Lists of mobs/Canyon of the Lost

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The following page is a List of mobs page for Canyon of the Lost. Other pages may transclude the tables found within this page. Editing the tables here will change all other pages that use these mob lists.
Try to keep these tables as accurate as possible, and feel free to create pages for the mobs and ingredients in an organized manner.

Surface Mobs

Surface mobs are mobs that spawn generally throughout a large part of the region, and do not have specific locations where they can be found.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
HobgoblinFarmer.png Hobgoblin Farmer
80 3600 Neutral Melee - ✤ Def
❋ Weak

Goblin Tooth
Canyon of the Lost farms
TrollHunter.png Troll Hunter 81 5000 Melee - -
Troll Hair
Western Canyon of the Lost
DragonbornSentinel.png Dragonborn Sentinel 84 6500 Neutral Melee - ✹ Dam
✹ Def
✽ Weak
- Western Canyon of the Lost
DragonTurtle.png Dragon Turtle 84 7800 Neutral Melee - ✽ Dam
✽ Def
✦ Weak
- Western Canyon of the Lost
Phoenix.png Phoenix 85 4000 Burst Ranged Flamethrower ❋ Dam
❋ Def
✦ Weak

Magic Feather
Western Canyon of the Lost
Jinkito.png Jinkito 81 3500 Retreat - ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Cat Tail
Canyon of the Lost
JinkoBandido.png Jinko Bandido 83 4300 Melee - ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Sharp Claw

Cat Tail
Canyon of the Lost
JinkoShanker.png Jinko Shanker 86 5760 Crawl - ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Sharp Claw

Cat Tail

Razor-Sharp Tooth
Canyon of the Lost
LyranCub.png Lyran Cub 81 3200 Ranged - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✦ Weak

Fancy Pelt
Canyon of the Lost
LyranSoldier.png Lyran Soldier 83 4800 Charge - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✦ Weak

Sharp Claw

Fancy Pelt
Canyon of the Lost
LyranVeteran.png Lyran Veteran 87 6000 Charge - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✦ Weak

Sharp Claw

Fancy Pelt

Razor-Sharp Tooth
Canyon of the Lost
AiluropodaShaman.png Ailuropoda Shaman 86 5650 Support Ranged Heal ✽ Dam
✦ Weak

Fluffy Fur

Fighting Stick
Canyon of the Lost
AiluropodaWarrior.png Ailuropoda Warrior 88 6356 Melee - -
Fluffy Fur

Fighting Stick
Canyon of the Lost
TrollSavage.png Troll Savage 82 4750 Berserk Ranged - -
Troll Hair
Northern Canyon of the Lost
PurpleWorm.png Purple Worm 82 1958 Melee - ✤ Dam
✹ Weak
- Northern Canyon of the Lost
Harpy.png Harpy 83 4598 Jumper - ✦ Dam
✤ Def
✦ Weak

Plucked Feather
Canyon of the Lost
SoulSingerHarpy.png Soul Singer Harpy 82 6200 Melee Weakness ❋ Dam
✤ Def
✦ Weak

Harpy Bone

Rock-Hard Beak

Harpy Wing
Canyon of the Lost
HarpyRanger.png Harpy Ranger 83 5120 Ranged - ❋ Dam
✤ Def
✦ Weak

Harpy Bone

Rock-Hard Beak

Harpy Wing
Canyon of the Lost
BanditAmbusher.png Bandit Ambusher 83 3740 Retreat Heavy Vanish
Poorly-Made Pouch

Shattered Blade
Bandits' Toll
BanditBrawler.png Bandit Brawler 83 6200 Melee Pull -
Platinum Ingot

Stolen Goods
Bandits' Toll
BanditTrickster.png Bandit Trickster 83 5200 Ranged Weakness -
Platinum Ingot

Poorly-Made Pouch

Old Explosives
Bandits' Toll
BanditHoundmaster.png Bandit Houndmaster 83 5200 Crawl - -
Platinum Ingot

Stolen Goods
1 Bandit Bloodhound
Bandits' Toll
BanditBloodhound.png Bandit Bloodhound 83 5200 Charge - - - From Bandit Houndmasters
Cyclops(Fire).png Cyclops
84 8100 Melee - ✹ Dam
✹ Def

