Rare Mobs

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Rare Mobs are uncommon and unique mobs which appear in specific areas of Wynncraft. They often drop unique and high tier Crafting Ingredients. This page mainly consists of a series of lists showcasing rare mobs found throughout the provinces.

All of the rare mobs can be quickly distinguished by a
next to their name.

Wynn Province

TreentArcher TreentSorcerer TreentBasher
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
BobtheZombie.png Bob the Zombie 1 12 Ranged AI - -
Bob's Tear

Royal Cake Slice
DefenderofthePlains.png Defender of the Plains 6 120 Melee AI -

Zombie Brain

Earthly Pebble

Sharpening Stone

Defender's Stone

Mana Extract
Emerald Trail
BeeHive.png Bee Hive 5 9 None AI - - 2 Bee Swarms
DeadBee.png Dead Bee

Webbed Offshoot

Digestible Fungi
NivlanHoneycomb.png Nivlan Honeycomb
NivlanHoney.png Nivlan Honey

Glowing Tree Sap
Nivla Woods
NivlanBeauty.png Nivlan Beauty 8 45 Scared AI - -
Thin Quill

Webbed Offshoot

Digestible Fungi

Beak of the Nivlan Beauty

Feather of Grace

Blood of the Nivlan Beauty

Glowing Tree Sap
Nivla Woods
EnragedCorruptedCow.png Enraged Corrupted Cow 15 125 Melee AI Charge



Outdated Newspaper

Herbal Extract

Scarred Leather

Corrupted Beef

Platinum Grook Egg
Detlas Suburbs
Roots of Corruption
TimeAnomaly.png Time Anomaly 18 325 Rapid Ranged Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Teleport


Waterfall Thyme

Highland Basil

Relic of the Past

Canyon Parsley

Relic of the Future
Time Valley,
Little Wood
Skelemancer.png Skelemancer 20 285 Ranged AI Arrow Storm




Kaolin Clay

Rotting Bone

Mysterious Mist

Blighted Brain

Salted Salmon
Ancient Nemract
Bonesy.png Bonesy 21 89 Jumper AI - -
Kaolin Clay

Old Bone

Mysterious Mist

Tough Bone

Salted Salmon
Ancient Nemract
GhostOfSaintsRow.png Ghost of Saints Row 25 550 Melee AI - -
Kaolin Clay

Enraged Soul

Mangled Soul

Mysterious Mist


Salted Salmon
Ancient Nemract
Saint's Row
Highwayman.png Highwayman 22 950 Retreat AI -

Savannah Stone

Worn Coin

Premium Hay Bale

Glimmering Coin

Sun-Stained Skin
CrazyCatLady.png Crazy Cat Lady 20 375 BurstRanged AI -


Ocelot Pelt

Savannah Stone

Cat Food

Premium Hay Bale

Sun-Stained Skin
HellblazeGod.png Hellblaze God 29 1,200 Ranged Heavy Flamethrower



Blaze Powder

Chaotic Embers

Fiery Essence
Roots of Corruption
SoulCorrupter.png Soul Corrupter 30 2800 Berserk AI Charge




Blaze Powder

Spike Residue

Portal Emanation
CoagulatedSoulmass.png Coagulated Soulmass
Roots of Corruption
WaywardVagabond.png Wayward Vagabond 36 3300 Neutral AI Heal -
Cracked Skin

Crawler Web

Gold Bar

Gritty Rocks

Chain Loop

Crystal Dust


Sharp Edge

Spark of the Oasis
Almuj Desert
WitheredQuasinobility.png Withered Quasinobility 36 1400 NeutralRanged AI Pull



Red Shale

Burial Talisman

Pokey Cactus

Spirograph Tablet

Weathered Idol
Almuj Desert
ShiftingSandpile(ShinestingScorpion).png Shifting Sandpile (Shinesting Scorpion) 30 1 Melee AI - - Shinesting Scorpion

Soft Sand (Guaranteed)
Almuj Desert
ShinestingScorpion.png Shinesting Scorpion 37 1500 Retreat AI Multihit


Shinesting Scorpion Tail (Guaranteed)

96-109 Emeralds
Shifting Sandpile
LimestoneMachination.png Limestone Machination 37 4750 Crawl AI Heavy Charge




Gritty Rocks

Red Shale

Ancient Panel

Pokey Cactus

Spirograph Tablet

Limestone Core
Almuj Desert
DiurnalCanyonSwooper.png Diurnal Canyon Swooper 37 465 Jumper AI Heavy Charge



