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Citizens are non-quest NPCs found in cities and towns that tell the player about the area they are located in. Their dialogue can change based on quest completion, and in almost every case, different citizens will have different dialogue. They often serve to direct the player to explore other features, such as quests or secret discoveries.

Wynn Province

Alekin Village

Alekin Citizen
NPC Info
Location Alekin Village
Alekin Village
-150, 71, -1628
Wynncraft Map
  • Alekin Citizen: Oh, you're one of those Ragni soldiers. If I can give some advice?
  • Alekin Citizen: You should pick up some items from the Accessory Merchant in town! They might really help you out.
  • Alekin Citizen: Normally you can only find accessories in rare cave loot, so a merchant like ours is actually a rarity.
Alekin Village
-181, 72, -1571
Wynncraft Map
  • Alekin Citizen: Did you know this forest was once the site of a gigantic corrupted siege?
  • Alekin Citizen: I don't remember all the details, but those watchtowers around the forest were used in those battles.
  • Alekin Citizen: Sure, they're empty now, but you should explore them and bone up on your history!
Alekin Village
-138, 76, -1585
Wynncraft Map
  • Alekin Citizen: That crazy Yahya... I don't know what he thinks he's up to, but I want no part of it!
  • Alekin Citizen: No sane man has an obsession like he does, and whatever is wrong with him I want it a hundred miles away from me!

Alekin Guard
NPC Info
Location Alekin Village
Alekin Village
-174, 106, -1588
Wynncraft Map
  • Alekin Guard: Ah, hello there. Just taking a break and enjoying the view.
  • Alekin Guard: This view wouldn't exist if it weren't for Bob's efforts. There's a memorial to him in the forest, and you can just see the tip of it from where I'm standing.
  • Alekin Guard: I look out from here every day, over the forest, and remind myself what exactly I'm fighting to protect- why exactly I keep going.
  • Alekin Guard: You should remind yourself always of why you must fight on, and never lose hope.


Detlas Citizen
NPC Info
Location Detlas
Detlas Soldier
NPC Info
Location Detlas Barracks
413, 67, -1580
Wynncraft Map
  • Detlas Citizen: Hello, and welcome to Detlas, the central city of the Province of Wynn!
  • Detlas Citizen: Here, you will find merchants from all around the province. You can shop to your heart's content. It is the hub of cooperation between Villagers and Humans!
  • Detlas Citizen: Detlas also contains a bank, which you can use to store your emeralds more efficiently, and store any other items you have.
  • You walk away wondering if the citizen stands all day long welcoming adventurers...

After Maltic's Well:

  • Detlas Citizen: Welcome back to Detlas. I heard the news from Maltic, apparently you saved the town.
  • Detlas Citizen: Usually we would ask Ragnar to tackle something like that, but you did just fine!
480, 67, -1643
Wynncraft Map
  • Detlas Citizen: This gate leads to Nemract, a port city that has always struggled.
  • Detlas Citizen: It has a serious problem with the undead. When the portal opened 1000 years ago, the area was the first pace to be hit, and it never quite recovered.
  • Detlas Citizen: Since Nemract contains a port, boats are very easy to acquire. If you ever want to explore the ocean, stop by Nemract first.
533, 67, -1584
Wynncraft Map
  • Detlas Citizen: Through this gate lies a path known as the Black Road. You can take this path down to small town of Ternaves.
  • Detlas Citizen: You can also follow the path north-east through the savannah to the city of Almuj, positioned at the start of the desert.
  • Detlas Citizen: There isn't much in the desert aside from some old ruins, but it's also the best way to get to the canyon.
454, 67, -1519
Wynncraft Map
  • Detlas Citizen: You can follow the path here south-west to reach the frozen land of Nesaak, a transformed and dangerous place.
  • Detlas Citizen: The only way to get to Troms without being a member of the city is through the Great Bridge, which lies beyond the frozen plains.
  • Detlas Citizen: Along the only way to Nesaak, you'll also find the Roots of Corruption, where the undead first broke out. I'd stay away from there if I were you.
Detlas Barracks
527, 52, -1676
Wynncraft Map

This Detlas Soldier will appear after Elemental Exercise has been completed.

  • Detlas Soldier: Hey there, recruit! You want a refresher on Enemy Spells?
  • Detlas Soldier: What do you wanna hear about?
    • [1] What are enemy spells?
      • Detlas Soldier: Well, just like you, some enemies can also use spells!
      • Detlas Soldier: Knowing an enemy's spells is a crucial step in taking it down. Getting surprised is not good on a battlefield!
      • Detlas Soldier: There are many different types of enemy spells, so when you see a new one, take note of it, and hopefully you'll know what to do next time something tries it on you.
    • [2] What is a Spell Combo?
      • Detlas Soldier: Sometimes, certain enemies will chain spells together. These are called Spell Combos.
      • Detlas Soldier: In my experience, most spell combos are pretty simple. They'll jump around a few times, pull you in, breathe some fire, whatever.
      • Detlas Soldier: However, sometimes an enemy will go all out, and chain together a whole bunch of spells. I refer to that as an Ultimate Spell Combo.
      • Detlas Soldier: Usually, only really powerful enemies have those, so take special care to look out for them.
    • [3] How can I tell a spell is coming?
      • Detlas Soldier: Telling when a spell is coming is real easy. Just look for the white particle rings around the enemy and keep an ear out for a loud spell sound.
      • Detlas Soldier: When that happens, it means a spell is coming in just a couple seconds, so get ready!
      • Detlas Soldier: You can usually tell when an enemy is preparing a Spell Combo, because there will be much more particles and noises than a single spell.
      • Detlas Soldier: Keep a sharp eye, and get ready to dodge out of the way when you see one coming.
    • [4] Nothing.
      • Detlas Soldier: Alright! Let me know if you change your mind!
Detlas Barracks
537, 52, -1666
Wynncraft Map

This Detlas Soldier will appear after Elemental Exercise has been completed. It will be fighting the Neutral Element Dummy.

  • Detlas Soldier: Hey there, recruit! You want a refresher on Elements?
  • Detlas Soldier: What do you wanna hear about?
    • [1] What do elements mean?
      • Detlas Soldier: Elements are different types of damage and defenses, and are a major factor in combat.
      • Detlas Soldier: Many weapons and armor come with different elemental attributes, and they can make a great deal of difference when facing an elemental enemy!
      • Detlas Soldier: The elements are
         Earth, and
      • Detlas Soldier: Many enemies are affected differently by elements, so be mindful and take note!
    • [2] What do elements on my gear do?
      • Detlas Soldier: When you have elemental damage on your weapon, that means you will deal that amount of damage of that element.
      • Detlas Soldier: Other gear can increase that damage, and if your enemy is weak to it, it will be increased further!
      • Detlas Soldier: In turn, you can imagine how elemental defenses work. The more you'll have, the less you'll take from enemies that deal elemental damage.
      • Detlas Soldier: You can also become weak to certain elements, just like enemies! Keep your weaknesses in mind when fighting, or you may just get surprised!
    • [3] What do elements on enemies mean?
      • Detlas Soldier: Many enemies you face will have elemental attributes, both offensively and defensively.
      • Detlas Soldier: Take note of the symbols above their head, that will inform you of their elements.
      • Detlas Soldier: For example, if an enemy has
         Def, that means they will take extra
         Thunder damage and less
         Water damage.
      • Detlas Soldier: And if they had
         Dam, that means they would partly deal
         Earth damage.
    • [4] Nothing.
      • Detlas Soldier: Alright! Let me know if you change your mind!


Maltic Citizen
NPC Info
Location Maltic
-555, 47, -1945
Wynncraft Map
  • Maltic Citizen: That awful witch is causing so much trouble for the town. I hope someone finally kills her. This is the first Villager settlement in Wynn, look at it now.
-548, 48, -1924
Wynncraft Map
  • Maltic Citizen: At the northern side of the Nivla Forest, there is a very dangerous cave.
  • Maltic Citizen: It's filled with an unnaturally large nest of spiders. I wouldn't dare go in there.

After Maltic's Well:

-555, 47, -1945
Wynncraft Map
  • Maltic Citizen: By killing the witch, you've saved the town! Maybe the things we hear about Fruma aren't as bad as I thought.
-548, 48, -1924
Wynncraft Map
  • Maltic Citizen: Now that you have defeated the witch, where will your adventure take you next?
  • Maltic Citizen: I think you might be just the person to tackle the nest of spiders in Nivla Forest.
  • Maltic Citizen: Spiders have been hunting passersby and they seem to be bigger than normal.


Nemract Citizen
NPC Info
Location Nemract
122, 40, -2180
Wynncraft Map
  • Nemract Citizen: Ah, a new visitor to Nemract, what a rare sight. Did you hear what happened to Sayleros' brother?
  • Nemract Citizen: He died a few weeks ago. I wonder if Sayleros is doing okay, last I heard he was still in Detlas...I wonder if he knows.

After Grave Digger:

  • Nemract Citizen: There's a rumor going around town that last night, someone robbed the crypt beneath the church.
  • Nemract Citizen: Apparently they robbed the grave of Sayleros' brother, how low do you have to be...
170, 41, -2175
Wynncraft Map
  • Nemract Citizen: A thousand years ago, just south of here, Ancient Nemract was once a shining Human city. Now, it is only ruins.
  • Nemract Citizen: When the corruption first broke out, zombies swarmed the city. It was the first town to be destroyed by the undead.
  • Nemract Citizen: I've heard that zombies tend to gather near a large tree in the fallen city. Why are they so attracted to it, I wonder? Maybe we should ask Ragnar to investigate.
119, 38, -2247
Wynncraft Map
  • Nemract Citizen: You looking to sail across the ocean? Well, you came to the perfect place, Nemract is the best place to buy a boat.
  • Nemract Citizen: Here's some advice for when you go on your first voyage: look closely at the sand beneath the water.
  • Nemract Citizen: It forms a trail, known to most sailors as the Underwater Route. It leads to the island of Selchar, sister city to Detlas.

Ravine Village

Ravine Villager
NPC Info
Location Ravine Village
Ravine Village
-614, 86, -1411
Wynncraft Map
  • Ravine Villager: I wonder if me and my wife should've come here. I thought this secluded little hamlet would be peaceful, but the pigmen have been getting quite rowdy lately!
  • Ravine Villager: I keep seeing the guards out by the gate fighting the blasted hamhocks. If we could just figure out where they're all coming from, we could put an end to it...
  • Ravine Villager: But their brutish stature belies a vicious cunning! None of us can find where the raiders are all coming from, they must be hiding their base astoundingly!

Corrupted Village

Corrupted Townsperson
NPC Info
Location Corrupted Village
 Location   Corrupted Village   X   365  Y   69  Z   -1103  Wynncraft Map 
  • Angry Townsperson: GUH! No one in this town is any use! You're all LOSERS. YOU HEAR ME GERALD?
  • Angry Townsperson: I swear if he comes near me again with that attitude I will END HIM.
 Location   Corrupted Village   X   403  Y   78  Z   -1104  Wynncraft Map 
  • Angry Townsperson: HEY! YOU! What are you looking at? You want to go do ya?!
  • Angry Townsperson: I swear if you don’t leave right now, I am going to PUMMEL YOUR FACE INTO THE GROUND.

After The Corrupted Village:

 Location   Corrupted Village   X   365  Y   69  Z   -1103  Wynncraft Map 
  • Townsperson: Oh man, I feel like a weight has lifted.
  • Townsperson: The only problem is my eyebrows are stuck like this...
 Location   Corrupted Village   X   403  Y   78  Z   -1104  Wynncraft Map 
  • Townsperson: Huh? Man.. What happened? It's like I was living another life.
  • Townsperson: I guess the winds changed because my eyebrows aren't moving back!


Almuj Citizen
NPC Info
Location Almuj
Almuj Slums Citizen
NPC Info
Location Almuj Slums
 Location   Almuj   X   906  Y   67  Z   -1949  Wynncraft Map 
  • Almuj Citizen: Have you ever visited the mesa to the south of here? I don't blame you if you haven't.
  • Almuj Citizen: That place is crawling with bandits. I even heard they have their own town...
 Location   Almuj   X   943  Y   75  Z   -2024  Wynncraft Map 
  • Almuj Citizen: All the scarabs in the desert seem to be coming from the large tomb at the eastern end of the desert.
  • Almuj Citizen: Everyone thought it was sealed forever. I wonder what could possibly be inside...
 Location   Almuj   X   989  Y   83  Z   -1964  Wynncraft Map 
  • Almuj Citizen: Have you heard of the rare Shinesting Scorpion, adventurer? You might be interested in searching one out.
  • Almuj Citizen: They're quite elusive, hiding in piles of sand, but rumour has it that great riches come to those that hunt them!
 Location   Almuj   X   962  Y   75  Z   -1935  Wynncraft Map 
  • Almuj Citizen: A traitor from the army, named Takan, recently took over Almuj's barracks to the northeast! This is terrible news, Almuj could be in danger!
  • Almuj Citizen: I wonder if Mylo has heard the news yet, last I heard he's still in Nemract...

