Non-Quest NPCs

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These NPC can be found in the world. They are not part of any quest.

Ragni Memorial

-912, 67, -1536
Wynncraft Map
  • Otium: Sometimes, fighting the corruption takes its toll on people.
  • Otium: A dear friend of mine and the province was lost because he couldn't see a way out.
  • Otium: This memorial was erected for all those who suffer similarly.
  • Otium: If you are ever confronted by the demons within, please seek help.

Nivla Forest Hermit

Nivla Woods
-317, 72, -1467
Wynncraft Map
  • Alvin: Careful around here, soldier. There's a lot of dangerous places here in this forest
  • Alvin: Braver people than you have fallen there. Many battles over the last 1000 years have been fought in the forest.
  • Alvin: There are a lot of bodies under the soil, and forces more than just the corruption around here too.
  • Alvin: See that rocky grove to the south? You know, closer to the cliffs of Time Valley.
  • Alvin: These bodies are affected by Time Valley's strange magic AND corruption- they're extremely powerful.
  • Alvin: There's a lot of spots like that all around. Unless you're really ready, steer clear of them.

Detlas Suburbs Vagrant

Detlas Suburbs
196, 67, -1591
Wynncraft Map
  • Vagrant Van: Oh, a Ragni soldier. It's been awhile since I've seen one of you out here.
  • Vagrant Van: The name is Van, but they call me Vagrant Van since I lost my tower to the corruption.
  • Vagrant Van: The corruption took over my guard tower out in the plains north-west of here, just past the buildings behind me.
  • Vagrant Van: It's the last tower not ruined by the war, but it cannot fall into the grasp of the corruption. Do you think you could kick some corrupted butt for me?

Worn Tablet


Isles of Fiction
-299, 58, -4043
Wynncraft Map
  • There's a faded inscription in the stone...
  • To those I have lost, whose memory remains.
  • For the years we could have had, for the lives you could have lived.
  • I promise I will make it right. Whatever it takes. Whatever it costs.
  • I will weave this tale anew. I must.
  • - A

Sybil in Detlas

428, 67, -1618
Wynncraft Map

NOTE: Sybil will only appear if you did The Feathers Fly Part II

  • Sybil: Wh- Oh... It's only you.
  • Sybil: Wait, it's YOU?!!
  • Sybil: You - Urgh. Remember me? From the Corkian Council
  • Sybil: Whatever. Yeah, yeah, I'm visiting. Let's just say I'm on a break.
  • Sybil: That inn in town's pretty cheap for the so-called most important town of the province.
  • Sybil: ...or maybe I'm just rich?
  • Sybil: Anyway, you and your little bird... You guys should've just stayed away from the Council!
  • Sybil: Look... You wouldn't understand... We're supposed to be gifted with our own magic!
  • Sybil: And you... You go and show me, show all of us that anyone, ANYONE can use electromagic?! Just like that?
  • Sybil: Say, I just MIGHT have overreacted back then, but I'm not the only one who felt this way.
  • Sybil: Trust me, the others just weren't saying anything. Dwice, Clomius... Same as me. And it's not only within the Council
  • Sybil: Obviously they'd want to get on Efena's good side. You wouldn't want to go against a president.
  • Sybil: I hope... that one day, someone will do just as "good" as you.
  • Sybil: I hope one day you realize that you, too, aren't all that special.
  • Sybil: Maybe later we'll meet up again on the Council. If I'm composed enough to go back.
  • Sybil: ...she got off so easy. Too easy. It was all just so convenient for her in the end... I can't believe we're letting all of this slide!! A lot of citizens are worried, and...
  • Sybil: Urgh, I was starting to appreciate my time here until you came along! Just... just go. I don't want to be thinking about that right now.

