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Raids are team-based challenges introduced in the 1.20 Gavel Reborn update and revamped in 2.1 Rekindled World that are unlocked while playing through Wynncraft. They are challenging, require a party and runes to enter, and can reward players with Emeralds, Powders, certain Accessories, Charms, Tomes, Corkian Amplifiers, Crafter Bags, and Ability Shards when they are completed. More info on each raid can be found in its respective page.

List of Raids

Raid Icon & Name Player Level Minimum Quest Requirements Rune Cost Boss
Nest of the Grootslangs
54 Realm of Light I - The Worm Holes 1
Az Rune
Grootslang Wyrmling
Orphion's Nexus of Light
79 Realm of Light V - The Realm of Light 1
Uth Rune
Orphion, Fading Light
The Canyon Colossus
95[1] The Breaking Point 1
Tol Rune
The Canyon Colossus
The Nameless Anomaly
103 A Journey Further 1
Tol Rune
The Nameless

The Raid Division

The Raid Division is a branch of the Silverbull Trading Company and the second Silverbull Syndicate to be released. While players under level 65 can participate in Raids without signing up, past that point they must. The Raid Division tracks the players' progress in their activity, allowing them to level up and unlock new perks for future Raids.

Raid XP is given at the end of a Raid depending on various factors. Failed Raids do not reward any XP.

Raid Division Ranks
Rank Title XP Required Total XP Perks
1 Rookie I 0 0 Access to a Raid Gambit slot
2 Rookie II 150 150 +1 Aspect Pull from Guild Raids
3 Rookie III 300 450 +1 Raid Buff Choice
4 Sentinel I 500 950 +2 Base Reward Pulls
5 Sentinel II 750 1,700 +1 Aspect Pull from Guild Raids
6 Sentinel III 1,150 2,850 +1 Raid Gambit choice
7 Admiral 1,700 4,550 +1 Aspect slot
8 Commander 2,400 6,950 +2 Base Reward Pulls
9 Master 3,400 10,350 +1 Raid Gambit choice
10 Grandmaster 10,350 20,700 -

Entering a Raid

Raids can be attempted with only 4 people in a party that all must meet the minimum level requirement and must have completed the required quest for the Raid if applicable. Each player must also have one of the required Rune to enter.


All raids have 3 instruction rooms, 3 challenge rooms, 3 buff rooms, and 1 boss room. Before each challenge room is an instruction room giving a brief overview of the room's challenge. Players have to complete challenges in each challenge room in order to proceed to the next room. If a player dies in a challenge room, the other players will have to complete the challenge without them, and they will respawn at the next buff room. Completing challenges while staying alive grants an Aspect Pull and 3 Reward Pulls while dying only grants 2 Reward Pulls. Following the last buff room is the transition room to the boss fight. After the boss has been slain, the Raid is completed and the Reward Chest may be opened.

Time only counts down when players are in challenge and boss rooms.

Every buff room grants each player the ability to pick one buff to receive from a random group of 3, and also holds a Blacksmith for item repair. For more information on each raid's various challenge rooms and buffs, see their individual pages.


Mobs are scaled to each player client-side. For example, a level 60 player will fight a mob that has 40,000 HP while a level 100 player fights the same mob with 90,000 HP. Each player's damage is also scaled to each raider, so if a level 100 player deals 15% of the mob's HP as damage, the mob for the level 60 player will have 34,000 HP left while the level 100 player's mob has 76,500 HP left. With this, players will have the same impact on mobs no matter what level they are.

Silverbull Gambits

Silverbull Gambits are optional challenges that can be applied for a Raid run that grant extra rewards.

List of Silverbull Gambits
Name Description Notes
Bleeding Warrior's For each 1% health you lack, make your attacks 1% weaker. -
Cursed Alchemist's Cannot use more than 3 consumables throughout the raid. -
Dull Blade's Your attacks cannot deal more than 30% of a mob's max health per hit. -
Eroded Speedster's Take 1% of your max health as damage every 20 seconds while in a challenge room. Increase by +1% each time. -
Farsighted's You cannot damage mobs that are 3 blocks or less away from you. -
Foreseen Swordsman's Hitting a mob 4 times will grant it 90% resistance to your attacks for 0.4s. -
Glutton's Picking up 3 buffs will remove 6 reward pulls. -
Hemophiliac's Every hit you take will deal at least 5% of your max health as damage. -
Ingenuous Mage's Your mana can only regenerate by up to +10 per second. -
Leaden Fighter's For each 1% health you have, increase your spells mana cost by +1%. -
Myopic's You cannot damage mobs that are 12 blocks or more away from you. -
Outworn Soldier's Your spells cost at least 20 mana. -
Shattered Mortal's Each time you die, deal -15% damage for the rest of the raid. -

Guild Raids

Guild Raids are a harder version of a Raid that is done with guildmates. Aside from the increased difficulty, Guild Raids are also notable for rewarding SR and more Aspects for the Guild.


Successfully completing a Raid will allow players to get rewards from the Reward Chest. The Reward Chest gives out pulls based on the following factors:

  • How many challenges were completed without dying. Challenges completed without dying give +1 Aspect Pull and +3 Reward Pulls, while dying only gives +2 Reward Pulls.
  • If Gambits were enabled. Gambits give out rewards depending on how many were enabled:
    • 1 Gambit: +1 Aspect Pull, +1 Reward Pull
    • 2 Gambits: +2 Aspect Pulls, +3 Reward Pulls
    • 3 Gambits: +3 Aspect Pulls, +5 Reward Pulls
  • If it was a Guild Raid.

The rewards are unaffected by Loot Bonus and Loot Quality. The rewards include various items that rotate on a weekly basis, listed here from highest to lowest priority:


Aspects are a Raid-Exclusive reward separate from the rest of the others in the reward chest, instead being found at the top of the UI. Aspects give benefits to existing abilities each Class has. Aspects are not physically present in the inventory, but are instead stored in the Ability Tree.

Other Mechanics

  • Disconnecting during a Raid and rejoining will still let you participate in it, but you will be in spectator mode for the current challenge.
  • Starting a Raid in a world with another party already in the same Raid will put your party into another world free of charge.


  1. While The Breaking Point is a level 97 quest, completing it on one character unlocks it for all others on an account.