Mob Spells

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Throughout the world of Wynncraft, you will encounter mobs that cast a variety of spells.


Mob spells and when they are cast are different for every mob. Some mobs will cast a random spell from their pool periodically. Other mobs will randomly cast one of their predetermined chains of multiple spells. And finally, some mobs will cast a certain combination of spells at a certain time.

Mobs will signal that they are about to cast a spell with a ring of white particles that surrounds them for a few seconds. A special sound effect will also play. If a mob is about to cast multiple spells at once, the warning effect will stack. Most spells are telegraphed with the same effect, so if a mob has multiple spells, there is no way to know which one they are about to cast during the initial fight, although after some experience, spell chains become more predictable depending on the first spell.

However, some mobs are unique in that they have their own unique spells, often called Script Spells, as they aren't based on the traditional scripts used for some spells. These often have their own unique effects and also have their own unique telegraphs.

List of Regular Mob Spells

  • Charge: The mob leaps forwards.
  • Heavy Charge: The mob leaps forwards. Deals damage with an explosion at the end.
  • Teleport: The mob teleports forward. They can't teleport near blocks, and obstacles can stop them.
  • Heavy Teleport: The mob teleports forward, hitting players along the teleport path and blinding them for 2 seconds. They can't teleport near blocks, and obstacles can stop them.
  • Vanish: The mob disappears for a short time, leaving smoke where they walk. If a mob Vanishes while Vanished, the timer is not extended.
  • Heavy Vanish: The mob disappears for a short time, leaving smoke where they walk. They move faster while vanished.
  • Multihit: The mob throws a small hit in front of them, then hits the player ten times if they were caught in the initial hit. Knocks the player around randomly.
  • Heavy Multihit: The mob throws a small hit in front of them, then hits the player eleven times if they were caught in the initial hit. Knocks the player around randomly, then throws them backwards.
  • Flamethrower: The mob spits a cone of fire towards players, forward if no one is in reach. Can hit up to 4 times and lasts about 2 seconds. The spell tracks and chases players it targets.
  • Heavy Flamethrower: The mob spits a cone of fire towards players, forward if no one is in reach. Can hit up to 8 times and lasts about 4 seconds. The spell tracks and chases players it targets.
  • Slowness: Players near the mob get Slowness I for 60 seconds.
  • Heavy Slowness: Players near the mob get Slowness II for 180 seconds.
  • Weakness: Players near the mob get Weakness I for 60 seconds.
  • Heavy Weakness: Players near the mob get Weakness I for 180 seconds.
  • Heal: Mobs around the caster are healed for 30% of the caster's current health, caster included. Other mobs with the Heal spell are not healed.
  • Heavy Heal: Functionally the same as Heal (As of 1.20).
  • Push: Players within a 12 block radius are pushed back from the mob.
  • Heavy Push: Players within a 24 block radius are pushed back from the mob.
  • Pull: Players within a 12 block radius are pulled towards the mob.
  • Heavy Pull: Players within a 24 block radius are pulled towards the mob.
  • Explosion: The caster creates an explosion around themselves, dealing damage and knocking players back.
  • Heavy Explosion: The caster creates an explosion around themselves, dealing more damage and knocking players back farther.
  • Wave: Sends a moving wave forward that deals damage and can knock the player back multiple times.
  • Heavy Wave: Sends a moving wave forward that deals damage and knocks the player further back multiple times.
  • Huge Wave: Sends a moving wave forward that's slightly wider, taller, and travels further than Wave or Heavy Wave.
  • Self Destruct: Gives the caster a speed boost and makes it trail particles. After 1.5 seconds, it explodes, killing the caster and dealing heavy damage. The caster will not drop its regular item drops.
  • Meteor: Throws an exploding fireball towards a nearby player. Does nothing if no one's within range. Can be stopped by blocks being in the way of the mob.
  • Spider Web: Places rings of cobwebs around all players nearby which linger for 3 seconds. Does nothing if no one's within range.
  • Arrow Storm: The mob rapidly shoots a total of 10 arrows, 1 at a time, in an inaccurate cone.
  • Heavy Arrow Storm: The mob rapidly shoots a total of 30 arrows, 3 at a time, in an inaccurate cone.

