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As of 2.1 this is the current timeline of Wynncraft.


A majority of the information on this page is taken from this thread by FinnDestren


  • Non-colored text means that the info is from a quest.
  • Red color means that the info is from one of the lore libraries.
  • Blue color means that the info is from either a secret or a territorial discovery, not including the lore libraries.
  • Brown color means that the info is from a non-quest NPC.
  • Green color means that the info is told by something in a certain location (e.g. signs in Skien's Island) and isn't told in quests, discoveries, or by NPCs.
  • BP means Before Portal (Before the Corruption Portal's opening)
  • AP means After Portal (After the Corruption Portal's opening)

Before the Portal's Opening

Unknown time before the Portal's Opening

These events are pretty much confirmed or highly assumed to take place before the Corruption Portal was opened. They, however, do not yet have any exact dates.

  • The Goliaths roam the Gylia Plains.[1][2]
  • Elves have connected with the Realm of Light for quite some time.[3]
  • The Light teaches the Elves about morals.[3]
  • The Olm escape from their dark land into the Dernel Jungle. They later hide their immensely powerful crystals across the province.[4]
  • The Olm disappear from Wynn due to unknown causes.[4]
  • The Olm construct the Time Valley in Wynn.[5]
  • A cosmic event happened that made the Olm evacuate Time Valley.[5] However, one Olm named Garoth chose to stay out of stubbornness, constructing a sanctum forever trapped in the past.[6]
  • The Humans of Fruma migrate to Wynn.[7]
  • Wynn is a Human dominated province, mainly agricultural.[8]

9000 BP

  • Earliest estimate for when the Goliaths were built.[1]

1400 BP

  • Two meteors of purple and blue colors crash in the Gylia Plains. The crater that is formed in the impact later turns into Lake Gylia.[9]
  • A massive empire rules in the Almuj Desert. However, their Emperor is killed by Hashr and the powerful sceptre is taken, causing the empire to fall beneath the sand.[10]

800 BP

  • Around this time, the Silent Expanse is discovered by the Humans of Wynn. Four awfully powerful crystal shards are also excavated from the ground.[11]

463 BP

  • Gavel's second monarch, Marika the Admired, dies. Soon after, the Wars of the Cousins begin, wars of succession between Emil I, Alhard, and Sivelle, Remikas' descendants.[12]

431 BP

  • The Wars of the Cousins end when Sivelle's daughter, Raemin, is crowned queen of Gavel and promptly beheads her opponents.[12]

400 BP

  • A Villager scholar goes insane from two meteors that fell near his house, mutating into the first Gert.[13]

After the Portal's Opening

0 AP

  • Elder Prometheus of Aldorei has a vision that he mistakes as an encouragement to contact Orphion, chopping down the original Guardian of the Forest, unearthing the Light Portal, which also opens the Portal in the Roots of Corruption and the Portal to Dern.[14]
  • The Equinox occurs.[15]
  • The Parasite invades Gavel and has a fight with Lari.[15] After the fight, the Parasite begins to hibernate somewhere in Gavel in order to regain its strength.[16]
  • Miners of Wynn uncover the portal of Corruption and unleash the enraged undead into the world. The Corruption Wars begin. [12]
  • The Corrupted entity known as Bak'al begins to spread chaos all over the Wynn Province. [17]
  • Ancient Nemract is destroyed by the first hordes of the undead. [18]
  • Fruma abandons all ties with Wynn and closes its borders, being fearful of the corruption and its monsters. [12]
  • The Ahms region is ruptured by the Ahms Colossus, fracturing the area into The Void and Sky Islands and leaving hundreds deceased;[19][20] The ancient dragon of the Ahms region leaves Gavel, continuing its life in the atmosphere above the region.[21]
  • An Elf known as Lari tries to find a cure to the Decay.[22]

78 AP

  • The people of Detlas begin to head towards Troms and Ragni for safety, as the numbers of the undead are increasing. [23]