Tough Skin

Stone Plating
CyclopsEye.png Cyclops Eye

Nose Ring
Central Canyon of the Lost
Cyclops(Earth).png Cyclops
84 8100 Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def

Tough Skin

Stone Plating
CyclopsEye.png Cyclops Eye

Nose Ring
Central Canyon of the Lost
ElefolkHunter.png Elefolk Hunter 85 5525 Ranged - ✤ Dam
✤ Def

Tough Skin

Ivory Tusk

Stone Plating

Elephant Toenail
Elefolk Valley
ElefolkWarrior.png Elefolk Warrior 87 5765 Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def

Tough Skin

Ivory Tusk

Stone Plating

Elephant Toenail
Elefolk Valley
EnragedMinotaur.png Enraged Minotaur 86 5500 Melee - ✹ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Tough Skin

Ivory Tusk

Nose Ring
Central Canyon of the Lost
ChargingMinotaur.png Charging Minotaur 87 8000 Charge - ✤ Dam
✽ Weak

Tough Skin

Ivory Tusk

Nose Ring
Central Canyon of the Lost
OrcBlademaster.png Orc Blademaster 83 4800 Charge - ❋ Dam
❋ Def
✹ Weak

Orc Eye
Northeast Canyon of the Lost
Werecat.png Werecat 84 3248 Charge - ✦ Dam
✽ Weak
- Northeast Canyon of the Lost
Cyclops.png Cyclops
84 8100 Neutral Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def

Tough Skin

Stone Plating
CyclopsEye.png Cyclops Eye

Nose Ring
Northeast Canyon of the Lost,
cave at 745, 47, -5545
TheseadMarshal.png Thesead Marshal 85 5600 Neutral Melee - -
Major's Badge
CanyonFleris.png Canyon Fleris 84 5400 Jumper - ✹ Dam
✽ Weak

Burning Soul
WarmFleris(Ingredient).png Warm Fleris

Molten Heights Gate,
Thanos surroundings,
Runaway Fleris Cranny
MoltenMan.png Molten Man 85 6700 Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✽ Weak

Lava Essence

Magmatic Skin

Burning Soul
Molten Heights Gate,
Runaway Fleris Cranny
MagmaticShambler.png Magmatic Shambler 87 7500 Melee Flamethrower ✹ Dam
✹ Def
✽ Weak

Hardened Magma
Thanos surroundings,
Runaway Fleris Cranny

Cave Mobs

Cave mobs are mobs that, in contrast to Surface Mobs, only spawn at specific locations, like caves.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TreeProtector.png Tree Protector 79 4500 Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✹ Weak
- Guardians Cove
GuardianSpirit.png Guardian Spirit 79 5400 Melee Heal ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✹ Weak
- Guardians Cove
ElvenDruid.png Elven Druid 79 5400 Ranged - ✤ Dam - Guardians Cove
CongealedBlood.png Congealed Blood 80 3534 Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✹ Weak

Ball of Slime

Congealed Slime
Cave at 475, 27, -5000,
pass at 620, 28, -4790,
cave at 230, 93, -4600
CanyonOoze.png Canyon Ooze 80 3534 Jumper - ✽ Dam
✽ Def
✦ Weak

Ball of Slime

Congealed Slime
Cave at 475, 27, -5000,
pass at 620, 28, -4790,
cave at 230, 93, -4600
BugbearSoldier.png Bugbear Soldier 80 4250 Charge - ✹ Dam
✤ Weak
- Cave at 175, 43, -5370,
cave at 495, 28, -5250,
cave at 435, 42, -5170
BugbearRaider.png Bugbear Raider 83 3600 Ranged - ✤ Weak - Cave at 175, 43, -5370,
cave at 495, 28, -5250,
cave at 400, 31, -5355
BugbearChampion.png Bugbear Champion 85 15100 Melee - ❋ Dam
✤ Weak
- Cave at 175, 43, -5370,
cave at 495, 28, -5250,
cave at 400, 31, -5355
VoltaicAnimant(Level81).png Voltaic Animant
(Level 81)
81 4900 Ranged - ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Energetic Aura
Voltaic Crag
VoltaicAnimant(Level82).png Voltaic Animant
(Level 82)
82 5050 Melee - ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Energetic Aura
Voltaic Crag
File:VoltaicCraig.png Voltaic Craig 83 14,900 Melee Blindness Immune ✤ Weak
✦ Dam
✦ Def
? Voltaic Crag
VoltaicSeal.png Voltaic Seal 89 40000 Neutral Ranged Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Explode
✦ Dam
✦ Def
- Voltaic Crag
BanditRanger.png Bandit Ranger 81 4700 Burst Ranged - -
Platinum Ingot