After The Mercenary:

  • Almuj Citizen: Thank goodness that traitor Takan has been dealt with. Now the barracks can be reclaimed and order can be restored.
Almuj Slums
933, 67, -1849
Wynncraft Map
  • Brank: How am I supposed to feed my family?
  • Brank: I really need a Craftmas miracle...

After Meaningful Holiday:

  • Brank: It's you again! Remember the Craftmas miracle I asked for?
  • Brank: It really happened, we got food!


Eagle Tribesman
NPC Info
Location Eagle Tribe
Rymek Citizen
NPC Info
Location Rymek
Lift Mechanic
NPC Info
Location Mesa
Eagle Tribe
1410, 84, -1610
Wynncraft Map
  • Eagle Tribesman: Not only did the Owl Tribe steal our totem but also stole one of our Idol's eyes!
  • Eagle Tribesman: The totems hold great protective magical power. Without all the parts, it can not function.
  • Eagle Tribesman: It is probably hiding away somewhere at the Owl Tribe. Maybe if there's peace we can return it.
1277, 31, -1371
Wynncraft Map
  • Rymek Citizen: Heheheh. Heya buddy. I wouldn't come in here 'less you've got a weapon handy...and plenty of gold in your pockets.
  • Rymek Citizen: Ya get it? This place has a gold standard. Your emeralds ain't worth too much here, though the bank'll take 'em anyway.
  • Rymek Citizen: One last word of advice, watch the shops. They reforge good, but we don't know a lick of magic. Might not be worth the cash, see?
1250, 31, -1312
Wynncraft Map
  • Rymek Citizen: You aren't one of us. So you aren't getting a word out of me.
  • Rymek Citizen: I'm not a rat. I won't tell you anything.
1315, 31, -1300
Wynncraft Map
  • Rymek Citizen: What's a little wimp like you doing here? Eh? Snoopin' for rumors?
  • Rymek Citizen: Ah, see. I never had the best memory of all...maybe a few shiny things could jog it, hm?
  • Rymek Citizen: Feh, figures. Get outta here, wimpo! I bet a chicken could slay ya!


  • Lift Mechanic: Hey pal, want to use these elevators? Talk to Svin in Rymek, he is a friend of mine. He could give you access.
  • Lift Mechanic: Although recently a strange hermit has been trying to control them and prevent access... I'm sure you can reason with him, though.

After Canyon Condor:

1250, 31, -1312
Wynncraft Map
  • Rymek Citizen: Finally tough enough to call yourself one of us, are you?
  • Rymek Citizen: Then why not look for old Kaven, try your luck? He was always trying to hunt something or other. Might be fun.
  • Rymek Citizen: He's probably holed up someplace just out of town. Don't know where though.
1315, 31, -1300
Wynncraft Map
  • Rymek Citizen: ...I heard. What you did. So fine, you get some info for free, since I'm just so generous like that.
  • Rymek Citizen: One of the stacks has no bridge to it. Look for a cart rail underneath it and ride across. That's all you're getting from me, bubby.


  • Lift Mechanic: Nice to see you, chief! Enter the elevator as soon as you are ready to use it.


Nesaak Citizen
NPC Info
Location Nesaak
Sauna Enjoyer
NPC Info
Location Nesaak, Toni's Public Sauna
88, 73, -811
Wynncraft Map
  • Nesaak Citizen: The famous House of Twain lies to the south, in the area where the snow has melted.
  • Nesaak Citizen: The Mansion has a deep history with this land. The Twains used to fight the corruption before the likes of Bob were around, although people seem to forget about them.

After The House of Twain:

  • Nesaak Citizen: You'll never believe the fairy tales Twendle has been telling! He just came through town, telling everyone about a journal he found.
  • Nesaak Citizen: He's pretending that he knows everything about the House of Twain, but the mansion has so many secrets!
133, 78, -775
Wynncraft Map
  • Nesaak Citizen: Have you been to the frozen cave to the northeast? There's some sort of mysterious hideout that everyone's afraid to enter.
  • Nesaak Citizen: Nesaak was not always frozen, as we'll probably never forget. But apparently the guy who did it is preserved in that hideout.
87, 73, -830
Wynncraft Map
  • As you enter the sauna, you feel refreshed and regenerate your health.
  • Sauna Enjoyer: Moikka, soldier! You look a bit stressed, what's wrong?
  • Sauna Enjoyer: ...Whatever it is, don't let it get the best of you. How about you join me for a while and you'll see that something as simple as an ol' sauna can work wonders!
  • Sauna Enjoyer: Feel free to come back whenever you'd like! It's good to relax those tense muscles every once in a while.


Lusuco Citizen
NPC Info
Location Lusuco
-213, 46, -297
Wynncraft Map
  • Lusuco Citizen: The small ice wall in the center of the town has always struck me as odd.
  • Lusuco Citizen: One day, as I was walking past it, I could have sworn I saw something behind it...
-176, 53, -291
Wynncraft Map
  • Lusuco Citizen: Sometimes at night, I hear strange noises. They sound almost...mechanical. I wonder what could be the source of these sounds...
  • Lusuco Citizen: They've been getting louder recently, as a matter of fact. It's a little worrying.
North Lusuco
-420, 176, -791
Wynncraft Map
North Lusuco
-328, 199, -791
Wynncraft Map
  • Lusuco Citizen: Hello! Are you looking for the Wynnter Fair? Well, sadly, it's already left town.
  • Lusuco Citizen: But it'll be here again before you know it. Come back next December!


Troms Citizen
NPC Info
Location Troms
-843, 76, -928
Wynncraft Map
  • Troms Citizen: Have you visited the prestigious Temple of Legends yet, adventurer?
  • Troms Citizen: I've heard all of the greatest heroes from across the province all go to the temple to train to become as good as Bob.
  • Troms Citizen: It's hard to gain access, though. There are many trials that you must go through in order to enter.

After Temple of the Legends:

  • Troms Citizen: You've gained access to the Temple of Legends? You must truly be a powerful hero!
-862, 76, -916
Wynncraft Map
  • Troms Citizen: Have you heard of the Dernel Jungle? It lies to the south. The ruins of ancient civilizations scatter the lands.
  • Troms Citizen: No one lives there anymore, aside from an old tribe and someone who thought they should live in a mansion there.
-843, 94, -997
Wynncraft Map
  • Troms Citizen: There's a village with a native tribe elsewhere in the jungle.
  • Troms Citizen: I've heard rumors that their village was once home to a great library or temple of some kind.
  • Troms Citizen: Supposedly, inside this temple, there was some sort of powerful construct to test the skill of warriors.
-893, 94, -1003
Wynncraft Map
  • Troms Citizen: Have you heard tales about the great General Skien? Many years ago, he lead the Tromsian Army into battle.
  • Troms Citizen: But what is most famous about him is not stories of victory, but rather something much more mysterious.
  • Troms Citizen: One day, Skien started acting very strange, and he vanished along with the entire Tromsian Army.
-726, 61, -942
Wynncraft Map
  • Troms Guard: By order of the city of Troms, I am here to keep other citizens from entering this house.
  • Troms Guard: From past experiences, everyone who has entered this house has vanished from existence...
  • Troms Guard: I would advise not going inside unless you know what you are doing.

Iboju Village

Iboju Village Citizen
NPC Info
Location Iboju Village
Iboju Village
-746, 79, -685
Wynncraft Map
  • Jungle Native: Our tribe's former shaman was sadly banished. He was practicing dark magic and curses. We believed he was a danger to us all.
  • Jungle Native: We sealed him inside of a dungeon, but we believe he is preparing some sort of dark ritual. I fear that the seal will not hold.
 Location   Iboju Village   X   -796  Y   87  Z   -675  Wynncraft Map 
  • Jungle Native: This path leads into the Dernel Jungle. I am a gatherer of the village, but my job has recently become much harder.
  • Jungle Native: A horde of fetishes has overtaken the cavern that a potent medicinal herb, the Aseado Leaf, grows in. We cannot enter anymore.
  • Jungle Native: The cave is to the left, near a large tree and an old shaman of the other jungle tribe. I do hope they have not disturbed him...
 Location   Iboju Village   X   -713  Y   97  Z   -610  Wynncraft Map 
  • Iboju Shaman: Welcome, stranger, to our humble village.

After Lost in the Jungle:

  • Iboju Shaman: I heard news of what you have done for Gracen, and I must express my dearest thanks.
  • Iboju Shaman: You are truly one of us now, in spirit if not by blood, so I will allow you access to the charmcrafter's forge.
  • Iboju Shaman: Rare jewels in the Dernel Jungle have magical properties, which we can make powerful accessories from if you bring enough.
  • Iboju Shaman: While this is but a small reward, you've our eternal gratitude for aiding us such as you have.


Lutho Citizen
NPC Info
Location Lutho
Happier Lutho Citizen
NPC Info
Location Happier Lutho
972, 73, -681
Wynncraft Map
  • Lutho Citizen: ...
1005, 73, -697
Wynncraft Map
  • Lutho Citizen: ...
975, 73, -716
Wynncraft Map
  • Lutho Citizen: ...

During Point of No Return:

Happier Lutho
-4043, 62, 15518
  • Lutho Citizen: Ahh.. A newcomer! Welcome, welcome!
  • Lutho Citizen: Don't worry, you are safe here. The Obelisk protects.
  • Lutho Citizen: It arrived here.. Uhm. Hm. You know, I can't remember when.
  • Lutho Citizen: It's been here a while.
  • Lutho Citizen: Anyway, feel free to look around.
Happier Lutho
-4020, 62, 15515
  • Lutho Citizen: It's been quite some time since a new face has shown up here.
  • Lutho Citizen: Don't be fooled, everything you see is very real.
  • Lutho Citizen: At least, in a sense that matters. The Obelisk protects us.
  • Lutho Citizen: You should go and take a closer look at it.
Happier Lutho
-4018, 65, 15479
  • Lutho Citizen: I can't see why anyone would choose to stay there.
  • Lutho Citizen: I don't blame you for being here.
  • Lutho Citizen: We all chose this, in the end. There wasn't much of an alternative.
  • Lutho Citizen: Thank Grook that the obelisk is here to help us.

The Ocean/Corkus


Selchar Citizen
NPC Info
Location Selchar
106, 35, -3103
Wynncraft Map
  • Neny: Have you heard of "the bird island"?
  • Neny: Some people wearing goggles have been going around calling it the fourth province.
  • Neny: Maybe if people see it they will become more internationally recognised.
119, 66, -3175
Wynncraft Map
  • Selchar Citizen: Have you heard about Mage Island? It's an island where many of the most powerful mages gather.
  • Selchar Citizen: We don't know what they do there, but occasionally we see some weird stuff on the horizon.
  • Selchar Citizen: The island is to the southeast, the floating island is impossible to miss.
169, 64, -3207
Wynncraft Map
  • Selchar Citizen: That island to the northeast, Skien's Island... don't ever go there. It's the only case of corruption hitting an island.
  • Selchar Citizen: The place is full of extremely strong, relentless zombies... I'm worried Selchar is in danger..

After reaching a high enough level:

  • Selchar Citizen: That island to the northeast, Skien's Island... don't ever go there. It's doomed desolation..
  • Selchar Citizen: General Skien moved to that island because one of his men got corrupted during a siege and attacked his forces. But I don't know the full story.
  • Selchar Citizen: You look strong enough to survive there now, but I still wouldn't risk it if I were you.
97, 66, -3197
Wynncraft Map
  • Selchar Citizen: There is an old mining colony up north in Maro Peaks, but it’s been abandoned now and all that is left are the sheep and rams.
  • Selchar Citizen: It's a little unstable there now. If you want to go you will need a climbing helmet.
  • Selchar Citizen: You could ask the Ice Nation to the east, but they're in the middle of a civil war...

After Ice Nations:

  • Selchar Citizen: There is an old mining colony up north in Maro Peaks, but it’s been abandoned now and all that is left are the sheep and rams.
  • Selchar Citizen: If you want to go you will need a climbing helmet.
23, 66, -3199
Wynncraft Map
  • Selchar Citizen: There's a story that goes around about a secret hideout for all of the most feared pirates across the seas.
  • Selchar Citizen: They say their hideout is on an island to the east, but no one dares go near it.

Isles of Fiction

Island Worker
NPC Info
Location Isles of Fiction
Island Innkeeper
NPC Info
Location Isles of Fiction

 Location   Isles of Fiction   X   -239  Y   40  Z   -4044  Wynncraft Map 
  • Island Worker: Oh, hello! If you're looking for something, I can't help you right now. It's my day off!
  • Island Worker: I'm just taking some time off to relax before I need to get back to work.

