Bosses/World Bosses

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Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats World Event Recommended Level
DefenderofthePlains.png Defender of the Plains 8 ? ? ? ? Haywire Defender 3
File:ZombieBrute(Lv10).png Zombie Brute
(Lv. 10)
10 ? Heavy Melee ? ? Approaching Raid 5
Broodmother.png Broodmother ? ? ? ? ? Arachnid Ambush 8
Terrifycrow.png Terrifycrow ? ? ? ? ? Overtaken Farm 8
File:InfernalAdjutant.png Infernal Adjutant ? ? ? ? ? Encroaching Blaze 10
File:LavaLilac.png Lava Lilac 21 ? ? ?


Corrupted Spring 15
CursedCultist.png Cursed Cultist 15 ? Crawl Heavy Teleport


Dark Deacons 15
File:InfernalLieutenant.png Infernal Lieutenant ? ? ? ? ? Encroaching Destruction 15
DriftingReaper.png Drifting Reaper 25 ? Reaper ?
Necromantic Site 18
InfernalCaptain.png Infernal Captain 29 ? Heavy Melee Infernal Rush
Infernal Summons
Infernal Fireballs



Encroaching Misery 20
Sayleros'Brother'sReturn(Phase1).png Sayleros' Brother's Return
(Phase 1)
23 1,600 Melee - - Risen Return 20
File:Sayleros'Brother'sReturn(Phase2).png Sayleros' Brother's Return
(Phase 2)
23 1,850 Melee - -
File:Sayleros'Brother'sReturn(Phase3).png Sayleros' Brother's Return
(Phase 3)
23 2,050 Melee Restless Ground -
File:Sayleros'Brother'sSkeleton'sReturn(Phase4).png Sayleros' Brother's Skeleton's Return
(Phase 4)
23 2,150 Hybrid Restless Ground
File:Sayleros'Brother'sSkeleton'sReturn(Phase5).png Sayleros' Brother's Skeleton's Return
(Phase 5)
23 2,220 Ambush Hybrid -

File:Sayleros'Brother'sSkeleton'sReturn(Phase6).png Sayleros' Brother's Skeleton's Return
(Phase 6)
23 1,620 Ambush Hybrid -

File:Sayleros'Brother'sSkull'sReturn(Phase7).png Sayleros' Brother's Skull's Return
(Phase 7)
23 280 Rapid Ranged -
File:WavecallerZombie.png Wavecaller Zombie ? ? ? ? ? Tainted Shoreline 24
InfernalGlare.png Infernal Glare 35 ? Devil Eye
Knockback Immune
? Bowels of the Roots 30
File:InfernalMajor.png Infernal Major ? ? ? ? ? Encroaching Reanimation 30
File:AccursedMummy.png Accursed Mummy ? ? ? ? ? Improper Burial Rites 35
File:Blood-EncrustedMummy.png Blood-Encrusted Mummy ? ? ? ? ? Blood-Encrusted Mastaba 36
File:InfernalColonel.png Infernal Colonel 47 ? ? ?



Encroaching Conflagration 40
File:EnragedCockatrice.png Enraged Cockatrice ? ? ? ? ? Failed Hunt 40
File:PolarFang.png Polar Fang ? ? ? ? ? Canine Ambush 42
File:MoltenHulk.png Molten Hulk 50 3,750 Magma Hulk Pulverize


Blazing Combustion 43
File:InfernalGeneral.png Infernal General ? ? ? ? ? Encroaching Ablation 46
File:GrootslangWhelp(Lv75).png Grootslang Whelp
(Lv. 75)
? ? ? ? ? Rogue Wyrmling 50
File:GargantuanSlime.png Gargantuan Slime 62 ? ? ? ? Slimy Schism 50
JungleSlime(Level52).png Jungle Slime
(Lv. 52)
52 ? Jumper -

JungleSlime(Level45).png Jungle Slime
(Lv. 45)
45 ? Jumper -

File:RottenCaptain.png Rotten Captain ? ? ? ? ? Swashbuckling Brawl 50
ColossalHatchling.png Colossal Hatchling 57 ? ? ? - Desperate Ambush 56
File:Eight-LeggedAtrocity.png Eight-Legged Atrocity 59 ? ? ?
DesolateWitch.png Desolate Witch 62 ? ? ?
???,BaneoftheGreatBridge.png ???, Bane of the Great Bridge 60 81,000 Bane of the Great Bridge
Blindness Resist

Knockback Resist

Slowness Resist
Ancient Wildfire
Infernal Cross
Blazing Charge
Charring Lasso
Immolating Tunnel



A Burning Memory 60
File:InfernalSuperiorGeneral.png Infernal Superior General 82 ? ? ?