100 AP

  • Dwarves begin to colonize the Molten Heights. They meet the natives of the area, the Doguns, who won't accept the actions of the Dwarves.[24]
  • The Dogun War begins.[24]
  • The Dwarves chain up an Ice Drake and use it to destroy a Dogun town. The Doguns kill the drake, freezing the surrounding area completely and turning it into the Freezing Heights.[24]
  • The Colossus of the Canyon begins to go haywire. The Doguns attempt to stop it from fracturing the Canyon of the Lost. [25]
  • An ancient Villager mage performs forbidden magic, ending up in Empty Space.

162 AP

  • Bak'al attacks a small farm near Ragni, killing the farmer and destroying their house. [26]

200 AP

  • Lari and another Elf known as Dullahan have an argument over whether to subdue or kill the Parasite that is causing the Decay in Gavel. They eventually end up deciding that they must kill the Parasite.[22]

300 AP

  • The Doguns make their last stand in the Dogun War by defending the capital of Courag and summoning Garaheth. General Osseus and his army defeats Garaheth, and the Doguns surrender on the condition that the Dwarves never bother them again. General Algard pretends to accept, but then turns on the Doguns, ending the war in a Dwarven victory.[24][27]
  • Rodoroc is founded.[24]
  • The Dwarves continue capturing Doguns and turning them into stone for the next 700 years.[24]

347 AP

  • Bak'al, alongside his Corrupted army, destroy the city of Akias in the Detlas Suburbs. There is only one survivor. [28]

464 AP

  • Bak'al attacks a small military outpost near Nivla Woods, killing all the soldiers there. [29]

550 AP

  • After an argument with Marius, Theorick leaves the Twain Family to fight the Corruption by himself. [30]

570 AP

  • Marius Twain dies and his funeral is held. However, during the funeral the remaining Twains break into a fight and eventually go on their own ways. [31]

573 AP

  • The Skyraiders begin to lose their power over the Sky Islands.[32]

575 AP

  • Theorick Twain reigns in Nesaak and controls the population through fear and greediness. [33]

589 AP

  • Nesaak and its surrounding forest is attacked by hordes of the undead.[34]
  • Theorick Twain tries to fight against the Corrupted invaders and forces himself to enter the portal to find a solution, coming back Corrupted. He then freezes himself and Nesaak in order to save his home.[34]

650 AP

  • A splinter group from Fruma escape through the mountains of the northern coastline and arrive to the island of Corkus. [7]

750 AP

  • The Cinfrasian Uprising occurs. A dissatified people overthrow their incompetent king, Theden II. Gavel becomes a democracy.[1]

800 AP

  • The Gerten War ends in the victory of the Villagers.[35]
  • The Gylia Watch is established and the Gylia Watch Tower is built.[35]
  • The Guardian of the Forest falls asleep.[36]
  • The Parasite emerges once again in Gavel. Lari and Dullahan both fight the Parasite, but Lari clings to her morals instead of killing it. As the Parasite is about to bite Lari, Dullahan takes the hit for her, causing his face to morph into a twisted one.[22]
  • The Parasite creates The Heart of the Decay in Gavel, causing the surrounding land to slowly wither away.[37]

817 AP

  • The Blue Cyclone flower arrives in Gavel from an unknown land.[38]

819 AP

  • The "Good Pal" Drug Store in Rymek is founded.[39]

820 AP

  • The citizens of Gelibord mistake the cause of the Decay to Dullahan and they behead him. Lari finds Dullahan's dead body, and quickly goes to the Lazarus Pit to revive him. Dullahan, however, comes back as a creature hellbent on revenge.[22]
  • Dullahan takes control of Gelibord Castle.[40]

823 AP

830 AP

  • A scientist by the name of Garvan is hired by the Faltach family to study and hopefully cure the Decay.[42]

831 AP

  • Troms is on its knees, with later being saved by the dark shaman Slykaar, who would also become the city's protector.[43]