 Location   Isles of Fiction   X   -276  Y   36  Z   -4030  Wynncraft Map 
  • Island Innkeeper: Oh- hello! Welcome to the Isles of Fiction!
  • Island Innkeeper: If you'd like to stay here for the night, we have several rooms available for purchase! And if not- well, we hope you'll enjoy your time here regardless!

 Location   Isles of Fiction   X   -333  Y   35  Z   -3974  Wynncraft Map 
  • Island Worker: Hm hm hm... Oh, hello there! Don't mind me, I'm just over here keeping the bonfire going!
  • Island Worker: We're not allowed to let it go out, so it needs more woods pretty regularly! Even though I'm pretty sure it's magical fire...
  • Island Worker: Oh, but that doesn't matter much. I enjoy the work here! It's nice and peaceful.

 Location   Isles of Fiction   X   -190  Y   37  Z   -3983  Wynncraft Map 
  • Island Worker: I, ah-... Hello! Welcome to the- the Isles of Fiction!
  • Island Worker: ...This place gives me the creeps. N-nobody likes working here! Any- and I mean ANY of the other islands would have been better...
  • Island Worker: B-but no, SOMEONE has to k-keep an eye on the ghosts. And guess who g-got unlucky this time!
  • Island Worker: ...D-don't tell anybody I was complaining... please...

 Location   Isles of Fiction   X   -173  Y   38  Z   -4047  Wynncraft Map 
  • Island Worker: Brr... Goodness, it's cold out here. I m-must say, this island is... n-not my favorite position.
  • Island Worker: B-but someone has to keep an eye on t-things! And today that s-someone is me. Unfortunately.

 Location   Isles of Fiction   X   -297  Y   36  Z   -4105  Wynncraft Map 
  • Island Worker: Mmn. All seems to be in order over here. Oh, you there! I haven't seen you around before.
  • Island Worker: A newcomer to the Isles? Well, pleasure to meet you. I can't talk much, though, I have a good deal more equipment to catch up on.
  • Island Worker: Just try not to mess with anything while you're over here! That would make my job harder.

Zhight Island

Zhight Tour Guide
NPC Info
Location Zhight Island
 Location    Zhight Island   X   -626  Y   37  Z   -2682  Wynncraft Map 
  • Zhight Tour Guide: Sorry, but the Zhight Treasure Tour is undergoing some renovations at the moment, so we can't let you inside.

After Zhight Island:

  • Zhight Tour Guide: Hello and welcome! Are you here to try the Zhight Treasure Tour? I'll teach you the rules!
  • Zhight Tour Guide: Simply pay for a token down in the cave and deposit it at the collector, and you'll be ushered into a sprawling cave system!
  • Zhight Tour Guide: It's full of dangerous enemies and perilous plights, but they carry lots of rewards and riches!
  • Zhight Tour Guide: If you stay in the cave for five minutes, or if you want to leave early or get knocked out, you'll be brought out of the cave.
  • Zhight Tour Guide: Anything you find in there, and we do mean ANYTHING, is yours to keep.
  • Zhight Tour Guide: You can also exchange some of our special tokens for things that adventuring types like yourself will find indispensable, up in the gazebo!
  • Zhight Tour Guide: We hope you enjoy your stay at Zhight Island Resort, thank you!

Pirate Cove

Pirate Cove Citizen
NPC Info
Location Pirate Cove
 Location   Pirate Cove   X   -672  Y   35  Z   -3161  Wynncraft Map 
  • Pirate: Just north of 'ere is a mysterious island. It's a big ol' cave, filled with the remains of old pirates.
  • Pirate: But then, their bones began attacking me! I was forced to retreat.
  • Pirate: I think there be somethin' sinister about that place...

Corkus City

Corkus Citizen
NPC Info
Location Corkus City
Balloon Captain
NPC Info
Location Corkus Palace
Corkus Guard
NPC Info
Location Corkus Palace
Legendary Messenger
NPC Info
Location Corkus City
Corkus City
-1596, 73, -2902
Wynncraft Map
  • Corkus Jeweler: It's funny how there are so many aspiring corkian inventors.
  • Corkus Jeweler: They'd do anything for some recognition... Like, I don't know, I've seen one do a robot that screams then self-destructs right after.
  • Corkus Jeweler: The point is, some Corkians go to extremes for... Not much. It's hell for the council to deal with so many people.
  • Corkus Jeweler: They do all these audiences... Only because at the end of the day, someone's bound to make an actually great machine.
Corkus City
-1592, 68, -2985
Wynncraft Map
  • Corkus Jeweler: It's funny how there are so many aspiring corkian inventors.
  • Corkus Jeweler: They'd do anything for some recognition... Like, I don't know, I've seen one do a robot that screams then self-destructs right after.
  • Corkus Jeweler: The point is, some Corkians go to extremes for... Not much. It's hell for the council to deal with so many people.
  • Corkus Jeweler: They do all these audiences... Only because at the end of the day, someone's bound to make an actually great machine.

During The Feathers Fly Part II:

  • Corkus Jeweler: Oh, hi there. Whatcha lookin' for? ...An audience? What?
  • Corkus Jeweler: Urgh... Let me guess what your machine is. Is it a weapon? What does it shoot? Sand?
  • Corkus Jeweler: Sorry, it's just a li'l annoying. If you really want an audience, there is a receptionist for that.
  • Corkus Jeweler: Ask others. I ain't the one for that kind of stuff.

After The Feathers Fly Part II:

  • Corkus Jeweler: I've heard rumors of an Avo practicing Electromagic. How lucky...
  • Corkus Jeweler: These guys can fly... They must be really strong!
Corkus City
-1584, 68, -2955
Wynncraft Map
  • Corkus Citizen: Stories of the Avos have told us that they've always lived high up on the northern mountains.
  • Corkus Citizen: But recently, I saw an old Avos house down on low ground, the same level as most human housing.
  • Corkus Citizen: Granted, it's not too far from the Avos mountains, but it is still rather unusual for an Avos to live so low...
Corkus City
-1606, 68, -2885
Wynncraft Map
  • Corkus Citizen: The Factory was once our national monument. But it's been abandoned for years now.
  • Corkus Citizen: I don't know why they don't just tear that place down. It makes me uneasy whenever I see it on my way to Relos.
  • Corkus Citizen: Can't help but feel scared of it, what with all of the rumors about the Factory being reactivated.
Corkus City
-1637, 68, -2921
Wynncraft Map
  • Legendary Messenger: *sigh* Hello adventurer! Looking to test your skills? Then come to Legendary Island!
  • Legendary Messenger: Face off against mechanical foes in the Legendary Challenge, and maybe you'll become a legend yourself!
  • Legendary Messenger: ...
  • Legendary Messenger: Just take this flyer and go.

After talking to him:

  • Legendary Messenger: Do I look like I'm made of flyers? I already gave you one, so-
  • Legendary Messenger: I mean, please enjoy participating in the Legendary Challenge!
Corkus City
-1562, 74, -2777
Wynncraft Map
  • Corkus Citizen: Mo'in. Would you please stop breathing? I can't concentrate with all this noise, It's making me crazy.
  • Corkus Citizen: No? Fine, I can tell you what I am doing here and then you can peacefully and quietly head back to wherever.
  • Corkus Citizen: Do you see those chimneys behind that pond? I noticed they started to emit smoke a while ago, which really got me interested.
  • Corkus Citizen: You see, those are not your average exhaust pipes from the city. Something is happening underneath this pond, but what could it be?
Corkus Palace
-1567, 102, -2914
Wynncraft Map
  • Hot Air Balloon Captain: I escort friends of the president to Kandon-Beda in Gavel from here.
Corkus Palace
-1515, 83, -2925
Wynncraft Map
  • Corkus Guard: Mo'in! You are a traveler, aren't you? If only I could just leave this island and explore...
  • Corkus Guard: I could be just like Siegfried, a travelling hero who left his home, Corkus, to help those in danger.
  • Corkus Guard: I wonder if he misses Corkus, I definitely would. Maybe I'm not made for adventure.

After The Envoy Part II:

Corkus Palace
-1567, 102, -2914
Wynncraft Map
  • Hot Air Balloon Captain: Hello, just climb aboard and I'll take you to Kandon-Beda in Gavel!
  • Hot Air Balloon Captain: We want to open up international travel!
Corkus Palace
-1515, 83, -2925
Wynncraft Map
  • Corkus Guard: Mo'in! I know you! You're the one who helped dealing with the Factory, right?
  • Corkus Guard: Well, if you want anything in there, suit yourself!
  • Corkus Guard: Now, now... Right, I was reading stories about Siegfried! What a hero...
  • Location
    Corkus Palace
    -1496, 69, -2914
    Wynncraft Map
  • Location
    Corkus Palace
    -1499, 69, -2914
    Wynncraft Map
    • Corkus Guard: Something has happened in the vault.
    • Corkus Guard: Don't go in there, it's under control.
    Corkus Palace
    -1447, 105, -2933
    Wynncraft Map

    After The Feathers Fly Part II (if you chose the Power Armour):

    • Efena: Oh... It's you. 'figured you'd pop here one day.
    • Efena: How is she? Ava, I mean. I hope she's doing fine.
    • Efena: Maxie doesn't tell me much. We don't talk outside of work, really.
    • Efena: 'heard he got married. Or is getting? Good for him, I suppose.
    • Efena: As long as it doesn't hinder his work, I really don't care.
    • Efena: As for you... Why'd you come here? Any reason in particular?
    • Efena: You know, I usually just punch anyone tryin' to disturb me here.
    • Efena: After all, this right here is my thinking chair. Anyone should have one!
    • Efena: Oh!! Actually, I meant to ask ya...
    • Efena: There's no way she made that power armour by herself. I feel like I heard 'bout something like that at one point...
    • Efena: Oh, so you got it from that room downstairs?! ...damn. You might've stolen some of my friend's clothes, then!
    • Efena: 'wonder what these guys are doin' now. 'kinda left Corkus... I don't like goodbyes and all, so I ignored that.
    • Efena: I have no clue why I'm telling you all this. I should be putting you in jail for thievery, heh!
    • Efena: ...<playername>, you are so incredibly stoic at times, it's almost frightening.
    • Efena: 'not necessarily a bad thing. It's great to be able to control your emotions, heh.
    • Efena: Well, I don't have much to tell you anymore, for now.
    • Efena: I'll just go back to thinking. You should try it out sometimes!

    Avos Village

    Avos Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Avos Territory
    Avos Territory
    -1810, 114, -3109
    Wynncraft Map
    • Avos Citizen: What in the world? Catapulting humans..
    • Avos Citizen: You know, a trebuchet is the best way to launch 90kg projectiles over 300 meters.
    • Avos Citizen: I better go tell the chief the Corkians have a catapult, though.
    Avos Territory
    -1872, 124, -3112
    Wynncraft Map
    • Avos Citizen: I'm so jealous of the chief, he gets to live in the fanciest house on the hill!
    Avos Territory
    -1833, 124, -3081
    Wynncraft Map
    • Avos Shaman: Oh, you're the not-Corkian Human.
    • Avos Shaman: Have you heard? Electromagic isn't limited to Corkians.
    • Avos Shaman: We've learnt that the... Unpleasant way.
    • Avos Shaman: One of our own started using that magic! Can you believe that?!


    Relos Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Relos
    -1679, 40, -2340
    Wynncraft Map
    • Relos Citizen: A beautiful sight, isn't it? Even during nighttime the docks are well-lit.
    • Relos Citizen: The energy required to keep our lighting system running is only a fraction of what we produce every day.
    • Relos Citizen: I bet you don't have something as advanced where you come from, eh?
    -1662, 37, -2332
    Wynncraft Map
    • Relos Citizen: Hey! You are a Wynn soldier, aren't you? C'mon, there aren't a lot of people running around with that gear.
    • Relos Citizen: Listen, someone with your experience should visit Legendary Island! Haven't heard of it?
    • Relos Citizen: It's host to the hardest challenge of all, and only the bravest adventurers stand a chance. If you want to participate, just go east until you reach the island close to the shore!
    -1607, 37, -2386
    Wynncraft Map
    -1641, 74, -2442
    Wynncraft Map
    • Relos Mechanic: Hello, adventurer! Would you mind helping me out here? You see, I recently stumbled upon this old workshop, and it's in pretty bad shape.
    • Relos Mechanic: I haven't a clue who built it, nor what all of these machines do. Some of these devices look like they were made before I was born...
    • Relos Mechanic: I believe this main machine in the center may give us some answers, but it seems to be drained of all of its electromagical energy.
    • Relos Mechanic: If we can find a way to restore power to the system, maybe we'll learn a bit more about this place.