Encroaching Extinction 65
File:RoaringDawn.png Roaring Dawn ? ? ? ? ? Light Emissaries 70
File:GrandpaMush.png Grandpa Mush ? ? ? ? ? Peculiar Grotto 70
File:PutrescentVirago.png Putrescent Virago ? ? ? ? ? Unsettling Encounters 70
File:KandrekkSoulweaver.png Kandrekk Soulweaver 82 ? ?
Knockback Immune
Spirit Purge



Visit from Beyond 70
File:GoliathConstruct(Lv84).png Goliath Construct
(Lv. 84)
84 ? Goliath
Knockback Immune
Hammer Crush
Boulder Throw


Abandoned Sentinels 75
File:RustedWarmachine.png Rusted Warmachine 100 125,000 ?
Knockback Immune
Laser Minigun
Tank Charge


Despermech Occupation 85
File:GreatEagle.png Great Eagle 89 ? ? ? ? Enraged Eagle 85
File:PearlescentAntigen.png Pearlescent Antigen 95 ? Pearl Overwatch
Knockback Immune

Blindness Resist
Pearl Blast
Immune Response
Chromatic Purge

Realmic Antigen 85
File:DireTuffer.png Dire Tuffer 95 ? ?
Knockback Immune



Ruff & Tumble 85
File:SteamOphidian.png Steam Ophidian 100 ? Lunge Steam Breath
Boiling Shower


Bubbling Terrace 90
File:A16-L32RoamingDestroyer.png A16-L32 Roaming Destroyer ? ? ? ? ? Decommissioned War Machines 90
File:InfernalHound.png Infernal Hound ? ? ? ? ? Infernal Caldera 92
PyroclasticHydra(Phase1).png Pyroclastic Hydra
(Phase 1)
96 ? Melee Heavy Flamethrower


PyroclasticHydra(Phase2).png Pyroclastic Hydra
(Phase 2)
96 ? Melee Flamethrower



PyroclasticHydra(Phase3).png Pyroclastic Hydra
(Phase 3)
96 ? Burst Ranged Heavy Arrow Storm


ExtrusiveSculpture.png Extrusive Sculpture 107 ? ? ?


Maar Ashpit 94
File:ColossalAhmsCarving.png Colossal Ahms Carving 98 ? ?
Knockback Immune
Summon Carvings
Spike Stone

Ahms Monuments 95
EyedShade.png Eyed Shade 105 ? Melee Explode


Incomprehensible Cynosure 100
File:Something.png S̸̳̆ọ̵̣̝͆͌ḿ̷̨̖̇e̸̮̎̍̊t̴̤̍̂h̷̜̱͂̉͂ì̸͇̼n̸̠̥̆g̶̺̮̈́ 0 ? ?
Blindness Immune

Knockback Resist
Anti Clockwise Translation
Clockwise Translation
Retrograde Translation


File:LoomingPresence.png Looming Presence ? ? ? ? ? Shapes in the Dark 101
File:Woodwalker.png Woodwalker 111 ? Gripper
Knockback Immune
Cataract Tears
Eyedrop Grenades



All Eyes on Me 101
File:???(Lv115).png ???
(Lv. 115)
115 ? ? ? ? Monument to Loss 101
File:Void-TornAlnamar.png Void-Torn Alnamar ? ? ? ? ?
AtomicDisembouger.png Atomic Disembouger 125 ? Spewer
Knockback Immune

Slowness Resistance
Boiling Spew
Adhesive Emesis
Pestilential Rain



Pestilential Downpour 102
File:SmolderingChunk.png Smoldering Chunk 110 ? Jumper Arrow Storm

Otherworldly Exhibition 104
File:IconoclasticArtpiece.png Iconoclastic Artpiece 111 ? ?
Knockback Immune
Pentimento Flame
Apostate Flame


File:NullStructure.png Null Structure 112 ? ?
Blindness Immune

Knockback Immune

Slowness Immune
Monochrome White
Monochrome Black

File:FleshCollage.png Flesh Collage 112 ? ?
Knockback Immune
Summon Larvae



File:UpsideDowner(Lv112).png Upside Downer
(Lv. 112)
112 ? ? Inverted Beam

File:RavenousAbyss.png Ravenous Abyss 115 ? ?
Knockback Resist
Summon Rifts
Summon Grubs

File:DiminishedGreaterOne.png Diminished Greater One 115 ? Burst Ranged
Blindness Immune

Knockback Immune
Heavy Arrow Storm


File:FalseFigure.png False Figure 118 ? ?
Knockback Resist
Blueshift Incineration

Annihilation.png Annihilation 250 ? Annihilation
Blindness Resist

Knockback Immune

Slowness Immune
Cauterize Masses
Cauterize Them All
Cleansing Inferno
Stoke the Blaze
Apocalyptic Sigil
Caustic Phlegm
Blossoming Chaos
Eyes of War
New Sun


Prelude to Annihilation 105