832 AP

  • The Faltach Family consists of Yorman, Katarin, and their infant daughter Eileen. The Faltachs were a family of nobles who collected taxes and were an integral part of the region's politics.[42]

840 AP

  • Garvan has strayed away from the original goal of researching the Decay and instead is now working with a group to return the Gavellian Monarchy.[42]

846 AP

  • A group seeking to bring back the Gavellian Royalty break into Faltach Manor to retrieve Eileen. Katarin tries to stop the group from taking Eileen, but is mortally wounded. Garvan arrives soon after and buries Katarin in the Faltach Catacombs. Garvan attempts to forget that anything ever happened, becoming the Wanderer.[42]

850 AP

  • Dramele starts draining the life-force of other people in order to maintain his beauty.[44]

852 AP

  • Lari attempts to warn Senior Caritat to not build his mansion atop the start of the Decay. Senior Caritat does not follow the order, downplaying the threat of building the Caritat home atop the start of the Decay.[45]

854 AP

  • Horde of undead led by Bak'al attack Ragni, killing many of the residents. The remaining survivors are forced to hide in the sewers, where Bob is born, with his unknown mother, who wasn't originally from Ragni, dying in childbirth. [46]
  • Bob is adopted by a poor woman named Momo. [46]

866 AP

  • A smaller horde attacks Ragni once again. [46]
  • Bob, aged 12, leaves Ragni after having to kill his infected adoptive mother and is trained in knavery by Chak. [46]

871 AP

  • Mael Twain trains Bob, aged 17, in archery and dies shortly thereafter. The souls that could not be tamed by Mael are left in the Twain manor, becoming highly aggressive. [46]

872 AP

  • Lari tries to open up the entrance to the Realm of Light with brute force, but to no avail.[47]

876 AP

  • Bob, aged 22, is taught magic by the mage Ethe in the Nivla Village. [46]

879 AP

881 AP

  • Troms is attacked by hordes of undead, heavily damaging the city. [46]
  • Bob, aged 27, arrives to Troms and is trained in the ways of a warrior by Fier. He also helps in rebuilding the city and gains popularity amongst the residents. [46]
  • The shaman Slykaar is abandoned by the people of Troms in favor of Bob. Bitter and humiliated, Slykaar goes underground to restart his demonic experiments for an army.[43]

882 AP

  • The Corrupted armies of Bak'al begin to cross the river between Ragni and Detlas. [49]

883 AP

  • Bak'al's army begins to burn down Nivla Woods. [49]

884 AP

  • Bak'al's army continues advancing towards Ragni. [49]

886 AP

  • Bak'al's army breaches Nivla Woods and arrives to the Emerald Trail, becoming much closer to Ragni. [49]
  • Bob defends Ragni from Bak'al and fights him, ending in Bak'al's disappearance. [50]
  • The Human population of Wynn begins to recover. [50]

892 AP

  • The Llevigar Plains has ran out of emeralds for the Villagers to mine, eventually forcing them to look elsewhere.[51]

900 AP

  • The waves of the Ocean are calmed by the mages, allowing colonization to become possible. [12]
  • The Villagers sail the sea in order to find a cure for the Decay and arrive to the province of Wynn. [12]
  • Maltic is founded as the first Villager settlement in Wynn. [52]
  • An alliance is formed between the Humans and Villagers, which would go on to save the province. [12]
  • Villagers also teach Humans greater magical powers. [12]
  • Fruma reopens their borders to offer their support for Wynn in the form of fresh recruits. [12]
  • The undead hordes find out about the sewers of Ragni and take over them, killing hundreds.[53]

925 AP

934 AP

  • Atisun Caritat, the last surviving Caritat, is born.[45]
  • Caritat Mansion falls into despair.[45]

944 AP

  • The Sodeta Guild disbands after a battle with Dramele, who by then is now known as an infamous mage in the Canyon of the Lost practicing soul-binding magic.[48][44]