    Legendary Island

    Dr. Legendary
    NPC Info
    Location Legendary Island
    Legendary Attendant
    NPC Info
    Location Legendary Island
    Legendary Island
    -1114, 66, -2414
    Wynncraft Map
    • Legendary Attendant: Mo'in, and welcome to Legendary Island, home of the Legendary Challenge!
    • Legendary Attendant: The Legendary Challenge consists of 10 powerful enemies, mostly based on some familiar faces.
    • Legendary Attendant: The Challenge is divided into four tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Diamond.
    • Legendary Attendant: The first 3 tiers have three challengers each, while the last, Diamond, has the final challenger.
    • Legendary Attendant: Between each fight, you'll have to option to forfeit to claim a reward, or continue to risk a greater reward.
    • Legendary Attendant: Someone will let you know what rewards you'll receive before you forfeit.
    • Legendary Attendant: If you fail during a fight, you'll receive no reward at all and will have to try again from the beginning.
    • Legendary Attendant: Between fights you'll be able to restock on resources if necessary.
    • Legendary Attendant: Good luck!
    Legendary Island
    -1079, 65, -2420
    Wynncraft Map
    • Legendary Attendant: Mo'in! Are you here to claim your rewards from the Legendary Challenge? Allow me to explain how the reward system works here.
    • Legendary Attendant: As you probably already know, there are four tiers of tokens. Similarly, there are four merchants to match those.
    • Legendary Attendant: You can purchase a base accessory at the Bronze Merchant.
    • Legendary Attendant: Then, at the Silver Merchant, you can upgrade your Bronze accessory into one of six types of Silver accessories.
    • Legendary Attendant: The six types are based on the five elements, along with another type that combines all five.
    • Legendary Attendant: The Gold Merchant allows you to upgrade a Silver accessory into a Gold accessory of the same element.
    • Legendary Attendant: The Diamond Merchant functions similarly. Thank you for participating in the Legendary Challenge!
    Legendary Island
    -5675, 25, -3234
    • Dr. Legendary: Mo'in, traveler, and welcome to... LEGENDARY ISLAND! The ultimate test of strength!
    • Dr. Legendary: With funding from the future province of Corkus, I went on a journey to study the strongest fighters in the world!
    • Dr. Legendary: This means that here, at Legendary Island, you can fight my creations, recreations of the most powerful beings of all time!
    • Dr. Legendary: There are 10 challengers for you to fight, and many prizes to collect!
    • Dr. Legendary: The first challenger you'll face is based off of a Mummy that I discovered hidden in the desert: The Mummyboard!
    • Dr. Legendary: You can challenge it now if you want, you can buy an entry ticket to the right.

    Gavel Province


    Llevigar Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Llevigar
    Llevigar University Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Llevigar University
    Llevigar Receptionist
    NPC Info
    Location The Justice Building
    -1887, 49, -4551
    Wynncraft Map
    • Llevigar Citizen: The power plant is having problems. If that thing explodes, it'll take the whole city with it!
    • Llevigar Citizen: I'd be dead, or even worse; poor!

    After Heart of Llevigar:

    • Llevigar Citizen: Thank goodness the Heart of Llevigar is fixed. I'm surprised Cerid didn't help fix the problem.
    • Llevigar Citizen: Cerid is a famous electromagic inventor who has created powerful weapons and armor. From...I think it was, er...Corko? Carper? Someplace like that.
    • Llevigar Citizen: I suppose it doesn't matter who fixed the power plant, though, as long as me and my money haven't been blown to bits!
    -1970, 34, -4581
    Wynncraft Map
    • Llevigar Citizen: A meteor just fell down near the inn down the main path from the city. I bet I could sell some shards and make a fortune!
    Llevigar University
    -1856, 87, -4510
    Wynncraft Map
    • Librarian: No, no, no. Where is it? I can't have lost it, could I?
    • Librarian: Oh, excuse me! I didn't see you there. If you're wondering what I'm looking for, we're missing a book.
    • Librarian: I don't seem to remember anyone taking it, but there's an empty space in one of the shelves.
    • Librarian: The book was something about wisdom. Or was it about money? I can't even recall anymore...
    • Librarian: I hope it hasn't been stolen. If you find any books, please put it back on the shelf.
    Llevigar University
    -1871, 87, -4514
    Wynncraft Map
    • Llevigar Professor: Oh sorry, am I blocking the shelf? I'm doing some research concerning Siegfried. He plays quite an astounding role in the current history of Gavel.
    • Llevigar Professor: I used to not believe in the stories of his heroic quests, however I can't deny the fact that he and his life are well documented.
    • Llevigar Professor: After all, he is still alive and writing new books about his adventures, such as this one about his journey to slay an entire pack of werewolves threatening the town of Gelibord.
    • Llevigar Professor: Oh would you look at that, that actually happened a week ago. He seems so selfless and brave, I can see why we tell our children about him.
    Llevigar University
    -1883, 95, -4497
    Wynncraft Map
    • Llevigar Citizen: No, no, no, that can't be right... She couldn't have possibly gotten them into the city yet...
    • Llevigar Citizen: Hm- Whuh! H-Human! My land, but you can be quiet with all that armour on! much hear, of that?
    • Llevigar Citizen: Y-Yes, well... You're probably new to Gavel, so I'll inform you. I was worrying over a creation of 'Mistress' Qira.
    • Llevigar Citizen: Some kind of plant monster, sent to spy on us! There have been a rash of sightings recently, and the gardeners are lodging complaints.
    • Llevigar Citizen: If you have any sense, you'll follow my advice: Do not go anywhere near that blasted Hive of hers! You'll end up dead, or enslaved, or...or...or worse!!

    After The Qira Hive:

    • Llevigar Citizen: I have no idea if you're a lucky idiot, a hero to surpass Siegfried, in league with her, or some combination of all three.
    • Llevigar Citizen: Word is out that somehow, some way, you defeated Qira, in her own Hive... But since then, things have only gotten worse!
    • Llevigar Citizen: I saw myself, three of those Shamba-things run out from the gardens! THREE!! Why, I couldn't believe my eyes!
    • Llevigar Citizen: On one hand, you've proven she's defeatable. On the other, she seems desperate to spy further on us...or... Or wait, m-maybe on y...
    • Llevigar Citizen: I, uh... K-kindly, er, leave me t-to my research, Human! I w-won't bother you any longer!
    -2049, 77, -4498
    Wynncraft Map
    • Llevigar Citizen: I wonder if they're ever going to clean up that broken house- it's been there for a pretty long time now.
    • Llevigar Citizen: It's up above the civic court building. Looks like someone set off a bomb there or something!
    -2123, 53, -4564
    Wynncraft Map
    • Scavenger Hunt Participant: Hmm.. I wonder if there's any tier 3 items here.
    • Scavenger Hunt Participant: AHA! HIS MUG!
    • Scavenger Hunt Participant: ...It's expensive though. Oh well, it's worth it for a chance to adventure with Siegfried!

    After The Hero of Gavel:

    • Scavenger Hunt Participant: Oh, come on! Please, just give me a refund!
    • Scavenger Hunt Participant: How was I supposed to know when I bought it that I'd lose the competition, huh?
    • Scavenger Hunt Participant: Who cares that I don't have the mug?! I want my money back!
    -1992, 34, -4610
    Wynncraft Map
    • Llevigar Citizen: Did you hear the news? Siegfried just killed a bunch of Orc- Wait, you don't know who Siegfried is?
    • Llevigar Citizen: He's a legendary hero, the Bob of Gavel! He's all over the newspaper! I hear he's looking for apprentices.
    • Llevigar Citizen: I wish I was good enough to become a student of his.
    -1991, 35, -4674
    Wynncraft Map
    • Llevigar Soldier: Ah, good, more of you small-noses are here to fight.
    • Llevigar Soldier: You're good for battle, so the government can focus more on the real issues.
    • Llevigar Soldier: Can't afford to have all our resources on war when we have the Decay to deal with up north.
    -2128, 78, -4524
    Wynncraft Map
    • Receptionist: Hm... Yes, this all looks g- Oh! Hello there! Do you have an appointment?
    • Receptionist: No? I'm afraid I can't help you then. Have a nice day.
    • Receptionist: Now, where was I... Hm. What's that noise coming from the records room...?
    -1868, 105, -4468
    Wynncraft Map
    • Electromagic Expert: Aah, this is bad, where's the keys to my toolbox?! Zenam said it was important, I need to find them!

    After Heart of Llevigar:

    • Electromagic Expert: I still can't believe it, a human has done my job and taken my emeralds... Just because I lost my keys...

    Karoc Quarry

    Karoc Miner
    NPC Info
    Location Karoc Quarry
    Karoc Quarry
    -1656, 45, -4403
    Wynncraft Map
    • Karoc Miner: Hm. Human, are ye? I've heard some things 'bout ye folk.
    • Karoc Miner: Awful nosy, so they say. Stickin' yer noses where they don't belong.
    • Karoc Miner: What, ye want me te tell ye 'bout this quarry? Fine! Here's somethin' fer ye.
    • Karoc Miner: Ye see the cave up that hill? S'cursed. Used to be a mine shaft, s'far as I can tell.
    • Karoc Miner: There's always strange noises comin' from there. We stay away from it. Ye ever feel like explorin', go take a look.

    After Rise of the Quartron:

    • Karoc Miner: ... So. Ye helped Nasea, eh?
    • Karoc Miner: Well, glad ye did! A friend o' the boss is welcome 'round here.
    • Karoc Miner: ... While ye're here, feel like solvin' another issue for us?
    • Karoc Miner: Ye see the cave up that hill? S'cursed. Used to be a mine shaft, s'far as I can tell.
    • Karoc Miner: There's always strange noises comin' from there. We stay away from it. Ye ever feel like explorin', go take a look.


    Bucie Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Bucie
    -1400, 43, -4708
    Wynncraft Map
    • Bucie Citizen: Well, hey there humie! Nice to see ya've come to our little corner of the province.
    • Bucie Citizen: Can't say there's much here, exactly... Well. Except for the... clock tower.
    • Bucie Citizen: Oh, that's somethin' alright. Been abandoned my whole life, and as far as I can tell that big 'ol clock's up there's broken.
    • Bucie Citizen: But... Well, here's the strangest thing. I swear, if ya head out there at night, you can hear some sort of ticking noise...
    • Bucie Citizen: As far as I can tell, it ain't comin' from the tower. No, it's comin' from somewhere below...
    • Bucie Citizen: ... Oh, I've rambled long enough, I think. I hope ya enjoy your stay, humie. It's real nice out here.


    Olux Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Olux
    -1673, 60, -5496
    Wynncraft Map
    • Olux Citizen: Every now and then, a strange fellow in a white mask comes around town, trying to sell this peculiar medicine. It's very effective, but...
    • Olux Citizen: Everyone who has taken his remedies always disappears a few days later. I'm worried that this doctor is responsible.
    • Olux Citizen: One thing I've noticed is that he always leaves from the city towards the south...
    -1765, 66, -5540
    Wynncraft Map
    • Olux Citizen: With all these reports of missing people, I'm starting to become nervous that I might be the next one to vanish...
    -1752, 66, -5493
    Wynncraft Map
    • Olux Citizen: Do you know why the swamp is so miserable? It's because of a mysterious force known as the Decay.
    • Olux Citizen: It has spread across a few cities in northern Gavel. People have begun to believe it is a curse because of our desire for money.
    • Olux Citizen: And I suppose it is true, in a way. After so many raids from the monsters spawned from the decay, our city of Olux has become very poor.
    -1758, 66, -5516
    Wynncraft Map
    • Agitated Citizen: Oh, come on! I can't believe I-
    • Agitated Citizen: And who are you supposed to be? Some kind of guard? Well, guard, do your guard things!!
    • Agitated Citizen: What am I talking about? What do you mean, what am I talking about? I just got scammed!! By the guy in that stall behind me!
    • Agitated Citizen: And apparently nobody cares! He's selling absolutely defective products, and nobody seems to mind or care!! I hate this city, I hate the guards, and I especially hate you!!!
    -1764, 60, -5480
    Wynncraft Map
    • Olux Citizen: You won't believe the crazy stories people have been telling. Everyone keeps reporting sightings of supposed snake-men.
    • Olux Citizen: They even go as far to say the snake-men built a temple into the side of a hill just south-west of town.
    • Olux Citizen: It's all ridiculous, if you ask me. It's just a stupid excuse to get everyone to buy monster-protection dust.
    -1802, 66, -5508
    Wynncraft Map
    • Olux Citizen: Human. Look at this tumbledown place. Just take a good, long look at it.
    • Olux Citizen: Is there anything here for us, anymore? I don't think so. It's only a matter of time before the Decay gets worse and kills us all.
    • Olux Citizen: But, that sorceress, Qira. Her associates told me all about what she can do, create life itself. Surely she could stand a chance to fix it?
    • Olux Citizen: I'm not sure what to do anymore. I don't want to abandon my Euphemia, but...we could be a part of something so much greater. All of us.
    -1803, 66, -5499
    Wynncraft Map
    • Olux Citizen: Wha...? What are you doing in my house, small-nose?! Get out before I call
    • Olux Citizen: Oh, I'm sorry, human, I just... My husband has been so distant lately. Ever since he received that awful visitor...
    • Olux Citizen: An embassy from that witch Qira's Hive! Some phony bishop. Oh, I tried to tell him not to listen, but...!
    • Olux Citizen: Ever since that horrible man came, my dear Pietr has been so wistful... I'm afraid he'll leave me!
    • Olux Citizen: Please, go tear that awful witch a new hole in her dress! She doesn't deserve her sovereignty OR my dear hubby!