Red Shale

Tanned Flesh

Lucky Rabbit's Foot

Pokey Cactus

Swooper Wing

Bat Heart
Reggie.png Reggie 40 3825 Melee AI Charge -
64-128 Emeralds


Lucky Rabbit's Foot
HungryWendigo.png Hungry Wendigo 44 1900 Melee AI - -
Rotten Flesh

Ursine Claw


Wendigo Bone

Large Lapis

Soul Stone
Nesaak Forest
Yeti.png Yeti 50 4250 Charge AI Charge -
Ursine Claw


Yeti Fur

Large Lapis
Nesaak Forest
PossessedArmorStand.png Possessed Armor Stand 50 5000 Melee AI
Crowd Control Immunity
Heavy Teleport
Heavy Push
Heavy Pull

2 Phantom

Ghostly Essence

Ursine Claw


Wriggling Wooden Arm

Dominant Force
Twain Lake
IjabaMolsk.png Ijaba Molsk 53 4650 Neutral AI Slowness


Viscous Slime

Thick Vines

Tropical Honeysuckle

Gelatinous Slime Chunk
MellowMango.png Mellow Mango

Ancient Coins
BladestormIdol.png Bladestorm Idol 63 11600 Melee AI Push



Tangy Nectar


Ruins Shard

Ironwood Scale

Tungsten Chunk
Dernel Jungle
KobalscaleMoth.png Kobalscale Moth 68 8500 Scared AI -

Chitin Plate

Tangy Nectar

Soft Silk

Ruins Shard

Iridescent Elytra

Ironwood Scale
Dernel Jungle
MahoganyColossus.png Mahogany Colossus 75 13200 Beserk AI Charge



Tangy Nectar

Ironwood Chips

Ruins Shard

Ironwood Scale

Mahogany Heartwood
Dernel Jungle


Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Defishious.png Defishious 42 500 Scared AI - -
Fish Tail

CrystallizedFlare.png Crystallized Flare 59 4100 Ranged AI Charge



5 Vulcini

Mineral Cinder

Blazing Stimulants

Galvanic Stone

Red Crystal Dust

Sealed Blaze
Volcanic Isles, around
-807 38 -3735
SunstoneRam.png Sunstone Ram 62 2400 Charge AI Charge






Broken Ram Horn

Solcrystal Horn
Maro Peaks, around
369 69 -3965
AriesPriest.png Aries Priest 65 16750 Ranged AI Heavy Charge





Broken Ram Horn

Consecrated Ivory

Sanctified Sheep Soul
Maro Peaks,
outside Baab's Cave

Gavel Province

TwistedFairyDevourer AncientResurrectedOrc
Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
PinkPelute.png Pink Pelute 55 120 Immobile - -
Bionic Fiber

Pink Pelute

Pink Pelulite

Cyclone Blue Leaves

Death Whistle Leaf

Creepvine Cluster

Mangrove Root
Olux Swamp
PinkPelulite.png Pink Pelulite 55 120 Immobile - -
Bionic Fiber

Pink Pelute

Pink Pelulite

Cyclone Blue Leaves

Death Whistle Leaf

Creepvine Cluster

Mangrove Root
Olux Swamp
BlueCyclone.png Blue Cyclone 55 120 Immobile Push -
Bionic Fiber

Pink Pelute

Pink Pelulite

Cyclone Blue Leaves

Death Whistle Leaf

Creepvine Cluster

Mangrove Root
Olux Swamp
DeathWhistle.png Death Whistle 55 120 Immobile Push -
Bionic Fiber

Pink Pelute

Pink Pelulite

Cyclone Blue Leaves

Death Whistle Leaf

Creepvine Cluster

Mangrove Root
Olux Swamp
FesteringFleshmass.png Festering Fleshmass 55 7500 Neutral AI Slowness


Bionic Fiber

Bloated Artery

Creepvine Cluster
FesteringFace.png Festering Face

Mangrove Root
Olux Swamp
KerasotToxifont.png Kerasot Toxifont 66 6995 Ranged AI Arrow Storm


3 Darkloid Beetle

Spectral Spike

Curse Gland

Soul Amalgamate

Kerasot Sporehead

Shattered Dawnlight
Dark Forest
InfermyrialStalker.png Infermyrial Stalker 68 4760 Retreat AI Multihit