Lockpicking Kit
Fort at 240, 83, -4660,
camp at 260, 88, -4880,
cave at 150, 43, -4905
CanyonThug.png Canyon Thug 85 5500 Melee - -
Platinum Ingot

Lockpicking Kit
Fort at 240, 83, -4660,
camp at 260, 88, -4880,
cave at 150, 43, -4905
SpiritoftheLost(ChargeAI).png Spirit of the Lost
82 5200 Charge
Pull ❋ Dam
❋ Def
✹ Weak

Windy Aura
Cyclonic Spirit Trap
SpiritoftheLost(RangedAI).png Spirit of the Lost
82 5200 Ranged - ❋ Dam
❋ Def
✹ Weak

Windy Aura
Cyclonic Spirit Trap
CyclonicSeal.png Cyclonic Seal 89 43000 Neutral Ranged Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Push
❋ Dam
❋ Def
- Cyclonic Spirit Trap
HobgoblinWarrior.png Hobgoblin Warrior 82 5000 Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def

Goblin Tooth

Nose Ring
Cave at 600, 46, -5450,
cave at -60, 77, -4375
HobgoblinCaster.png Hobgoblin Caster 82 4000 Ranged Meteor ✽ Dam
✤ Def

Goblin Tooth

Nose Ring
Cave at 600, 46, -5450,
cave at -60, 77, -4375
HobgoblinCommander.png Hobgoblin Commander 83 14800 Charge Multihit ✤ Dam
❋ Weak

Goblin Tooth

Nose Ring
Cave at 600, 46, -5450,
cave at -60, 77, -4375
CaveHobgoblin.png Cave Hobgoblin 82 200 Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Demolition Derby
HobgoblinDemolition.png Hobgoblin Demolition 82 4000 Ranged Self-Destruct ✹ Dam
✤ Def

Demolition Derby
HobgoblinMiner.png Hobgoblin Miner 83 14800 Melee Multihit ✤ Dam
❋ Weak
- Demolition Derby
HiveDroneling.png Hive Droneling 79 4550 Crawl - ✦ Dam - Drone's Retreat,
from Rogue Hive Broodies
YoungHiveDrone.png Young Hive Drone 82 5050 Crawl - ✦ Dam - Drone's Retreat
File:RogueHiveBroody.png Rogue Hive Broody 84 16250 Ranged Cobweb ✦ Def 3 Hive Dronelings Drone's Retreat
DestroyedGargoyle.png Destroyed Gargoyle 82 15900 Crawl - - - Chiseler's Cavern
SpearGargoyle.png Spear Gargoyle 87 18050 Melee Slowness ✤ Dam
✽ Weak
- Chiseler's Cavern
AngeredSpore(MeleeAI).png Angered Spore
83 3359 Melee - - - Ravine at 160, 73, -4720
AngeredSpore(RapidRangedAI).png Angered Spore
83 3359 Rapid Ranged - - - Ravine at 160, 73, -4720
BanditHeadhunter.png Bandit Headhunter 83 14175 Charge Heavy Charge - - Cave at 225, 79, -5040
BanditPyromaniac.png Bandit Pyromaniac 83 12600 Retreat Flamethrower ✹ Dam
✽ Weak
- Cave at 225, 79, -5040
KidnappedCleric.png Kidnapped Cleric 83 4500 Support Heal - - Cave at 225, 79, -5040
RockySlime.png Rocky Slime 82 3400 Ranged - ✤ Dam
✽ Def
✹ Weak
- Rocky Peril
DevourerSquid.png Devourer Squid 83 3000 Jumper - ✽ Dam
✹ Def
✦ Weak
1 Headless Devourer Squid Rocky Peril
HeadlessDevourerSquid.png Headless Devourer Squid 83 4700 Jumper - ✽ Dam
✹ Def
✦ Weak
- From Devourer Squid
StickyNectarEssence.png Sticky Nectar Essence 84 4500 Melee - ✤ Dam
✽ Def
✹ Weak
- Rocky Peril
RockEntity(5250Health).png Rock Entity
(Level 83)
83 5250 Melee - ✤ Dam
✦ Def
✽ Weak
- Mine at 655, 54, -4755
RockEntity(5600Health).png Rock Entity
(Level 85)
85 5600 Melee - ✤ Dam
✦ Def
✽ Weak
- Mine at 655, 54, -4755
GnomishArchaeologist.png Gnomish Archaeologist 80 4700 Neutral Melee - - - Seismic Bore Hole
EarthBorerBeetle.png Earth Borer Beetle 84 5400 Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
❋ Weak