List of Script Spells

Spaces between the name and colon are intentional and indicate that the name is an unofficial placeholder name until a member of the Content Team approves of a name.

  • Spore Burst: An area of the arena will do some damage per tick, marked with black and white particles.
  • Fire Burst : The mob will spew out a set of fire charges in a short range.
  • Gravedigger: The mob will activate graves on the sides of the arena. Players must work to seal off the graves, otherwise Undead Husks will spawn.
  • Souls of Sojourn: The mob will teleport to a random location in the arena and will become temporarily invincible. Five skulls will appear above the boss as they are fired at the player.
  • Seething Sweep: This spell has two variants, telegraphed by Phantom Warp, which causes the mob to directly teleport to the player's location.
    • Lunging variant: The mob will lunge toward the player, do a sweeping attack, and then lunge back.
    • Spinning variant: The mob will sweep a circular area around the player.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Charon, Corrupted Charon (Stronger variant)
  • Rogue Star Burst : The mob will send out Rogue Stars when attacked.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Temporal Anchor (Cathedral), Ruined Unit
  • The Sanctum's Collapse: The mob will cause several black spots to appear on the arena, causing them to fall and collapse. The mob doing this attack cannot be attacked for the duration of it.
  • Ancient Curse: A large portion of the arena will have teal particles appearing there. If the player is still in the area after the timer on screen has disappeared, your Main Attack Damage and Spell Damage are reduced by 20%.
  • Snarl: A large portion of the arena will have purple particles appearing there. If the player is still in the area after the timer on screen has disappeared, your Maximum Health will be reduced by 75 and your Health Regen will be reduced by 10.
  • Mad Gibberings: A large portion of the arena will have black particles appearing there. If the player is still in the area after the timer on screen has disappeared, your Walk Speed will be reduced by 15%.
  • Flameburst : The mob explodes into a burst of flames upon death.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Sentient Vine
  • Ripple : Clusters of ground particles will appear from the mob, dealing damage to anyone caught in its path.
  • Holes : Holes will appear in the arena. Falling into one will deal massive amounts of damage.
  • TNT Toss : The mob will make a chunk of blocks appear and hop on it, firing TNT from there. The mobs is invulnerable while on the TNT.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Galleon's Gunman
  • Deploy : The mob will deploy sets of cannons that line the edges of the arena. The direction the cannons will fire in are shown by lines of fire particles. The cannons will fire, dealing massive damage to any player caught in the blast.
  • Mirages : The mob will create weaker non-identical clones of itself. If a clone is killed, the original mob will be fully healed.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Warden of Wisdom
  • Light Strike : Lightborne Weirds will have light particles falling beneath them, dealing damage to whoever is caught in its path.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Lari
  • Mark of Death : A massive amount of damage will be dealt to the player after a while.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Lari
  • Spiritual Strike: A pool of white particles will appear before dealing damage to players caught within.
  • Energy Slash: White particles will appear on the mob before several purple lines will flow from the mob's side to the other, dealing damage to anyone caught in them.
  • Darkness Wall: A pool of miasma will spread from the mob to the sides of the arena.
  • Miasma Pool: A pool of miasma will be around the mob, dealing damage to any player within.
  • Spirit Discharge: Clusters of Spiritual Discharge minions will spawn.
  • Storm Call : A Thunder Cloud is summoned. Depending on what mob summoned it, the cloud will be weaker or stronger.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Thunderous Core (Summons Lv. 85 Thunder Clouds), Wrathful Storm (Summons Lv. 90 or Lv. 95 Thunder Clouds depending on its level)
  • Lightning Strike : Lightning strikes a player, dealing damage to them.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Thunder Cloud
  • Bloodlust : A Bloodlust Ruin in a quadrant of the arena will be activated, dealing 2000 true damage per second to whoever is caught in it.
  • Crystallization: This attack slows a player down before completely trapping them in a crystal. Other players must damage the crystal to free the trapped player. If there is only one player left, then instead of completely trapping a player, it instead does a massive amount of damage to them.
  • Reinforcements: The mob will summon several of its minions to aid it in battle.
  • The Cyclone Pulls: The mob will pull someone high up in the air.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Crystalline Cyclone
