Corrupter of Worlds

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Corrupter of Worlds
Species Human (Corrupted, Possibly)
Creature of the Realm of War (Possibly)
Level 100
Health 150,000
Quest Temple of the Legends, A Hunter's Calling
Special Drops Corrupted Heart
Elemental Effects







The Corrupter Of Worlds is a boss, encountered at the end of the Temple of the Legends quest. Kelight has you kill this boss in order for you to prove that you are worthy enough to enter The Temple of the Legends. The Corrupter of Worlds is located in a cave next to the left of the Temple of Legends. The Corrupter of Worlds has Corrupter Spawn (Endermites) in its chamber with it.


The Corrupter of Worlds used to be the leader of one of the human mining groups near the Corruption Portal, and was the first one to enter it when it was first discovered. However, the corruptive influence of the Portal caused him to go insane and mutate into his current form, leading corrupted from the Portal and personally slaughtering his mining crew.[1] However, different accounts vary, and instead say that Bak'al was the first human to enter the Portal, while the Corrupter of Worlds was instead a creature from the other side of the Portal.[2] Regardless, this creature was the first Corrupted that came out of the Portal, and enacted terror on Wynn for centuries.

The Corrupter of Worlds lacks any sense of mind, and has even attacked other corrupted armies, including Bak'al's[3], and even has its own version of Corruption[4]. It affects the minds of those in its proximity, rendering those who are without protection to become insane and corrupted[5][6].

As stated in A Hunter's Calling, he was later sealed by one or more members of the Twain family.

Kelight uses him to test adventurers whether they are brave and skilled enough to gain access to the Temple of the Legends.


The Corrupter of Worlds is a very fast-moving melee boss, and represents a significant spike in the difficulty of the game. It is notable for its fairly fast movement speed and extremely fast attack rate (once every tick, or 20 times per second), and becomes very dangerous in close range, often surprising unwitting new players. It doesn't have any ranged attacks, but can cast Multihit and Pull. The Corrupter of Worlds (and its Corrupter Spawn) are weak to
Fire and
Air and are resistant to
Earth, and
Thunder. It also heals itself at a rate of 5000 health every 10 seconds.

Properly utilizing movement and knockback/slowness/blinding spells helps greatly in defeating the Corrupter of Worlds. It is also recommended to have a large stock of mana potions in your inventory to quickly regenerate mana, as it can prove fatal if you run out of mana.

  • Warrior's Bash causes significant knockback, and Warscream will push it back a large distance as well. Uppercut will trap it for a while, which allows time to retreat.
  • Archer can use Arrow Storm at somewhat-close range to push it back, as well as Arrow Shield in a pinch at even closer range. Escape's blindness effect can be used as well, but is generally less effective, and attempting to consistently land close enough to cause the effect can often prove to be more trouble than its worth. As such, Escape should generally only be used to maintain the player's (or party's) Speed III effect.
  • Mage's Ice Snake is very useful, since it greatly slows its speed. Teleport also allows for an instantaneous escape if caught, whereas the other classes' movement spells will often be canceled by the Corrupter of Worlds' extremely fast attack speed.
  • Assassin's Vanish allows for time to recuperate, and Multihit provides some knockback, although not quite as good as the other classes. However, Spin Attack's hitstun is useful, freezing it for a second or two.
  • Shaman's Aura Spell can trap it for a couple of seconds, allowing you to heal up.

When the Corrupter of Worlds is killed, four Corrupter Spawn will spawn at its point of death.

Table Data

Corrupter Spawn
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
CorrupterofWorlds.png Corrupter of Worlds 100 150,000 Melee Blindness Resist
Slowness Resist



Corrupted Heart
4 Corrupter Spawns
Corrupter of Worlds Cave


  • CoW is a commonly used acronym for Corrupter of Worlds.
  • The Corrupter has received many different buffs and nerfs to its strength.
    • Used to be able to inflict fire on hit.
    • Multihit spell was originally a replacement of its then-removed ability to hit once per tick. However, the Gavel update returned this ability.
  • All classes have spells that the Corrupter is weak to.
  • The idea behind the Corrupter of Worlds came from Lord Iban of the Underground Pass from Runescape.
  • The Corrupter of Worlds may also be a reference to Terraria's Eater of Worlds. This is supported by the mechanical form you can fight later on in the game.
  • It is not possible to climb onto any of the visible ledges in the arena (including the obsidian protrusions on the ceiling), as there are barrier blocks in the way.
  • The in-game name the owner of the skull that the CoW wears is IGotSuperpowers.
  • The Corrupter of Worlds has its own mechanic version in the Legendary Island Challenge, called the Mechorrupter of Worlds.


  1. "The beast now known as the Corrupter of Worlds used to be a simple mining captain, during the expeditions that uncovered the Nether Portal. He was the first to enter that wicked realm. The poor man was never heard from again...well, that is until the corrupted hordes began to pour from the Nether, with him leading the pack. A bit ironic, isn't it? Led the miners in life, the corrupteds in death. His mining crew there lasted hardly minutes. He personally slaughtered every single one of his original crew, and thousands more. The energies of the Nether have made him monstrously powerful." - Rayshyroth, Temple of the Legends
  2. "...although, the stories differ. Some say that Bak'al was the first to enter the portal, and the Corrupter of Worlds was simply a beast from the Nether. But the unclear truth doesn't change his strength." - Rashyroth
  3. "The Corrupter of Worlds was trapped within this cave. The fool decimated my army when I laid siege last." - Bak'al, A Hunter's Calling
  4. "It practically has its own BRAND of infection, and studying that is running me absolutely ragged!" - Orikal, Festival of the Bonfire
  5. "Simply entering its cave will greatly weaken you, even with the best equipment! Getting close to it would quickly corrupt you, which is why you will need protection." - Kelight, Temple of the Legends
  6. "The Corrupter is one of the most volatile corruptive forces known to us! Even being in proximity to it should've rendered you mad!!" - Orikal, Festival of the Bonfire