945 AP

  • A large uptick in guild creation arises due to the Sodeta Guild's disapperance. [1]

950 AP

  • Three scientist brothers, Yahya, Nohno and Mehme, try to understand a meteor's power, which causes them to go crazy.[54]

953 AP

  • A resident in what is now called Old Lexdale called Clex successfully grows healthy plant shoots in planter pots. They later cook up a great feast for the town.[55]

955 AP

  • A beast in the Kander Forest ravages Clex's planter pots. Clex thinks his pots have been ravaged by a new resident in the town called Numin, the latter being all friendly with Clex, unaware of what he thinks of him.[55]

956 AP

  • Clex's resentment for Numin grows. Clex has to restrain his hatred to his wife Anete to avoid stressing her out.[55]

958 AP

  • The raiding of Clex's planter pots by the beasts escalates with one of them being destroyed. Clex continues his immense hatred for Numin, refusing to believe it was the fault of monsters.[55]

966 AP

  • An unknown villager's home is destroyed in an earthquake. He travels to Thesead to become a miner and meets Clight.[56]
  • Numin dies after being assaulted by the beasts responsible for destroying Numin's crops, revealed to be afflicted canines that transformed into a Tiontaith. Clex and Anete flee Old Lexdale. Clex starts to have a complex emotional state of still hating yet missing Numin.[55]

970 AP

  • Selchar is founded in the Ocean as a bridge between Wynn and Gavel. [57]
  • The unknown villager is elected chief of the Thesead coal mines. [56]
  • Clex reminisces on the hatred he had for Numin, but also how the latter saved the former's life.[55]

977 AP

  • As mining chief of Thesead, the unknown villager completes the rebuilding and reinforcement of the city. [56]

979 AP

980 AP

  • The unknown villager is pushed down a mineshaft by Clight and presumed dead. Unbeknownst to the world, however, the villager survives and goes insane from a gas leak. They later swear revenge on Clight in a fanatical rant about how they were the chosen one by the Canyon Colossus. Their current whereabouts are unknown.[56]

981 AP

  • Clex's planter pots work as a means of produce again, but he isn't fond of the food he cooks out of a hateful nostalgia for Numin. Anete fails to comfort her husband.[55]

983 AP

  • Clex lashes out some sort of emotion by scribbling out a page in his journal.[55]

984 AP

  • Bob imbues his powers into his three loyal pets: Cluckles, Mooington and Baab. His chestplate is given to his friend Tarod.[58]
  • Bob gives his Battle Chestplate to Tarod.[48]
  • Bob leaves. Letters signed by Robert indicate him going to seal away a dark creature in a land "far" away.[59]
  • Bob and Relend travel to Gateway Island. Bob ultimately disappears, leaving Relend to seek adventurers strong enough for Gateway Island to re-appear, and hopefully find his lost friend.[60]

985 AP

  • Bob's Tomb is found in the eastern part of the Nesaak Forest. [61]

987 AP

  • Clex feels isolated in Lexdale apart from his wife, mainly due to the paranoia being spread around the town. The mayor of the town has also started to become more militant.[55]

992 AP

  • Clex reminisces on Numin yet again. Anete has been making jewelry to help bring in money.[55]

994 AP

  • Sky's Kitchen wins the Golden Spoon award for this year.[62]
  • A class takes a field trip to the Monument to Siegfried. Siegfried talks about the meaning of courage, though his speech leads to an argument between him and his agents.[48]

995 AP

  • Sky's Kitchen wins the Golden Spoon award for this year as well.[62]

996 AP

  • The witch trials in Lexdale begin with the mayor hanging some people in the town, starting with Clex's neighbor Henrietta. Anete's stress reaches a breaking point and starts crying. Clex wonders if this is some sort of twisted karma for his resentment of Numin.[55]
  • Sky's Kitchen wins the Golden Spoon award for this year with its Rainbow Tea.[62]