  • Sybil: Wh- Oh... It's only you.
  • Sybil: Wait, it's YOU?!!
  • Sybil: You - Urgh. Remember me? From the Corkian Council
  • Sybil: Whatever. Yeah, yeah, I'm visiting. Let's just say I'm on a break.
  • Sybil: That inn in town's pretty cheap for the so-called most important town of the province.
  • Sybil: ...or maybe I'm just rich?
  • Sybil: Anyway, you and your little bird... You guys should've just stayed away from the Council!
  • Sybil: Look... You wouldn't understand... We're supposed to be gifted with our own magic!
  • Sybil: And you... You go and show me, show all of us that anyone, ANYONE can use electromagic?! Just like that?
  • Sybil: Say, I just MIGHT have overreacted back then, but I'm not the only one who felt this way.
  • Sybil: Trust me, the others just weren't saying anything. Dwice, Clomius... Same as me. And it's not only within the Council
  • Sybil: Obviously they'd want to get on Efena's good side. You wouldn't want to go against a president.
  • Sybil: I hope... that one day, someone will do just as "good" as you.
  • Sybil: I hope one day you realize that you, too, aren't all that special.
  • Sybil: Maybe later we'll meet up again on the Council. If I'm composed enough to go back.
  • Sybil: ...she got off so easy. Too easy. It was all just so convenient for her in the end... We're letting her roam around with a weaponized armour, and, for the record, she really did hurt me!!
  • Sybil: Urgh, I was starting to appreciate my time here until you came along! Just... just go. I don't want to be thinking about that right now.

  • Sybil: It's you... Amazing. Here to ruin the day again, huh?
  • Sybil: Like I'd wish YOU a "merry Craftmas".
  • Sybil: So, why did you come up to me? Do you have anything useful to tell me? If not, get lost.
Following Conversations:
  • Sybil: What do you want?
  • [1] "How have you been?"
    • Sybil: What.
    • Sybil: Don't you dare act all buddy-buddy with me.
    • Sybil: Get lost.
  • [2] "Tell me about Maxie."
    • Sybil: Urgh, Maxie... He's got too much hope, too much unrealistic expectations, he really gets on my nerves.
    • Sybil: He's way too new to try and voice his opinion. He's the most basic goody two shoes person ever, and yet here he is, on the Council.
    • Sybil: Are you trying to annoy me by talking about him?
  • [3] "Tell me about Ava."
    • Sybil: Literally the worst Avo ever. Honestly, maybe they're all like that. Maybe they're all criminals, I wouldn't know!
    • Sybil: I don't get why Efena likes her. I don't get why anyone would like her. She's literally a terrorist. Don't sympathize with that.
    • Sybil: One day, she'll have to face the consequences of her actions.
    • Sybil: And you damn mindless Fruman, just leave me alone, would you?!
  • [4] "Are you participating in the gift-giving?" [1]
    • Sybil: Are you serious?
    • Sybil: Are you actually serious?
    • Sybil: Did you, for one second, think "oh, let's ask the silly Corkian lady for a gift, I'm sure she'd be happy to oblige"?
    • Sybil: The only activity I'd be happy to partake in with you is where I throw you down the Roots of Corruption.
    • Sybil: They're close by, right? Might as well visit as a tourist, haha!
    • Sybil: Get lost.
  • [5] "I don't want anything."
    • Sybil: Get lost.
Note: Sybil will disappear after Ava has been invited to Detlas.

After talking to her:

  • She's angrily looking at these cute birds.

Note: Walking away and returning will allow you to see the dialogue again

Clex's Journal

Found in Lexdale in the Accessory Merchant's house.

-583, -5439
Wynncraft Map

  • It's someone's journal. The name 'Clex' is written on the front cover.
  • Maybe there's something interesting written inside. There's a few entries...
The options appear from here.

  • Clex's journal has other entries written in it. Maybe you could read some more?
The options appear from here.