Earthly Aura
Seismic Bore Hole,
from Rock Bagworms
File:RockBagworm.png Rock Bagworm 86 17500 Rapid Ranged Self-Destruct ✤ Dam
✤ Def
❋ Weak
4 Earth Borer Beetles Seismic Bore Hole
SeismicSeal.png Seismic Seal 89 47000 Neutral Melee Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Meteor
✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Seismic Bore Hole
OgreThug.png Ogre Thug 84 3534 Crawl - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✹ Weak
- Cave at 365, 28, -4680,
cave at 555, 27, -4965
OgreBludgeoner.png Ogre Bludgeoner 84 7534 Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✹ Weak
- Cave at 365, 28, -4680,
farm at 740, 45, -5310
File:OgreWarhulk.png Ogre Warhulk 84 9534 Charge - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✹ Weak
- Cave at 365, 28, -4680
EvergreenAuger.png Evergreen Auger 84 16800 Jumper Charge
✦ Dam
✤ Def
✹ Weak
- Cave at 35, 45, -4745
NoviceFireMage.png Novice Fire Mage 84 10800 Neutral Ranged Flamethrower ✹ Dam
❋ Def
✽ Weak

Lava Essence

Fiery Aura
Cave at 330, 65, -4635
File:ProspectorEnforcer.png Prospector Enforcer 80 3775 Melee - - - Cave at 340, 27, -5095
File:ProspectorGrunt.png Prospector Grunt 85 6000 Melee Multihit - - Cave at 340, 27, -5095
File:ProspectorSniper.png Prospector Sniper 85 3400 Ranged - - - Cave at 340, 27, -5095
File:ProspectorBoss.png Prospector Boss 87 35000 Melee Charge - - Cave at 340, 27, -5095
WaterWhirler.png Water Whirler 85 5600 Melee - ✽ Dam
✽ Def
✦ Weak
- Watery Waterfall
ElderFrost.png Elder Frost 85 6600 Melee Slowness ✽ Dam
✽ Def
✹ Weak
- Watery Waterfall
ShardShooter.png Shard Shooter 85 5600 Ranged - ✽ Dam
✽ Def
✹ Weak
- Watery Waterfall
ShimmerMoth.png Shimmer Moth 85 4000 Support
- ✽ Def
✦ Weak
1 Clipped-Wing Shimmer Moth Abyssal Shine
Clipped-WingShimmerMoth.png Clipped-Wing Shimmer Moth 85 6000 Melee - ✽ Def
✦ Weak

Watery Aura
Abyssal Shine
Shimmerstalk.png Shimmerstalk 88 22500 Neutral Ranged Heal ✽ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Watery Aura
Abyssal Shine
AbyssalSeal.png Abyssal Seal 89 51000 Neutral Ranged Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Wave
✽ Dam
✽ Def
- Abyssal Shine
JinkoLocoAsesino.png Jinko Loco Asesino 86 17500 Charge Pull ✦ Dam
✦ Def

Sharp Claw

Cat Tail
Camp at 515, 50, -4500
TowerTroll.png Tower Troll 86 5700 Melee - -
Troll Hair
Tower at 315 112 -4525
PlasmaticShambler.png Plasmatic Shambler 86 5600 Melee - ✦ Def
✹ Def
✽ Weak