    After The Qira Hive:

    -1802, 66, -5508
    Wynncraft Map
    • Olux Citizen: I just can't stay anymore.
    • Olux Citizen: You've seen her power, haven't you? She can fix this!
    • Olux Citizen: As much as I love my wife, she wouldn't want to watch everything die around her... Would she? Would you?
    • Olux Citizen: Please, tell her I'm sorry. I don't know when I'll be leaving, but... Soon. Soon we'll put things right.
    -1803, 66, -5499
    Wynncraft Map
    • Olux Citizen:'s you again...
    • Olux Citizen: Too little too late... The bishop came by again... Poor Pietr insists he needs to go...
    • Olux Citizen: You battled her, though... You beat Qira... W-Why couldn't you have just killed her when you had the chance...?
    • Olux Citizen: You humans...worthless, small-nosed things... Probably scheming with her... Just t-take him already. I can't stand this anymore...


    Gelibord Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Gelibord
    -1034, 47, -5312
    Wynncraft Map
    • Gelibord Citizen: Even aside from the Decay, this place has issues. Have you seen that big prison off to the northeast? Their methods are brutal, to say the least.
    • Gelibord Citizen: Often, we see them dumping pieces of their inmates, or sometimes whole, mangled bodies, in a large cave in the north cliffs.
    • Gelibord Citizen: And then, they start moving around! This happened even before the Decay was as bad an issue as it is now, so it can't be that the darkness raises them...
    -1017, 47, -5289
    Wynncraft Map
    • Gelibord Citizen: Have you seen the ruins of the mansion out to the southwest of town? It's really something, huh?
    • Gelibord Citizen: Folks around here say it's cursed, and I'm one to agree. That place... it just feels wrong, you know?
    • Gelibord Citizen: One of the weirdest things about it, though... sometimes, when you go near the graves... there's this odd ticking sound.
    • Gelibord Citizen: I'd suggest you stay away from there. Wouldn't want to get cursed by proximity...
     Location   Gelibord   X   -983  Y   47  Z   -5287  Wynncraft Map 
    • Gelibord Citizen: Every night, I hear lightning strike the exact same spot. I wonder what it could mean...


    Cinfras Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Cinfras
    Cinfras Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Cinfras
    -384, 47, -4944
    Wynncraft Map
    • Cinfras Citizen: Hmph. Another adventurer from Wynn, I see? Have you taken a great look at the statue of our... "great" hero?
    • Cinfras Citizen: Awful, isn't it? Of course it is, you fool! Does anyone ever realize the travesty that statue brings to us!?
    • Cinfras Citizen: Everyone I know is downright obsessed with him! Donating emeralds... and even praying for him?
    • Cinfras Citizen: Who even is this... Siegfried? Thinking he's greater than the true founder of our nation!? Pah! I spit on his statue!
    -440, 47, -4963
    Wynncraft Map
    • Scavenger Hunt Participant: I spent so much money on a Siegfried mask, but it was worth every emerald. There's no way I can lose the scavenger hunt with this!

    After The Hero of Gavel:

    • Scavenger Hunt Participant: How could I have lost? How?! AND they didn't give the mask back, too! ... Maybe next time, I guess...
    -448, 47, -4986
    Wynncraft Map
    • Child: Look mom, they're selling Siegfried's sword! Can I buy one? Please?
    • Mother: No, they're far too expensive. And a sword is something far too dangerous for you to play with.
    • Child: But that's no fair! If I get a sword, I'll be a hero like Siegfried!
    -427, 47, -4898
    Wynncraft Map
    • Cinfras Citizen: Did you hear about the airship that crashed down just outside the Canyon of the Lost?
    • Cinfras Citizen: Some crazy farmer ran into town screaming about it. He ran up and down the streets for about an hour.
    • Cinfras Citizen: Eventually, he finally shut up and went back to his house to the east.

    After Fallen Delivery:

    • Cinfras Citizen: Hey, you know about Gawrick? The local maniac mage?
    • Cinfras Citizen: Apparently he got some new crazy idea in his head, and now he's offering some kind of teleporting service...
    • Cinfras Citizen: But if you knew what happened the last time he tried to deal in teleporting, you'd know to steer clear.
    -462, 47, -4876
    Wynncraft Map
    • Cinfras Citizen: That large building east of the city is the Guild Hall. There you can create prestigious guilds that you and your friends can join.
    • Cinfras Citizen: The Guild Hall is also the entrance to Letvus Airbase, where many airships arrive and depart from across the world.
    • Cinfras Citizen: However, people are getting a bit worried about airship travel. There have been several reports of airship crashes recently...
    -404, 47, -4978
    Wynncraft Map
    • Cinfras Citizen: You know about the Gylia Watch? They've been protecting us since the Gerten war a few hundred years ago.
    • Cinfras Citizen: Because of them, Cinfras can maintain its wealth and prosperity!
    • Cinfras Citizen: They've even got a big tower set up north of Cinfras. As their name implies, the tower is set up near Lake Gylia.
    -465, 53, -4845
    Wynncraft Map
    • Cinfras Citizen: Oh, a human, eh? You must be fairly strong to have gotten here. Let me help you out with a bit of advice, then.
    • Cinfras Citizen: In The Canyon of the Lost to the east, there's...a dreadful place. The Qira Hive, people call it. No one likes talking about it.
    • Cinfras Citizen: An immensely powerful sorceress, Qira, own it. She's somehow managed to get it recognized as a sovereign state. We can't touch her.
    • Cinfras Citizen: She offers a challenge to fight your way through her Hive... Apparently if you do it, you get to talk with her and broker for some kind of request.
    • Cinfras Citizen: Only a couple of groups have ever done it. Only one ever came back. If you value your life, steer clear. We don't need soldiers like you dying on us.

    After The Qira Hive:

    • Cinfras Citizen: Can't believe it, human. I'd ask you to tell me how you defeated Qira, but I bet she swore you to secrecy, huh?
    • Cinfras Citizen: I bet she also made you swear off telling people about your request. I hear she does that, among other things.
    • Cinfras Citizen: I hope you didn't try to ask that she quit her evil ways and retire, though. That's what that first group tried to do, and they got laughed off.
    • Cinfras Citizen: And then, a few days after word got out that they'd told people their request, they disappeared. She enslaved the poor blokes.
    • Cinfras Citizen: I hear they got tortured before she let them go to work, cause they wouldn't talk to anyone except Qira and her higher-ups.

    Silverbull Company Headquarters

    Silverbull Worker
    NPC Info
    Location Silverbull Company Headquarters
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -97, 36, -4769
    Wynncraft Map
    • Silverbull Worker: Ever since joining the Lootrun Division I've come to be incredibly wealthy!
    • Silverbull Worker: I highly recommend getting involved- greatest decision I've ever made.
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -90, 36, -4809
    Wynncraft Map
    • Silverbull Worker: Hi there, just reading up on the rulebook for those lootruns!
    • Silverbull Worker: There seems to be a lot of variety, really makes them more complicated than they seem.
    • Silverbull Worker: Y'know I've heard so much about people changing their lives after joining the company.
    • Silverbull Worker: As soon as I got the opportunity there was no way I could pass it up!
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -103, 49, -4761
    Wynncraft Map
    • Silverbull Worker: I'm reading all about Lootrunning, there's a whole lot to learn!
      • Aqua Beacons:
        • Silverbull Worker: For example, did you know that Aqua Beacons can stack together? If you collect multiple in a row, you can super-charge your next beacon!
      • White Beacons:
        • Silverbull Worker: For example, did you know that you can only encounter one White Beacon per run? They're pretty rare, so grab them on sight!
      • Rainbow Beacons:
        • Silverbull Worker: For example, did you know that the Rainbow Beacon makes every other beacon in the lootrun Vibrant? I hope I one day get to see one!
      • Sentinel II Rank:
        • Silverbull Worker: For example, did you know that once you reach the Sentinel II rank, you get a Walk Speed bonus between challenges!
      • Sentinel III Rank:
        • Silverbull Worker: For example, did you know that you can only start encountering White Beacons once you reach the Sentinel III rank!
      • Admiral Rank:
        • Silverbull Worker: For example, did you know that once you reach the Admiral rank, you get a higher chance of encountering Vibrant Beacons!
      • Lootrun Ranks:
        • Silverbull Worker: For example, did you know that there is actually a rank even higher than Master? Our Lootrun Chief is the only one I know who has reached it!
      • Reward Pulls:
        • Silverbull Worker: For example, did you know that the more challenges you complete in a run, the more reward pulls you'll get at the end!
      • Enemy Strength:
        • Silverbull Worker: For example, did you know that enemies get stronger for every challenge you complete? That's why it's often best to grab Boons at the start of a run!
    • Silverbull Worker: Pretty cool, huh?
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -112, 49, -4760
    Wynncraft Map
    • Silverbull Worker: I've been in meetings all day! And I had to sit next to that smarty-pants over there the whole time!
    • Silverbull Worker: If I wanted to know a random fact about Lootrunning, I'd ask!
    • Silverbull Worker: Or better yet, I'd talk to the actual experts downstairs! Not you! Sheesh.
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -99, 49.5, -4786
    Wynncraft Map
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -95, 49, -4794
    Wynncraft Map
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -98, 49, -4805
    Wynncraft Map
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -109, 49, -4822
    Wynncraft Map
    • Silverbull Worker: All this paperwork is going to pop a blood vessel in my brain.
    • Silverbull Worker: This job sucks but at least it pays well, usually.
    • Silverbull Worker: ...Oh shoot, am I late for that meeting? Oh no, that's a different one.
    • Silverbull Worker: This job sucks but at least I get free dental.
    • Silverbull Worker: For something called Lootrunning, I've done nothing but sit around! Am I doing something wrong?
    • Silverbull Worker: Do you need something? I'm quite busy.
    • Silverbull Worker: Ever since I've joined Silverbull, I've had so much to do!
    • Silverbull Worker: There's a lot that goes into the backend of Lootrunning, you know! Lots of writing!
    • Silverbull Worker: Office life ain't so bad, I get my own desk!
    • Silverbull Worker: I can't wait for my lunch break! I haven't eaten since my last lunch break!
    • Silverbull Worker: ...So the meeting's at 11, then I gotta meet that guy at 12, then the meeting at 2... Or was that at 10?
    • Silverbull Worker: My boss says that counting the minutes to your next break is a bad practice. I'm just being attentive!
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -114, 49, -4774
    Wynncraft Map
    • Silverbull Worker: I'm so glad I joined Silverbull! I haven't gone on a lootrun yet, but I will soon!
    • Silverbull Worker: I'm learning all about them first, the Experts on the first floor have been super helpful!
    • Silverbull Worker: Now I just have to conquer my natural aversion to danger, then I'll be all set!
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -98, 49, -4772
    Wynncraft Map

    The worker will walk from one end of the hallway to the other.

    • Silverbull Worker: Hey! You joined the Lootrun Division!
    • Silverbull Worker: I joined a few weeks ago, and I'm already richer than I ever was before!
    • Silverbull Worker: Now I'm working in the Headquarters! This place is huge!
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -104, 49, -4772
    Wynncraft Map

    The worker will walk from one end of the hallway to the other.

    • Silverbull Worker: Ugh, what do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?
      • [1] Why are you so rude?[1]
        • Silverbull Worker: Pfft, if you think I'm being rude, you're clearly quite sheltered.
        • Silverbull Worker: If you must know the intent behind my disdain, perhaps I should inform you that I am a LOOTRUN SENTINEL!
        • Silverbull Worker: Perhaps you should hold a bit more respect for your seniors, rookie.
      • [1] I outrank you.[2]
        • Silverbull Worker: Wha-... Preposterous! As if a plebian like you could possibly...
        • Silverbull Worker: -Well! Even if so, you ought to show some respect to your fellow co-workers! Very unprofessional of you.
        • Silverbull Worker: Now if you'll excuse me, I have actual work to do.
      • [2] Whatcha doin'?
        • Silverbull Worker: I'm afraid if I were to explain it to you, it'd go right over your head. So I won't even bother.
        • Silverbull Worker: All you must know is I am doing some very important work that doesn't concern you, so please stop distracting me.
      • [3] Nothing.
        • Silverbull Worker: Then why did you stop me!?
    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -106, 65, -4769
    Wynncraft Map

    The worker will stroll from the airship to the garden, stopping at the coordinates above.