997 AP

  • Sky's Kitchen wins the Golden Spoon award for this year as well with its Pizza a la Hamsey.[62]

998 AP

  • The Fallen Factory is shut down by the Corkians.[63]
  • Sky's Kitchen wins the Golden Spoon award for its fifth time in a row with its Lobster Cocktail.[62]

999 AP

  • Sky's Kitchen surprisingly lost the Golden Spoon this year but was a runner-up with its Dragon Omelette.[62]

1000 AP

  • Sky's Kitchen reclaims its Golden Spoon award with its Triple Sundae.[62]
  • A member of the Fruman Royal Guard, Reynauld, makes a deal with a Fruman criminal, Caid.[64]
  • In the slums of a Fruman district, two citizens, Edwin and Caid, are looking over a package the latter stole from the Fruman Royal Guard. They later arrive and arrest Caid for stealing their supplies while Edwin flees the scene. Caid reveals that he worked with a member of the guard, Reynauld, which leads to the latter being stripped of their rank and sentenced to be deported to Wynn with their memories erased.[64]
  • A Fruman criminal is on the run from the Royal Guard. The criminal ends up in Tasim's home, the latter of which heals the criminal. They are later captured and sent to a prison. Tasim is then taken to an inquisition room to erase their memory and is sent to Wynn.[64]
  • Brand new recruits from Fruma are coming to Wynn in order to fight against the Corruption. Among those recruits is the player.[65]
  • The player proceeds to do several deeds across the world of Wynncraft.

