
Sky Islands,
Ruined Olmic City,
Eyeball Forest
EldritchOutlookKeyGuardian.png Eldritch Outlook Key Guardian 103 3,000 Melee - -
Eldritch Outlook Key
Eyeball Forest,
Toxic Wastes,
Void Valley