    • Silverbull Worker: Hey there, isn't up here nice? It's so serene, I could walk around here forever.
    • Silverbull Worker: I retired from Lootrunning a while ago, now I just work in the offices.
    • Silverbull Worker: I eat my lunches up here, but I wish I could stay longer.
    • Silverbull Worker: What's up?
      • [1] How's office life treating you?
        • Silverbull Worker: It's not too bad, sometimes I miss the old days, but office life has its perks.
        • Silverbull Worker: Benefits are good, pay is alright, people are nice...
        • Silverbull Worker: ...Well, there is one guy with a pretty sour attitude, but he works in a different office than me, so we don't speak often.
        • Silverbull Worker: You might run into him downstairs, just heed no mind, frankly.
      • [2] Just saying hi.
        • Silverbull Worker: Hi!

    Late Silverbull Worker
    NPC Info
    Location Silverbull Company Headquarters

    The worker will sprint to reach the meeting room before stopping at the coordinates shown below.

    Silverbull Company Headquarters
    -99, 49, -4772
    Wynncraft Map
    • Late Silverbull Worker: Sorry! Coming through!! I am late to my meeting!!!
    • Late Silverbull Worker: Oh wait, the meeting is next week.

    Silverbull Secretary
    NPC Info
    Location Silverbull Company Headquarters
    • Silverbull Secretary: Hi there! What can I help you with today?
      • [1] What is the Silverbull Trading Company?
        • Silverbull Secretary: The Silverbull Trading Company is an ever-growing aggregate. These are our headquarters, right outside Cinfras!
        • Silverbull Secretary: You can sign up at different divisions and benefit from advantages negotiated by the company on your behalf.
      • [2] Where can I find the Lootrun Division?
        • Silverbull Secretary: Just head into the room behind me on the left and talk to our Lootrun Chief. He'll get set up in no time!
      • [3] Just looking.
        • Silverbull Secretary: No worries, have a nice day!

    Kitrios Barracks

    NPC Info
    Location Kitrios Barracks
    NPC Info
    Location Kitrios Barracks
    NPC Info
    Location Kitrios Barracks
    NPC Info
    Location Kitrios Barracks
    NPC Info
    Location Kitrios Barracks
    NPC Info
    Location Kitrios Barracks
    NPC Info
    Location Kitrios Barracks
     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   102  Y   44  Z   -5365  Wynncraft Map 

    During General's Orders:

    • Private: That general is out of his mind... He has me on a mission to make elaborate pottery...
    • Private: No good reason for why, although it's quite relaxing I will admit. Won't see me complaining.
      • If you have not given the Private
        Pottery Clay:
        • Private: Speaking of, I happen to be short on clay; There's some in that cave east of here, if you happen to come by it I'll pay you some.

    After General's Orders:

    • Private: I'm currently on a mission I set myself to make elaborate pottery.
    • Private: It's quite relaxing, and Lecade conceded and gave me the go ahead.
      • If you have not given the Private
        Pottery Clay:
        • Private: Speaking of, I happen to be short on clay; There's some in that cave east of here, if you happen to come by it I'll pay you some.

    If you have
    Pottery Clay on you:

    • Private: Some clay I see! I'll take that off of you. Not without compensation of course!
    • [+2 Emerald Blocks]

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   141  Y     Z   -5413  Wynncraft Map 
    • Sergeant: Can't...
    • Sergeant: talk...!
    • Sergeant: Following...
    • Sergeant: orders...!

    The Sergeant will disappear after General's Orders has been completed.

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   152  Y     Z   -5409  Wynncraft Map 
    • Private: Why...
    • Private: do...
    • Private: we...
    • Private: hafta...
    • Private: do...
    • Private: this!?

    The Private will disappear after General's Orders has been completed.

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   134  Y   51  Z   -5455  Wynncraft Map 

    During General's Orders:

    • Lieutenant: I have to dig this hole with only my feet. It's quite odd I admit, but I have faith in our general!

    The Lieutenant will be spinning in circles trying to dig a hole.

    After General's Orders:

    • Lieutenant: The General being back to normal is nice and all, but I dug my feet in to the hole and now I'm stuck!

    The Lieutenant won't move when spoken to.

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   151  Y   52  Z   -5435  Wynncraft Map 

    During General's Orders:

    • Bartender: Here for some whiskey? Or maybe you'd like a flower. Gahaha, I'm just pullin' your leg.
    • Bartender: That general up in the fort told me to replace my bar with some of these flowers, so I had to oblige.
    • Bartender: Don't have much spare water in my house, so I guess I'll be using booze to water 'em.

    After General's Orders:

    • Bartender: Well well, looks like the general's back to normal. Same time though...the flowers are actually growin' pretty well like this. Think I'll keep 'em.

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   150  Y   54  Z   -5453  Wynncraft Map 

    During General's Orders:

    • Private: So excited to start my new job here! I don't understand why diving in to a pond is part of the inauguration though.

    After General's Orders:

    • Private: The General is so nice for installing a diving board for us new recruits! Seems kind of odd to have it in a fortress though.

    The Private will walk on a diving board before jumping into a pond, when he will then get out.

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   145  Y   60  Z   -5478  Wynncraft Map 
    • Private: This is so exhausting... I haven't gotten any orders to stop yet...

    The Private will be running up and down the stairs.

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   132  Y   66  Z   -5490  Wynncraft Map 

    During General's Orders:

    • Sergeant: My duty is to help extend the aqueduct, but the issue with that is we're just making it one giant loop! The general says it's for quick traversal, who's gonna crawl through a sewer for that?

    After General's Orders:

    • Sergeant: Well, we finally finished connecting up this aqueduct. Although, I guess I never really had to do this, since a shape-shifter gave me the order.

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   152  Y   71  Z   -5497  Wynncraft Map 

    During General's Orders:

    • Scarecrow?: Hey! Shhh. I'm trying to pose as a scarecrow, and if you're around those crows will know I'm real!

    After General's Orders:

    • Scarecrow?: What's this about a general? Look, I'm just trying to scare away crows...

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   167  Y   70  Z   -5483  Wynncraft Map 

    During General's Orders:

    • Major: First off, my task is to catch rats around the table, but the fort HAS no rats.
    • Major: Secondly, I'm to catch each of them, individually, with a handheld mousetrap. What folly is this?!

    After General's Orders:

    • Major: Thank goodness that shape-shifter has been dealt with. His ridiculous speech patterns were starting to rub off on the newer recruits...

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   174  Y   70  Z   -5479  Wynncraft Map 

    During General's Orders:

    • Private: Hey, do you know what a "Springy" is? The General asked me to install them down the south hallway from here.
    • Private: I had no clue, so I just purchased some trampolines instead. It, uh, should be close enough, I hope?

    After General's Orders:

    • Private: Well I'm glad this is all over, but I see no harm in keeping the Springy-
    • Private: Er, I mean, keeping the trampolines.

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   184  Y   79  Z   -5482  Wynncraft Map 
     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   182  Y   78  Z   -5498  Wynncraft Map 
     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   187  Y   78  Z   -5502  Wynncraft Map 

    During General's Orders:

    • Lieutenant: Why am I bouncing on this bed you ask? Heck if I know!
    • Lieutenant: Ever since the general's gone mad, he's asked me to 'test the bounciness of these beds.'
    • Lieutenant: I've been doing it long enough that I consider myself quite the expert, now.

    After General's Orders:

    • Bed-Bouncer: I loved my job so much I managed to convince Lecade to become a fulltime bed-bouncer!
    • Bed-Bouncer: One day I'll be the top of my craft in the world!

    Bouncing on the bed at 184, 79, -5482:

    • Bed-Bouncer: Very mediocre, wouldn't you agree? I can't gain much height with this one.

    Bouncing on the bed at 182, 78, -5498:

    • Bed-Bouncer: Quite the exquisite bed, isn't it? Just the right bounce...

    Bouncing on the bed at 187, 78, -5502:

    • Bed-Bouncer: I feel like I'm soaring! Very extreme, might not be everyones fancy though.

     Location   Kitrios Barracks   X   177  Y   89  Z   -5454  Wynncraft Map 

    During General's Orders:

    • Sergeant: This is just insane. My task was to make a doorway here, but the tower is just filled with some really dark material! Where is it supposed to lead!?

    After General's Orders:

    • Sergeant: I've been trying to dig through this stuff... It's so dark I simply can't tell what I'm doing...

    If you open the doors by the Sergeant, there will be black blocks in there, which is a reference to how they are commonly used to fill up empty spaces throughout Wynncraft.


    Thanos Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Thanos
    Thanos Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Thanos Bazaar

     Location   Thanos   X   196  Y   6  Z   -5246  Wynncraft Map 
    • Thanos Dwarf: Hail, human of Wynn! How are you liking the grand Dwarven citadel? I bet you're curious about the doorway behind me, eh?
    • Thanos Dwarf: Well, this leads to our sister city in the Molten Heights, Rodoroc! I'd recommend you take it...
    • Thanos Dwarf: ...but it's under construction right now, and I think they're busy preparing for a festival out there, so it may be awhile before you can use this.

    After Dwarves and Doguns Part II:

    • Thanos Dwarf: Aha, I see the construction project is finished! We can use the tunnel freely now.
    • Thanos Dwarf: This'll be a convenience to both you and us Dwarves; we won't have to traipse through the whole Canyon of the Lost to get to Rodoroc anymore!
     Location   Thanos   X   186  Y   6  Z   -5265  Wynncraft Map 
    • Duri: 'Ello there me 'ol chum! See this beast 'ere? Ain't an easy catch. 'Colossus' Spawn' is what we call 'im.
    • Duri: Quite the mystery, they are. For a while no one knew where they were comin' from, 'til a couple of our lads saw somethin' at the Colossus' Statue.
    • Duri: Y'see, the statue is all crumblin', and one o' the shards that fell down just turned into a big ol' golem like this one.
    • Duri: The lads panicked and attacked it. All of them made it out safe, but I think it's safe t'say that we’ve now got a bad reputation in their eyes.
    176, 6, -5214
    Wynncraft Map
    • Thanos Dwarf: Bet you've never seen a bazaar this size before, human! Even under repair, this is the biggest Dwarven market in the province!
    • Thanos Dwarf: We do accept emeralds here for the most part, but some of the merchants you'd be interested in like to take platinum, too.
    • Thanos Dwarf: And then there's the barterers. Who knows what in blazes those nutcases want to trade! I'd steer clear of them if I were you.

    After From the Bottom:

    • Thanos Dwarf: Whoa there! Are you a merchant from Wynn, or what? You handled this market like a trained professional!
    • Thanos Dwarf: I'll bet the other shopkeeps saw that masterful trading from you, as well. They'll probably open up their stock a bit more for you now!
    • Thanos Dwarf: And after all, the best way to make money is to spend money, so trade away, friend!
  • Location
    141, 8, -5281
    Wynncraft Map
  • Location
    141, 8, -5278
    Wynncraft Map
    • Thanos Dwarf: Say, Helski, didja hear about what's goin' on over at that Hive place?
    • Thanos Dwarf: Yeah, I have, Gavril. Weirdo sorceress is goin' around kidnapping villagers and makin' 'em slaves, or so say the rumor mills!
    • Thanos Dwarf: I hear she does things to their minds. Squishes a scuttler into their ears and it replaces their brains or some odd!
    • Thanos Dwarf: Eh, I don't think that's possible. Ya seen the size of those things, Helski? They're bigger than your head, how could they get in your ears?
    • Thanos Dwarf: I dunno, Gavril, I wouldn't put it past her! Either that or she does some hypno-dealy. Either way, those folks ain't the same as when they got hauled in!
    • Thanos Dwarf: Yeah, well she tries to pull anything funny with us Dwarves, I'll personally give 'er a knuckle sandwich, Helski! She's just some skinny lady, after all, ain't she?

    After The Qira Hive:

    • Thanos Dwarf: Oi, Gavril, are you hearin' about what happened over at that Hive place?
    • Thanos Dwarf: Yep, and this ain't just the rumor mills, Helski. Some HUMAN of all people beat the challenge! They must have a skull harder than rocks!
    • Thanos Dwarf: Oh, really? I heard that the human got bribed out to be a servant, Gavril! That she bought their allegiance with some fancy armour!
    • Thanos Dwarf: I believe it, too! You've been seein' some more activity there since that challenge ended, ain'tcha? On your watch shift, or some all?
    • Thanos Dwarf: Yep, I have, Helski. Though, you know you get ta ask for somethin' if you beat the challenge. Maybe the human just asked for a fancy new helmet!
    • Thanos Dwarf: I don't think that Hive witch would take a defeat lyin' down, Gavril! Think about it, have ya seen the human since then? No, ya haven't! Prolly locked up someplace!


    Removed Content
    The following page contains information about content that no longer exists in Wynncraft and has been archived for historical purposes.

     Location   Thanos   X   228  Y   29  Z   -5218  Wynncraft Map 
    • Thanos Dwarf: Wouldn't expect a human to have made it here, let alone want to come in. A fearsome dragon, Ozoth, has recently been threatening our city.
    • Thanos Dwarf: The strength of dragons are unmatched, but Ozoth is in another league. Legends abound about her, any you can think of.
    • Thanos Dwarf: Some say she spawned from the lava of the Molten Heights, some say she attacked Detlas in the Wynn province, and even more tales!