  • [1] Read Entry 1.
    • Entry 1: 953 AP
    • "I've got green shoots! I've finally figured out the trick to it. And they thought ol' Clex was a fool, buying seeds to plant in Lexdale. Real idiots in Cinfras."
    • "I can't say as though I know how it works. Everything I grew in the ground turned out as you'd expect- wretched and withered. But I didn't plant everything in the ground."
    • "I've been firing some clay in my spare time, and fixed up a bevy of planter pots. I filled them with some fresh soil from around Lake Gylia- and they grew just fine! I've got the start of some parsnips."
    • "But the real funny thing is that I scooped up some soil from nearby, where plants grow out of the ground pre-dead...but I still have little sprouts coming in from the planters."
    • "Everyone thinks the ground's poison, so how come all it took to grow some healthy plants in it was to shove it into a pot? I haven't got the foggiest idea."
    • "But the prospect of having a proper veggie stew without having to pay out the nose in the Cinfras markets makes my stomach growl loud enough for me to dismiss the wondering."
  • [2] Read Entry 2.
    • Entry 2: 953 AP
    • "Today might have been windy, cold, and pouring rain like the ocean wanted to fly when it grew up, but this is the brightest day I've seen in years."
    • "After all, I whipped up a piping hot veggie stew for the wife and the neighbors too, all with the stuff I grew from my humble little planter pots."
    • "The neighbors even offered some mutton for the broth. I said something over supper, but I'll have to thank Gideon properly tomorrow for the meat."
    • "Having a meal made by the sweat of your brow just makes it taste all the richer. It helps that this is the first thing to grow in town that merely isn't bitter stalks in my whole lifetime."
    • "It feels like even though the day was bleak and miserable, that this is some kind of turning point. Like I'm finally starting to crawl up from rock bottom."
    • "I'm going to sleep nice and soundly tonight, on a belly full of hearty stew. Anete's already sleeping, so I think I'll join her in a moment."
  • [3] Read Entry 3.
    • Entry 3: 955 AP
    • "The peace of my family's life has disturbed by a terrible beast. A fey thing of no morals, no compunctions or inhibitions- just sheer, endless hunger."
    • "I heard shuffling and clanking outside my house this morning, all the noise woke me up, and I'd wondered if it wasn't one of the town's local alley dogs...but it was too big to be a dog."
    • "It's not a Rex, or a Spike, or a Pup, no. This monster's Numin, and this absolute lout of a man ripped up my growing carrots and ate them all right out of my planter pots!!"
    • "He moved to Lexdale just a few weeks ago, who knows why anyone would want to come here, but as it turns out the man's two-faced. Smiley and friendly, but if I don't feel like I've had a dagger slid into my back!"
    • "All innocence he was, asking me what was wrong when his cheeks were stuffed full and his grubby little paws were covered in dirt!"
    • "I should call the local constable! I ought to have that man gibbeted! Gaunched! Drawn and quartered! Something!"
  • [4] Read Entry 4.
    • Entry 4: 956 AP
    • "Numin continues to be a sharp pebble in the shoe of my life. I can't quite seem to catch him thieving my vegetables, but I know he's doing it! He has this...this GRIN."
    • "A grin that says 'Yeah I just ate all your rutabagas, what are you gonna do about it?' And a breath smelling of lies and root vegetables. How can he bear to be so chummy?"
    • "And just a month ago I managed to scrounge up enough veggies for another stew in spite of him- and what does he do?! He waltzes up to my door and asks if I could spare a bowl!"
    • "I pretty near throttled that man. Matter of fact I would've, if not for the fact I was holding my own bowl of soup at the time! He's a menace, a veritable parasite in this town!"