  • The Cyclone Curses: The mob will affect a player with a curse that forces them to keep running or get heavily damaged.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Crystalline Cyclone
  • The Cyclone Kills: The mob will strike an area of the arena with lightning.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Crystalline Cyclone
  • Voidal Pull : The mob will pull a player directly to them, being unable to escape its grasp unless it is defeated.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Sanitizing Void
  • Call of the Punished: 5 Punished Conscripts will appear.
  • Soulstealing Curse: A player's soul is sent to a certain spot of the arena. If it isn't grabbed after 6 seconds, then massive amounts of damage will be dealt to them.
  • Clone Trap: Several clones of the mob appear across the arena. If a clone is attacked, the player will be blinded, have thunder damage dealt to them, and also be jumpscared.
  • Force Strike: Particles will follow a player for 5 seconds. After those 5 seconds are up, any area the player walked over will damage players that walk through it.
  • The <playername>: Several pellets will appear across the arena. Being hit by one deals damage.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Canary
  • The Canary: This is the second phase of the mob's fight, being a collection of other spells, being:
    • Bizarre Fire : A pellet is fired from the mob, dealing damage to players hit by it.
    • Bizarre Burst : 5 pellets are fired from the mob.
    • Bizarre Strike : An area of the ground is marked, with damage being dealt to anyone within.
    • Bizarre Explosion : A crystal will appear in the center of the arena before exploding, causing several pellets to spread out from it in varying directions before falling down, slowing players that are hit.
    • Xenoglyph : A Xenoglyph mob appears and prepares to self-explode, dealing a fatal blow to everyone in the arena. Destroying the Xenoglyph halts the spell.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Canary
  • Aerial Bombardment: Projectiles from the top of the arena will constantly rain down in a line, dealing air damage wherever they land.
  • Sonic Boom: Projectiles from the edges of the arena rush to the opposite side, dealing air damage and massive amounts of knockback if hit.
  • Laser Drill : The mob will play Iron Golem hurting sounds and a line of smoke particles before causing a line of fire particles to target the player, dealing a massive amount of damage.
    • Mobs that use this spell: L.A.Z.E.R. Driller
  • Stomp: The mob will jump high into the air before slamming into the ground, dealing damage in a wide AoE when it lands.
  • Lunge: The mob will lunge at the player 8 times before exploding, dealing massive AoE damage with a large spread.
  • Spike: A Spiked Stone will be fired from the mob. The Spiked Stone will deal massive
    Earth damage to players that touch it and affecting them with -30% Walk Speed for 2 seconds.
  • Quaking Ground: Players will shudder in position for every 1% HP dealt to the mob.
  • Collapsing Arena: A shuddering effect will appear in certain parts of the arena before dealing earth damage in the area, as well as applying Slowness.
  • Full Collapse: After a chunk of HP was dealt to the mob, there will only be a minute left to the fight. If the mob isn't killed within the minute, then the arena completely collapses in on itself and all players within die.
  • Hammer Throw : The mob will vanish before a hammer will appear. Wherever the hammer lands, an AoE attack will happen.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Shadow Dwarf
  • Fire Pillar : A fiery structure will appear on the ground as it creates an area that has fire chip away at any players in the area.
  • Ore Grenade : An ore projectile will be lobbed from the mob, detonating at a certain area dealing damage to whoever is caught in the blast.
  • Hitstun Drill : Whenever damage is dealt by the mob, the player is pushed towards the mob while taking small amounts of damage rapidly, effectively hitstunning the player.
  • Spore Cloud: The mob will have a cloud appear that does AoE damage per second.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Skyshroom
  • Typhoon: 4 whirlpools appear in the center of the arena before spiraling outwards, dealing water damage if caught by one.
  • Ocean's Fury: Typhoon is casted in rapid succession, with no other spells being casted.
  • Leap : The mob will play thumping sounds before launching a large distance vertically into the air while remaining in relatively the same spot on the x and z axes.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Azer Warforged
  • Malicious Beam: A laser is fired from the mob.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Colossi Countenance
  • Drill: The mob is teleported directly to a certain spot in the arena, telegraphed by dirt particles appearing at the area the mob is about to appear in.
    • Mobs that use this spell: The Mother Drill