    After The Belly of the Beast:

    • Thanos Dwarf: Hah! Guess Tharroli did his job. I suppose you might not have heard, but Ozoth has been put into hibernation.
    • Thanos Dwarf: You can hear her snoring all the way down here! Some people complain, but it beats getting scorched to death, eh?

    The Qira Hive

    Hive Servant
    NPC Info
    Location The Qira Hive
    The Qira Hive
    329, 30, -5458
    Wynncraft Map
    • Hive Servant: Welcome, traveller, to The Qira Hive. I am a humble servant of Mistress Qira. My job is to inform challengers of the Hive challenge of how your prizes work.
    • Hive Servant: If you should prove yourself strong enough to fight through a division of Mistress' Hive, you will receive a voucher, which you may redeem here for a single prize.
    • Hive Servant: Depending on the division you have cleared, you may redeem your voucher for different prizes, and you may exchange a prize for another voucher within this Hive Exchange.
    • Hive Servant: However, of note about the prizes. Their elemental energies are strong enough that you cannot use more than one of the same division's prizes at once.
    • Hive Servant: Using two of the same elemented prize has a strange magical backlash... Your abilities will be completely nullified and you will be rendered helpless.
    • Hive Servant: For instance, you could not wear two Thunder Division prizes at once, however you could wear a Thunder Division and Air Division prize together safely.
    • Hive Servant: I will be here if you should ever need this explanation again. I wish you luck, should you choose to challenge her glorious Hive.
    The Qira Hive
    345, 46, -5490
    Wynncraft Map
    • Hive Servant: Oh? I didn't know that Qi- er, Mistress... That Mistress allowed travellers or challengers into the servant's quarters now.
    • Hive Servant: I suppose you could make yourself at home. It's a little dingy, but I guess you get used to it after a while. I'm new here...
    • Hive Servant: Though, don't take that to mean I'm complaining. It isn't like I had anywhere else to go, after all. I used to be just a beggar.
    • Hive Servant: Hardly had an emerald to my name. It's so weird to think that money doesn't matter to me anymore, now that I'm here!
    • Hive Servant: So long as we stay loyal to Mistress and do what we're told, we have a roof over our heads, a cozy room, food and drink, and an opportunity.
    • Hive Servant: We're able to be a part of something so much greater. People say she's evil and the rumors always fly like mad, but... I have to wonder sometimes.
    The Qira Hive
    368, 47, -5495
    Wynncraft Map
    • Hive Servant: Ah... Well, hello there. You look like a challenger, or at least someone who could be gearing up to take on the Hive Challenge.
    • Hive Servant: There've been a lot of challengers coming in recently. Mistress Qira has really tried to accommodate for the increased numbers, too.
    • Hive Servant: I got plucked up off the street to come be a smithy here. I help to make some of the prizes you can get for progressing in the challenge.
    • Hive Servant: I... Sometimes, I think about my family. At the very least, Mistress Qira allowed me to keep the portrait I'd gotten painted of us.
    • Hive Servant: I wonder how little Jula is growing up. It's been at least ten years, so she's probably like a whole new person now. But a father... A father never forgets his child.
    The Qira Hive
    343, 47, -5551
    Wynncraft Map
    • Hive Servant: Ah, the scuttlers are busy today. Welcome, deary. Here to try your luck at our Hive?
    • Hive Servant: Yes, I know your type. Bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, packing seven tons of armour. Was born here, after all.
    • Hive Servant: In my old age, I'm not useful for anything. Can't complete tasks more taxing than reading and writing, yet Mistress lets me stay.
    • Hive Servant: I enjoy watching the drones and buggies from this balcony, and sometimes challengers will fight them. I hear it really sharpens the combat instincts!
    The Qira Hive
    322, 47, -5501
    Wynncraft Map
    • Hive Servant: What? Hey, why aren't you in uniform, are you that new girl? No, can't be, your nose is too tiny. A challenger, maybe?
    • Hive Servant: Or has "Her Mistress-ship, high and mighty" started dragging in humans of all things to be her pack mules? Don't know why else you'd be here.
    • Hive Servant: Better get used to this, small-nose. This is your life now. Find someone who'll loan you a uniform 'til you get your own.
    • Hive Servant: If you get caught outside of your pre-ordained clothes, you're gonna get punished. As though a dress code is needed in a place like this!!
    • Hive Servant: "It protects you from magic" my backside! The great hag above just wants us quiet and subdued so she can feel powerful, I'll bet.

    After The Qira Hive:

    The Qira Hive
    329, 30, -5458
    Wynncraft Map
    • Hive Servant: Welcome, champion, back to The Qira Hive. I must congratulate you on your momentous victory.
    • Hive Servant: It is not often that one should defeat our Mistress... But it is not my job to commend you. It is my job to inform you of your rewards.
    • Hive Servant: You may redeem the vouchers you have won for different prizes, and you may exchange a prize for another voucher within this Hive Exchange.
    • Hive Servant: However, the elemental energies of these items are strong enough that you cannot use more than one of the same division's prizes at once.
    • Hive Servant: Using two of the same elemented prize has a strange magical backlash... Your abilities will be completely nullified and you will be rendered helpless.
    • Hive Servant: For instance, you could not wear two Thunder Division prizes at once, however you could wear a Thunder Division and Air Division prize together safely.
    • Hive Servant: I will be here if you should ever need this explanation again. I wish you luck in your future endeavours, champion of the Hive.
    The Qira Hive
    345, 46, -5490
    Wynncraft Map
    • Hive Servant: I really can't believe it. How did you beat her?! You must be ridiculously strong to have defeated Mistress!
    • Hive Servant: I hope you didn't hurt her too bad, and that she didn't rough you up too harsh either. For someone with your skill, getting hurt is a waste, I think.
    • Hive Servant: I mean, even just beating the Thunder Division is certainly more than I could ever hope to achieve, eheheh...
    • Hive Servant: I'm fine just being a cog in the clockworks, so to speak, but some of the other servants dislike their positions here. I just can't understand them.
    • Hive Servant: Mistress is a fine ruler. She keeps us safe, her rules aren't overbearing, she's infinitely wise... What have they got to hold against her?
    • Hive Servant: Sometimes, I wonder if they realize the opportunity she's given us. I wonder if they're thankful, even at all.
    The Qira Hive
    368, 47, -5495
    Wynncraft Map
    • Hive Servant: Well, hello and congratulations. Somehow, you came out on top in the challenge. Word travels fast when Yansur won't stop complaining about it.
    • Hive Servant: Most of the You know, don't come back out. It's nice to see some survivors sometimes. Gives us some hope.
    • Hive Servant: You've got at least a little bit of sway over the proceedings now, with your audience.
    • Hive Servant: I... I know...that this is selfish of me to ask... B-But... If you could maybe...
    • Hive Servant: Maybe put in a word so the servants can meet their families again? Just for a visit? Just one... I just...want to see my poor wife and kid one last time...
    The Qira Hive
    343, 47, -5551
    Wynncraft Map
    • Hive Servant: Even busier than the day before, the little bugs are. You'll have to sit down and tell me how your battle was with our Mistress sometime!
    • Hive Servant: I'd normally suggest battling our darling little insects for the practice, but if you can sit toe to toe with Mistress I doubt that'll be much help!
    • Hive Servant: I think this is only the third or fourth success on the challenge I've seen in my lifetime, and the first to feature a successful bout with Mistress.
    • Hive Servant: Rumors abound, though. This place has secrets that even these old ears haven't heard of, deary! Your adventuring days certainly aren't over yet, hoho!
    The Qira Hive
    322, 47, -5501
    Wynncraft Map
    • Hive Servant: Don't go getting a swelled head, small-nose. You beating Her Witchiness means nothing in the long run.
    • Hive Servant: She holds back when she "tests" challengers. That wand and extra padding actually limits her magic. You didn't accomplish anything of note.
    • Hive Servant: Heh, I'll bet she's got her eyes on you now! I bet she's creeping on you like you're some kind of delicious little cupcake for her to eat up!
    • Hive Servant: You watch your back, human. One day, she's going to snatch you up and you're never gonna see the light of day again.
    • Hive Servant: Dingy halls, dead eyes, and long days of slaving away for jack-all is what you're going to have to look forward to soon, I'll bet.
    • Hive Servant: May as well gussy yourself up right now, save her the trouble! Pack in all that armour and prepare to be a trophy for the rest of your life, hah!


    Thesead Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Thesead
    Thesead Child
    NPC Info
    Location Thesead
    765, 79, -5026
    Wynncraft Map
    • Thesead Citizen: One day, while I was elsewhere in the canyon, I saw the most peculiar thing.
    • Thesead Citizen: It was a creature that was half-man, and half-beast. It was outside of a large cave, but I didn't dare get any closer.
    • Thesead Citizen: I wonder how many of those there are...
    838, 94, -5039
    Wynncraft Map
    • Thesead Citizen: What's a small-nosed human like you doing here? Your kind isn't welcome here!

    After The Hidden City:

    765, 79, -5026
    Wynncraft Map
    • Thesead Citizen: Did you see that airship crash into the fountain? How did that happen?
    • Thesead Citizen: I'm actually very relieved. I always hated that fountain, it was so weird.
    838, 94, -5039
    Wynncraft Map
    • Thesead Citizen: Whoa! What the heck happened? An airship just fell out of the sky while I was out of town for a few hours!
    • Thesead Citizen: I ought to write a letter to Air Gavel complaining about this.
    • Thesead Citizen: That could have destroyed my house, and then I could've suffered a fate worse than death: being poor!
    770, 79, -5065
    Wynncraft Map
    • Thesead Citizen: Man, when are we going to get more coal? Coal is essential to Thesead.
    • Thesead Citizen: We've had to start cutting down trees for firewood. The people here are freezing.
    • Thesead Citizen: The miners were supposed to bring coal weeks ago. The mines are just southwest of here, maybe I should go over there...

    After The Canary Calls:

    • Thesead Citizen: Thank goodness the coal problem is solved. I was getting so cold without my fireplace!
    804, 79, -5070
    Wynncraft Map
    • Thesead Citizen: If you follow the path out of Thesead to the northeast, you'll find the Molten Heights, a dangerous volcanic land.
    • Thesead Citizen: That area is infamous due to a war that took place between the Dwarves and Doguns.
    738, 79, -5180
    Wynncraft Map
    • Thesead Citizen: Oh hey, lookie at the small-nose that got all the way out here. If you're going to barge into my house, make yourself useful, huh?
    • Thesead Citizen: You humans think you're so strong? Why not go fight that Qira lady, then! Get her out of our hair and all!
    • Thesead Citizen: All these weird elemental creatures and caves are popping up recently that weren't there a few years ago, and I'll bet my life savings it's her fault!
    • Thesead Citizen: They're waylaying caravans and trade routes, but she's got diplo-whatsit immunity or something like that, so it's not like we can do anything.
    • Thesead Citizen: Her "glorious hive" is out to the northeast. Go burn it down or something for us, and get outta my house while you're at it!

    After The Qira Hive:

    • Thesead Citizen: Oi! You!
    • Thesead Citizen: News travels fast. You beat hive-hag down in her own house and didn't even bother to kill her?!
    • Thesead Citizen: What on god's green earth are you doing with yourself, you fumbleknuckle?! You blew our best chance!!
    • Thesead Citizen: She's only gonna make herself stronger, y'know, and then where are we gonna be?! We're gonna be DEAD, that's where!
    • Thesead Citizen: I bet she just bribed you to step off, didn't she? Get your sorry armoured-up butt off my property, servant-boy!
    815, 75, -5118
    Wynncraft Map
    • Thesead Child: I'm absolutely fuming right now!
    • Thesead Child: They just said they can't allow miners in here, yet I'm a registered junior miner!
    • Thesead Child: Do they hate kids, or something? I wanna drink too!

    Woc Base

    NPC Info
    Location Woc Base
    NPC Info
    Location Woc Base

    During Cowfusion:

    Woc Base
    287, 36, -9620
    • Worker: So you're telling me we've got to move this thing all the way to the factory?
    • Worker: Yep.
    • Worker: Just the two of us?
    • Worker: Yep.
    • Worker: With our bare hands? Couldn't even give us a wagon?
    • Worker: Hey, it's for the cause. Remember what you're working towards.
    • Worker: Yeah, yeah, I know. But what's it gonna matter if my back's worse than my grandpa's at the end of this?
    Woc Base
    242, 36, -9617
    • Worker: I'm here for a crate of this wheat stuff. How has the recent batch turned out?
    • Botanist: Same as usual. Growing this stuff underground isn't easy. You can grab a crate on the far left side.
    • Worker: Right, thank you! Y'know, they say this stuff back home is a lot high quality than the stuff the farmers fed us.
    • Botanist: Well it won't be too long before we find out.
    Woc Base
    209, 36, -9586
    • Worker: Looking for the boss, huh? Well, he's just up ahead in his office, behind the big door. Pretty hard to miss.
    • Worker: Hey, hope you don't mind me asking, but, uh... Why are you still walking around looking like that?
    • Worker: Eh, I don't judge. You go right ahead, I've got some work to attend to.