Foul Fluid

Spectral Spike

Hellish Cinders

Nasty Residue

Soul Amalgamate

Lashing Hellfire
Dark Forest
-1055 47 -5205
-1135 42 -5415
1210 43 -5465
ObeliskOfInversion.png Obelisk of Inversion 76 26000 Melee Heavy Teleport



Nova Bloom

Shadow of Ruin

Evolving Spores

Accursed Effigy

Cursed Ashes
ObeliskCore.png Obelisk Core
Kander Forest
KandrekkArchwraith.png Kandrekk Archwraith 79 28750 Neutral Melee Teleport
Heavy Multihit



3 Blackened Souls

Nova Bloom

Shadow of Ruin

Evolving Spores

Hellish Cinders

Tenebrous Plasma

Ritual Catalyst
Kander Forest
AuricFoliage.png Auric Foliage 65 1 None AI - - Auresc Bough Light Forest
ScaredUnicorn.png Scared Unicorn 72 3822 Scared AI -


Ivy Sprout

Fresh Game

Purest Tear

Radiant Seeds

Luminous Rune

Unicorn Horn
Light Forest
AurescBough.png Auresc Bough 74 9986 Ranged AI Teleport


Gilded Bark

Luxroot Cuttings

Fairy Dust

Ivy Sprout

Radiant Seeds
Auric Foliage
TroggoThePigsbane.png Troggo The Pigsbane 77 40500 Melee AI Charge




Magicule Sample

Astral Alloy

Pig's Blood

North Lake Gylia,
around Jitak's Farm
GyliaBeast.png Gylia Beast 78 42000 Charge AI Charge




Magicule Sample

Astral Alloy

Gylia Essence

Slimy Skin

Depth's Gem

Etheric Fern
Lake Gylia
PlainsGuardian.png Plains Guardian 78 42000 Melee AI Multihit




Aged Tome

Primordial Soul
Cinfras County,
around -50, 36, -4704
TheElephelk.png The Elephelk 86 16300 Charge AI Pull



Tough Skin

Altitude Shard

Ivory Tusk

Stone Plating

Elephant Toenail

Illusory Idol

Elephelk Trunk

Mountain's Heart
Canyon of the Lost
ColossusSpawn.png Colossus Spawn 88 59000 Melee AI Multihit
Heavy Pull




Altitude Shard

Engraved Tablet

Illusory Idol

Colossus' Shard
Canyon of the Lost,
along the pathway
to Thanos
GiantPandaKing.png Giant Panda King 89 15130 Melee AI Push -
Fluffy Fur

Altitude Shard

Fighting Stick

Illusory Idol

Panda King's Crown
Canyon of the Lost,
around the
Mini-Quest - Slay Ailuropodas
CrystallineBehemoth.png Crystalline Behemoth 89 65000 Melee AI Pull



Altitude Shard

Crystalline Growth

Illusory Idol

Rocky Mind
Canyon of the Lost
LavaSpittingLimus.png Lava Spitting Limus 92 18600 Ranged AI Heavy Flamethrower
Heavy Charge




Demonic Ashes

Roasted Tissue

Ashstained Basalt

Soulbound Cinders
PrideOfTheHeights.png Pride of the Heights
TemperedCore.png Tempered Core
Entrance of
PyroclasticHydra(Phase1).png Pyroclastic Hydra
(Phase 1)
96 22500 Melee AI Heavy Flamethrower



Pyroclastic Hydra
(Phase 2)
Upper Molten Heights
PyroclasticHydra(Phase2).png Pyroclastic Hydra
(Phase 2)
96 17600 Melee AI Flamethrower



Pyroclastic Hydra
(Phase 3)
Pyroclastic Hydra
(Phase 1)
PyroclasticHydra(Phase3).png Pyroclastic Hydra
(Phase 3)
96 27800 BurstRanged AI Heavy Arrow Storm




Acid Magma

Ashen Hide

Roasted Tissue

Ashstained Basalt

Infernal Flesh

Draconic Bone Marrow
PrideOfTheHeights.png Pride of the Heights

Soulfire Matterweave
Pyroclastic Hydra
(Phase 2)
ArchaicVillagerStatue(Phase1).png ??? 95 1 None - - 1 Archaic Villager Statue Jofash Docks
ArchaicVillagerStatue(Phase2).png Archaic Villager Statue 95 550,000 Jumper Knockback Immune
Blindness Resist
Slowness Resist
Spike Stone


- Jofash Docks
SpikedStone.png Spiked Stone 90 100
Melee -
- From Archaic Villager Statues
Pegasus.png Pegasus 92 3000 Scared AI -