    • "And he just acts every day like we're buddy-buddy, as though we've been friends for years and years by this point. I'm trying to keep my anger restrained in front of Anete."
    • "She doesn't deserve to have me complain at her about everything. Living where we do, we already have enough concerns."
  • [5] Read Entry 5.
    • Entry 5: 958 AP
    • "That tears it. Numin has gone too far this time! I've had the patience of a Talor saint with him up until now- his raiding my little gardens, his entitlement, his smartaleck comments..."
    • "But I know just what he did, and I'm astounded that no one but my wife believes me on this! He went and SMASHED one of my planter pots!!"
    • "I found clay shattered into pieces coming home this afternoon, the stalks and sprouts in shambles on the ground. He's the only one who befouls my property so!"
    • "I was just about to dunk him into the fountain out front when the neighbors all came to his defense, saying some strange beast shambled through town and clawed it apart."
    • "But as disturbing the 'evidence' of a dead dog was, this isn't new. When the stray pups get hungry and can't beg for scraps, they don't just lay down and let their stomachs growl."
    • "I've heard it more than once in the middle of the night. It's unpleasant, sure, but it's not enough to cover him by any means! I'm not fooled, I'll pay him back for this, somehow."
  • [6] Read Entry 6.
    • Entry 6: 966 AP
    • "Have you ever been wrong in
    • "Karma says
    • "At least my new garden won't b
    • "Why can't I start this fu
    • "I hadn't even liked Numin. I hadn't even liked him!"
    • "But that doesn't mean I wanted to see him die."
    • "This is the first time writing in this damn journal since we got chased out of town. The way I wrote about Numin at first summed it about up, in a way I never could have thought in my wildest nightmares."
    • "Back in Lexd Old Lexdale you heard weird noises at night all the time. Dogs being dogs, croaking mucklers on the river, shuffling of big worms in the dirt."
    • "So when I heard something new around the time Numin showed up- something that sounded like wax tearing at night- I didn't pay it any mind. Was too busy being angry to spare thoughts towards it."
    • "As it turns out, the neighbors were right about the beast that broke my planter pot. The town guards hunted the thing down. No one knew where it came from, except god hell I can't keep writing this now I'll come back later"
  • [7] Read Entry 7.
    • Entry 7: 970 AP
    • "To put into context what just happened, you have to understand this. Lexdale w Old Lexdale was a poor town. We piggybacked off the church's kindness for our golems, so there were only a couple there."
    • "All the rest of the town's guard was comprised of lookouts with emergency daggers and volunteers who could barely hold a sword, much less aim with a spear."
    • "So when the beasts clawed their way up the ramparts and killed the lookouts there wasn't much hope for anyone else. Numin was the one who woke me up- dragged me and Anete right out of bed."
    • "I was so busy being furious at him that I didn't notice what he was saying until the beast pounced him. All claws, mangy fur sticking out between scales, and rotten teeth."
    • "Numin's the only reason me and Anete are alive- the beasts smelled blood and tore his body apart trying to drink it. Tore at each other for getting in the way and drank each other, too."
    • "He gave us enough time to make a mad dash to the House of Talor, us and the other survivors. But even then I dammit I still cant finish this fu"
  • [8] Look at later entries.
    • (This option brings you to the later entries.)
  • [9] Not interested in reading.
    • Probably best to give them their privacy, anyway.