    After Cowfusion:

    Woc Base
    287, 36, -9620
    • Worker: So. We still haven't moved this thing at all, huh?
    • Worker: Nope.
    • Worker: Guess that makes sense. Everyone's been busy talking about... you know.
    • Worker: Yep.
    • Worker: Oh, hey, there they are! Hey, you! You're the one who helped Drale free a bunch of our friends from the ranch, right?
    • Worker: Looks like them.
    • Worker: Hey, we never got to thank you for what you did! A lot of us wouldn't be here today if you hadn't. Kyle here definitely wouldn't, heh.
    • Worker: Thanks.
    • Worker: Well, I hope we get to seeing you around some more! We've got to get back to... uh, moving this thing. But, hey, maybe after we can hang out?
    Woc Base
    242, 36, -9617
    • Worker: Hey... Don't, uh, tell anyone I asked... But you wouldn't happen to- happen to have some barley?
    • Botanist: Woah, there. Calm yourself, friend. You know the rules about that kind of stuff.
    • Botanist: ...
    • Botanist: Yeah, okay, here. Here's a package of... stuff. Don't tell anyone you got it from me.
    • Worker: Y-yep, of course! Thank you kindly. I'll make sure... nobody kn-
    • Worker: Oh no. H-hello there, Drale's friend! It's- good to. See you! You didn't happen to, uh-
    • Botanist: Best get moving quick before the word spreads, friend.
    Woc Base
    209, 36, -9586
    • Worker: Looking for the boss again, huh? Well, just as always, he's up ahead in his office. Hard to miss, as usual.
    • Worker: ...So the cow thing wasn't really your choice, huh? Could've fooled me. Almost did, really.
    • Worker: ...Well, this is awkward. Uh. You don't need to talk to me, you know. Just go on ahead.

    Molten Heights

    Rodoroc Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Rodoroc
    Rodoroc Slums Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Rodoroc Slum
    Maex Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Maex
    1123, 13, -5168
    Wynncraft Map
    • Rodoroc Citizen: I can't wait to go to the annual Dogun festival. I've never seen an entombing before.
    • Rodoroc Citizen: I think it's important to celebrate our people's history.
    1106, 13, -5163
    Wynncraft Map
    • Rodoroc Dwarf: Have you heard about the Dwarven War? It is quite the tale.
    • Rodoroc Dwarf: However, such a story is very long. Perhaps one day you'll find the time to learn all about it...
    1107, 13, -5055
    Wynncraft Map
    • Rodoroc Dwarf: At the opposite end of the Molten Heights lies an area that has been frozen over. It's crawling with Ice Drakes now.
    • Rodoroc Dwarf: Just nearby lies the skeleton of a great beast. Ahh, war memories.
    1061, 18, -5106
    Wynncraft Map
    • Rodoroc Citizen: Have you heard of our great king? The Dwarven palace is here.
    • Rodoroc Citizen: He rarely shows his face in public. He usually sits in his palace directing the city.
    • Rodoroc Citizen: I'm afraid it's not possible to visit him at all. The palace is shut.
    1062, 18, -5127
    Wynncraft Map
    • Rodoroc Dwarf: One time, I found a secret entrance to the top layer of the Heights. It's like an entirely different world up there.
    • Rodoroc Dwarf: However, I was forced to get back to safety when I ran into several hellkites at the northwestern end.
    Rodoroc Slum
    1119, 11, -5003
    Wynncraft Map
    • Barckan: Are you lost? Why would anyone ever come down here?
    • Barckan: Oh, you are friends with Axelus...? He's helped us through some rough times.
    • Barckan: The Rodoroc state left us down here to starve...but honestly, we're lucky.
    Rodoroc Slum
    1100, 9, -5003
    Wynncraft Map
    • Goben: We don't care whether you're Dogun or Dwarf or Human or anything.
    • Goben: We just want to not be treated like vermin. Maybe we have something in common with the Doguns.
    Rodoroc Slum
    1088, 12, -5008
    Wynncraft Map
    • Adoda: A fire starter? Yeah, I think I left one on the roof.
    • Adoda: If you can get up there you can help yourself to it.
    • Adoda: I wasted a lot of money on that thing. Turns out lava does the same job.
    1482, 44, -5305
    Wynncraft Map
    • Maex Citizen: Maex is very different from Rodoroc. We don't have the King's guard overlooking us.
    • Maex Citizen: We're able to live a more liberal existence from our neighbours.

    After Dwarves and Doguns Part III:

    • Maex Citizen: I saw some Rodoroc soldiers come by earlier.
    • Maex Citizen: I hope there's not another conflict on the horizon...


    Lieutenant Morec
    NPC Info
    Location Kandon-Beda
    Private Walder
    NPC Info
    Location Kandon-Beda
    Hot Air Balloon Captain
    NPC Info
    Location Kandon-Beda
    763, 164, -4450
    Wynncraft Map
    • Lieutenant Morec: Hm. Might I ask what business you have here, adventurer?
    • Lieutenant Morec: This place is off limits to civilians. I would suggest you leave. Don't bother the general with your presence.

    During The Breaking Point:

    • He seems to be busy keeping watch over the perimeter. You probably shouldn't disturb him.

    Lieutenant Morec will disappear after the quest, The Breaking Point has been completed.

    746, 164, -4478
    Wynncraft Map
    • Private Walder: Uh... Oh, sir! I've been-
    • Private Walder: You aren't the general. Who are you? You're not supposed to be here, this is official government property!
    • Private Walder: Go on, get out of here! Before I get in trouble for talking to you!

    During The Breaking Point:

    • He seems to be busy surveying the damages to the machinery. You probably shouldn't disturb him.

    Private Walder will disappear after the quest, The Breaking Point has been completed.

    756, 174, -4401
    Wynncraft Map

    After The Envoy Part II:

    • Hot Air Balloon Captain: Hello, just climb aboard and I'll take you to Corkus City in Corkus!
    • Hot Air Balloon Captain: It's the least I can do, you saved my home afterall.


    Removed Content
    The following page contains information about content that no longer exists in Wynncraft as of update 2.0 and has been archived for historical purposes.

    Kandon-Beda Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Kandon-Beda
    747, 150, -4454
    Wynncraft Map
    • Kandon-Beda Citizen: I'm curious about the statue on the other side of the cliff this town is built into.
    • Kandon-Beda Citizen: It's absolutely colossal! There seems to be an entrance to something beneath its feet, but I'm too scared to enter it.
    • Kandon-Beda Citizen: Perhaps one day I'll be able to see what's inside.
    Kandon-Beda Library
    701, 141, -4522
    Wynncraft Map
    • Nodise: Oh, greetings. I seldom see humans around these parts.
    • Nodise: I'm from Corkus. You ought to have heard of it at one point.
    • Sybil: Of course they've heard of it, like, come on!
    • Nodise: We are part of the Council. Maybe we'll meet there someday.
    • Nodise: So, what brings you here? I'm personally researching about the region.
    • Sybil: And I'm starting to get bored to death!
    • Nodise: *sigh* You seem to be a soldier of sorts. From Wynn, right? I've never been there.
    • Sybil: Uh, Nodise? There's a literal WAR over there? Of course we've never been there?!
    • Nodise: You know, Sybil, sometimes you just have to go and take a leap of faith.
    • Nodise: Hey, soldier, no point bothering you any longer. I have some research to do.

    After The Feathers Fly Part II:

    • Nodise: Oh... It's you. I wasn't expecting that. Remember the Corkian Council?
    • Nodise: Even after the facts, you still cause quite the commotion internally.
    • Nodise: Remember Sybil? Blonde? Often angry? No? I'm not surprised.
    • Nodise: Well, she really didn't take the president's news lightly about letting Ava do her thing.
    • Nodise: I'm very much sorry for her. It's always hard changing your mindset about pretty much anything.
    • Nodise: Perhaps that's why humans are so afraid of change in general.
    • Nodise: I fear that we will soon have an extra vacant seat in the Council.
    • Nodise: I tried being her own catalyst of sorts. The one she can vent to. It can prove to be draining at times.
    • Nodise: Anyway, that's how it is for us. I assume you're not very interested in the inner-workings of Corkus.
    • Nodise: As for why I'm here? I do enjoy researching about Gavel.
    • Nodise: Thanks to Kandon-Beda, we can easily travel between here and Corkus, which is great for us!
    • Nodise: That being said, I won't bother you any longer. Enjoy whatever you're doing!


    Ahmsord Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Ahmsord
    Crane Mechanic
    NPC Info
    Location Ahmsord
    Ahmsord Child
    NPC Info
    Location Ahmsord
    1077, 108, -4543
    Wynncraft Map
    • Ahmsord Citizen: I heard from my friend's mother's hairdresser about how Siegfried saved Llevigar!
    • Ahmsord Citizen: An army of trolls marched from their camps into the city. The guardsmen were overwhelmed.
    • Ahmsord Citizen: But then salvation came, as Siegfried rode in on his mighty steed. He slew the army of beasts with ease.
    • Ahmsord Citizen: After the dust cleared, Siegfried stood proudly atop the pile of troll corpses.
    • Ahmsord Citizen: He had killed them all before they could even deal a blow to him. He even had time to pose for a picture.
    • Ahmsord Citizen: That story sounds amazing, Siegfried must be as legendary as they say. I wish I could have been there to see it.
    1048, 115, -4550
    Wynncraft Map
    • Ahmsord Citizen: What looks like a village to the south-east is actually something more. It's a base filled with sky pirates!
    • Ahmsord Citizen: I've heard that they were the ones responsible for shooting down that airship that was on its way to Detlas.
    • Ahmsord Citizen: I hope someone deals with them some day. They could come in here and steal all of my money!
  • Location
    1024, 112, -4558
    Wynncraft Map
  • Location
    1096, 101, -4521
    Wynncraft Map
    • Crane Mechanic: Hmm. Hello there adventurer. I'm trying to fix this crane... The crane goes all the way down to the dark islands under Ahmsord.
    • Crane Mechanic: Please don't disturb me now, it will soon be fixed, hopefully...

    After One Thousand Meters Under:

    • Crane Mechanic: I remember you! Guess what?
    • Crane Mechanic: I finally got the crane working! Just jump on and I'll take you right down to the void.
    1009, 112, -4545
    Wynncraft Map
    • Ahmsord Citizen: I'm so glad Sky's Kitchen reopened recently. The food there is delicious!
    • Ahmsord Citizen: Wait, you mean you haven't been there? You should check it out, it's just south-west of here.

    After Recipe for Disaster:

    • Ahmsord Citizen: I'm so glad Sky's Kitchen reopened recently. The food there is delicious!
    1044, 116, -4510
    Wynncraft Map
    • Ahmsord Citizen: Do you know about Wybels, those cute little fluffy creatures?
    • Ahmsord Citizen: They just...appeared one day, and now a lot of people have them as pets, myself included!
    • Ahmsord Citizen: There's an entire island filled with wild Wybels on the lower level of the skylands. It's rather tricky to get to, though.
    1022, 110, -4594
    Wynncraft Map
    • Ahmsord Citizen: You see this scorched patch of land here? There's an incredible tale behind it.
    • Ahmsord Citizen: One day, on what seemed to be a peaceful day, a dragon came and attacked our city of Ahmsord!
    • Ahmsord Citizen: Luckily, Siegfried was in town and fought the beast. There was a grand battle as Siegfried and the great dragon clashed.
    • Ahmsord Citizen: The dragon spewed fireballs everywhere, but Siegfried blocked them all with his sword. All except one, which landed right here.
    • Ahmsord Citizen: After a long battle that even cost Siegfried his eye, he slew the dragon and saved Ahmsord!
    • Ahmsord Citizen: Truly, Siegfried is the greatest hero to ever live. Sadly, I didn't see it. But it was all in his book!
    1105, 192, -4545
    Wynncraft Map
    • Ahmsord Child: When I grow up, I'm gonna be just like Siegfried! I'm gonna fight monsters and save the world!

    Void Village

    Void Village Citizen
    NPC Info
    Location Void Village
    Void Village
    14029, 118, -4212
    • Antrus: The void does strange things toooo our bodies. Just look at us! We've lived down here for one thousand years without dying.
    • Antrus: It's like we haven't even aged.
    Void Village
    14069, 116, -4207
    • Vonlus: The crops didn't adapt like we did.
    • Vonlus: Let's hope the kitchen keeps throwing out all that food. The void always provides...
    1. This option disappears once selected.
    2. This option appears after selecting "Why are you so rude?" and if you are above Sentinel III.