  • Searing Beam: A slightly tracking beam that damages caught players and stuns them for two seconds. Telegraphed by the zombie woodbreak sound.
  • Backstep: A backwards leap that scales with proximity to the player. The closer the player is, the further back it goes.
  • Lunge Spin: A lunge towards the player, doing damage as it travels.
  • Lunge Punch: The mob turns to face the player followed by a punch.
  • Wind Thrust: A non-tracking beam fired by the mob that launches the player upward upon hitting them.
  • Groundslam: The mob jumps up, then comes crashing down and does an area of effect of damage where it lands.
  • Ground Charge: The mob rushes in one direction, killing anyone caught within.
  • Seven Seas Armada: Once the spell is fully charged up, the mob rises from the center of the arena, as well as sinking the edges of it, and fire TNT in rapid bursts to any point in the arena for a couple seconds.
  • Searing Ground: A quadrant of the arena will deal a certain amount of fire damage per second when inside.
  • Magma Pillar: Three spots in the arena, one of them being the player's current location, will be marked before a massive pillar of lava spews from it.
  • Drone Summon: 10 Hive Drones are spawned, with there being 2 of each element.
  • Flame Spout : The mob spews fireballs from itself at a long range.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Colossal Duke
  • Platform Explosion : An explosion will appear on a platform.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Colossal Duke
  • Mineral Summon : The mob will summon Pesky Peridotites.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Mammoth Mouth
  • Heating Platform : A platform will turn red, dealing damage over time.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Mammoth Mouth
  • Platform Rupture : A platform will turn black before exploding violently, dealing a lot of damage to any players caught in the explosion.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Mammoth Mouth, Gnarled Mouth
  • Examine : The mob will summon Examiners.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Colossal Eye
  • Core Eruption : The mob will explode if it isn't killed after a certain interval of time, dealing massive amounts of damage to whoever is caught in the area of effect.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Colossal Core
  • Neural Shedding : The mob will summon Igneous Neurons and Onyx Axons.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Quartzite Cerebellum
  • Nauseating Aura : Nausea is given to players fighting the mob.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Eyed Shade
  • Blind : All players who participated in killing the mob are blinded for a few seconds.
  • Water Pillar: The mob summons pillars of water telegraphed by a vertical line of sharpness particles appearing where the pillars will fall, serving as an anti-camp mechanic.
  • Gazers : The mob will fire bursts of Retaliating Gazers from itself.
    • Mobs that use this spell: The Eye (Phases 1-2)
  • Eldritch Explosion : The mob will cause a ring of purple particles to appear somewhere in the arena. It will eventually cause an explosion there, damaging anyone caught in the blast.
    • Mobs that use this spell: The Eye (Phases 1-3)
  • Arteries : The mob will cause two Cascading Artery mobs to appear by it once it is at 3,000,000 HP.
    • Mobs that use this spell: The Eye (Phase 1)
  • Eldritch Hole : The mob will create a large ring of purple particles to appear somewhere in the arena. The ring of particles will eventually reveal a hole, and falling in it will put the player in front of the mob.
    • Mobs that use this spell: The Eye (Phases 2-3)
  • Eldritch Laser : A green line of particles will appear directly in front of the mob before it fires a large laser from itself.
    • Mobs that use this spell: The Eye (Phases 2-3)
  • Consume : The mob will turn itself into a massive maw and will consume any player in its path. Players that are caught in it are put in front of the mob and receive damage with the mob when the mob is damaged.
    • Mobs that use this spell: The Eye (Phase 3)
  • Deathknell : The mob will summon a Deathknell Wretch from the opposite side of the arena. If the Deathknell Wretch reaches the mob before it is killed, then the mob will deal 90% of each player's current HP to the respective player to them.
    • Mobs that use this spell: The Eye (Phase 3)
  • HP Drain: Players have 99% of their current HP dealt to them as damage every 5 seconds.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Panic Zealot
  • Zealot Snare: Purple particles appear that form a snare, and players caught in them will be frozen for 3 seconds.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Panic Zealot
  • Zealot Clone: Clones of the mob appear that blind the player if caught by them.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Panic Zealot
  • Hail : Hail will move away from the mob. If a player is caught by hail, the player will be frozen in place and blinded.