  • [1] Read Entry 8.
    • Entry 8: 979 AP
    • "Why the hell is it so hard to write about this? It's been years, why am I not over this by now? All my neighbors got out safe except Numin! I hated his guts! I shouldn't be so shell-shocked that I can't even write!"
    • "But it wasn't just him. Some of the beasts followed us to the church, alongside those magic...conglomeration...weird damn things I don't know the name of."
    • "The Talor folk are a different breed of people from our ragtag volunteers. They had some military experience and a proper golem vanguard. It'd still have been a slaughter."
    • "We were barricaded in a side room, me and Anete and some other girl I never bothered to get the name of. Didn't see much at the time, but we heard everything..."
    • "And we weren't so lucky as to avoid getting to see the aftermath. If I never see a drop of blood again in my life again it'll be too soon. Same with bones, and exposed muscle, and the inside of a man's stomach."
    • "The Talor folk are going to be fixing the damage for decades- all the buildings in front of the church are wrecked. ...I should offer to help- no, sleep. I need sleep."
  • [2] Read Entry 9.
    • Entry 9: 981 AP
    • "I keep walking outside to my garden and expecting to see Numin horking down a carrot with that lazy wave and his stupid grin every morning. I don't know why."
    • "Instead, I just see unblemished stalks. Green shoots, undisturbed by grubby hands. It should be a relief. I write it down, maybe I'll start believing it again."
    • "It's tougher and tougher to keep going nowadays. Everything's harder to do. At least I got a new appreciation for everything horizontal in bed."
    • "Even the veggie stew from last night just felt bland. And I know that's on me, since the plants are growing just fine and Anete kept telling me how great it was to have it again..."
    • "It just felt like her words were sliding off a glass pane in front of me, like I was hearing them without processing any of the words. She deserves better."
    • "Maybe if I can just sleep soundly once I can get past this."
  • [3] Read Entry 10.
    • Entry 10: 983 AP
    • The entire entry is just scrawls and scribbles, covering the whole page. Like many before it, the pages and ink are blotted in some spots, but it's very noticeable here.
  • [4] Read Entry 11.
    • Entry 11: 987 AP
    • "God, why won't anyone just talk to me? When I can strike up a conversation I can feel like a real person again for an hour or two."
    • "Everyone's just...paranoid. The new mayor the Talor people assigned was alright at first, but he's gotten militant lately. Too shouty."
    • "I even went and tried to go around, offer some stew to the neighbors to try and recapture the old days. Just...have a nice supper."
    • "No one even opened their doors when I knocked, so I took my bowl home and all I could taste was bile. I forced myself to finish it anyway, food's scarce."
    • "At least I still have Anete. She's stuck by me this whole time- evermore now these days though, 'til death do us part feels like it's tempting fate."
    • "Getting to talk with her and remember I have a shoulder to cry on helped a bit. I hope I didn't ruin her dress."
  • [5] Read Entry 12.
    • 'Entry 12: 992 AP
    • "I'd give anything to stop waking up with screams ringing in my ears. It's always Numin's, the ones he made when the beast pounced him. Always cuts off just the same."
    • "Maybe back then he thought that filching from a man's planter pots and acting insufferably chummy was the best way to make friends."
    • "Maybe he thought we were friends. Even though I barely gave him the time of the day unless I was screaming my head off him."
    • "Anete's still working hard, making her jewelry and bringing in money, but every day I feel less and less like I'm alive and more like I'm some kind of invalid."
    • "God I've been selfish. She let me cry on her shoulder, I need to be there so she can cry on mine if she has to. I wonder how much she's been putting up a cheerful, determined front for my sake."
    • "I just need to get up. First step's always the hardest, though."
  • [6] Read Entry 13.
    • Entry 13: 996 AP
    • "Nothing like the fear of death to make you appreciate the lives you hold the closest, huh?! God, what is that mayor thinking? IS he even thinking?"
    • "Witches?! Seriously? Genuinely, the man hung a neighbor today! He hanged Henrietta!! I knew her for decades, she could barely spell her own name let alone cast a spell!"
    • "Anete's front finally broke. She's still crying, I can hear her in the other room, and as soon as I finish writing I'm going right downstairs to be with her."
    • "Henrietta never was schooled but she was sharp anyways. Quick and sprightly and smiley and now she's just meat. I've never felt this angry in my life."
    • "Not even when I thought Numin broke my planter pot was I this angry. Anete was nearly next in line after Henrietta for daring to speak up about this injustice!"
    • "What am I supposed to do about this? How can I fix this? Why is this happening? Is this some kind of twisted karma for being annoyed with Numin back then?"
  • [7] Read Entry 14.
    • Entry 14: 1000 AP
    • "I'd never heard of humans before today, but after what I saw I'm only able to call them saints."
    • "Another innocent- she can't possibly be older than 20- was up on the gallows, noose around her neck, when this human comes barreling into town, all armor and clank."
    • "The human heard Amira say she was innocent- and right then and there they decided yes, yes she was. No knowledge of her or what was going on, a snap."
    • "They got the mayor to postpone the execution, went into Amira's house, was maybe a couple hours later when they came back with some kind of proof."
    • "It was like a spell got broken over the mayor when he saw that caged thing! He let Amira go, just like that! And then the human ambled on, left just as fast as they thundered into town."
    • "I hope that's the end of all this witch trial nonsense... Maybe Amira could use a bowl of stew. It feels like something changed in the air. Maybe? But I'll have to get to cooking first..."
    • This seems to be the most recent entry.
  • [8] Look at earlier entries.
    • (This option brings you to the earlier entries.)
  • [9] Not interested in reading.
    • Probably best to give them their privacy, anyway.