Currently unknown dates

  • The founding of all cities and towns of the known world.
  • The colonization of all the inhabited islands of the Ocean.
  • When Remikas, the first Gavellian king, came to power. [66] (6th-5th Century BP)
  • The start of the Gerten War.[35]
  • The start of the Villager-Orc War.[67]
  • When the Light Realm and Orphion became infected with darkness. (Some time after 800 AP)
  • When Skien was alive and when he died. (Happens at least sometime before and after the arrival of Villagers in 900 AP.) [68]
  • When Marius Twain adopted the four Twain children. [69]
  • When Rickeo and Dwendle Twain died. (At least one of them died to Bak'al.) [69]
  • The submersion of Sarnfic.[70]
  • When Delnar Manor was raided by a pirate.[71]
  • When the Sodeta Guild was founded. [72]
  • Founding of the Ice Nations and when their war started.[73]
  • The start of the war between the Eagle Tribe and Owl Tribe.[74]
  • When Captain Redbeard's ship crashed.[75]
  • When Captain Hastor was alive.[76]
  • The infection of the sacred Entamis tree.[77]
  • The constructions of Temple of the Legends (Location), Tower of Amnesia, Tower of Ascension (Location) and Legendary Island.
  • The establishment of Grookwarts, the school of magical arts and wizardry.[78]
  • When WynnExcavation was founded and when their excavation sites in Wynn were constructed.[79]
  • Qira creating/staying in the Hive.[80]
  • Sohso departing from Gavel and travelling towards Fruma. (Sometime after 950 AP.)[81]
  • When Cerid, the greatest inventor in Corkus, was born.[82]
  • The construction of the Corkus Factory.[83]
  • When a Dernic beast took over Alive Island, turning it into the Dead Island. And when that beast was killed by a warrior from Ragni.[84]
  • When Gale and Ohms were alive and when they died. [85]
  • When the Olm escaped into the Dernel Jungle.
  • When the disaster foreseen by an Olmic oracle happened and when the Silent Expanse fell to total darkness. [86]
  • When the Light infiltrated the Silent Expanse by erecting a monolith to protect the lost miners of Lutho. [87]
  • When the Realm Beast of Darkness excised their Eye. (Occured after Bak'al's skirmish with Bob.) [88]
  • When the Forgery burst from the ground.[89]
  • The construction of Eldritch Outlook.
  • When the Silent Expanse was abandoned by other Humans and sealed away from outsiders.[90]
  • When The Nameless left their home in The Realm of Dern and begun to inhabit The Archipelago, devouring reality and leaving behind Void Holes.[91]
  • Founding of the Bovemist religion.
  • The time of the giants and when they almost went extinct.[92]
  • The time Aster and his brothers were alive, and the time when the Keeper's original version tried to complete a ritual to become powerful.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Grand Archive
  2. The Ancient Ones
  3. 3.0 3.1 Aldorei's Secret Part II
  4. 4.0 4.1 WynnExcavation Site D
  5. 5.0 5.1 Deja Vu
  6. Garoth
  7. 7.0 7.1 Relos' Library
  8. Llevigar's Library
  9. Gylia's Cataclysm
  10. Desert Royal Residence
  11. A Wynnic Excavation
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 Llevigar's Secret Library
  13. Mark of the Meteors
  14. Aldorei's Secret Part II
  15. 15.0 15.1 Realm of Light II - Taproot
  16. Parasite Cocoon
  17. Bak'al's Destruction 1, 2 and 3
  18. 171 -2178, Nemract
  19. One Thousand Meters Under
  20. The Fallen Protector
  21. The Fortuneteller
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Realm of Light III - A Headless History
  23. Ruins of Detlas
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 Dwarves and Doguns I, II, III and IV
  25. The Broken Protector
  26. Bak'al's Destruction 3
  27. The Doguns' Defeat
  28. Bak'al's Destruction 2
  29. Bak'al's Destruction 1
  30. Torn in Twain
  31. The Twains' Downfall
  32. Rulers of the Skies
  33. Pottery Wheel
  34. 34.0 34.1 Fate of the Fallen
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 The Hunger of Gerts Part 1
  36. Finding The Light
  37. The Heart of the Decay
  38. Death Whistle#Trivia
  39. "Good Pal" Drug Store Signs
  40. Headless, Not Homeless
  41. Forbidden Prison (Quest)
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 Hollow Serenity
  43. 43.0 43.1 Corrupted Betrayal
  44. 44.0 44.1 A Marauder's Dues
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 Memory Paranoia
  46. 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 46.5 46.6 46.7 Ragni's Library
  47. Sealed Away
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4 Message in a Bottle
  49. 49.0 49.1 49.2 49.3 Watchmen
  50. 50.0 50.1 Wynn Plains Monument
  51. Abandoned Excavations
  52. Historical Maltic
  53. Sewers of Ragni
  54. Purple and Blue and ???
  55. 55.00 55.01 55.02 55.03 55.04 55.05 55.06 55.07 55.08 55.09 55.10 55.11 Clex's Journal
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 Finding Meaning
  57. Selchar
  58. Reincarnation
  59. Ragni's Library and Nilrem's Sealed Letter
  60. Fantastic Voyage
  61. Bob's Tomb
  62. 62.0 62.1 62.2 62.3 62.4 62.5 62.6 Recipe for Disaster
  63. Desperate Metal
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 Recover the Past
  65. King's Recruit
  66. End of Royalty - Cinfrasian Uprising
  67. All Roads to Peace
  68. Skiens Island
  69. 69.0 69.1 Lusuco's Library
  70. Ocean Cave and Beneath the Depths
  71. Lost Soles
  72. Sodeta Boots
  73. Ice Nations
  74. Tribal Aggression
  75. Redbeard's Booty
  76. Pirate's Trove
  77. Troubled Tribesmen
  78. The Order of the Grook
  79. WynnExcavation Site A, B, C and D
  80. The Qira Hive
  81. ???
  82. The Envoy Part II
  83. Corkus Factory
  84. Haven Antiquity
  85. Gale's Tomb in the Qira Hive
  86. The Fate of the Olm
  87. A Monument of Hope
  88. Silent Expanse's Secret
  89. Fracture in Reality
  90. A Journey Beyond
  91. The Nameless Anomaly (Raid)
  92. Giant's Bracer