Fiery Aura
Plasmatic Gouge,
from Prismatic Shellwalkers
PlasmaticShellwalker.png Plasmatic Shellwalker 88 18500 Crawl Heavy Flamethrower ✹ Dam
✦ Def
✽ Weak

Fiery Aura
1 Plasmatic Shambler
Plasmatic Gouge
PlasmaticSeal.png Plasmatic Seal 89 56000 Neutral Ranged Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Flamethrower
✹ Dam
✹ Def
- Plasmatic Gouge
YoungCyclops.png Young Cyclops 86 7980 Melee - ✤ Def - Cyclops' Shrine
RuinsCyclops.png Ruins Cyclops 87 8600 Melee - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
- Cyclops' Shrine
BridgeTroll.png Bridge Troll 89 17550 Melee - - - Cyclops' Shrine
Gargoyle.png Gargoyle 87 17000 Melee Pull ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✽ Weak

Stone Plating

Lost Spirit
Mine at 50, 45, -4630,
Canyon Colossus entrance
BurntElefolkWarrior.png Burnt Elefolk Warrior 87 4200 Melee - ✹ Dam
✦ Def
✽ Weak
- Burning Delve
Dementor.png Dementor 88 2500 Melee
- ✹ Dam
✦ Def
✽ Weak
- Burning Delve
BurningSoul.png Burning Soul 89 4500 Melee - ✹ Dam
✦ Def
✽ Weak
- Burning Delve
Gorgon.png Gorgon 80 3424 Jumper - ✦ Dam
✦ Def
✤ Weak

Snake Skin
Cave at 875, 43, -5225,
cave at 715, 47, -5495
Roper.png Roper 80 3534 Jumper - ✤ Dam
✤ Def
✹ Weak

Mashed Insect
Cave at 665, 78, -5130
ParasiteSlime.png Parasite Slime 83 3534 Jumper - ✽ Dam
✽ Def
✦ Weak

Mashed Insect
Cave at 665, 78, -5130,
Watery Waterfall,
ravine at 260, 88, -4585,
nests at 650, 89, -5325,
from Slime-Infested Miners
Slime-InfestedMiner.png Slime-Infested Miner 85 4780 Melee - ✤ Dam
✹ Weak
1 Parasite Slime Ravine at 260, 88, -4585
TrollMiner.png Troll Miner 82 5050 Melee - - - Troll Burrows
TrollSharpshooter.png Troll Sharpshooter 82 5050 Ranged - - - Troll Burrows
TrollProtector.png Troll Protector 82 6000 Melee Push - - Troll Burrows
MountainHarpy.png Mountain Harpy 83 7200 Melee - ✦ Dam
✤ Def
✦ Weak

Plucked Feather
Broodmother's Bestiary
HarpyRockthrower.png Harpy Rockthrower 83 5200 Ranged - ✦ Dam
✤ Def
✦ Weak

Plucked Feather

Shiny Pebble
Broodmother's Bestiary
HarpyBroodmother.png Harpy Broodmother 83 15700 Melee Heal ✦ Dam
✤ Def
✦ Weak

Harpy Key

Plucked Feather
Broodmother's Bestiary
DeserterMarauder.png Deserter Marauder 85 5500 Melee - - - Deserter's Refuge
DeserterMauler.png Deserter Mauler 85 6600 Melee - - - Deserter's Refuge
DeserterArbalest.png Deserter Arbalest 85 5500 Melee - - - Deserter's Refuge
Chimaera.png Chimaera 85 5600 Charge - ✦ Dam
✤ Weak
- Cave at 745, 47, -5545
BurningStatue.png Burning Statue 87 7500 Melee Flamethrower ✤ Def - Blaze Springs
Flamedancer.png Flamedancer 87 6000 Crawl - ✹ Dam
✹ Def
✽ Weak
- Blaze Springs
HighFireElemental.png High Fire Elemental 87 6000 Burst Ranged Heavy Flamethrower ✹ Dam
❋ Def
✽ Weak