Void Particulates

Mythical Hoof

Skybound Remnant

Pegasus Feather
Sky Islands,
White Cloud at
900, 65, -4595
Rukh.png Rukh 99 11500 Scared AI -


Sky Flux

Void Particulates

Farcor's Trust

Skybound Remnant
Sky Islands
Minokawa.png Minokawa 100 110000 Ranged AI Teleport
Arrow Storm





Void Particulates

Wind Ornament

Deep Ice Core
Sky Islands

Realm of Light

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
Chromancer.png Chromancer 80 30000 Ranged AI Meteor
Heavy Teleport


5 Chromatic Essence

Flytrap Fangs

Spreading Fireweed

Volatile Light

Chromatic Bloom

Suspicious Shrubs
The Realm of Light
ChromaticEssence.png Chromatic Essence 80 2100 Melee AI -


- Chromancer
MasterRegenerator(Phase1).png Master Regenerator
(Phase 1)
85 5000 Melee AI Heal

1 Master Regenerator
(Phase 2)
The Realm of Light
MasterRegenerator(Phase2).png Master Regenerator
(Phase 2)
85 8000 Melee AI Charge


1 Master Regenerator
(Phase 3)
Master Regenerator
(Phase 1)
MasterRegenerator(Phase3).png Master Regenerator
(Phase 3)
85 10000 Melee AI Charge


1 Master Regenerator
(Phase 4)
Master Regenerator
(Phase 2)
MasterRegenerator(Phase4).png Master Regenerator
(Phase 4)
85 12000 Melee AI Charge
Heavy Teleport
Arrow Storm


1 Master Regenerator
(Phase 5)
Master Regenerator
(Phase 3)
MasterRegenerator(Phase5).png Master Regenerator
(Phase 5)
85 22000 Melee AI Knockback Resist 3 sec.
Blindness Immune
Slowness Resist 6 sec.
Heavy Teleport
Arrow Storm


1 Master Regenerator
(Phase 6)
Master Regenerator
(Phase 4)
MasterRegenerator(Phase6).png Master Regenerator
(Phase 6)
85 22000 Melee AI Knockback Resist 4 sec.
Blindness Immune
Slowness Resist 8 sec.
Heavy Teleport


1 Master Regenerator
(Phase 7)
Master Regenerator
(Phase 5)
MasterRegenerator(Phase7).png Master Regenerator
(Phase 7)
85 22000 Melee AI Knockback Resist 5 sec.
Blindness Immune
Slowness Resist 10 sec.



Flytrap Fangs

Adaptive Tissue

Spreading Fireweed

Roots of Eternity

Suspicious Shrubs
Master Regenerator
(Phase 6)
Paramite.png Paramite 87 30000 BurstRanged AI Charge
Flytrap Fangs

Diseased Fluids

Spreading Fireweed

Parasitic Abscission

Suspicious Shrubs
The Realm of Light
EllidaWhale(Neutral).png Ellida Whale (Neutral) 89 1000 NeutralRanged AI
Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune



1 Ellida Whale (Hostile) The Realm of Light
EllidaWhale(Hostile).png Ellida Whale (Hostile) 89 100000 RapidRanged AI
Knockback Immune
Blindness Immune
Slowness Immune
Arrow Storm




Flytrap Fangs

Spreading Fireweed

World Illuminator

Blessed Heart

Suspicious Shrubs
From Ellida Whale (Neutral)


Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
GoldenAvia.png Golden Avia 85 200 Ranged Pull


Golden Avia Feather


Bushpig Matriarch 85 17000 Melee Charge

Defective Circuits

Thorned Tusk

Piquant Pork Fillet

Insulated Wiring
T-55ElusiveSurveillanceCamera.png T-55 Elusive Surveillance Camera 90 2,000 Scared Charge
Insulated Wiring

Defective Circuits
MechanicalHeart.png Autonomous Core

Shorting Wire

Optic Fiber

Optic Lens

7-Yottabyte Storage Component

Enhanced Pathfinding Microchip

Incremental Mapping Module
Corkus Island
WW-105RavagerAutomaton.png WW-105 Ravager Automaton 90 14000 Ranged Flamethrower

