Day |
Coordinates |
City |
Location within the City |
1 |
-857, 68, -1526 |
Ragni |
At the northern plaza. |
War's grasp over the citadel has weakened over the years... Ragni finds itself more defended than it has ever been. ...Accidents still happen, of course. A corrupted slips through... a loss which can never be forgotten.
2 |
-8, 75, -1167 |
Elkurn |
In the village square. |
Living in a hotspot of magical energy has its benefits. Easy access for the sake of research. ...It holds its own dangers, too, of course. Those who remain remember the lost, then press onward.
3 |
679, 77, -2003 |
Bremminglar |
Near the southern entrance. |
Bandits lie in wait along the twisting roads of the savannah. Encounters are rarely deadly... But rarely is not never. For the victims... or the bandits.
4 |
-199, 25, -361 |
Lusuco |
Near the entrance. |
A deep chill settles the air, as day turns to night. The cold has long lost its sway over the inhabitants... but the hearthflame remembers those who could not adapt.
5 |
-1807, 54, -5450 |
Olux |
By the southwestern wall. |
Loved ones, gone missing in the night. They search, and they search, and yet... find nothing. In the absence of resolution, they turn to certainty. A bonfire glows faintly with their sorrow.
6 |
862, 68, -1957 |
Almuj |
By the Savannah entrance. |
The desert heat is dangerous... but manageable. Travelers come prepared when passing through the sands. Fewer come prepared for the sandstorms. When the wind picks up and the air is filled with sand, finding a way to safety becomes impossible. Few survive the exposure.
7 |
-1018, 54, -5236 |
Gelibord |
By southern entrance. |
There is no time to mourn the dead, here. Only the everpresent certainty of their return. Later, in the quiet evenings, they will remember. They will grieve. For now, though, they can only take action.
8 |
52, 39, -2222 |
Nemract |
In the western area. |
There are many dangers in a sailor's line of work. The seas are cruel and uncaring, and the waves as deadly as they are beautiful. Those who do not return from their voyages are remembered by those who knew them, through stories told at late nights in the tavern.
9 |
-1514, 45, -4757 |
Bucie |
Near Entrance to Bucie banner. |
The Villager-Orc conflict has taken many lives over its course. When the dust settles, and battles end for a time, both sides are left to mourn their losses. Lives lost in the pursuit of needless conflict... what sense is there in such a thing? But if they are remembered nonetheless.
10 |
-1535, 69, -2900 |
Corkus City |
In the northwest quadrant of the city. |
With the rogue intelligence destroyed, and Corkus saved from rogue mechs, the people pay no mind to the loss of something already thought destroyed. All except for one. He does not mourn its loss as he would another person... but he feels it nonetheless. A loss of potential, perhaps. That is what he will choose to tell himself. He will not truly believe it.
11 |
737, 77, -5073 |
Thesead |
Near the west gate. |
The miners push ever deeper into the mountain, in search of the ores buried in the stone. The bird falls still. They know what this means. They rush for escape, for the fresh air outside. Most of them make it alive. The others join the canary in its rest.
12 |
-505, 53, -1882 |
Maltic |
In the farm fields near the windmill. |
Though they deemed her an outcast - someone who would not be missed... the village seemed just a little emptier without her presence. None would say it aloud, though all were thinking it... perhaps they had made a mistake. Too little, too late.
13 |
-679, 77, -3120 |
Pirate Cove |
In the area on the top. |
A pirate's life is never easy. Death is always just around the corner, no matter how one tries to avoid it. And so, why fear it? They sail the sea without a care in the world, plundering as they go. And when a pirate finally falls, they are not mourned, but celebrated. Remembered for their acts in life, and not in death.
14 |
744, 68, -1563 |
Ternaves |
Near east entrance. |
Life is quiet, in the town. Though it was built off of the framework of mining operations of years past, little of that culture still remains. ...There are, however, ghosts still buried in its roots. Death came for the miners, as the mineshafts crumbled. Never mourned, never honored.
15 |
1017, 117, -4487 |
Ahmsord |
Near the southern entrance. |
The skyraiders have long been familiar with death, from the moment the land fractured. From the abyss below and in the clouds above, one's life is always at risk. The loss of a queen turned from a travesty to a regular occurrence as the years went on. Mourned briefly, before moving on.
16 |
-1997, 78, -4485 |
Llevigar |
At the upper level near the Bank. |
The fateful voyage of discovery was not the first attempt to cross the raging oceans. Many people over thousands of years set off to seek a better future... and yet, all fell to the waves. The final voyage is remembered, yet others are not.
17 |
176, 8, -5273 |
Thanos |
Near the Bank. |
When the sky split open and the ground cracked and splintered a thousand years ago, dwarven rule over the canyon came to an end. The strongholds of the south were crushed and buried, leaving only the northernmost one standing. The countless lives lost were remembered and honored, for a time. But soon, the dwarves traveled eastward, and replaced their history with the new heroes and conquests of the Heights.
18 |
-164, 72, -1581 |
Alekin Village |
South of the Item Identifier. |
Over a hundred years ago, great burning fires engulfed the woods. The village was evacuated, but many remained to hold off the encroaching forces, and to buy others time. As the rain fell and the flames extinguished, all that remained of the village was a greatly burned, but still standing tree. A symbol for the survivors.
19 |
-1091, 44, -4960 |
Efilim |
Near Olon's house. |
In the chaos following the Equinox, many dissenting voices were exiled from Aldorei. Some found refuge in the forests, guided by fairies to their new home. Not all were so lucky. As winter fell, and the gates remained closed, those outside the forest refuge fell to the elements. Only later, when the bodies were found, would Aldorei regret their decision.