Fiery Aura
Blaze Springs

Friendly Mobs

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
MountainGoat.png Mountain Goat 80 6000 Passive - - - Canyon of the Lost
Private.png Private 80 20000 Passive - - - Kitrios Barracks
Major.png Major 80 20000 Passive - -
Major's Badge
Kitrios Barracks
Sergeant.png Sergeant 80 20000 Passive - - - Kitrios Barracks
Lieutenant.png Lieutenant 80 20000 Passive - - - Kitrios Barracks
ThanosDwarf.png Thanos Dwarf 80 20000 Passive - - - Thanos
RoyalGuard(Level82).png Royal Guard 82 ?
Guard - - - Thanos
HobgoblinFarmer(Passive).png Hobgoblin Farmer
80 3600 Passive - ✤ Def
❋ Weak

Goblin Tooth
Bricot's Farm
CanyonGuardGolem.png Canyon Guard Golem 90 ?
Guard - - - Bricot's Farm
FreedSoul.png Freed Soul 88 5000 Passive - - - Cave at 435, 42, -5170
SakuraDojoWarrior.png Sakura Dojo Warrior 90 20000
Guard - - - Sakura Dojo
BantisuSage.png Bantisu Sage 85 ?
Ranged Guard - ❋ Dam - Bantisu Air Temple
Bison.png Bison 70 4000 Passive - ❋ Def - Bantisu Air Temple
Pilgrim(Level75).png Pilgrim 75 40000 Passive - - - Bantisu Air Temple
BantisuMonk(Level82).png Bantisu Monk
(Level 82)
82 45000 Passive - - - Bantisu Air Temple
BantisuMonk(Level85).png Bantisu Monk
(Level 85)
85 22000 Passive - - - Bantisu Air Temple
BantisuElder.png Bantisu Elder 85 48000 Passive - ✦ Def - Bantisu Air Temple
CanyonBowman.png Canyon Bowman 90 ?
Ranged Guard - - - Thesead
MiningGolem.png Mining Golem 85 50000 Passive - - - Thesead Mines
TheseadCoalMiner.png Thesead Coal Miner 85 51000 Passive - - - Thesead Mines
TheseadCitizen(Level85).png Thesead Citizen 85 50000 Passive - - - Thesead
TheseadGuardGolem.png Thesead Guard Golem 90 ?
Guard - - - Thesead
EltomCitizen.png Eltom Citizen 80 50000 Passive - - - Eltom
EltomGuard(Level80).png Eltom Guard 80 ?
Guard - - - Eltom
Steel-ForgedGolem.png Steel-Forged Golem 100 ?
Guard - ✹ Def - Molten Heights Gate

Special Mobs

Mobs with special spawning conditions, including [] Rare Mobs that can rarely spawn throughout the region, and Key Guardians, which spawn over large portions of the map.

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
TheElephelk.png The Elephelk 86 16300 Charge Pull ✤ Dam
✤ Def

Altitude Shard

Illusory Idol

Tough Skin

Ivory Tusk

Stone Plating

Elephant Toenail

Elephelk Trunk

Mountain's Heart
Canyon of the Lost
ColossusSpawn.png Colossus Spawn 88 59000 Melee Multihit
Heavy Pull
✤ Dam
✦ Def
❋ Weak

Altitude Shard

Illusory Idol

Engraved Tablet

Colossus' Shard
Canyon of the Lost
GiantPandaKing.png Giant Panda King 89 15130 Melee Push -
Altitude Shard

Illusory Idol

Fluffy Fur

Fighting Stick

Panda King's Crown
Canyon of the Lost
CrystallineBehemoth.png Crystalline Behemoth 89 65000 Melee Pull ✤ Dam
✤ Def
❋ Weak

Altitude Shard

Illusory Idol

Crystalline Growth

Rocky Mind
Canyon of the Lost
CorruptedUnderworldCryptKeyGuardian.png Corrupted Underworld Crypt
Key Guardian
82 15000 Melee Charge ✤ Dam
Broken Underworld Crypt Key
Canyon of the Lost
CorruptedSand-SweptTombKeyGuardian.png Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb
Key Guardian
86 25000 ? ? ✦ Dam 8 Horrors

Broken Sand-Swept Tomb Key
Canyon of the Lost
File:Horror(Level85).png Horror 85 10000 Melee ? - - From Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb
Key Guardians