Insulated Wiring

Defective Circuits

Fiberglass Frame

Overheated Processor
U-454Stabot.png U-454 Stabot 92 32000 Melee Charge



1-2 Emerald Blocks

Robot Antenna

Insulated Wiring

Defective Circuits
MechanicalHeart.png Autonomous Core

Hydrofluoric Acid

Plasteel Plating
MM-05TacticalUnit.png MM-05 Tactical Unit 95 5000 Ranged -

Insulated Wiring

Defective Circuits

Silver Bullet

Linear Accelerator

The Void

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
VoidSpirula.png Void Spirula 110 50500 RapidRanged AI Heavy Teleport




Void Essence


Dark Matter

Void Particulates

Black Hole
The Void
UmbralSingularity.png Umbral Singularity 110 105000 Burst Ranged Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Slowness Immune
Heavy Explode





Void Particulates

Vortex Expulsion

Aspect of the Void

Skybound Remnant
The Void

Silent Expanse

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
AncientConstruct.png Ancient Construct 105 80000 None AI Upcoming Attack

Cryptic Keys
Ruined Olmic City
Blinders.png Blinders 100 12000 Melee AI -

Retinal Membrane


Dark Iris

Condensed Darkness
EngoredOculus.png Engored Oculus
Eyeball Forest
FaceofFear.png Face of Fear 108 61666 Crawl AI Vanish
Heavy Multihit




Crystallized Organ

Olmic Artifact

Dernic Parasite

Retinal Barbs
GazeofDarkness.png Gaze of Darkness

Vim Veins
Eyeball Forest
AtomicGunk.png Atomic Gunk 109 113000 BurstRanged AI Flamethrower


4 Nitro Nuclei

Sludge Parasite

Olmic Artifact

Plutonium Waste

Dernic Parasite

Gunkfueled Core
GazeofDarkness.png Gaze of Darkness
Toxic Wastes
NitroNucleus.png Nitro Nucleus 105 50000 None AI Self Destruct

- From Atomic Gunks
VortexianVoidgap.png Vortexian Voidgap 110 26150 Melee AI
Heavy Pull


Expelled Shrapnel

Olmic Artifact

Dernic Parasite

Portal Rift

Glow Bulb Seeds
VortexianEventHorizon.png Vortexian Event Horizon
Void Valley

Lootrun Mobs

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ExtrusiveSculpture.png Extrusive Sculpture 107 ?
? ?


- Molten Heights Hike,
Unknown Challenge
File:EnragedExtrusiveSculpture.png Enraged Extrusive Sculpture 107 ?
? ?


- Extrusive Sculpture
ColossiCountenance.png Colossi Countenance 110 85,000
RapidRanged AI
Blindness Immune
Knockback Immune
Malicious Beam



- Sky Islands Exploration,
Unknown Challenge
Ghost-Eater.png Ghost-Eater 110 ???
Charge AI
Knockback Resist


- Silent Expanse Expedition,
City Statue
Blossom Ocellus
100 ? Melee
Blindness Immune

Knockback Resist
Heavy Charge


- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Reject Grove
BlossomOnmatidia.png Blossom Onmatidia 100 100,100 Ranged Blindness Immune
Arrow Storm
Heavy Wave


- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Reject Grove
GildedEyefolk.png Gilded Eyefolk 110 115,000 Charge Arrow Storm

- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Loot Symposium
BloatedRespirator.png Bloated Respirator 105 46,800 Ranged
Knockback Immune
Heavy Push



1 Respirator Silent Expanse Expedition:
Collapsed Passage
LesionarySagittarii.png Lesionary Sagittarii 115 104,100 Ranged Charge
Arrow Storm


- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Melting Architecture
LesionaryWarlock.png Lesionary Warlock 115 127,100 Melee Heavy Explode


- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Melting Architecture
Stargazer.png Stargazer 112 ???
??? ???


- Silent Expanse Expedition,
False Respite
TheTaintedCrop.png The Tainted Crop 115 250,000
Burst Ranged Teleport
Heavy Arrow Storm
Heavy Vanish
Heavy Pull



- Silent Expanse Expedition:
Exiled Garden

Removed Rare Mobs

Image Name Level Health AI Type Abilities Elemental Stats Drops Location
ShiftingSandpile(Rare).png Shifting Sandpile
30 1 Melee AI - - Shinesting Scorpion Desert of Almuj
ReverentCirrcetean.png Reverent Cirrcetean 77 15400 NeutralRanged AI Arrow Storm



Luxic Plasma

World Illuminator

Blessed Heart
Realm of Light


  • An effective way to get rare mobs to spawn is to stay at one single area for a while, as almost all of the rare mobs spawn in very specific locations.