  • Thunderstorm : A Thunderstorm will appear, and if lightning strikes a player, the player will die.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Maxie
  • Airstrike : A ring of flames will appear on the ground. After around five seconds, the area will explode.
  • Corruption Scorch : The ground will start to emit fire particles when the mob appears. It will periodically deal damage throughout the fight.
  • Vile Emergence: This mob turns into the Heart of Darkness.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Void Hole (Sunken Grotto)
  • Throbbing Slam: The mob will leap into the air and pound into a specific spot. The area the mob lands in becomes toxic and harms players within it.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Heart of Darkness
  • Invisible Until Approached: The mob is almost entirely invisible until players are close enough to spot it.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Shadowling
  • Nascent Explosive: A magma cube will be launched somewhere in the arena before exploding remotely.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Dendrite Drifter
  • Twin Voids: Players that are damaged by one of the mob will teleport to the other.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Malformed Void Hole
  • Call the Void: Abyss Reapers and Void Starveds are spawned.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Despairing Crawler
  • Void Holes: Void Holes will appear across the arena. Players that fall in them will take damage and teleport at the top of the arena. Little Ones will appear around the Void Hole the player fell into.
  • Sunder: Four large, short-range projectiles will be fired in a +-shaped pattern 3-4 times.
  • Earthshatter: The mob will jump up high in the air before creating a massive Void Hole where it falls.
  • Rend the Barrier: The mob will charge towards a player, leaving smaller Void Holes in its path.
  • Grasp of the Forgotten: The mob will summon Handless and Graspless mobs that pursue players at a high speed, dealing a large amount of HP as damage if caught by them.
  • Sow the Seeds: Clusters of purple blocks are fired from the mob before they stick to the ground, detonating shortly after, dealing damage to anyone caught in the blast.
  • Denial of Freedom: Clusters of skulls will appear from the mob and will pursue players in a straight line, moving 3 times each.
  • Surrender to Oblivion: The mob will summon pink eyes that constantly follow players, damaging them if they come in contact with them. They cannot be damaged and instead disappear after a certain amount of time.
  • The Void Claims: A Void Hole will appear above a player's head and a hand will come down from it to grasp at a player, dealing damage if they reach the player.
  • The Void Bleeds: A blue substance will appear from the mob.
  • The Void Howls: The mob will rush towards the player, leaving purple rings in its path. Players caught in purple rings will rapidly receive damage.
  • The Watched: The mob will teleport directly to the center of the arena and become temporarily invincible, and the mob will summon a Sightseeing Interceptor to commence the spell. The Interceptor will target players by causing an explosion to happen where the player was at a second ago.
  • Invasive Species: A laser will be fired from the mob that spawns a Bulb Seed that will Self-Destruct into 2 Glow Bulb Herbages.
  • Void Tornadoes : Tornadoes will appear in the arena when the mob is summoned. If a player is hit by a tornado, they will be launched up into the air with a considerable amount of damage dealt to them.
  • Minigun: Three thumping sounds are made before an area of effect around the mob is triggered, dealing damage to anyone caught within.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Titanium R.A.T. R-4X
  • Cheese Cannon: The mob leaps in the air before firing a projectile, dealing immense damage to anyone hit by it and also summoning Unusually and Abnormally-Sized Rats.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Titanium R.A.T. R-4X
  • Target Slam: The mob will mark several areas on the ground before jumping in the air and slamming down on each of them.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Titanium R.A.T. R-4X
  • Jetpack Charge: The mob will jump in the air and lock on the player. The boss will then rush towards the player, dealing massive amounts of damage if caught by it.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Titanium R.A.T. R-4X
  • Aura: A ring of white particles will appear before closing in on the mob, killing anyone caught within.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Totem of the Outlands
  • Rush: The mob rushes towards the player, killing them if caught by it.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Ruinous Defender
  • Strike of Virtue : The mob will target the player with a circle of white particles appearing where the player is, before locking down on the location, striking the area killing any player caught within.
    • Mobs that use this spell: Voice of the Citadel