Mysterious Figure

Found in Lexdale after completing Hollow Serenity.

-585, -5454
Wynncraft Map


  • Mysterious Figure: Hello there, human. Don't mind me, I'm just here to... make sure everything is all right.
  • Mysterious Figure: That no one is poking their noses into places they shouldn't. Yes...

Cinfras Plains Villager

Found in a wooden house at the coordinates.

Cinfras County
-81, -4753
Wynncraft Map
  • Camar: Gah! You gave me quite the scare there, human! Don't see many people walking through here, mostly sentient stone.
  • Camar: You see, I've been observing these creatures for years now. They fascinate me, especially that big one that comes out only once in a while.
  • Camar: Now, these here golems walking the Cinfras Plains are ancient, but the big guy makes them look like newborns. That one is at least one millennia old!
  • Camar: He's made out of metal that not even the dwarves recognize and covered in runes not even the elves can decipher.
  • Camar: If I were you, I'd admire it from afar, like me. I've seen the thing tear bandits into bits without hesitation!

Siegfried Book

Located in a House by the Retired Clockmaker's House.

-465, -4848
Wynncraft Map
  • Siegfried, Hero of Gavel
  • In recent times, Gavel has been threatened by many monsters. But wherever trouble lurks, the province can always depend on its legendary hero, Siegfried.
  • Everyone in Gavel has their own tale to tell about Siegfried's tremendous strength and skill. He has saved many lives.
  • Wynn may have had Bob as its hero, but Gavel has Siegfried. His books are all province wide best sellers! Bob doesn't even have a book!
  • The End.

Festival Dwarf

Located near some tents outside the festival.

Molten Heights
1499, -5096
Wynncraft Map
  • Phicx: Are you headed to the festival? I've traveled all the way from Thanos.
  • Phicx: This festival is well known around the entirety of Gavel, it's important that all of us know the history of our province.
  • Phicx: Did you see the weird statues on your way up here?
  • Phicx: That's actually a sealed Dogun, if you drench them in water they turn into stone, but they don't die. If you listen closely you can hear them gurgle.

Food for Prisoners

Located near the Molten Core Prison in Rodoroc.

Corkus City
1105, 33, -5231
Wynncraft Map
  • You flip through the pages of the old dusty book until you find something interesting...
  • Feeding prisoners might seem like a hassle, why feed the prisoners when they are going to die anyway?
  • Here's a few easy and quick recipes...
  • You lose interest in the old book and put it back where you found it.


Efena will not appear if you have not done The Feathers Fly Part II.

Corkus City
-1448, -2934
Wynncraft Map

  • Efena: Oh... It's you. 'figured you'd pop here one day.
  • Efena: How is she? Ava, I mean. I hope she's doing fine.
  • Efena: Maxie doesn't tell me much. We don't talk outside of work, really.
  • Efena: 'heard he got married. Or is getting? Good for him, I suppose.
  • Efena: As long as it doesn't hinder his work, I really don't care.
  • Efena: As for you... Why'd you come here? Any reason in particular?
  • Efena: You know, I usually just punch anyone tryin' to disturb me here.
  • Efena: After all, this right here is my thinking chair. Anyone should have one!
  • Efena: Oh!! Actually, I meant to ask ya...
  • Efena: That one rich outfit she wore last time... This was your doing, right? As in, you totally stole it, right?!
  • Efena: Gahah! I knew it! You actually stole from friends of mine, y'know?
  • Efena: 'wonder what these guys are doin' now. 'kinda left Corkus... I don't like goodbyes and all, so I ignored that...
  • Efena: I have no clue why I'm telling you all this. I should be putting you in jail for thievery, heh!
  • Efena: ...<playername>, you are so incredibly stoic at times, it's almost frightening.
  • Efena: 'not necessarily a bad thing. It's great to be able to control your emotions, heh.
  • Efena: Well, I don't have much to tell you anymore, for now.
  • Efena: I'll just go back to thinking. You should try it out sometime!

  • Efena: Oh... It's you. 'figured you'd pop here one day.
  • Efena: How is she? Ava, I mean. I hope she's doing fine.
  • Efena: Maxie doesn't tell me much. We don't talk outside of work, really.
  • Efena: 'heard he got married. Or is getting? Good for him, I suppose.
  • Efena: As long as it doesn't hinder his work, I really don't care.
  • Efena: As for you... Why'd you come here? Any reason in particular?
  • Efena: You know, I usually just punch anyone tryin' to disturb me here.
  • Efena: After all, this right here is my thinking chair. Anyone should have one!
  • Efena: Oh!! Actually, I meant to ask ya...
  • Efena: There's no way she made that power armour by herself. I feel like I heard 'bout something like that at one point.
  • Efena: Oh, so you got it from that room downstairs?! ...damn. You might've stolen some of my friend's clothes, then!
  • Efena: 'wonder what these guys are doin' now. 'kinda left Corkus... I don't like goodbyes and all, so I ignored that...
  • Efena: I have no clue why I'm telling you all this. I should be putting you in jail for thievery, heh!
  • Efena: ...<playername>, you are so incredibly stoic at times, it's almost frightening.
  • Efena: 'not necessarily a bad thing. It's great to be able to control your emotions, heh.
  • Efena: Well, I don't have much to tell you anymore, for now.
  • Efena: I'll just go back to thinking. You should try it out sometime!

After Dialogue

  • She's thinking really hard.

Leaving the Room

  • Efena: See ya!

Leaving the Room in the middle of the Dialogue

  • Efena: Oh, uh, well, bye?!


NOTE: This dialogue only happens after completing The Feathers Fly Part II.

  • Nodise: Oh...It's you. I wasn't expecting that. Remember the Corkian Council?
  • Nodise: Even after the facts, you still cause quite the commotion internally.
  • Nodise: Remember Sybil? Blonde? Often angry? No? I'm not surprised.
  • Nodise: Well, she really didn't take the president's news lightly about letting Ava do her thing.
  • Nodise: I'm very much sorry for her. It's always hard changing your mindset about pretty much anything.
  • Nodise: Perhaps that's why humans are so afraid of change in general.
  • Nodise: I fear that we will soon have an extra vacant seat in the Council.
  • Nodise: Who knows where she's gone off to... As for Corkus City, it might be a given, but the citizens are worried about that "Avos Attack". Let's hope it eventually calms down.
  • Nodise: Anyway, that's how it is for us. I assume you're not very interested in the inner-workings of Corkus.
  • Nodise: As for why I'm here? I do enjoy researching about Gavel.
  • Nodise: Thanks to Kandon-Beda, we can easily travel between here and Corkus, which is great for us!
  • Nodise: That being said, I won't bother you any longer. Enjoy whatever you're doing!

After Dialogue

  • Nodise: There are tensions, sure, but we're doing fine back home.

Notise and Sybil

'NOTE: This dialogue only happens before completing The Feathers Fly Part II.

  • Nodise: Oh, greetings. I seldom see humans around these parts.
  • Nodise: I'm from Corkus. You ought to have heard of it at one point.
  • Sybil: Of course they've heard of it, like, come on!
  • Nodise: We are part of the Council. Maybe we'll meet there someday.
  • Nodise: So, what brings you here? I'm personally researching about the region.
  • Sybil: And I'm starting to get bored to death!
  • Nodise: *sigh* You seam to be a soldier of sorts. From Wynn, right? I've never been there.
  • Sybil: Uh, Nodise? There's a literal WAR over there? Of course we've never been there?!
  • Nodise: You know, Sybil, sometimes you just have to go and take a leap of faith.
  • Nodise: Hey, soldier, no point bothering you any longer. I have some research to do.

After Dialogue

  • Sybil: You think I can't go to Wynn?! Well, maybe I'll go alone!

Kandon-Beda Fables

The library containing the Fables can be found within the ruined building at 724, 174, -4514.

Ancient Scripture

  • We were wrong. Oh Wise One, we were wrong to refuse your words. Our Great Protector stood tall, and it stood firm, and we believed it would save us. We were wrong.
  • Oh Wise One, where have you gone? We need you more than ever before. Your wisdom provided us with answers to all we sought, so tell us, Wise One, how can we move on?
  • Our land is fractured, our world lost, and the future is as dark as it has ever been! Oh Wise One, accept our offerings, return to us! Help us move past this tragedy!
  • There's some writing on the edges of the page.
  • So, hey, I found this cool book when I was raiding that castle to the southeast of here! The writing's all fancy and weird.
  • The big statue in front was cool too. I asked Ma what it was, and she told me it was some old god they worshipped way back in the day!
  • Well, if I could ask this Wise One anything, I'd ask them who built this place! The stone's all dark and warm, I've never seen anything like it. Makes for a pretty cool hangout spot, though!
  • - Em.

Stone Tablet

  • The tablet is worn and faded, but you can still make out what it says.
  • We are Doguns, beings born of Fire and Earth. As above our Great Protector forged our stones, so below the Mighty Garaheth breathed us into our flame of life.
  • Here we stand, between Sky and Earth, as our Great Protector calls for our aid. It protects our home with all its might, yet anger overtakes its sense.
  • We, the Doguns, will repay our debts. We, the Doguns, who carry Mighty Garaheth's eternal flame. We alone will calm our Great Protector.
  • For as long as we remain as one, its fury will not break us. For as long as we remain courageous, we will hold it back. For as long as it protects us, we will do our part to return the favor.



  1. This option is available on and after December 25th, 2021.